Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 111 I'm here to find my brother...or my sister

Chapter 111 I'm here to find my brother...or my sister

Who is Huang Shang?

That is the author of the Nine Yin Scriptures, a powerful figure who can come up with unique knowledge by learning Taoist classics by himself.Moreover, he is a Taoist scholar through and through, and he never engages in the ideas of other schools.In other words, the Book of Changes he annotated must be interpreted from the most fundamental orthodox Taoist perspective, which is different from other people's side-by-side interpretations of various theories.

The I Ching annotated by such a person, you tell me, is it of high value?
"Xiaomei, how about this, you go to the city again and ask the bookstore owner what is going on with this book. If he doesn't tell you, you can pay him back. Also, buy back all the Book of Changes that Huang Chang annotated. "

Xiaomei was confused, but seeing Zuo Zhou's serious face didn't look like he was teasing her, so she stood up and ran towards Guanling County.

"What? What did you find? What happened to the book Huang Chang annotated?" Zhang Junbao frowned and looked at Zuo Zhou, feeling that the book seemed to be becoming more mysterious.Involuntarily flipping through it, I was astonished!

Everyone was startled when they saw Zhang Junbao's sky-shattering expression, Zuo Zhou laughed instantly, "Even if this book is precious, there is no need to be so exaggerated, right?"

"The running speed of Xiantian Gong has become faster!"


Mr. Ximen looked at the two of them with a look of disgust, the old man Zuo sighed, and Zhan Shiqi pursed his lips and chuckled, he was the most reserved among them.

Zuo Zhou forcibly restrained his mountain-collapsing and tsunami expression, "The first question, how do you have innate skills?"

Zhang Junbao looked like you were teasing me, "The combination of Rama's internal energy and Taoist health-preserving exercises has a very good effect on the internal organs. Last night, my Taoist health-preserving exercises entered the innate and became innate skills. You taught me this What about you, don’t you know?”

The corners of Zuo Zhou's eyes twitched wildly, was he being pretended? "Well... I've been busy practicing swords these days, and I haven't practiced Rama's inner strength yet. Well, you just did it."

Zhang Junbao held up the Book of Changes in his hand, and said: "When I read the Book of Changes just now, I found that the running speed of Xiantian Gong has suddenly accelerated a lot. Well, now that I put down the book, the speed of acceleration has not slowed down."

Zuo Zhou's body shook wildly, and kept shaking... It turns out that the Xiantian Kungfu... is played like this!
Picking up the Book of Changes, Zuo Zhou tried it immediately, um, there was no change.It seems that it is not similar to the way of adding attributes at will in the system flow.Looking through the books, I have to say that Huang Chang's annotations allowed him to quickly get started with the Book of Changes, and at the same time, the speed of the innate skills was directly accelerated by [-]%!
Fifty percent, this is still just getting started, if you read all the Book of Changes, how much will it increase?Moreover, this is not a status skill, but directly increases the upper limit of the running speed.

Of course, while proving the preciousness of the Huangshang version of the Book of Changes, the most important thing is that he has found the correct way to open the innate skills.

It turns out that the understanding of Taoist classics will increase the speed of innate skills!

"I'm back!"

Xiaomei was holding a book out of breath, which was Huang Chang's version of the Book of Changes.He took a long breath and put his hips on his hips, "Hahaha, my old lady has discerning eyes and discerns treasures, let me tell you, there is only one book left in the entire bookstore annotated by Huang Chang!"

Zhang Junbao asked anxiously: "Why?"

"I smashed his counter with money, and he immediately said everything. Because the I Ching annotated by Huang Shang is all in vernacular, it is not recognized by the public, so it stopped publishing after not many copies were printed. So although it is very cheap , but it can be regarded as a real rarity. Generally, it is only spread within the imperial capital. This boss once went to the imperial capital in the early years, and the five I Ching were given as a free gift when he bought the goods."

"Such a simple and easy-to-understand version, it's...for nothing?" Zhang Junbao shook his head and sighed.

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, but it wasn't too surprising. Isn't there a saying that human prejudice is a mountain!Especially in this ancient environment, basically no literati would take pride in making it understandable to ordinary people, on the contrary, the more obscure it is, the more compelling it is.

Just because it is in the vernacular, I underestimate the value of the Huangshang version of the Book of Changes, hehe, I guess the group of people who printed the book didn't take it seriously at all.

"By the way, Xiaomei, go to the bookstore now and buy a copy of the I Ching with different annotations and Taoism books with different versions."

"...I won't serve you anymore!" Xiaomei lay down on the ground beside her, with her limbs spread wide and each pounding the ground, "You bully!"

Mr. Ximen also frowned and stared at Zuo Zhou, "There are so many Taoist classics, and there are also various annotations. Do you know how many there are? How can you bear to let a little girl go?"

Zuo Zhou choked for a moment, "Okay, I was in a hurry, anyway, there are bookstores in every city, we will buy them later." Then he knelt down and reached out to poke Xiaomei's cheek, "Okay, get up, the ground is cold! Girls can't catch cold Yes, it will affect future childbirth."

Xiaomei o(^`)o "Trust me!"

The old man Zuo squeezed Zuo Zhou's collar and threw it aside, squatting down with a smile, "Xiaomei, don't bother with this brat, uncle kicks his ass for you. Let's get up, find Concubine Xiao and return to the imperial capital as soon as possible." Stepping on Zuo Zhou's buttocks.

Xiaomei (o▽)o "I just want to save face for my father, hum!"

Zuo Zhou was speechless, the duo cooperated really well, and his family status was worrying.

"Okay, let's go, let's go to Pingle Town first." After Zuo Zhou finished speaking, he helped Xiaomei into the carriage as if comforting, Xiaomei was very proud.

But after getting into the carriage, Zuo Zhou didn't say much, but started to study the Book of Changes with his hands in his hands. While the speed of his innate skills was accelerating, he couldn't help sighing that this Huang Chang really studied heaven and man.When I first read this edition of the Book of Changes, I didn't think much of it, but after reading a few more pages, you will find that even if the content is getting more and more profound, you can still watch it with a relaxed mind before.That is to say, Huang Chang explained the whole book of I Ching with the same level of difficulty, as long as you have some knowledge, you can understand the content of I Ching very well.

Great talent!
When you read a book and read it, you will feel that time flies by.When Zuo Zhou hadn't finished reading the whole book, the carriage had already stopped.

"Pingle Town is here."

Zuo Zhou glanced up, "So fast."

"It wasn't that far away." Mr. Ximen got out of the car first, and frowned as he looked at the iron chain straddling the cliff.

Zuo Zhou got out of the car with his book in his hands, and glanced down the cliff, "This cliff is not very deep, it's estimated to be only a hundred meters, but the sides are steep and the river below is fast-moving, so it can only be crossed with iron cables."

"Should we go there? Let's hide the carriage first." Zhan Shiqi took the rein and started walking into the nearby woods.

"Wait for me, I'll go to explore the way first." Zuo Zhou put the book back, flew up and shook off the chain, using Qianqiu's kung fu to swing over.

Seeing that he was about to reach the opposite bank, Zuo Zhou suddenly found a man hiding in the opposite forest.

This man was wearing the most ordinary commoner clothes. Zuo Zhou was a little surprised by the two hairstyles on his head that looked like dreadlocks. This kind of hairstyle is generally not seen in the Central Plains.However, after the Great Qin Conquest, it gradually became a bit more, but now the people who use this hairstyle the most are those in the original Miaojiang area.

Jiannan Road is also close to the original Miaojiang area, but you have to continue to go south, which is really rare here!
Zuo Zhou was only a little suspicious, but the opposite one was ruthless enough, and he directly threw up three hidden weapons, no, they were snakes.

Hiss, this snake is very small and silvery white all over, it is hard to see clearly when flying in the air, Zuo Zhou was about to block it with a doll needle, but found that there was something wrong with the hidden weapon's trajectory, and at the same time, he heard a tiny snake Ming is a discovery.

Almost capsized in the gutter!

The rope rotated and directly formed a shield-like shape in mid-air, and the three snakes slammed into the chain shield in unison, but they didn't stop there, but climbed up along the chain to bite him.

Zuo Zhou had expected it a long time ago, but it was not up to the snake itself to have the final say when he climbed the chain. He just used his strength to shake, and the three snakes all collapsed and flew out.

The man seemed quite surprised when he saw this, seeing that Zuo Zhou was about to fall, he threw out a smoke bomb, and the pink smoke immediately filled the air.Zuo Zhou didn't dare to be careless, after all, he had the same method, if the other party added shit to the smoke bomb, it wouldn't be disgusting.

As soon as he took off his coat and shook his hands to shake off the robe, he waved away the pink mist before it came over.

"Run so fast!"

After the pink mist cleared, Zuo Zhou disappeared from the figure of the man, his face was a bit ugly, this man's skills were average, but he was not dangerous, but the meaning he represented was a bit troublesome.

Why is there someone guarding one end of the chain?

Everyone came quickly along the iron chain, only the old man Zuo was not strong enough in martial arts, so he stayed there to watch the carriage and the twins.

"The ones just now..." Young Master Ximen certainly understood the problem, and he became more and more worried about Consort Xiao's problem.

Zuo Zhou thought for a while and suddenly began to patrol around. He quickly smiled and said, "Fortunately, I just used light force. The three silver snakes are not dead yet. If we follow them secretly, we should be able to find them."

"You still understand this?" Mr. Ximen was surprised.

"Kill the spoils of vipers, a way of raising krait snakes. Although it is different from this snake, I know that the raised snakes will automatically crawl back to the owner." Zuo Zhou said while walking forward. The silver snake, which was used as a hidden weapon, moved very quickly, and walked out of the jungle in a short while.

The closer the crowd was to Lezhen, the more vigilant they became, and they didn't stop until they entered a small courtyard far away.

"What's next?" Zhang Junbao looked around, "This place is quite remote, although it's within the scope of Pingle Town, it doesn't have much contact with other people."

Mr. Ximen frowned slightly, and said softly: "There are three horses in the stables in the courtyard, and it is conservatively estimated that there are at least three other people in the courtyard. Although this place is a little far from the center of Pingle Town, it is easy to attract attention once fighting. The reinforcements will come back within a quarter of an hour."

Zuo Zhou glanced at Pingle Town, then said: "Remember this place first, let's go into the town."

Zuo Zhou got up and walked directly to Pingle Town, and even walked a few steps quickly.Everyone is a little strange, what's the rush?

"Hey buddy, why are you here? We are so destined!"

"If there is a choice, I don't want you to be destined to me."

Zuo Zhou hugged a young man's shoulders, looking a little familiar. The young man's tone seemed a little helpless, but he didn't resist Zuo Zhou's familiar behavior.

However, when the young man turned half his face to speak, everyone paused for a moment and didn't come closer.

With a cold face, Mr. Ximen leaned against Xiaomei and asked in a low voice, "Who is this annoying?"

Xiaomei shrugged, "I don't know."

The Xiantian Gong in Zuo Zhou's body was running rapidly, and the Xiantian Qi forcibly suppressed the disgusting feeling, "What's the matter? People from the Xingxiu School have gone to Jiannan Road?"

He Ran shook his head, "I have already left the Xingxiu Sect, so I should be regarded as being hunted down by the Xingxiu Sect now."

"Huh? Why, did you steal Ding Chunqiu's Shenmu Wangding or stole his Huagong Dafa?" Zuo Zhou laughed.

"No, I just had a friendly exchange of martial arts knowledge with him."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips and obviously didn't believe it, but he didn't care, and asked with a smile, "Then why did you wander here?"

He Ran paused, "What about you?"

"I'm looking for someone."

"What a coincidence, I'm here to find someone too."

Zuo Zhou looked at this guy meaningfully, "The one we're looking for shouldn't be alone... right?"

He Ran was silent, "Why don't we talk about it together."

"My lord!" "My younger siblings!"

Zuo Zhou was instantly filled with righteous indignation, "I hate traffickers the most in my life, but I'm more curious. What kind of trafficker sells two children together? Could it be that the seller specifically designated twins?"

"I don't know any human traffickers who sell adults. That should be called human teeth!"

Um?Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat suddenly, and he suddenly noticed something wrong.

In this world, there are actually some differences between human smugglers and human traffickers. Human smugglers just steal children just like in the previous life, while human yazi is more like a middleman who sells slaves. Many refugees take their own initiative to sell their children into rich families as slaves if they cannot survive. For the maid.

But the problem is that in previous lives, human traffickers not only abducted and trafficked children, but also abducted and trafficked women, but the methods were mostly deceitful.Of course, there are also a lot of violent organ trafficking.

Since He Ran is an exile, how come he has no idea about this matter?Could it be that human traffickers have been completely eradicated in 3333?That is boundless merit!
"What I'm looking for is a lost person, he may be injured." Zuo Zhou explained with a smile.

He Ran was stunned, and then said with a worried tone, "I'm not looking for two children, but... I don't know if it's a younger brother or a younger sister."

As soon as Zuo Zhou said this, it didn't matter much, but the people behind were greatly touched. The child must have been born when he was trafficked, and this elder brother didn't even know the difference between male and female. Poor!
But Zuo Zhou heard another explanation, hehe, probably some exile died and reincarnated unfortunately, so when He Ran came here, he didn't even know whether it was a man or a woman.

"By the way, how did you contact your relatives who don't know whether it's your sister or brother?" Zuo Zhou asked curiously.

He Ran paused for a moment, " can tell when you see it, um, you don't have a place to live yet, come with me first, there are still many rooms in the inn where I live."

 I had a blind date yesterday, but it didn’t work out, and I was a little disappointed. I want to encourage myself with one more chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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