Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 114 Is it so easy to find it?

Chapter 114 Is it so easy to find it?
The Chu family seemed to understand righteousness, so Chu Dali cleaned up the place where the coffin was originally parked and gave it to them to live in.

Chu Ping was fooling people before. Although the place was where the corpses were parked, this is a small town after all, and there are not many corpses that need to be autopsyed. Most of the townspeople died, as long as the county government officials quickly judged that they died naturally. Then there is no need for an autopsy, and the body is kept by the family.

Of course, even if there is an unnatural death, the family members of the corpse probably don't like the autopsy.At times like this, it is necessary to have strong requirements on the arrester's own ability to solve crimes, and it is precisely because of this that the world's famous arresters have a considerable status in the Jianghu.

Now there is no dead body in the Chu family, everyone is the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, who doesn't have blood on their hands, and doesn't care about anything, just throw some hay and deal with it.

"Uncle Dali, there have been a lot of outsiders in the town recently?"

Chu Dali paused, nodded, and said, "Remind me, there are indeed a lot of outsiders in the town recently, but how do you say it? They obviously live outside the town and have nothing to do with the townspeople, so we don't care much about it." Care. What? Those people are related to you?"

Zuo Zhou smiled, he had been staring at Chu Dali the entire time, the delay just now represented a lot of things, "Uncle Dali, you probably know something, I wouldn't force you to say anything, but There are some things you still need to know. When Chu Ping left the village, their people stood by the iron chain, trying to harm Chu Ping with poisonous bees."

"What?" Chu Dali looked at his son in shock, Chu Ping nodded and took out a dead bee from his pocket.

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. As expected of Chu Ping, who came from the Wu Zuo family, he was quite careful, and he even brought back the dead body of a poisonous bee.

Chu Dali's expression turned ugly in an instant, and he continued after a moment of pondering: "Actually, those people came to look for you, uncle witch doctor."

"Uncle witch doctor!" Chu Ping exclaimed.

"Witch doctor?" Zuo Zhou was a little puzzled. He turned his head and looked at Mr. Ximen who had been listening quietly. This witch doctor didn't sound like the person they were looking for.

"Can you tell me in detail?"

Chu Dali sighed, and said slowly, the name of this witch doctor is unknown, but he came here three years ago, and settled down here.Because of his wicked appearance and special healing methods, everyone called him Uncle Witch Doctor.

"Three years ago, by the way, what is the special treatment?" Young Master Ximen immediately understood when he heard that it was three years ago, this person should not be Concubine Xiao.

"I just use some insects, snakes, etc. to treat diseases. It looks quite scary, but the effect is surprisingly good."

Everyone looked at each other meaningfully. They, who had read Li Gui's handwriting before, immediately understood that this was a master at playing Gu.

"Uncle Dali, how do you know that these outsiders are here to find Uncle Witch Doctor?"

Chu Dali's face darkened slightly, "Not long ago, because of General Ximen's assassination of Liu Jin, many people died. Although the cause of death of these people is clear, although no autopsy is required, I will also help carry the corpses, so I came back a little late. Then... I saw bugs all over the street, including centipedes, scorpions and snakes, all kinds of poisonous insects fighting and devouring each other on the street. The sight and the sound made me so scared to death. The most terrifying thing is , because I appeared unexpectedly, those poisonous insects actually shifted their targets and came at me. Just when I thought I was going to die, the witch doctor rescued me and told me that he was fighting Gu with people, and told me not to go out."

"Fight... Gu?"

Young Master Ximen spread his hands, "Yes! It seems that it's another vendetta, and it has nothing to do with us."

Zuo Zhou also heaved a sigh of relief. From Li Gui's handbook, he could actually understand that Gu is a system completely different from the science of his previous life. It is really not easy to understand unless he starts from the basics.If it was not necessary, they would never provoke this kind of person, otherwise they would not know how to die.

"Are you looking for someone?" Chu Dali suddenly asked curiously.

"Yes, but it shouldn't be here. We will wait for He Ran later, and then leave here." Zhang Junbao replied with a smile.

"Yes, we'll leave tomorrow. I hate those bugs the most, but fortunately they don't need to get involved." Xiaomei leaned against the wall to express her opinion.

"Oh." Chu Dali nodded and smiled veiledly. Obviously, their arrival also brought a lot of pressure to the family.

Zuo Zhou and the others didn't care about this, who made them still wanted criminals, but Chu Ping was much younger, and his excited look couldn't be concealed at all.

"Brother, I'm here. Is the wine I asked you to buy last time?"

Outside the courtyard, a somewhat hoarse voice came, and Chu Dali yelled, "Come on!" Then he apologized: "A friend asked me to buy wine..."

Before Chu Dali finished speaking, Mr. Ximen had kicked open the door and rushed out, both eyes were red, that posture startled Zuo Zhou, what the hell, are you so irritable?In other words, why kick the door!
Everyone hurriedly followed, only to see that Young Master Ximen was already hugging a man who looked like a shaman. The two middle-aged people were crying, and a slanting sun was falling. In the next second, they would look back on their lost youth. .

Zuo Zhou didn't recognize it at the first glance, but he was shocked at the second glance, "So, is that why you are inconvenient?"

Young Master Ximen recovered from his excitement, looked down at the man's legs, "You...your legs!"

Concubine Xiao stretched out his hand to push back his dreadlocks. Although he was already disabled, he never lost his composure, "The injury has deteriorated, and I have lost consciousness. Don't worry, it won't affect my life. I calculated that there are at least seven more years left." Good life for eight years!"

This person is the son-in-law Xiao Heng!
The large black linen clothes looked a bit dirty, his braids fluttered with his body, and his face was covered with dark green oil paint, as if someone had studied gossip on his face.The serious leg injury made his whole body hunched, but the introverted eyes made it impossible for anyone to ignore him.

He has never changed, like a small boat sailing alone, even in the face of a monstrous tsunami, he can ride the wind and waves!

Similarly, Concubine Xiao's eyes were also on Zuo Zhou. At this time, Zuo Zhou was not a soldier with bows and arrows back then, but now he was extremely dazzling.

"I thought Li Yuanfang would be the first to find this place, but I didn't expect it to be..."

"That's right! I'm Li Yuanfang, hahahaha!" Zuo Zhou put his hips on his hips, and interrupted Concubine Xiao's words under the eyes of Chu Dali and others looking crazy.

Concubine Xiao: "..."

"You, you are Concubine Xiao? Uh, I have offended you so much before..." Chu Dali said that he was about to bow down and salute.

Concubine Xiao stretched out his hand and hurriedly helped him up, "Brother, I owe you the care of the Chu family all this time, and I owe you favors! If you do this, you will look down on Xiao."

Chu Dali smiled and stood up, with a rather complicated expression, well, it's getting more and more chaotic, I hope it won't affect their peaceful life.

Concubine Xiao looked at the crowd and suddenly said to Chu Dali: "By the way, where are those wines?"

Um?It's this time, are you still thinking about wine?Did Concubine Xiao add another alcoholic character?

Zuo Zhou and Young Master Ximen looked at each other, Concubine Xiao took the two jars of wine that Chu Dali handed over, "This is the wine Elder Jiu needs to heal his wounds, it is very important, let's settle these things first."

Wine Elder?
A shadow suddenly cast over everyone's hearts, well, what should be hidden is always hidden.

Everyone followed Concubine Xiao slowly, Young Master Ximen didn't know what to say for a while, Zuo Zhou directly asked everyone's doubts, "Now that so many people are looking for you, it's really good that you just blatantly swagger through the market like this ?"

"Elder Jiu is a very prestigious witch doctor in the hearts of the townspeople. I am his patient, so everyone won't tell the truth. Besides..." Concubine Xiao's face became more sad, "No one would have thought of such a down-and-out person. The handicapped person will be the court consort!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Although this kind of taken-for-granted answer sounds reasonable, I know that you are by no means a person who puts your hopes on 'possibility'. Is there anything we can't know?"

Concubine Xiao bowed his head and walked forward until he was about to reach the witch doctor's house before sighing: "Sure enough, it's not a coincidence that you found this place."

"I want to know the ins and outs, so that we don't have any worries when we leave."

Concubine Xiao pushed open the courtyard door, put two jars of wine at the door but did not enter, but sat in the courtyard with everyone.

"When the Jiannan army was ambushed that day, I knew the situation was over. At that time, we had two choices. One was to hope that the survivors could vindicate their grievances, and the other was to fight a bloody way to kill Liu Jin. Originally, we chose the second option. Lu, did not expect that Liu Jin's strength was far beyond our imagination, and it was too late when we were surrounded. Therefore, someone must attract the attention of the enemy, so that the survivors can escape. And this bait can only be me and Chen Ying !"

Young Master Ximen hesitated to speak, and finally his words turned into a sigh.

Concubine Xiao patted Young Master Ximen's shoulder reassuringly, "Don't regret it, I've had this realization since the moment I joined the army. The plan we arranged at that time was that Chen Ying and I would be the bait, and then Yun Yi and Ximen The young master broke through and escaped. The plan went smoothly at the beginning, but what he didn't expect was that young master Ximen ran out, but Yun Yi was hit by a wild boar that ran out from the forest, so that he was chased by the catching up The soldier slashed him with a knife, so far he was seriously injured and could not escape."

So a good conspiracy plot suddenly turned into an absurd plot!boar?Are you kidding me~!

Prince Xiao knew that they couldn't believe it when he saw everyone's expressions, so he couldn't help but smiled wryly, "That's the truth, I saw it with my own eyes, during the chaotic killing, the wild boar was frightened and ran all over the field, and directly hit Yun Yi on the horse's leg and flipped it off. Even Liu Jin was dumbfounded at that time!"

(End of this chapter)

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