Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 115 5 Poison Religion, Fighting Gu, Psychopath

Chapter 115 Five Poisons Cult · Fighting Gu · Psychopathy

"So, did Yun Yi die like this? So... so desperate!" Mr. Ximen muttered softly. He was busy breaking through at that time, so he didn't have the energy to pay attention to others, but he didn't think of dying without dignity.

Concubine Xiao looked at Young Master Ximen, "Fortunately, you ran out at that time, otherwise the morale of the whole army would probably be affected."

"What about after that?" Zuo Zhou was more concerned about what happened next. He just found out that the two jars of wine left at the door had disappeared. Obviously, the other party used some means to take the wine away.

"Liu Jin's martial arts are too high, we are no match for him, Chen Ying... was killed soon, and I was also forced to the edge of a cliff, and you can probably guess what happened after that. I don't want to die Being humiliated was planned and used by the dogs, so I jumped off the cliff, but I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to survive."

Mr. Ximen and others sighed, Zuo Zhou's mood was not ups and downs, in the world of martial arts, no one really thinks that jumping off a cliff will kill him, right?No way, no way!

"When I woke up again, I realized that it was too late. The Jiannan army had been convicted of treason, and everyone except me became rebellious." Concubine Xiao shook his head, stretched out his hand and pinched his thigh, "I was rescued by Elder Jiu. At that time, my legs were shattered and I was almost paralyzed. I couldn't walk at all. It was like a dream to go back to the imperial capital by myself to wash away my grievances. What's more, I found out that Liu Jin's people have been They were searching for me, and even the intensity of the search was getting stronger and stronger. At that time, I found something was wrong!"

Concubine Xiao turned his head to look at Zuo Zhou, "The Jiannan Road area was already controlled by Liu Jin at that time, there could only be one reason for this situation, that is, something went wrong in the imperial capital, and they had to search for me with all their strength. It's a pity, I didn't know anything about it at the time, so I couldn't think of any problems. But I remembered that General Li Yuanfang didn't join the army because of the Turkic Mission, so based on what I know about General Li, he will definitely try his best to fight for the sword. The southern army was rehabilitated. So, could it be that he has arrived in the imperial capital?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, how should I answer this?According to the original plot, Li Yuanfang should indeed be like this. He will go to Di Renjie, hug his thigh and pretend to be forceful all the way to the second part of the series, and then he will be basically invincible!

"So I counted the time. A few days ago when Chu Ping took his son to the city to play, I secretly bought Chu He with a few pieces of candy. I asked him to leave a mark. Chu Ping didn't know about it. Chuhe is a child, and he doesn't go to the county often, and there is almost no possibility of being discovered. I thought that with Li Yuanfang's keenness, he should be able to know my intentions and find him."

Mr. Ximen was embarrassed, "Your mark...isn't it for me?"

Concubine Xiao apologized a little, "You know I've always been straightforward, if you came here based on the sign, I'm afraid I won't dare to see you, maybe I'll be followed by the enemy!"

Mr. Ximen's face twitched visibly, am I that bad?

Concubine Xiao said again: "I have been waiting for Li Yuanfang for a long time, but I found out what Young Master Ximen did through the Chu family, and I instantly understood what he meant. It's a pity that my body is inseparable from Pingle Town. .”

"And then?" What happened to the elder witch doctor Jiu, why did he fight Gu with others?

Concubine Xiao turned his head to look at the house, it was quiet inside, and he didn't know if there was anyone there.

"Elder Jiu used to be an elder of the Five Poison Sect. Later, after Miaojiang was conquered by Daqin, although the Five Poison Sect was not affected, some changes occurred inside. It was at that time that Elder Jiu left. Just before Not long after, a group of people from the Five Poison Sect came over, originally they came to look for me, but who knew that they met Elder Jiu again, they said to clean up the sect, and then the two sides began to fight Gu."

"Why did the people from the Five Poisons Sect seek you?" Zuo Zhou couldn't understand what this was all about.

"You may not believe me when I say it, and I don't know either." Concubine Xiao knocked on his crutches, with a bit of aggrieved voice in his voice, "I was involved in it out of nowhere."

"For a while, the two of them have been fighting Gu every day. Every night, the whole town will be intoxicated by a kind of wine worm of a kind of wine elder. And they will control countless Gu worms to fight each other. Just a few days ago, Chu Dali broke in unintentionally, Elder Jiu was injured by Gu insects in order to save him, and urgently needed spirits for treatment, so I went to the Chu family to get some wine."

"So that's how it is." Only then did everyone understand the cause and effect, although there were still many details that they didn't understand, such as why alcohol was used for treatment, for example, what did this matter have to do with Concubine Xiao.But this is not what they should worry about, they just need to take Consort Xiao away.

Young Master Ximen hurriedly said: "So we came in time, and there is still time to leave now. We have undercover agents in the Jiannan army camp, and we know the opponent's blockade arrangements very well. It is not difficult to break through the blockade and return to the emperor. Taking advantage of the fighting Gu It hasn't started yet, let's go!"

Concubine Xiao didn't move, just rubbed his crutches, and remained silent.

Zuo Zhou didn't move, he stared at Concubine Xiao's face, "What's the result after fighting Gu?"

"The Five Poison Sect has always been secretive and ruthless in its actions. If Chu Dali hadn't encountered the Gu fighting scene before, no matter who died on both sides, the people of Pingle Town would be fine. But now, because of missing signs, if the elder Jiu fights Gu If it fails, then the Five Poison Sect will kill everyone!"


The world is impermanent, every drink and peck is destined.

It was not wrong for Concubine Xiao to use the hand of the child Chu He to leave a secret signal, but Mr. Ximen used the wrong method of smacking east and west, which caused Chu Dali to help the Yamen carry the corpse, so he came home late and ran into the Gu fighting scene, so that he gave The whole town invites disaster, which is like the so-called butterfly effect.

So even if it was an unintentional mistake, this blame should be blamed on Concubine Xiao. Based on Zuo Zhou's understanding of him, he is by no means an irresponsible person.

Zuo Zhou was silent for a moment and then asked again, "We don't persuade you to leave, just ask, what are the chances of this Elder Jiu's victory?"

Concubine Xiao shook his head, "There is no chance of winning, he has already been retreating steadily before, and there is no telling when he will be defeated."

"Then why don't you hurry up and leave, since you have no ability to stop it, then of course gather your strength and come back for revenge!" Young Master Ximen stood up abruptly.

"I am also one of the targets of the Five Poison Sect. Someone from them is watching us all the time. If I escape without authorization, the fighting Gu will definitely start immediately."

"What should I do?"

Concubine Xiao smiled, with a hearty smile, and sighed: "At first, I felt quite regretful, and I might not be able to meet you again. Not long ago, I had already begun to arrange how to preserve clues and evidence for posterity after death. Excavation. But I didn't expect to meet you. Now is the right time. You have returned to the imperial capital with evidence. With this evidence, you can prove the innocence of Jiannan Army. Although Wei Jinzhong's crimes cannot be exposed, I can still die without regret. "As he spoke, he took out a roll of fine silk from his bosom, and unfolded it to see that it was the secret decree that mobilized Chen Ying.

Zuo Zhou was not polite, and reached out to take it, but he had no intention of leaving.

joke!It is safe for them to leave now, but when they arrived in the imperial capital, Princess Xiping asked, "Where is my husband?" ', you reply 'feed the bugs'.Well, I think those little shoes can make you want to die in the future!
What's more...

"You said that everyone who knew them would be silenced, but you think we can leave. Does that mean that the Five Poison Sect has limited manpower and cannot keep us from leaving while monitoring you?"

"..." Concubine Xiao looked at Zuo Zhou, this child has been born since he hasn't seen him for a few months, why didn't he see his talent before? "What do you want?"

"I just want to ask, what is the attack range of the Gu worms of the Five Poison Sect?"


Moon Black Wind High Killing Night
Zuo Zhou was about to face a big battle, and it was not easy on He Ran's side. He was not so stupid as to knock on the door and ask to see the King of the Wheel. After all, Dong Tianbao was in power in the military camp.

So relying on Lingbo's microsteps, He Ran dexterously let the guards enter the camp one by one, and after knocking out a random person and changing into soldier clothes, he entered the tent of the King of the Wheel.

Sikong Zhaixing's martial arts is far stronger than that of He Ran at this time, and he has been discovered by him after he entered the big tent. Sikong Zhaixing didn't say anything like "there is an assassin" in his heart.

This also gave He Ran an opportunity to take out the envelope and explain to him, Sikong Zhaixing opened the envelope without any sense of public morality, and then his face was extremely serious.Call Lei Bin to send He Ran out of the camp, and then deal with the stunned soldier.As for Sikong Zhaixing himself, he disappeared in the blink of an eye in the night.

The whole process was extremely fast, and even He Ran was surprised at how smooth it was.

"This is a military horse. Just let it go after running a hundred miles, and it will come back by itself." Lei Bin put the rein in He Ran's hand.

He Ran didn't say much, he could trust Sikong Zaixing pretending to be the runner king, but let's forget about this Lei Bin, he mounted his horse and galloped silently.

He Ran's heart skipped a beat, he turned his horse's head and rushed into the woods, and stopped shortly after, "Your lightness kung fu was taught by Zhuanlun Wang? It's not bad to be able to catch up with a military horse."

He Ran got off his horse and turned his head, and a slim figure came out from behind the tree.

"I'm just curious. I've been following the King of the Wheel for so long, but I never thought he would have another channel for information." Ye Zhanqing stuck out her tongue playfully while holding the water-dispelling sword.

He Ran didn't relax because of the cuteness of the beauty. He just thought of the hidden identity of the king of the wheel and pretended to relax, "So you are the king of the wheel, so everyone is also a group. It's not good to follow me like this!"

"She is just a weak woman, so what bad thoughts can she have? It is nothing more than wanting to rely on one more person in this troubled world. It is a pity that both Dong Tianbao and Zhuanlun Wang are very strict. I am willing to tell people how to contact the above.”

He Ran sneered, "That's why you came to me?" He didn't know what Dong Tianbao did, and the King of Wheels knew the contact information of the shit, it was purely a white girl.

"That's right, the little brother has a pretty face, so he must be more conscientious than those two!"

"That's it, then why are you holding the sword tightly?" He Ran looked down and looked at Ye Chanqing's whitening fingers, which was caused by excessive force, "Did you endure it very hard? , but you still have to put on a flattering look, it’s hard work!"

He Ran shook his head and sighed: "Besides my friend, you are the first woman who can laugh in front of me! I won't kill you, you go!"

Ye Zhanqing's face was instantly covered with frost, but she blinked and smiled again: "It seems that my little brother doesn't understand him!"

As he said that, he threw the Pishui sword away, and slowly approached while taking off his belt, "I don't care if I hate you or not, I just care about whether you are a man enough, little brother!"

He Ran had a weird expression for a moment, should I put it?Has your luck improved?Such an illogical thing can happen?
This woman... seems to have a sense of confusion, like a psychopath...

"My output is very explosive, can you bear it?"

(End of this chapter)

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