Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 121 What is the difference?

Chapter 121 What is wrong?
"What's your name?"

"My name is Shugeerjia. The general can call me Xiaoge or Xiaoshu!"

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth trembled slightly. Not only are you not grateful for having a name, but you also want to take advantage of me?
"Xiaojia, since your elder sister sent gold and silver elders here to look for the Qijue Sword, it means that she doesn't care too much about these magical weapons!"

Shu Geer paused for a moment, he was still very clever, otherwise he would not have stepped back early to escape Elder Jin's life-threatening grab, "That's for sure, don't worry, I'll tell the leader the good news when I go back. Because of his domineering behavior, the second elder Yin offended a martial arts master, and the villain was blown dizzy by a gust of wind before he could even see what the master looked like."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "I like people who understand current affairs the most. I think you have a bright future! By the way, you can talk about the Seven Absolute Swords."

"Seven Absolute Swords? What Seven Absolute Swords? We have never found any magical weapons lost by the Five Immortals Sect!" Shu Geerjia's expression was so serious that Zuo Zhou almost thought it was real.

"This is what I said to your elder sister, the leader. I'm asking you about the Seven Absolute Swords!"

"Oh!" Shu Geer pointed to the six swords on the ground, "Not only did many martial arts schools take the opportunity to bully us, but even the intelligence organizations of various countries secretly participated in it. Qijue Whirlwind Sword is one of the five poisons. It is a unique unique skill in the teaching. It was snatched away by several masters of the Qing Dynasty during that battle. We went to the Qing Dynasty before and used Gu insects to kill several Qing people who possessed the Qijue Sword After questioning, I found out that their Qijue Sword was actually picked up on the battlefield, and the real owner was killed in a war. They said that one of the Qijue Swords was picked up by Concubine Xiao, so... "

"Seven Absolute Swords?" Concubine Xiao stepped forward leaning on his crutches, glanced at the six on the ground, and suddenly said: "It turned out to be the trophy, but I have already handed it over to the imperial court, and it must have been sent to the palace treasury for display." .”

Young Master Ximen also put away all his weapons, and said with a smile: "I know this. Our Qin Emperor has the habit of collecting spoils. After every victory, no matter how big or small, the general will transport the spoils back to the imperial capital. Some of them are enemies. Some of the magical weapons to be used are the enemy's unique skills, and some are the princesses or female relatives of the enemy country."

Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up, "Qin Huang is worthy of being a man among men!"

"Yeah, Qin Huang is a real man!" Shu Gejia praised with a smile while sticking out his thumb.

Zuo Zhou's face turned serious, and he slapped the opponent's shoulder directly. The unprepared Shu Gejia rolled back and dislocated his shoulder, and the whole person was in a state of bewilderment.

"Okay, let's go, this injury should be enough for you to do business."

Shu Geerjia came back to his senses and wanted to clasp his fists, but found that only one arm could move, and shouted: "Thank you, General, for not killing, and there will be rewards in the future!"

"Hmph, forget it, with your current level, if this general needs your help, how bad it will be."

Shu Geer was a little embarrassed, but still bowed slightly and turned to leave.

"This kid, hehe, he will most likely become Qu Xiuyun's confidant after he returns."

"Oh? Why?" Zuo Zhou looked at Elder Jiu curiously.

"We, the elders of the Five Poison Sect, actually have the habit of raising Gu with us. Except for special Gu worms, the eggs can't form combat power, so we won't bring the eggs with us when we have battles." Elder Jiu Glancing at Shu Gejia's back from a distance, "Now that the gold and silver elders are dead, then this kid will definitely go back and retrieve the eggs they once stored. That is to say, he also has soul chasing bees, life-killing scorpions, Five-step snake, poisonous explosion Gu and other Gu insects, and even if you are lucky, you will get a Gu-raising letter from the gold and silver elders."

"That's a lot of money for this kid, but we're not at a loss!" Zuo Zhou lowered his head excitedly and picked up the six Seven Absolute Swords.

One of the Seven Absolute Swords, [-], is a first-grade divine weapon.There is a magnetic meteorite hidden in the sword grid, which can be controlled by attracting each other with the other six swords. Using the Qijue Whirlwind Sword has the effect of leapfrogging and killing people.However, too much attention is paid to the effect, and the quality of the sword itself is restricted. Unless a higher-level meteorite is found, there is no possibility of advancement

Elder Jiu didn't seem to have any interest in the Qijue Sword, and was even quite contemptuous, "The Qijue Whirlwind Sword is quite distinctive in terms of moves, but it's a pity that it doesn't have the true meaning of martial arts. It can only be matched with the Qijue Sword to reach the level of Juxue. You But don't waste your time on this thing, I see that your own martial arts are much better than this fancy thing!"

Zuo Zhou didn't care at all, "Don't worry, we don't have the secret book of Qijue Whirlwind Sword, not to mention that this thing belongs to the Five Poison Sect after all, I don't want to have conflicts with a huge monster because of a few swords! Wait until the matter here is resolved , I melted all the seven swords and made them into a set of seven arrows, which can be retrieved by magnetism after being fired, hehe, the arrows that automatically return, I ask you if you are afraid?"

Elder Jiu didn't understand Zuo Zhou's meaning for a while. He didn't have a system and had never used the Qijue Whirlwind Sword. He didn't know that there was a powerful magnet in the Qijue Sword. Purely physical effects.

"What about this centipede?"

Everyone turned their heads, and Xiaomei was two meters away from the snow-white centipede. Then she opened her umbrella and stared at the snow-white centipede with her big eyes, as if it could jump up and bite her knee.

Zuo Zhou forcibly held back, if it was a joke, Xiaomei would have fought a cold war with him for at least three days.

Elder Jiu approached slowly, and sighed: "It's a pity for this centipede, other people's natal Gu cannot be cultivated again, not to mention that half of its body has been nailed to the ground, and it is not worth saving."

I don't know if the snow-white centipede could understand it, but after Elder Jiu's words fell, it started to twitch wildly, and then stretched its body suddenly, giving birth to a crystal-clear insect egg the size of a fingernail.

"Eh? It was really born!"

Elder Jiu was also startled. Seeing that the snow-white centipede was completely motionless after giving birth to eggs, he bent down to pick up the eggs, "It's crystal clear, and the cold air is awe-inspiring. Even if this centipede is not a frost centipede, I'm afraid more or less!"

Zuo Zhou frowned, but he didn't believe this evil, "Since ancient times, the healthier the parents are, the healthier the babies are. How can a child born to parents who are poisoned by the cold be able to awaken the frost ability? I don't believe that things like Gu can really ignore it. The laws of nature!"

Reached out to take the eggs, and then looked towards the system panel.

Frost centipede eggs (stillborn), due to incorrect feeding methods, although the frost centipede blood was awakened, the vitality was also destroyed by the cold poison.


Zuo Zhou curled his lips, but he had already formed the habit of carefully considering every word of the system explanation, and the word 'Frost Centipede' at the beginning was very eye-catching.

Judging from this description, the records of the Five Poison Sect on the Six-winged Frost Centipede are very likely to be true!

"Tch, it's stillborn!" Zuo Zhou said nothing.

Elder Jiu was stunned for a moment, took it to check it again, and then regretted: "It's really a stillbirth, unfortunately, it seems that this method is still wrong, the legend of the six-winged frost centipede is probably fabricated by the predecessors."

"Is stillbirth useful?"

"It can only be used to feed other Gu insects."

"Then you use it to feed wine worms!" Prince Concubine Xiao said urgently.

Elder Jiu shook his head, "I'm already a candle in the wind, let alone feeding wine worms with a dead fetus, even if I really feed them with six-winged frost centipedes, it's just delaying my death by a few days."

When it comes to life and death, the joyful scene of the just victory dimmed in an instant. Although Zuo Zhou didn't have any friendship with the elder Jiu, he was still politely silent for a moment.Then he handed over the stillbirth to Zhan Shiqi.

"You...why did you give it to me?" Zhan Shiqi's hand that took the eggs trembled, feeling a little cold.

Zuo Zhou leaned his head quietly, and whispered: "Actually, this egg is of a very high level, it is already a serious frost centipede. It's just dead, and it can just feed the Wangyou Gu in your body!"

Zhan Shiqi only felt a little itchy around his ears, and the back of his ears turned red unconsciously, "The growth of the forgetful worry Gu needs to devour memory fragments. This egg..."

"Of course growth requires eating memory fragments, but to increase one's own potential upper limit, one can use the traditional voodoo mode."

"What are you two doing so close to?"

Between Zuo Zhou and Zhan Shiqi, a humanoid creature was inserted bluntly, puffing up like a crayfish.

Zuo Zhou reached out to grab it and rubbed the dog's head angrily, "We were just discussing to find a place for you to refine the soft sword again!"

Xiaomei struggled for a long time but couldn't get out. In the end, she could only put her head on the chicken coop as if resigned to her fate, "I think you are trying to trick my good sister. Tell you, I will keep an eye on you! Hmph!"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou was not used to it, and fought back on the spot, "I accept your supervision, but don't think that you can avoid studying if you don't sleep with me, I will tell the seventeenth supervisor that you will continue your studies! Well, but this Once we change a textbook, first copy Huang Chang's version of the Book of Changes three times."

What about Xiaomei (〃>dish<)?If you don't sleep with Shi Qi, then Shi Qi will sleep with this smelly man.But sleeping with her and copying books!

Regardless of Xiaomei's endless entanglement, Zuo Zhou came to Zhang Junbao's side, and asked with some expectation: "What did you just realize?"

Zhang Junbao looked at his hands, "I have some insights, but... it seems that it is still not enough, it seems that it is always close."

Zuo Zhou frowned in confusion, the scene of pretending to be surrounded by a group of Gu just now is already more exaggerated than the original movie, why is it not enough?Do I have to find a water tank for you to play with in the water before you can understand?
"It's okay, now that we have found Concubine Xiao, we have already gained the upper hand. There is no need to rush to find Dong Tianbao in the barracks. I will help you re-evolve the Yin-Yang Gu formation in the past few days, and see if you can continue to realize the epiphany. I Let’s see what’s wrong with it!”

(End of this chapter)

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