Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 122 Rough Therapy

Chapter 122 Rough Therapy
"Brother, I was taken care of by Duo Jia when I was living here. I shouldn't point out this matter, but after all, this child is a loyal queen. I really can't bear her to waste her life in this small mountain village in mediocrity!"

It's amazing that Zuo Zhou didn't rush to find Dong Tianbao because of Zhang Junbao's matter, and Prince Concubine Xiao was not in a hurry to rehabilitate him, which made Mr. Ximen a little dumbfounded.

We are wanted criminals now, you give Liu Jin... oh, he is dead, how about you give Dong Tianbao some face?
However, the fact is that no one cares what Mr. Ximen thinks, Zuo Zhou still drags Zhang Junbao to sleep every night, but he wakes up every morning with a bad complexion.

What is the difference?After staying for several days in a row, Zuo Zhou simulated various scenes in the dream space. Zhang Junbao had more and more inspirations for a certain martial art, but it always seemed to be a little bit short, and he just couldn't realize it. After a long time Even he himself was a little anxious.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou also knew that if the opportunity did not come, he might not be able to force it, so he had no choice but to end the surprise training of the two, and planned to set off.

But he didn't want Concubine Xiao to find Chu Dali.

"Brother, Chuchu is a girl, don't you have the heart for her to inherit your mantle when she grows up. There is nothing wrong with being a butcher, but dealing with corpses every day, what kind of husband's family can she find in the future? Will her husband's family be good?" So look down on her? How much dowry can you prepare for her to reverse this discrimination?"

Concubine Xiao said earnestly, "After she is loyal, she will be rewarded by the Emperor Qin, and she will have no worries about food and clothing in the future. The remaining generals and soldiers of the Jiannan Army can be her backing, and she will become the symbol of loyalty and bravery of the Jiannan Army." When she grows up, she is well-educated and well-educated. Her husband is likely to be a well-educated man with elegant temperament, a young general who is brave and good at fighting and is relied on by the Qin Emperor, or even a man with royal blood. Relatives of the royal family!"

"Xiao Concubine...don't say any more, I understand, our Chu family... the fate with this child is over." Chu Dali said slowly hugging the baby girl, with tears in his eyes, but And be careful for fear of tears falling on the child's delicate face.

Seeing this, Concubine Xiao couldn't bear to sigh, but this is what he should do.

"Brother, don't worry, you saved this child in the most difficult time, and you are her benefactors. Her surname is Yun, and her first name is Chuchu. This will never change!"

"Thank you...thank you, sir..." Chu Dali gently handed the baby girl to Consort Xiao.

Concubine Xiao stretched out his arms to pick it up, but suddenly felt a tingling pain in his legs, and his body suddenly fell down. Everyone was shocked, seeing that the baby girl was about to fall to the ground.

Zuo Zhou picked up an afterimage and reached out to easily catch the baby girl. Unexpectedly, Lingbo Weibu used it for the first time in such a situation.

Gently hugging the baby girl, Zuo Zhou frowned and looked at Concubine Xiao, "What's wrong with you?"

Concubine Xiao's expression was painful, and he looked at his legs helplessly, "It's really not the time for the old disease to recur."

Chu Dali wiped off his cold sweat, but it frightened him, and he couldn't help but look at Concubine Xiao resentfully, making the latter extremely embarrassed.

Zuo Zhou looked up and down strangely, "It's a coincidence that you have this illness, um, you can compete with Yun Yi's operation of bumping into a pig!"

When Zuo Zhou mentioned this matter, Concubine Xiao became even more depressed, so he could only pretend that he didn't hear it, and lifted up his trouser legs, only to see that his thighs had gradually turned black.

"This injury..." Mr. Ximen, who had been paying attention to the whole process, immediately approached, and when he saw the injury, his heart was shocked.

What is terminally ill?This is!
Concubine Xiao was cut in both legs by the enemy. After jumping off the cliff, there was a river below. After being soaked in the river water, although the river water was very clear, it could not prevent the wound from becoming inflamed and swollen.Then he was picked up by Elder Jiu, if he could be treated in time, it would be fine, but it coincided with the attack of the gold and silver elders, it was very difficult to resist the attack every day, so there was no time for treatment.

This minor illness has dragged on into a major illness, and the serious illness has become incurable. Now the legs are useless, and the rotten smell even spreads upwards along the leg bones.It must be treated quickly, don't want the legs, and it is a blessing to be able to save your life.If he recuperated well, he should have more than ten years to live.

Zuo Zhou frowned, "At first, I thought that I would go back to the Emperor's Capital for treatment in that safe environment, but now it seems that I have to hurry up."

Concubine Xiao had a little doubt and a little hope, "Do you really have a cure?"

"Yes, but it will be very painful!" Zuo Zhou put the baby girl in Xiaomei's arms, "I will cut your legs open, apply the medicine directly on your bones, and put your shattered legs together Bones. Then I will teach you two sets of exercises, and you will be able to fully recover after a year!"

Forensic medicine can also be regarded as a kind of doctor. Although Wu Zuo cannot be equated with forensic medicine, he also knows a lot about curing diseases and saving lives.Chu Dali was immediately stunned by Zuo Zhou's words.

"Your method... so rude!"

Zuo Zhou didn't answer, but he was confident. Innate skills, Rama's internal skills, and black jade intermittent ointment, this set can really kill 5.00% of sixty injuries, why can't he waste a little bit.

Of course, there are also serious versions, such as feeding Mabosan first, then putting Gu worms into the thighs, controlling the Gu worms to eat the rotten leg bones, and then using the needle to inject the diluted black jade intermittent ointment, supplemented by Rama's internal energy disrupts blood flow.

But this process is too troublesome, and he doesn't have that medical condition now.

"Well, the only problem now is... We don't seem to have any anesthetic!"


Concubine Xiao looked at his legs, followed the method he just said, and then did not take anesthesia, I feel that you may be Wei Jinzhong's person.

"It doesn't matter. For someone as awesome as Concubine Xiao, how could he not be able to bear the pain? Right!"

"..." Concubine Xiao suddenly wanted to kill this guy.

However, fortunately, he really has a solution, "Forget it, since you have a solution, then treat it quickly, finish it quickly and return to the imperial capital quickly. Just like the information you said before, I doubt that the plan of Wei Jinzhong and others will be absolutely impossible. It’s not just about Turkic and Jiannan Road. I need to find a macro angle, and I think this angle can be found in the imperial capital.”

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, is Concubine Xiao so reckless?He was just joking, if he didn't give anesthesia, he would die from pain directly.

"How long does it take for your treatment?" Prince Xiao asked.

Zuo Zhou took another look at the already black leg, "The rot of your leg has already penetrated into the bone. In the process of re-bonding, you need to supplement with Rama's internal strength, and achieve the effect of rebirth by strengthening the blood. Before the operation, Zhang Junbao needs to run Rama’s internal energy for you, and it will take at least three hours for the blood to fully function. As for the bone-setting process, it should take less than an hour.”

Although Concubine Xiao is a half-way monk in martial arts practice, he also knows that it is not easy for one person to use internal energy in another person. Different internal forces will subconsciously resist, even if the master deliberately suppresses it, it may not be effective.

"Understood, I will dissipate my internal strength, you all do your best!"

Zuo Zhou's face trembled, as expected of you, this Sangong will be dismissed as soon as it is said, it is hard work for so many years of internal strength.

uh huh!A stream of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Sangong actually does great harm to the body, because your meridians and dantian have adapted to the shape of the original internal energy. Now that the internal energy is gone, the meridians and dantian will collapse in an instant, and the feeling of severe tingling all over the body is not Most people can bear it.

The other thing is the leg injury, although Concubine Xiao's internal strength is not strong, it can still suppress the injury, now that he has exhausted his kung fu, the injury will rapidly worsen, causing severe pain in his legs.

Zhang Junbao didn't hesitate at the back, he stepped out behind Prince Xiao, and the innate qi began to circulate Rama's inner strength in Prince Xiao's body.

Concubine Xiao only felt a buzzing in his head, and he heard Zuo Zhou slowly say: "Memorize the path of true qi with your heart, and you must practice hard after I complete the operation, so that you can be completely cured in a year. injury."

Concubine Xiao nodded, and took off the delicate wine gourd hanging from his waist, a thumb-sized worm crawled out of the mouth of the gourd.

"Oh, I'm going, what the hell!" Zuo Zhou jumped back in shock, but thought of it instantly, "Elder Jiu left the wine worm to you?"

Concubine Xiao nodded, just yesterday, they buried Elder Jiu, and before he died, Elder Jiu left the only gift he could give to Concubine Xiao.The only pity is that this wine worm is Elder Jiu's natal Gu, although it can survive without Elder Jiu, it can no longer be cultivated by others as natal Gu.

If a Gu worm that is not a natal Gu wants to grow, it needs a lot of resources, and now Concubine Xiao is raising it, it is more of a commemorative significance!
The whole body of the wine worm was milky white, like a plump silkworm baby, after climbing onto the table, it didn't recognize life at all, turned around, and vomited a mouthful of wine mist at Concubine Xiao.

The wine mist of the wine worm has an extremely powerful anesthetic effect, Xiao Concubine fell over as soon as he closed his eyes, and the wine worm crawled back to the wine gourd with bulging pupae, and even sprayed out two bright white silk threads to kill the wine gourd. Cover the mouth of the gourd.

"Hey, I'm a gu-raised one!"

Zuo Zhou couldn't stop laughing, and waved everyone out of the house to watch. Although he said that there was an old man Zuo guarding the iron chain, he would send them a signal if something happened, but once the operation started, it couldn't be stopped. There is nothing wrong with being cautious.

After everyone left, Zuo Zhou winked at Zhang Junbao, "Let's start!"

Zhang Junbao's expression was a bit awkward, and then he witnessed a cruel operation process, and secretly swore in his heart that he would never let Zuo Zhou treat even ordinary fever and cold in the future!
Was he helping Concubine Xiao put together the leg bones?Whenever he came across those bone balls, he would just throw them away.In Zuo Zhou's words, anyway, Rama's internal strength can be regenerated, so why waste all this time?Wouldn't it be nice to have some time to sleep?


Outside the room, time passed by every minute and every second, Xiaomei teased Yun Chuchu with a smile, when her fingers passed over that chubby little face, it seemed that all the sad things in her heart were healed.

Just at this time, a phantom came from far and near, and when everyone came back to their senses, they had already arrived in the courtyard.

It was He Ran who delivered the letter. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Xiaomei said: "The letter has been delivered? He is undergoing surgery inside, so wait for a while! Well, you..."

Xiaomei found that He Ran's eyes completely ignored everyone, only Yun Chuchu in her arms was reflected in her pupils.

She understood that look, like a desperate person who was gradually sinking into the depths of the ocean, suddenly looked up and saw the light descending from the clouds, shooting through the deep sea!

With just one glance, you know that there is hope of living...

(End of this chapter)

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