Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 123 He has changed, let's kill him!

Chapter 123 He has changed, let's kill him!
"Why are you crying?"

Xiaomei panicked and didn't know what to do. She had never experienced a big man crying in front of her.

"Brother, don't be sad, what wronged you, you tell me! We decide for you."

Mr. Ximen waved his hooks in his hands, his face full of solemnity, "You are willing to risk sending a message for us, you are our comrade-in-arms, brother, if you are bullied, you will hit us in the face, and it will be over if you say hit anyone!"

He Ran closed his eyes, forced the tears to cut off, stretched out his hand to wipe away the tears on his face, and suddenly smiled happily. The smile was sincere and bright, a bit like when Zuo Zhou bought chicken legs for Xiaomei.

"It's nothing, it's just a bit of poison. Although the toxin has been removed, there are still some negative effects, so don't worry about it! By the way, this baby girl is..."

Poisoned?You think we are blind, if you don't want to say it, forget it.

Xiaomei shook the baby girl in her arms, "This is Chuchu, the daughter of the Chu family, but I heard Prince Concubine Xiao say that she is the orphan of General Yunyi."

"Yunyi's... orphan?" Thinking about Yunyi's identity, He Ran didn't seem surprised.

Young Master Ximen next to him sighed: "Yun Yi was murdered by Liu Jin and others, so his family would not escape the clutches of the clutches. The members of the Yun family fought back and sent Yun Yi's wife Xu out. Then Xu came to Ping Le Town, her elder brother lives in this town of Pingle. Who would have thought that Xu's elder brother would sneak attack and kill Xu because he was afraid of being punished!"

He Ran narrowed his eyes slightly, and a fierce light almost came out, "What about after that?"

"At that time Xu was pregnant, and even when he was killed, he tried his best to protect his stomach. Later, Xu's brother notified the county government on the pretext that his sister had an accident. Because it happened in Pingle Town, the body It was temporarily parked at Chu's house. During the autopsy, Chu Dali accidentally discovered that Mrs. Xu was pregnant, so he rescued the child."

He Ran showed no expression, but his chest heaved violently, as if deliberately enduring something, "So... this child is a coffin!"

Mr. Ximen didn't hide anything. Although the coffin son was regarded as ominous, he was Yun Yi's descendant, he was the descendant of Zhonglie, and he was also the offspring of his Jiannan army!

"Then how did you find out? The Chu family probably won't spread the word everywhere!"

Mr. Ximen paid attention to He Ran's expression and found that he didn't discriminate against him, so he nodded in relief and said, "Mr. Then Brother Xu actually did such a heinous thing! This time, we are leaving, so Concubine Xiao wants to take him away."

"Xiao Consort? So... this child will be able to live a life of rich clothes and fine food in the future?"

"Of course, he is the imperial son-in-law! Who in the entire Qin Dynasty does not know that Princess Pingxi is very much loved by the Qin emperor. The son-in-law's adopted daughter is also a loyal queen, and conservatively estimated that she is also a county head." Mr. Ximen raised his head and chest, as if he was granted the title He does.

Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei next to him were stunned for a moment, staring at the baby girl in a daze, and the latter said enviously, "This baby is so lucky, he will be the county lord from birth!"

"How is your life..." He Ran's eyes were blurred, and he glanced at the baby girl again, then regained his previous indifference, and changed the subject very abruptly, "By the way, this time I went to deliver the letter, and many things happened. Tianbao is going a little crazy now."

Speaking of Dong Tianbao, Mr. Ximen's expression sank, "What happened?"

"Dong Tianbao is now targeting those innocent people. As long as someone reports that any civilian has spoken to you or done business with you, he will arrest that person and use the severe punishment! Now there are many People were killed!"

"What! He's crazy!" Young Master Ximen was furious, "The Emperor Qin said that the Great Qin Iron Cavalry is to protect the people, what is he doing now?"

"Uncle, calm down, Dong Tianbao is not a real soldier, not to mention, after we cure Consort Xiao, we can just kill him!" Xiaomei said in a childish voice full of murderous intent.

He Ran shook his head, "It's not so easy for you to kill him now. According to my information, he doesn't know what skills he is practicing now, and his skills have improved rapidly, and he is quite congenitally consummated!"

Congenital... consummation?
The third rank, the second rank, the first rank, the list of people, the first rank is the innate state, but everyone in the world knows that the state is not absolutely equal to the combat power, but it is also an extremely important reference.

The innate realm is very strong, but for some people it is just the starting point of formal cultivation, but standing on the starting point does not mean that you can start smoothly, you have to make a starting posture.This posture is the innate Dzogchen realm!

Only when you have entered the state of innate Dzogchen can you hope to become a master of the list, otherwise, even if you live for 100 years, you will never be able to advance to the master if your internal force blows you up.

At the same time, the gap between Xiantian and Xiantian Dzogchen is not small, just like the team that is still playing the bubbling match and the team that has begun to study the opponent in the finals.

"It's impossible. How can Dong Tianbao achieve congenital perfection in such a short period of time? That's not only the accumulation of true energy, but also the improvement of realm! Why?" Mr. Ximen was a little panicked.

Their plan is to use Consort Xiao's status to seize military power, and Dong Tianbao will be able to be killed either alone or with a large army.

But once Dong Tianbao became congenitally perfect, it would be very difficult to kill him just by virtue of numbers.Will they be able to stop him then?
"Wash the white weak three points, and blacken it ten times stronger! The ancients did not deceive me!"

Creak, the door opened, Zuo Zhou wiped the blood on his hand with a handkerchief.He nodded with He Ran, "Have a little confidence in us. If you can't keep it, don't stay. Our purpose is to rehabilitate the Jiannan army. Even if we can't defeat Dong Tianbao, he dare not stay in the army to consume. "

Mr. Ximen's face was full of awkwardness, "It's a pity, if he escapes this time, I'm afraid it will be difficult to catch him later."

Zuo Zhou said with a meaningful smile: "Run? He won't run, I bet he will secretly assassinate Concubine Xiao and present a certificate of honor to Wei Jinzhong."

"Then what should we do? After all, we are going to leave the camp and return to the imperial capital. It is impossible for the army to protect us all the way. We..."

"It's simple, let the imperial court send masters to come over to help, maybe you will be lucky enough to meet one or two masters!"

Zuo Zhou threw the blood-stained handkerchief aside, and looked back at Zhang Junbao, who had pushed Consort Xiao out with a cold face. With just one glance, he knew that Zhang Junbao never wanted to let Dong Tianbao go.

He didn't mean to comfort him either, and to be honest, he didn't plan to let Dong Tianbao go, among other things, if Dong Tianbao ran away, where would he find his Arhat Demon Subduing Magic Art?Hmph, good Dong Tianbao, after practicing Lao Tzu's martial arts for such a long time, it's time to hand it over.

"Xiao Concubine... how is he?" Mr. Ximen doesn't care about Dong Tianbao now, he still cares about Xiao Concubine the most.

"Don't worry, the treatment is over. As long as Concubine Xiao doesn't commit suicide and cultivates his health with peace of mind, he will be able to get up and walk in half a year." Zuo Zhou said with a smile, and patted Concubine Xiao's wheelchair. In fact, it didn't waste too much time to treat Consort Xiao just now.This brutal treatment method also has the benefits of being brutal, just a word, fast!As for the rest of the time, it was spent building this rather crude wheelchair.

"Dong Tianbao's move to go crazy is indeed a brilliant move. No matter whether he is really crazy or fake, we have to go out now, otherwise we will lose people's hearts."

Zuo Zhou made a decisive decision without discussing it with other people at all.

There is a saying that plans cannot keep up with changes, and Dong Tianbao's move is a bit desperate.

You must know that the imperial court classified the whole incident as Chen Ying's rebellion, but Concubine Xiao has not made a conclusion. That is to say, Concubine Xiao is still the second in command of the Jiannan Army, and he is more authoritative than the temporary official Dong Tianbao. As long as Concubine Xiao arrives at the barracks, Then the entire Jiannan army will be respected by Concubine Xiao, even if Liu Jin is resurrected, it will not be easy.

This is the advantage of the absolute concentration of imperial power. The whole Qin Dynasty knows who is in charge of the world, who cares who Liu Jin and Dong Tianbao are, we only recognize the orders of the Emperor Qin!

If it is changed to other countries, it is not necessarily the case. Soldiers and mid-level officers will weigh whether they are on the side of the royal family or on the side of a certain powerful minister.

Of course, there are variables in all of this, that is when Concubine Xiao loses the hearts of the people!
Dong Tianbao's move was a bit of a draw from the bottom. He had been chasing and killing the friends of Young Master Ximen and Concubine Xiao, and anyone with a discerning eye knew that he wanted to force them out.Rationally speaking, everyone knew that if the two of them could not come out, they would be assassinated.But the people are not completely rational, even if they know it’s wrong to think so, they still feel that the two of them are not friends enough, and they don’t have a sense of loyalty, and they didn’t betray you even if they died (although they don’t know), so why don’t you just watch your friends die ?

As time goes by, the people's perception of Consort Xiao and Young Master Ximen will decline, and this perception will soon spread to the army.

At that time, the soldiers would still support Xiao Consort after Prince Consort Xiao showed up, but if Dong Tianbao really wanted to attack and kill him recklessly, then these soldiers would very likely resist perfunctorily.

This is the function of the human heart!
"Tell me, how did this Dong Tianbao come up with this trick? Is it purely wanting to be ruthless and frighten the three armies with fear? Or, someone gave him a trick and taught him to break the situation when he was already at a disadvantage? "

"I guess it's the latter!"

"Huh? You woke up so soon?" Zuo Zhou looked down at Concubine Xiao who was accosting him.

"It hurts too much, the wine worm's anesthesia didn't fully work."

Zuo Zhou was a little embarrassed, "Uh, then why didn't you call out just now, so that I can be more gentle."

"I want to scream too, my tongue and lips are all numb!" Xiao Concubine (T_T)
(End of this chapter)

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