Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 124 It seems to be suddenly high energy!

Chapter 124 It seems to be suddenly high energy!

"Eunuch Wei is very disappointed in you!"

The shadow is still standing in the shadow, this is his personality and the method he relies on.

Dong Tianbao's complexion was very ugly, ignoring the guy with weird methods, he just set his eyes on the runner king.

"Didn't you say that they are wandering around the cordon? Why are your spies so close to the camp? Have all your spies grown up eating shit!"

The Wheel-Running King glanced at him without saying a word, just staring at the shadow silently.

Sikong Zhaixing: To be able to escape my perception, what kind of shadow is this? Although it is not innate, but there is something unexpectedly!

Shadow snorted coldly when he saw Dong Tianbao's prevarication, and his heart became more and more contemptuous, what's the use of being good at it?This brain is not good, it is not as useful as Liu Jin!

"Okay, King Zhuanlun didn't come to help you, he just responded to Eunuch Wei's order now. Also, there is only one possibility for them to rush to the camp, and that is that they found Concubine Xiao!"

Dong Tianbao's eyes shrank suddenly, and he understood in an instant after such a reminder, "It seems that our strategy is effective, but since you already know the news, you should immediately send a master to snipe, instead of getting angry at me here! "

The shadow is in a daze, what the hell!It also blames me.

"Do you understand the reason why a lion fights a rabbit with all its strength?" Shadow snorted coldly, "The last time Liu Jin and you led an army to ambush but didn't even take down a young master Ximen, that was young master Ximen and not Ximen Chuuxue! How else can I treat you What to expect? They are already very close to the big camp, we have no second chance, so we must do our best! You must also participate in it!"

Dong Tianbao laughed, "However, you are worried that you won't be able to deal with a group of local chickens and dogs? Hmph, it seems that Eunuch Wei's subordinates are nothing more than that!"

The killing intent flashed in the shadow's eyes, not because he would hide it, but because he remembered that he was not even an innate master, so he really couldn't care less about this lunatic.

Zhuanlun Wang answered, "Because of Li Yuanfang alone, we have indeed suffered heavy losses. But since Eunuch Wei sent you, I'm afraid we got help from other people!"

The shadow cast a meaningful glance at the King of the Wheel, they actually all knew the identity of the King of the Wheel, when Wei Jinzhong hadn't made his fortune, this Lai Ai was the celebrity in the palace, even Eunuch Wei would salute when he saw him.Although he fell into trouble later, in fact, he still didn't take it very seriously.

"This is not something you should know, you just need to understand that Eunuch Wei has already borrowed a master!"

Sikong Zhaixing was not surprising, Di Renjie was able to borrow people from Bao Zheng and Lu Xiaofeng, and of course the enemy could also borrow people.This is a good thing, he can follow these masters to check other dragon heads of the Azure Dragon Society.

"A master? Where is it?" Dong Tianbao disdained. In his mind, the King of Wheels might be Wei Jinzhong's fiercest subordinate. Of course, it's his turn now, otherwise Wei Jinzhong would not be so tolerant to him.

"Let's go now, you can see it of course!"


"Follow this official road all the way to the end, and we can see the camp!"

Young Master Ximen pointed to the spacious road in front of him, feeling uncontrollably excited, but at this time, Zuo Zhou and the others became more and more nervous.

Zuo Zhou glanced at Concubine Xiao who was sleeping with his eyes closed next to him, "It should be soon, right?"

Concubine Xiao didn't even open his eyes, nodded and stretched out his fingers to gently caress the wine gourd on his waist, just like stroking a cat.

"If... if someone ordered Dong Tianbao's actions, then the enemy should have already guessed my appearance, and the intercepting enemy should be waiting for us."

Zuo Zhou raised his head and looked into the distance. Although the road is wide, the infrastructure in this world is not as high as in his previous life. It is far from being able to level the green hills on both sides to prevent landslides and other disasters.Therefore, many canyon terrains similar to a line of sky are often formed on the main road, and this terrain is the easiest place to set up an ambush.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou tightened the hard bow in his hand, and looked towards the peaks of the mountains on both sides.

alpine peak
"Shh, keep your voice down, Li Yuanfang is very vigilant, he may have thought that we are going to ambush on both sides of this mountain for a sneak attack."

As the shadow is an expert in assassination, Zuo Zhou's action made him understand that the opponent was already on guard.

"Nonsense, this place is so suitable for ambushes, everyone will be on guard." Dong Tianbao snorted angrily.

At this time, there were five people standing behind him except the Wheel-Running King. These five people were all in black clothes and masked innate realm. If it wasn't for the different weapons in their hands, outsiders might not be able to tell who is who.

One with a gun, one with a sword, one with an abacus, one with a wine gourd, one... one without a weapon, but the two eyebrows exposed outside are one black and one white, which looks eye-catching .

"I don't know where Eunuch Wei borrowed you from, but don't you think it's a bit too prominent like this? How can you use signature weapons for assassinations?" Shadow said in a tone of hatred, amateur!So amateur!
Those with guns and swords didn't say anything, and the black and white eyebrows spoke in a high-pitched voice, "As long as we kill everyone, no one will know us."

Zhuanlun Wang pretended to nod deeply beside him, "This nonsense makes sense. But, are you sure you can kill everyone? Look, there are a lot of people coming again!"

At this time, not only Zhuanlun Wang and the others were surprised, but Zuo Zhou and the others were also taken aback. What's going on?We haven't entered the best ambush site yet, why can't you bear it?
Hoo hoo hoo, amidst the whistling wind, a stubble-headed monk came running from a distance, using the most common Grass Flying Lightness Kungfu in the rivers and lakes, but opened wide and closed with a powerful momentum, from a distance it felt like a monk coming from behind. dump truck.

The most impressive thing is that he is actually carrying a bronze tripod that is half the height of a person in his hand!

"This monk must be a master of external skills. You can see that he even lifts the iron when he is on the road. I'm afraid he has muscles in his brain!" Zuo Zhou whispered to He Ran who was next to him, but found that he didn't answer the question at all, just She stretched out her finger to tease Chuchu.

Zuo Zhou didn't say much, but turned his head to look at the monk, who suddenly stopped in front of the crowd holding the bronze tripod, and looked behind them with a pair of kind eyes.

Everyone turned their heads, but they were surprised to find that a pair of grandparents and grandchildren came slowly not far behind.The old man was slightly hunchbacked, leaning on a cane and carrying a basket, in which medicinal herbs were piled up sporadically.And with his other hand, he was holding a little girl who was only seven or eight years old. The little girl looked innocent and romantic, and she even wore two buns.It's just...the dead fish eyes full of wisdom can't be ignored, like a young girl villain who jumped out of a Two-dimensional cute show.

"You say killer, will you pretend to be a little girl and an old man?" Mr. Ximen was not sure for a while, if it was normal, he would never do anything to the old man and young children, but now he can only consult Xiao Xiao Consort.

Concubine Xiao looked back and forth, not sure for a while, "I don't feel murderous, let's wait and see."

Sure enough, there was a change in this class. A large number of people came rushing from the direction the monk came from, all of them looked fierce, with beards, one-eyed, scarred, bald with tattoos, etc. There are so many people waiting, even Brother Pheasant looks like a better person than them.

In front of this group of people are two masters, a young man with a congenital realm, and a middle-aged man with the same congenital status.

The young man wore a long gown and a crown, and looked like an upright person. Before the long sword was unsheathed, there was a chill in his waist. It was probably a precious sword.And that middle-aged man looked very gorgeous in his clothes, and his purple clothes were a bit extravagant.This kind of nobility is not only reflected in his aura, but also his sword, a scabbard of normal length is inlaid with more than a dozen gemstones, are you showing off?
"Dugu Wei!?"

"Young Master Ximen!?"

The parties hadn't spoken yet, the noble middle-aged man and Mr. Ximen first screamed out, and then... they remained silent under everyone's gaze for a long time.

"No, we just passed by. You don't have to worry about us what you want to do. You can also catch up on the old days. What's the point of holding back and not talking?" Zuo Zhou smiled and pushed Mr. Ximen.

The latter looked at the middle-aged man named Duguwei with a smirk, "Well...we still have something to do, let's get together later."

Duguwei also nodded with a half-smile, "Then we'll get together later..."

Zuo Zhou took a look, well, they are all people with stories, you guys, can't we afford to provoke or hide?Just when he was about to drive the carriage to leave, he heard the young man beside Dugu Wei shout: "Shi Wuzun, Wushuang City treats you well, and you stole the fire monkey, won't your heart ache? Or, The eminent monks in Shaolin are all cunning villains like you!"

Zuo Zhou: "..."

No matter what Zuo Zhou thinks, what should happen will continue to happen.

The monk named Shi Wuzun held the bronze tripod with one hand and put the other on his chest, "Young City Master, the poor monk has already told you the answer, why are you still so obsessed with it?"

The young man rolled his eyes, "Shi Wuzun, don't say any more nonsense without evidence."

The young man seemed to be in a hurry, and he didn't want to delay at all. He waved his hands and asked his subordinates to surround Shi Wuzun, and his tone became more sinister, "Because you were loyal to Wushuang City, I will give you one last chance to put the fire on the ground. Hand it over to the monkey."

Shi Wuzun looked at the bronze tripod beside him, and sighed, "Xiongba's ambition is too great, and it is not a good choice for Wushuang City to attach to the world. Besides, the criticism of the Ni Bodhisattva has failed, so why do you offer this so-called What about the nomination certificate?"

The young man was extremely irritable, and shouted: "You, a remnant of Shaolin Temple, still have the face to comment on the Tianxiahui? Since you don't know current affairs, don't blame me for not being sympathetic, kill!"

A group of fierce and vicious men began to besiege Shi Wuzun. The image of the sword and sword was a lotus flower in bloom. Zuo Zhou and others were very interested in seeing the exquisite combined attack technique.

By the way, is there anything you can't know about what they just said?Will we be silenced?

Zuo Zhou drove the carriage to the side of the road, and did not leave in a hurry. After glancing at the chaotic battle situation, he turned his gaze nearby.By the way, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang should be here soon, right?

(End of this chapter)

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