Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 125 Fake?I am familiar with this!

Chapter 125 Fake?I am familiar with this!

"So handsome!"

Stars flashed in Xiaomei's eyes, Zuo Zhou moved his head closer to see from Xiaomei's perspective.

The flowing long hair that always seems to have a blower, soft and handsome facial features, tall and straight figure, confident smile, really handsome, worthy of being the number one handsome man in the Fengyun series!
But isn't it a little too much for you to say that in front of me?
"Well, it's really handsome, look, I told you, there are many handsome people in this world, you still don't believe it! Woooooo!"

Xiaomei glanced at Zuo Zhou who was pretending to be crying, and touched her head, "Okay, okay, you are still the most handsome in people's hearts, um, that one comes in second!"

Zuo Zhou raised his head and pushed Xiaomei's face aside, "Hmph, it's not okay to be ranked second, who knows if it will threaten my number one in the future?"

"Can you stop being so naive? Also, you have to be confident. This... is at least three years older than you. When you open up at this age, you will definitely be three or five times more handsome than him! Even if you If you don’t believe in yourself, you have to believe in your father’s good looks!” The old man Zuo shook his head in disappointment, for the young people nowadays are so unconfident in winning over those cheesy faces.

"Trust you? I might as well trust my mother's beauty!"

Zuo Zhou didn't bother to talk to this stinky old guy, and focused his attention on the two young people who had just entered the arena. One was folding a fan and the other was confident and easy-going. Both had the kind of temperament that could make people feel good.After contacting the martial arts methods they had just shown in the arena, two names quickly appeared in Zuo Zhou's mind.

Nie Feng!Qin Shuang!
"Look at the handsome looks of the two, they must be the hall masters of Shenfeng Hall and Tianshuang Hall of Tianxiahui, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang. The young master of Wushuang City, Duguming! I, Wushuangcheng, will soon be integrated into Tianxiahui, and everyone can be counted. own people."

The young man sitting next to Duguwei clasped his fists and said, but Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. This temperament in dealing with people is not like the descriptions in movies, TV dramas or even novels and comics. Could it be... this is an exile?
Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat, this was something new, even more shocking than the appearance of Nie Feng and Qin Shuang.

You know, according to the rules he has explored for so many years and all the exiles, the exiles will not occupy the status of those historical celebrities. Similarly, the original characters in the martial arts film and television dramas will not be occupied by the exiles.

If this Dugu Ming became an exile, does that mean that the rules have changed?

There is a saying that stretch out your hand and don't hit a smiling face. Although Nie Feng and Qin Shuang have their own pride, they are not willing to deliberately bully a person who is attached to the Tianxiahui.

But there will still be what should be, Qin Shuang said coldly: "My adoptive father is very disappointed in your Wushuang City, he can't even look down on a beast. After this incident, I want to persuade my adoptive father to reconsider accepting Wushuang The problem of the city."

Dugu Ming's expression froze, he pursed his lips in embarrassment, and Dugu Wei next to him gave a conciliatory wink, signaling him not to argue, and just wait for the next thing.

Nie Feng put away his folding fan, and walked slowly to Shi Wuzun's side, "Master, it's the first time Nie Feng has come out to walk the rivers and lakes, please help me!"

Shi Wuzun looked at Nie Feng and then at Qin Shuang next to him. The two of them did not intend to threaten, but he also knew that as long as he refused, the battle would definitely start.

On the one hand, Zuo Zhou was ready to appreciate whether Fengshen's legs were as elegant as in the legend, but Shi Wuzun said: "Now that I have met the two hall masters of the Tianxiahui, the poor monk will naturally not be stubborn anymore, this fire monkey It's nothing to leave it to the two of you, but the poor monk has a secret to tell you, can you find a secret place?"

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang were a little surprised, secret?After all, he is still a teenager at heart, and he should have a lot of curiosity. Nie Feng smiled and said: "As long as there is a fire monkey, everything is easy to talk about, please!"

Shi Wuzun made a little Buddhist salute, then turned his head and picked up the bronze tripod and walked forward first.

"You two, since the Shaolin Temple was destroyed, this Martial Venerable has been sheltered under the protection of Wushuang City. He hasn't traveled across the rivers and lakes for so many years. What secrets can he have? It's just delaying time and waiting for an opportunity. Don't be deceived, otherwise how will Fire Monkey explain to Xiong Ba's guild leader if it gets lost?" Dugu Ming jumped off the horse as he spoke, and walked forward while talking with concern.

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang hesitated for a moment. Although they were very curious, the weight of Xiongba was extremely important in their hearts. In the final analysis, the mission was the most critical.

"Master, it's a secret and there's no hurry, let's hand over the fire monkey to us first!" Qin Shuang stepped forward and reached out to touch the bronze tripod.

Shi Wuzun suddenly grabbed the bronze tripod and took a step back, "Master Shuang, since the poor monk promised to hand over the fire monkey to you, why is it so urgent?"

"Oh! You see, this Shi Wuzun is dishonest, he just doesn't intend to hand over the fire monkey!" Dugu screamed, and then suddenly drew his sword and stabbed straight, the sharp sword energy overflowed from the scabbard, and the blade did not reach The powerful sword cry has echoed in everyone's ears.

Everyone was shocked, and at the same time astonished at Duguming's kendo attainments, they also discovered that Duguming's goal all along was not the fire monkey, but Shi Wuzun's life!
However, although the sword came out suddenly, Shi Wuzun seemed to have expected it. He clasped his palms together, and a strong light burst out from the gap between the palms, firmly fixing the stabbing blade in mid-air and preventing it from entering an inch.

"Oops, this master is going to lose!"

Just then, Zhang Junbao commented, sure enough, Shi Wuzun waved his palms and shot continuously, his moves were full of killing intent, as if he also wanted Duguming's life.But Duguming retracted the sword and turned around, while the light of the sword swirled into a circle of light, the scabbard suddenly moved forward, and a sword energy suddenly shot out, directly shooting through Shi Wuzun's shoulder, if Shi Wuzun hadn't stepped aside at the critical moment Crucially, what this sword pierced through was his heart.

Xiaomei was shocked, and looked at Zhang Junbao in disbelief, "You know this guy named Dugu Ming? How do you know that he hides sword energy in the scabbard?"

Zhang Junbao was a little embarrassed, "Well, I actually saw that Shi Wuzun lost his mind due to the impact of anger, which is no longer in line with the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts, but I didn't expect that Dugu Ming had such a method, haha!"

Zuo Zhou is funny, did not expect Zhang Junbao to have the ability to speak like a spirit?Well, you can always trust Zhang Junbao!
Duguming saw that one move made meritorious deeds, he straightened his sword and stabbed again, determined to take Shi Wuzun's life.Seeing that the blade was right in front of him, Shi Wuzun urgently raised the bronze tripod to block the sword.

However, Dugu Ming's sword seemed to be of quite good quality, and this sword directly cut off a large piece of copper tripod belly.

Creak creak creak, a fiery red light burst out with a squeak, accompanied by the chirping of monkeys.

Fire Monkey came out.

But Duguming didn't care at all, he only had Shi Wuzun in his eyes, even though the fire monkey jumped over his head, he still stabbed Shi Wuzun straight with his sword.

"Brother Zuo, Shi Wuzun once practiced Fuhu Arhat Fist." Zhang Junbao reminded.

"You didn't say it earlier, I'll shoot!" Zuo Zhou was as fast as lightning, and the arrow flew over, and the arrow hit Dugu Ming's long sword. With huge force, Dugu Ming retreated three meters madly, and knocked down the arrow with his wrist shaking .

"Nosy?" Dugu Ming frowned, then looked at Dugu Wei, thinking that the people you know would not mess around, it seems that you don't have enough face.

Duguwei and Young Master Ximen were embarrassed at the same time, it was not a matter of face.

Zuo Zhou got off the carriage, but he didn't go to talk to Shi Wuzun first, but looked back, the fire monkey who had just run away was dancing non-stop beside the old passerby, looking very happy, just Like a pug that sees its master.

Now everyone stopped moving, even a bunch of tricksters who didn't even have a name understood, oh!The clay Buddha is here.

The old man glanced at the fire monkey, then at Shi Wuzun, his face began to twist slightly, and soon he turned into a man with pustules on half of his face.

"Old friend, you have done enough to protect me."

"My Buddha is merciful!"

Shi Wuzun had a bitter look on his face, a beast is a beast, even if it is a different species of fire monkey.Meeting the master will definitely show his flaws, so he wanted to lure Nie Feng and Qin Shuang away, but he didn't expect that it would be a failure in the end.

Nie Feng also understood at this time, clasped his fists together, "Master's righteousness is so generous to the sky, Nie Feng admires it, will the world be in trouble with Master today." He said with a glare at Dugu Ming.

The latter's expression was slightly cold, but he still put away his sword and looked at Shi Wuzun, "You have good luck today, you bald donkey. Since the master of the Kamikaze Hall said to let you go, then my Wushuang City will naturally not make things difficult. I hope You know how to advance and retreat!"

Shi Wuzun was furious when he heard the words, but when he was about to speak, he was interrupted by the clay bodhisattva over there: "Master... today's life is with them." He stretched out his hand and pointed towards Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou looked at Ni Bodhisattva amusedly, "I am Shi Wuzun's Crouching Tiger Arhat Fist, but did you guess it or calculate it?"

The mud bodhisattva smiled with an unpredictable look, but did not answer.

Zuo Zhou didn't care either, he's a magician, he's all so virtuous.Turning to Shi Wuzun, "Let's do business, you teach me the Arhat Fist, and I guarantee you will not die today, how about it?"

Shi Wuzun believed in the clay bodhisattva, nodded and began to walk towards the carriage.On the other side, Dugu Ming said strangely: "Fuhu Arhat Boxing? This is not a good martial art. My Wushuang City has many stronger martial arts than it. Why don't I replace it with other martial arts? You hand over Shi Wuzun Can you give it to me?"

These words made Qin Shuang and Nie Feng angry. We just said whether the world will cause trouble today, but you are still making up your mind.

Zuo Zhou looked at Dugu Ming, then at Shi Wuzun, and then contacted the experience summed up by many exiles in the past 16 years. Most importantly, think about yourself!
"Oh! I understand, you are not Dugu Ming!"


A gust of cold wind shuttled through the forest, and the entire official road seemed to have fallen into a strange silence.

Dugu Ming's face turned cold, and the murderous intent in his eyes could no longer be concealed, "I think you have some friendship with Dugu Wei, I don't need to pursue your nonsense, but I hope you don't make mistakes!"

"My Buddha is merciful! This benefactor is really a god-man, and he was able to discover such a secret from a brief contact. The poor monk admires him!" Shi Wuzun clasped his hands together, regardless of the blood on his shoulder, and bowed.


Dong Tianbao: "..."


The Wheel-Running King: "How about... let's not rush to assassinate, let's take a look first, take a look first."

(End of this chapter)

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