Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 126 Xiao Concubine, you are such a powerful official!

Chapter 126 Xiao Concubine, you are such a powerful official!
"Young Master Ximen, do me a favor. This traitor of Wushuang City is ungrateful and ruins the reputation of the city lord all day long. We will never let him go again."

Duguwei drove his horse closer, his whole body changed from his peacefulness just now, like a sharp sword out of its sheath.

Young Master Ximen was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, "You have actually advanced to Xiantian?"

Duguwei nodded, "It's nothing compared to you being an official in the court."

Young Master Ximen's face became very strange when he heard this, "Your words... are hard to say, um, hard to say."

What do you mean?
Everyone present is a little confused, why do you have such a strange expression?Also, why is it hard to say this?

Concubine Xiao stared at Duguwei coldly, and said word by word: "Wu Shuang City, close to the Jiangnan Road area, should have been in the territory of Pei State before. Later, the governor of Pei State, Zi Yu, surrendered to Qin State, and Wu Shuang City was also counted in the Great Qin territory .Because the Dugu family has been the lord of Wushuang City for generations, the imperial court appointed Dugu Fang as the official prefect. That is to say, no matter whether Dugu Ming is true or not, or even Dugu Party is true or false! You are all officials of Daqin. Just now , Did I hear wrong? You seem to say that you want to join the Tianxiahui?"

quiet!Jing full of fear!
Zuo Zhou shuddered abruptly, feeling a little cold sweat on his back, obviously Concubine Xiao is now half-disabled and has no skill, but this coercion makes people feel cold all over.

This... so great official authority!
"Hiss! Who are you?" Dugu Ming's hand holding the long sword loosened and tightened. Just now, he was shocked by a disabled person who didn't have much skill at first glance. Can you believe it?

"Great Qin Consort, Xiao Heng."


Didn't this hit the muzzle of the gun?

Duguming and Duguwei's expressions were extremely ugly for a moment, they looked at Nie Feng and Qin Shuang at the same time, what should they do?Do you want to kill him?
Nie Feng was a little flustered for a while, he just came out to walk the rivers and lakes, is this going to rebel?You see what I do, it's none of my business!
Qin Shuang should be more calm if he is a senior brother, and said with an awkward smile: "I'm afraid Concubine Xiao may have misheard. The Tianxiahui just asked Dugu Fang to help catch the fire monkey. In fact, it has nothing to do with Dugu Fang himself. As for Wushuang City, we are a martial arts sect, how can we have time to manage the life and death of the people in a city, you think so!"

Concubine Xiao nodded, and then said with a gratified smile: "As expected of being a disciple of Sect Leader Xiongba, he understands the righteousness, but the accusation of pretending to be the lord of a city is no small matter, why don't we ask the two disciples of Sect Leader Xiongba to help the court take down this How about the two suspects?"

Ah this?

Zuo Zhou was astonished as a heavenly man, is this Consort Xiao?Is this a fox pretending to be a tiger?Damn, let you pretend!

Nie Feng couldn't make up his mind again, and looked at Qin Shuang.

Qin Shuang: Look what I am doing!
The whole scene became stalemate again, Prince Xiao was not in a hurry, just waited quietly, as if he was not nervous about the result.

Zuo Zhou sat down again, leaned against Concubine Xiao and asked in a low voice, "Why are they so afraid of you?"

Concubine Xiao opened his eyes slightly, although his voice was quite low, but it could still be heard by the audience.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's that Daqin Tieqi! Many years ago, Xiongba heard some nonsense from a fortune teller, saying that he would be invincible in the first half of his life. So he started to make trouble in the arena, but not long after Daqin started Sweeping the world happened to coincide with the Tianxiahui, which was rapidly expanding its territory. The current general Wang Jian went there in person. I heard that Xiongba’s face was swollen for a whole month. Then the Tianxiahui began to shrink its territory, and even took the initiative To provide various conveniences to the Qin army, oh yes, the Tianxiahui seems to be helpful when destroying some martial arts sects."

Left boat (⊙_⊙)?
Wang Jian!I know this person.

Xiongba!I am also familiar with this.

But why are two people added together, so I can't understand it?

Zuo Zhou rubbed his temples, oh yes, what a coincidence, I happened to know who the fortune-teller who fooled Xiong was back then!
Zuo Zhou thought about it and looked at the mud bodhisattva behind him. The latter's face turned dark immediately. One side of his face was covered with pustules, but now he looked even more disgusting.

"Since it's an order from the imperial court, my world will naturally respond positively. Besides, we respect the Dugu family in Wushuang City for the sake of Senior Dugujian. If Dugu's party is a fake, then of course we have the responsibility to eliminate harm for the martial arts world! "

Perhaps Prince Xiao's words had an effect, Qin Shuang shuddered and said immediately, then winked at Nie Feng, and the brothers immediately cooperated with each other and started attacking.

Duguming and Duguwei were shocked, and they drew their swords to resist, but this confrontation caused Zuo Zhou to shake his head.

If someone had told him before today that Nie Feng couldn't beat Dugu Ming, he would definitely have slapped him.

Just kidding, who is Nie Feng?That is the protagonist of Destiny, how could he not beat him!

But now the facts are really here, and the reason is quite simple, experience!Nie Feng had just entered the arena, and Qin Shuang didn't seem to have much fighting experience. Although both of them practiced unique skills, they didn't seem to be able to fully exert the power of unique skills.

On the contrary, it was Dugu Ming, whose swordsmanship was superb and exquisite, and his lightness kung fu was even comparable to Nie Feng's.

"Kill them, there will be no survivors here today!" Dugu Ming seemed to gain confidence, and shouted, and the surrounding Wushuang city minions all began to lean towards Zuo Zhou and others.

Regardless of his injuries, Shi Wuzun was about to fight back, but was held down by Zuo Zhou, "Be honest first, don't forget to teach me Fuhu Arhat Boxing in a while. Xiaomei, Shiqi, Uncle Ximen, you go! Just You guys, don't waste too much time."

Young Master Ximen: Tch, you're even instigating me!

Raising his double hooks, Mr. Ximen jumped out first, and killed a minion with a fierce swing.

Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei looked at each other, took out two umbrellas and began to use these minions to practice the Liangyi sword array, two umbrellas and two beautiful figures, in the exchange of positions, harvesting human lives is more brutal than Ximen .

Zuo Zhou didn't pay much attention to them either, and glanced back at the mud bodhisattva, "The old man should stay closer to the carriage, so as not to hurt you."

The mud bodhisattva smiled and nodded, pulling his little granddaughter forward slowly, but just after taking two steps, his expression suddenly changed, and his eyes were fixed on Zuo Zhou's back.

Zuo Zhou turned around in surprise, "Oh He Ran, my buddy, what's up? Do you know each other?"

He Ran cast a cold glance at the mud bodhisattva, "Fortune tellers have never been friends with me."

"Oh? Unexpectedly, buddy, you still have professional discrimination!"

Zuo Zhou is extremely curious now, as if someone is constantly scratching his heart.

In the past, he always thought that He Ran practiced some kind of spiritual exercises, which made people hate him.But seeing the reaction of the mud bodhisattva now, I am afraid that the reason for this is a little more mysterious.Really, curious!
"Aren't the benefactors going to help them?" Shi Wuzun was a little anxious when he realized that Nie Feng and Qin Shuang couldn't handle it.

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Don't worry, Master, tell me about Wushuang City first, how did you find out that there is something wrong with the owner of Wushuang City?"

Shi Wuzun didn't hide it when he heard the words. He made it clear that he wanted to help him, so naturally he couldn't hide his secrets, "Since the Shaolin Temple was destroyed, the poor monk took shelter of Dugu's family and became a guardian of Wushuang City. And like me There is another guardian of the Dugu family, but that one is different from me, he is a generational retainer of the Dugu family."

"This guardian family takes Ming as their surname. Due to years of fighting in the rivers and lakes, there are only two people left in this family, grandma Ming and granddaughter Mingyue. Not long ago, Dugu suddenly proposed to Mingyue for his son!"

Concubine Xiao was a little puzzled, "Is there any problem with this marriage proposal? Although the Ming family is the retainer of the Dugu family, if the relationship is good, there is no need to care about the dignity."

Shi Wuzun shook his head, "That's the problem. If it's just because Dugu Ming likes Mingyue, or simply appreciates the Ming family's loyalty and wants to get closer, then the Ming family has nothing to say. But the problem is, Dugu Ming The purpose of one party is to learn a unique skill of the Ming family, love in the city!"

Zuo Zhou looked at his tricks in the system panel calmly.

Only Shi Wuzun said again: "The Ming family has a move called Love in the Allurement, which was obtained by accident by the ancestors, and it is said to be the most powerful move in the world!"

Concubine Xiao was stunned, "Although the purpose is impure, as the head of the family and his retainers, there is no hindrance at all."

Shi Wuzun's expression was ugly, "But the problem is, the real Dugu should know that the Ming family said that this love in the city is a move practiced by men and women together, but in fact, it is a move used by one person to return to the same goal!"

"Going home together?"

Shi Wuzun nodded, "Since the Ming family got this trick, no one has ever really practiced it. Although according to the genealogy records, there were three people who forcibly used it, but after using it, the enemy was not dead, and he turned into coke first. And these real Dugu Yifang should know, even Dugu Ming should know. But... the current Dugu Yifang and Dugu Ming don't know!"

"So that's why you said they are counterfeit." Concubine Xiao said with a smile, a fake is a fake, even if you know the real one, it's still a fake.

"Later, Grandma Ming came to me and told me about it. Originally, we wanted to capture the fake Dugu Fang, but who knows, this fake Dugu father and son have mastered the Dugu family's holy spirit swordsmanship. I am no match for Grandma Ming. I escaped by relying on my horizontal practice skills at the fifth pass of the Golden Bell Cover. But Grandma Ming was killed by Dugu Fang, and as for Mingyue, she was also captured by Dugu Ming, so I don’t know if I’m alive or dead at this time."

Shi Wuzun said and looked at the fire monkey at the feet of the mud bodhisattva, "I know that Dugu wants to please Xiongba to join the Tianxiahui by finding the mud bodhisattva, so I stole the fire monkey and wanted to find Senior Dugu Jian so that He returned to Wushuang City to uphold justice, but here he was overtaken by Dugu Ming and met the Clay Bodhisattva."

"Understood!" Zuo Zhou snapped his fingers, and said that this Dugu Ming is an exile, he is probably the son of the fake Dugu party.Hehe, Lao Tzu replaced Dugu Fang, and his son replaced Dugu Ming. This is a script for evil servants to occupy the property of the master.

Concubine Xiao looked at Zuo Zhou amusedly, "Aren't you going to help?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, only to hear Nie Feng over there suddenly shout anxiously: "Senior Brother Shuang, be careful, this Dugu Ming's legwork is not inferior to mine!"

Zuo Zhou rejoiced, "Look, this is very reassuring."

(End of this chapter)

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