Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 127 If you say that, I'm relieved!

Chapter 127 If you say that, I'm relieved!
Don't be inferior to me!
Well, outsiders can't understand Zuo Zhou's excitement. Is what they are going to witness now a martial arts incident?No, it's a metaphysical event.

This exile, Dugu Ming, obviously worked harder and was more talented than the real Dugu Ming. Not only did he practice the dragon-subduing god legs on par with Nie Fengfeng's god legs, but he also forced Nie Feng to be quite embarrassed by using the sword of the holy spirit.

Although Nie Feng is constantly improving as he fights, but for the time being, it seems that Nie Feng has no way to win Duguming.

Now that Nie Feng has performed the magical skill of 'not under me', let's see if there will be any accidents to reverse the situation that is destined to be fruitless.

It was easier for Qin Shuang to deal with Duguwei. Although Duguwei's Holy Spirit swordsmanship was also very strong, Tianshuang Fist formed a piece of ice in both fists, and the biting cold energy could completely resist the slashing of the sword blade.

It's just that Qin Shuang is now more worried about his junior brother, so he sent out a cloud of rage to temporarily force Dugu Wei back, "Mr. Xiao, let your people come over to help, and take these two suspects down early so that I can explain to the court." .”

Concubine Xiao was a little hesitant. Looking at Zuo Zhou's enthusiastic expression, he couldn't understand why Zuo Zhou didn't help, but was here...watching a play?Young people, it is not a good habit to play games.

Zuo Zhou coughed lightly, "Master Shuang, forgive me, we also have important things to do, please support, and wait first!"

Qin Shuang was confused, what are you waiting for, are you just watching the fun?Give you a watermelon that is still edible and bright red!


The light in front of his eyes was fleeting, Zuo Zhou reached out his hand almost subconsciously, and stretched out his flower finger with all his strength, a... counting bead?
Looking back, the true energy came over like a landslide, and four innate masters fell from the sky.

The one with the sword, the one with the abacus, the one with the wine gourd, and the one with black and white eyebrows, the four men in black went straight up and down at the same time, as if they wanted to smash them into pieces together with the carriage!
The sudden assassination made everyone's scalp tingle, when did the innate master become so worthless?The imperial court, Wushuang City, and Tianxiahui are all considered powerful, so it's okay to be a bit of an innate expert, but now that the assassins are all innate experts when they make a move, does this still allow other martial arts sects to live?

"Hiss, I can't compete with you, eat me with a vitality bomb!"

Zuo Zhou yelled and waved three smoke bombs into the air, popping and popping three groups of dark brown thick fog, as if mixed with shit.

The four men in black were stunned. This color looked extremely evil. Although they would definitely be able to shatter the carriage if they continued, it was hard to say whether they could withstand the toxin in the thick fog.

Yes, they have tacitly agreed that the dense fog is poisonous!

"Back!" The four men in black clapped each other immediately, using their strength to change direction.

Huhu, the frontal crisis was resolved, and there was a heavy whistling from behind Zuo Zhou, but when he turned around, he saw a man in black with a long spear who had touched behind him at some point, and was stabbing him with a spear!

Still twiddling the fingers, make it right!
"Uh, how is that possible?"

The man in black with the gun seemed taken aback. He had never seen anyone who could hold a spear with his fingers, not to mention that his spear was a heavy iron gun.

Zuo Zhou frowned, looked at the gun and then at the figure of the man in black, "Oh! It's you!"

"not me!"


The weird question and answer made the tense scene a little more embarrassing. Well, the man in black with the gun suddenly remembered that the other party might not know him, and Zuo Zhou also remembered that he really didn't seem to know him.

"Hahaha, Jun Bao, we meet again, are you a cockroach? You're not dead yet!"

There was a mighty echo in the distance, and the strong true energy directly made Zuo Zhou feel a toothache. The Arhat's magic power is none other than me!

The chain doll shot at the man in black with the gun, forcing him to retreat with his gun. He couldn't figure it out, could this guy be born with supernatural power?Why can't the long gun be pulled back when it is grasped!

Zuo Zhou grabbed the spear and thrust it hard into the ground, then looked back at the five men in black, five innate experts, this is a bit difficult to fight.In addition, Dong Tianbao, who was approaching while pretending to be aggressive, oh, the King of the Wheel, Lei Bin and Ye Zhanqing were still standing on the tree not far away.

This lineup...

"Tianbao, I will take your ashes back to Song Dynasty and bury them with your father!"

Zhang Junbao got off the carriage, at this time his eyesight was only Dong Tianbao, even if he felt that the strength of the other party seemed to faintly surpass his own, it should be his own fault, so he must have to settle it by himself.

About to move forward...

"You... you wait a moment!"

Zhang Junbao looked at Zuo Zhou in surprise, and the latter pulled him to switch positions with him, "Let's switch."

"Substitution?" Zhang Junbao looked at the five talents who were eyeing him, "You are really my good brother!"

"Good brother, of course I will keep the hardest part for myself, no need to thank me. Use your magic seal wave, and you'll be done with them!"

Let me tell you first, Zuo Zhou is definitely not the kind of person who stabs his brother twice. I really feel that Zhang Junbao is more guerrilla and pulling than him.And he asked himself that it was a bit troublesome to deal with these five talents at the same time.

Zhang Junbao didn't say much either, knowing that the overall situation was the most important thing, he stepped to the side of the carriage, facing the five innates alone.

"Hey, do you want to hit five?" The sharp voice with black and white eyebrows sounded really uncomfortable.

"Hey pervert, it's us you're dealing with!"

The siege hadn't started yet, but the two umbrellas began to revolve around the black and white eyebrows.The black and white eyebrows are a little surprised, after all, as a congenital master, who would care about non-congenital minions?But this confrontation felt difficult.

Liangyi Sword Formation + Pei Umbrella + Huangshang version of the Book of Changes, this combination of power is enough to make up for the lack of skills of Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei. Once they fight, the black and white eyebrows will scream in their hearts!
"I also……"

"Uncle Ximen, just watch." Zhang Junbao interrupted Young Master Ximen, Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei still had Liangyi Sword Formation, but Young Master Ximen didn't have any.

Mr. Ximen pursed his lips. After all, he is also a pioneer, so he can only be a spectator now?Forget it, people have to be self-aware, thinking about pulling out that gun and standing beside Prince Xiao.

The man in black with the gun: "..."


After the black and white eyebrows were entangled by Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei, the one who gave orders became the one holding the wine gourd. They were about to press down on them, but another person who looked very annoying jumped out of the carriage.

However, He Ran didn't get involved, but shot at the runner king with a big jump, "I'll hold the runner king!"

The Wheel-Running King: "Ah, what a handsome martial art, I'm stuck."

Zuo Zhou: "..." You guys haven't fought yet!

My friend is paddling in a life and death battle, what should I do?
Zuo Zhou lamented that what he encountered was inhuman. At the same time, he took off his hard bow and looked at Dong Tianbao from a distance, "This is what you insisted on pretending to approach slowly from such a distance. You must know that I am an ADC!"

Raise your hand Erlianzhu to say hello.

With two arrows, the strength of the back arrow converges with the front arrow, making the front arrow almost become a beam of light.

Boom!Dong Tianbao shattered the arrow with a straight punch.The energy of the blast made Zuo Zhou narrow his eyes slightly, and he came to the conclusion that the true energy was very strong, without the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts.

Raise your hand three in a row to deepen friendship.

Three arrows, one arrow is faster than the other. When the power converges to the front arrow, the internal structure of the arrow has been destroyed, which is the limit of ordinary arrows.

But it was also because of this that this move had a violent effect. Dong Tianbao was about to repeat the trick but was shot all over his body by the fragments of the exploded arrow.

Papapapa, Zuo Zhou watched countless arrow fragments fall to the ground, and came to the conclusion that the infuriating energy of the body protector was so strong that it was almost invulnerable to swords.Still did not reveal the true meaning of martial arts.

The other party seems to have reached the realm of congenital perfection. Whether you are a Buddha or a demon, you should have the true meaning of martial arts.

Raising your hand again for Wulianzhu, this is Zuo Zhou's current effort, beyond the stage of deepening the relationship, let's be honest with each other directly!

Xiuxiuxiuxiu shot five arrows in a row, the first arrow was replaced by the Youlan Sword, the second arrow was a doll arrow, and the remaining three arrows were just to store energy, if not, they would not be able to hit your virtual reality.

Dong Tianbao was stunned for a moment, under the blessing of the Youlan Sword several times, it was like a flashing blue lightning, and the waves of air surged wherever it passed, and a layer of ground was scraped off .

This... is the archer?What the hell are you telling me this is an archer?What the fuck is this archer?

Dong Tianbao clasped his hands together, and when he stretched out his hands, a phantom of an evil monk suddenly appeared.

Don't ask why it looks like an evil monk at first glance, after all, all decent monks wear at least underwear.

This phantom is very ferocious, its entire face is full of flesh, its eyes are as big as copper bells, the whites of the eyes are bloodshot, the pupils are blood red, the muscles are knotted all over, and there are strands of bright red true energy radiating from the muscles .

Boom!Dong Tianbao slapped out with one palm, and the phantom was also slapped out.This palm clearly is the Prajna Palm that he has secretly learned.

Squeak chi chi chi!The phantom palm collided with the Youlan sword, and the air waves and sparks exploded at the same time.The Youlan sword spun rapidly, as if to penetrate everything, while Dong Tianbao and Xuying remained motionless like two high mountains that could not be shaken.


Dong Tianbao changed hands and punched Youlan Sword again. The heavy impact caused Youlan Sword to stop, sparks and air waves began to roll back and shrink, and the surrounding trees were blown away with all their green leaves. It seems to have completely lost its vitality.But Youlan Sword was about to run out of strength, and was finally sent flying after another punch by Dong Tianbao.

Zuo Zhou glanced at the Youlan Sword that fell into the distance, and was greatly shocked. Is my Wulianzhu so powerful?
Well, although Dong Tianbao was quite fierce, everything was within Zuo Zhou's expectations.After all, isn't it a routine operation in Hong Kong comics to have phantoms accompanying the attack?

On the contrary, his Wulianzhu is really surprising. This is simply a skill that can be improved infinitely in theory, although the requirements for true energy and equipment are a bit high.

Zuo Zhou shook the hard bow in his hand. He felt as if the hard bow was about to collapse just after a five-point run. It seemed that not only should he pay attention to collecting arrows in the future, but the bow would also cost a lot of money.

With a sigh in his heart, he got off the carriage and approached Dong Tianbao slowly, and stopped when they were ten meters away.

Dong Tianbao hadn't started to pretend, so he heard Zuo Zhou ask: "It can be seen that you have become a demon, you consider converting to Buddhism again in the future?"

Dong Tianbao laughed, "If I become a demon, there will be no Buddha in the world!"

Zuo Zhou was determined, "If you say that, I'm relieved."

(End of this chapter)

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