Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 128 Dong Tianbao, I thank you!

Chapter 128 Dong Tianbao, I thank you!

What is a big scene?
It's not Dugu Ming and Nie Feng chasing each other and kicking each other, nor Zhang Junbao's one-on-four textbook-style tussle, and it's not a turn-based game between He Ran and Zhuan Lun Wang. One is really enough, isn't it shameful to fight yourself!

Well, back to the big scene, the long-range confrontation between Zuo Zhou and Dong Tianbao, when the air wave was triggered, everyone was so shocked that their jaws couldn't close together.

Both are innate realms, why is there such a big gap between them?Could it be that you are a relationship with the patron's father, and all the special effects are spent on you?

Zhang Junbao and the others are alright, especially those who fought against Zhang Junbao. Although it seems that there are four people dancing with Zhang Junbao on their side, they know best how uncomfortable they are with each other. .

They seemed to be coerced by energy.

Swinging the weapon seems to have cut into the cotton, and there is no force at all. Even if the weapon is not careful, it is easy to be pulled by Zhang Junbao.

They were angry, but Zhang Junbao's true energy seemed to be ever-changing. I will change into whatever attribute you are, and then pull you to continue dancing together.

It seems that their only option is to retreat, can they fight after retreating?
trouble!Really annoying!
Is it possible to eat melons with each other like this?But from the collision just now, they were really not sure who was stronger between Zuo Zhou and Dong Tianbao. If Zuo Zhou won, it would be a lot of fun when he turned around and shot an arrow at them.

No matter what they thought, Zhang Junbao was still calm, or rather happy.He miraculously discovered that the innate qi produced by this congenital skill is actually very useful, because it is too pure, and after contact with the enemy's zhenqi, it can easily become the same nature as the enemy's zhenqi, that is to say, there is no A person can surpass him in the nature of true qi, but at worst it is [-]-[-].

This is perfect. You must know that Zhang Junbao, who was born in Shaolin, has a wide range of knowledge. He knows that there are too many miraculous exercises in this world, and there are all kinds of true qi cultivated by those exercises. There is no most difficult, only more difficult.So no one dares to say that his true qi can take all in the world.On the contrary, if it has a characteristic like innate qi, it is a more universal existence.

Zhang Junbao was distracted for a while, but it didn't hinder anything, because the enemy was also affected. It could even be said that now everyone began to care about the battle on Zuo Zhou's side.

"Arhat's magical skill of subduing demons is really strong!"

Zuo Zhou's exclamation made Dong Tianbao's throat so arrogant, "Hahahaha, Li Yuanfang, you are quite smart, just because you broke my kung fu, I will leave you as a dead body!"

With Dong Tianbao's palm slapping down the hideous phantom, the ground immediately trembled visible to the naked eye, stones bounced and fell, and cracks spread inch by inch for more than ten meters.

Zuo Zhou felt lucky, fortunately he learned Lingbo Weibo from He Ran, otherwise he might not be able to get out of such a large palm range in time with his spider-like lightness.

Yes, it's too big. After the phantom formed by Arhat's magic power is mixed with the Prajna palm, the palm strike has a taste of Luffy's bone balloon, and the attack area has increased by more than one level.

Whizzing!The baby needle tied with the chain flew towards Dong Tianbao, but failed to break through the energy of the body shield, and was even grabbed by him.

Zuo Zhou is a little helpless, when you fight against a real master, you will find that it doesn't mean that you are strong, all your martial arts can become stronger accordingly.Low-level martial arts are low-level martial arts, and they will be powerless when facing high-level martial arts.

He is not Qiao Feng, so he can't bully people with Taizu Changquan.Besides, Dong Tianbao is not the one-shot player in Juxian Village.

"Come here you!"

Dong Tianbao pulled with great force, and the chain directly pulled Zuo Zhou over. Prajna Palm once again used his palm to pat Zuo Zhou's handsome face.

"Hmph, you must be jealous of my handsomeness!"

Zuo Zhou didn't dodge or dodge, but moved Lingbo micro-steps to meet the palm wind. He found that the Prajna palm combined with the phantom's force also had a casting distance.

To put it simply, the shadow of the palm is the smallest at the beginning of the move, and then gradually becomes larger. If you dodge it, there will be nowhere to escape in the end.But if he took the initiative to meet him, he could pass by when his palm shadow was still young.

That's what Zuo Zhou did. He walked in front of Dong Tianbao with a flash, and punched three times in a row. The Guowei Arhat Fist combined with the Buddhist true meaning ruthlessly bombarded the red zhenqi.

Dong Tianbao retreated three steps in surprise, but he didn't look injured. He sneered and said, "Arhat boxing? I can do it too, but this should be the martial arts in my bag!"

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, stretched out his finger and shook it, and corrected him: "Don't get me wrong, I was able to defeat you not because of how strong your kung fu is, but because the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts is quite compatible with you, a monk who has become a demon." fit!"

"It's ridiculous, if you hadn't practiced my kung fu, how would you have the strength you have today? Give me back my kung fu!"

Dong Tianbao roared and flew towards him, and unexpectedly also used Arhat Fist to attack Zuo Zhou.

Fuck! ?I didn't care about your kung fu, but you made trouble first, what's wrong?Whoever says first is right!

Zuo Zhou also fired a real fire, and the shadow of the fist flew up and covered the figures of the two of them in an instant. What is a little awkward is that the phantom of Dong Tianbao's Arhat Demon Subduing Magic Art combined with the Arhat Fist also had an effect. If Dong Tianbao didn't fight Ou La Habit is simply a stand-in messenger.

Fortunately, Zuo Zhou's Arhat Fist is a fruit-level Arhat Fist, which contains the true meaning of martial arts from Sleeping Dream, Long Eyebrow, and Subduing Dragon Arhat Fist, as well as the sword intent of Bodhidharma's swordsmanship. Even if the moves are the same, the power of this bonus It can't be the same.

Therefore, the situation where the two fought each other with Arhat Fist was at a stalemate for a while!
"It's impossible! I'm already inborn Dzogchen, why do you rely on Arhat Fist to fight against me? What did my master leave for me?"

The punches were strong, and the true energy surged wildly. In this battle where everyone had to temporarily avoid their light, everyone found that Dong Tianbao still had the strength to shout!

"Fruit-level Arhat Fist! It's Fruit-level Arhat Fist. What your master Jueyuan left you and Jun Bao are two completely complementary exercises. As long as your brotherhood is still strong, the position of future grandmaster is almost certain. It's a pity..."

hiss!Everyone found out that Li Yuanfang was able to speak during the decisive battle. Isn't he afraid that his true energy will go astray?Hasn't he tried his best yet?
Zuo Zhou knew himself well, he had used all his strength now, but, Lao Tzu's true qi was running automatically, and there was no possibility of going astray at all.

"Brotherhood... friendship..."

The shadows of the fists were still colliding wildly in mid-air, but Zuo Zhou suddenly noticed that Dong Tianbao's eyes were blurred for a moment.

Fuck!Are you going to re-enter the Buddha?Other things, I just wanted to ridicule you, I didn't want to save you from getting back on track!

With a deep call, Zhang Junbao naturally noticed Dong Tianbao's changes, and tears filled his eyes immediately.From the phantom, he couldn't see that Dong Tianbao at this time had signs of reining in the precipice and returning to normal.

While maintaining his punching, Dong Tianbao turned his eyes to look at Zhang Junbao. When he met the eager eyes, he suddenly yelled, and the Arhat fist changed into a prajna palm again, and he hit a wave of Zuo Zhou head-on to knock him back.

"What kind of brotherhood? It's just bullshit. There are obviously two things in my baggage. Master, as a monk in Shaolin, never gave me the Tao Te Ching. It must be another kind of martial arts. You still keep it private until now. Tell me what bro!"

The phantom that had gradually calmed down returned to its ferocious and angry form in the next moment, Zhang Junbao turned his head away in despair, at this moment, he finally understood that Dong Tianbao's obsession is too deep, it is difficult to turn back!

In an instant, Zhang Junbao's anger surged, and he waved his hand and pulled the man in black who used the abacus over, with one hand yin and the other yang, and the combination of up and down immediately shattered the abacus that seemed to be made of diamond. The body of the man in black sprayed out the shocking blood, and flew away in a flickering manner.

The other men in black were stunned, we were here to help, didn't they say their lives were in danger?Also, why did you spread your anger on us?
However, this scene fell into Dong Tianbao's eyes, which seemed to further confirm his own thoughts just now, "Zhang Junbao! You really have hidden the master's exercises!"

Zuo Zhou Lingbo turned into an afterimage and stopped Dong Tianbao again, "We haven't finished the fight yet, but...Dong Tianbao, thank you so much!"

Divide yin and yang with both hands, draw a mysterious big circle, and then push it towards Dong Tianbao, which is exactly the same as Zhang Junbao's action just now.

Dong Tianbao's heart skipped a beat. He saw the power Zhang Junbao used just now, so he was naturally cautious and did not dare to force it.

There is no exaggerated special effect for Zuo Zhou to push out with both hands. After all, Mo Fengbo is not very familiar with the practice, so naturally he can't use Zhang Junbao's exaggerated move just now, but he is very content to see Dong Tianbao scared away.

Turning around, he shouted, "Uncle Ximen, give Junbao the Tao Te Ching left by Master Jueyuan!"

Mr. Ximen is dumbfounded, he is fighting now, reading your sister's book?
Young Master Ximen hesitated, but Concubine Xiao didn't hesitate. Although he didn't understand either, he still trusted Zuo Zhou, opened Zhang Junbao's bag, and threw the Tao Te Ching over.

In fact, Zhang Junbao didn't understand why, he perfunctory those men in black with one hand, and opened the Tao Te Ching with the other hand.

Man in black:"……"

Huh, faintly, there is a breeze running through the audience, like a spring breeze blowing on the face, everything is full of vitality, and there are stories full of stories among the warblers and grass.However, Zhang Junbao's lowered head did not rise, he just waved it with one hand, and the black and white phantoms complemented each other, turning into a touch of chaos.With a light bend of his arm, the man in black with the sword bumped headfirst into his palm.With a puff, it fell to its feet and was no longer angry.

There is a boundary between life and death in such an instant.

Zhang Junbao, congenitally perfected.

Zuo Zhou put his hands on his hips, "Dong Tianbao, thank you so much!"

(End of this chapter)

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