Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 137 Chu Chu, there is a lot to do

Chapter 137 Chu Chu, there is a lot to do

For Zuo Zhou, this is really a big proposition. The most intuitive example is the twin puppets who are still sleeping in the carriage. The vivid touch is smoother than real people.

However, as a social person who has been influenced by technology, Zuo Zhou subconsciously associated it with aircraft, artillery, warships and missiles.And compared to the mechanism skills of these big guys, what do they need?
The State Planning Commission, the Military Industry Commission, the nine Ministry of Defense Industry, [-] related majors, and [-] supporting manufacturers, all in all, we need a strong...

It seems to be a bit off track, but the meaning is the same. The mechanism people who make small troubles will definitely not be the end of the field of mechanism art.In this world of high-level martial arts, unless you can really develop a nuclear-bomb-level killer, you will eventually be weak when facing masters.

However, the appearance of He Ran shows that this road is unworkable, at least the will of the world does not allow anyone to take this road.

However, the emergence of mechanism art seems to indicate that the conventional large-scale war machines seem to have a head!
He Ran's thoughts are not as erratic as Zuo Zhou's at all, and he is still concerned about Chu Chu's problem now, "Because mechanism techniques and artificial intelligence have a certain similarity, Chu Chu is not a purely abandoned person. She has The rejection that belongs to the will of this world also has the identity that belongs to this world.”

"It's so contradictory! What about the specific external manifestations?" Zuo Zhou asked and suddenly remembered that when the shadow assassinated her before, her cry should also belong to the so-called external manifestations.

He Ran thought for a while and said, "The only bit of luck in her body is probably solidified in survival, so the Chu family can find her in the coffin, and she can cry to remind Concubine Xiao when she is assassinated, and even Wake up the wine worm to fight back. But... the rest should be just bad luck. The people who follow her may have troubles. Although it is not certain that they will die, there will always be some accidents. become the norm."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised when he heard the words, "Nud Bodhisattva once said this before, but will Chuchu always be like this?"

"It depends on how far Chuchu will grow in the future."

"how to say?"

He Ran turned his head to look at the sunset, the sun was about to disappear, and the darkness was coming, but he had already adapted to the darkness one step ahead.

"We who are abandoned by heaven, once abandoned by the will of the universe, we will no longer be recognized. That is to say, bad luck will accompany us forever. But Chuchu is different. She has a chance. The will of the universe has not yet fully Abandoning her, you only need her to become a part of history in the future, a part that cannot be ignored, then she can be accepted by the will of the universe again, and even luck will be added, and all those who help her will get great benefits!"

Zuo Zhou waved his hand indifferently, "Don't tempt me with such words among us buddies. Let me talk about it first. What does the so-called part of history refer to? Uh, the queen!?"

He Ran had an awkward expression, shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "You really dare to think, but if you want to talk about it, the queen is of course the best. After all, any emperor will be recorded in history books, and it is a role that people will not easily forget. But in this world It's not that easy to become a queen. So, it's better to find another way."

"for example?"

"For example, some people who changed the world, generals who expanded their borders, civil servants who are famous for future generations, scientists who develop new technologies to benefit generations, etc., etc., in short, they must have enough weight." He Ran said that he had nothing Confidence.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "Isn't there a simple one? Uh, by the way, if I make it and put it under her name, will it work?"

He Ran was a little moved, but still shook his head with a smile, "You are you, she is her, I thank you for having this idea first. But heaven can't be deceived, if she didn't do it, there is no reason for heaven to value her, even if it is recorded in history books What I want is her name, it will only be a name, and it will not be favored by heaven."

"so troublesome."

"My suggestion is to start with mechanism techniques." He Ran obviously thought it over, "Chuchu is the embodiment of the crisis of artificial intelligence, uh... You can say it is fine! The most important thing is that she and mechanism techniques She has a deep bond, so she will be born with an unimaginable talent in the cultivation of mechanism techniques. If she can develop mechanism items that improve people's livelihood in the future, it will be easy to be favored by the will of the universe."

"Oh!" Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up, "If you say that, it's very funny!"

Due to the changes in the rules, those who want to play with modern technology must have no future, but if similar thinking is used in mechanism art, it may not be impossible.

Not to mention anything else, it's not too much to use mechanism techniques to get a fully automatic plow truck to improve farming efficiency.It is reasonable to have a wooden kite to spray pesticides to eliminate insects.Pulling rails to build trains can reduce the cost of long-distance transportation, which is beneficial to the country and the people!

This... doesn't seem to be too difficult a question, and I don't need to mix it up when the time comes, I just provide an idea, and with Chu Chu's talent, just let go of the research.

He Ran looked at Zuo Zhou who was about to drool, and couldn't help laughing, "Sounds very funny, but at least you have to make sure that Chu Chu can live to adulthood. Don't forget, she is still a baby now, and I want her to play a role , at least ten years."

Zuo Zhou didn't care, "You, a guy with bad luck, can grow so big, let alone Chuchu?"

"It's not that simple!" He Ran's face was gloomy, his eyes were empty and he didn't know what sad experience he recalled, "You can't imagine what I went through back then. There are times when she is rescued by other outcasts. Although Chuchu is lucky, she is still a baby and has no ability to save herself, so she still needs you."

Zuo Zhou suddenly had a mysterious expression, like a paparazzi with curiosity written all over his body, "Other outcasts? How many of you... are there? Besides the plague you mentioned earlier, are there any?"

He Ran instantly became vigilant, "What do you want to do? They are already having a difficult life, so don't make trouble for them."

Zuo Zhou hurriedly shook his head, pouted his lips aggrieved and innocent, "You said that people who are abandoned by heaven are particularly easy to blacken, the key is that their talents are still very good, and we all know that blackening is ten times stronger, so what should we do if we encounter it in the future? I always To get close, to save your life is the most important thing!"

He Ran shook his head amusedly, but still didn't tell Zuo Zhou, "When you see a guy like me who hates people and ghosts, it's probably true."

"I've always wanted to say, can't you wear a mask?"

"It's useless. After putting on the mask, the dislike of appearance will turn into fear, vigilance, and hatred of the mask. In short, they are all negative emotions. It's better to simplify it into the dislike of this handsome face. At least it can reduce others. Be wary."

Uh, Zuo Zhou choked up, he didn't think that there was such a thing as saying, could the purely disgusting emotion lower the enemy's vigilance?

"The last question, why didn't you adopt Chuchu yourself?"

He Ran opened his mouth and sighed: "If the bad luck of the two abandoned people intertwined for a long time, do you know how much trouble it will cause?"

"I can't imagine."

"Then I can help you understand deeply. You go to adopt Chuchu, and then I will stay by your side. It won't take long, half a month. I guarantee that you will fall into the latrine when you go to the toilet, and you will wet your shoes when you pee. You will definitely go to bed." ..."

"All right, all right, all right, I'll just ask casually, don't take it seriously!" Zuo Zhou wiped off his sweat, looked down, the upper of the shoe was still clean. "Do you have anything to add about that fortune-telling clay bodhisattva?"

He Ran nodded solemnly, "You must be careful with fortune tellers. Just like what the Ni Bodhisattva said, you will gain merit by killing people who are abandoned by heaven. Compared with those who practice martial arts, fortune tellers pay more attention to the use of merit. , so, they must be very positive about it.”

Zuo Zhou also became serious, "I know, I will be more careful, by the way, when are you leaving?"

He Ran (⊙_⊙)?
"No other meaning, I just don't want to get my shoes dirty."

He Ran(;¬¬¬)
"In the future, I will join the Azure Dragon Club through Ye Zhanqing's idea, so it can be considered as an undercover agent for you."

"That's good, I've always believed in one thing, the idiot just didn't put it in the right place! Lu Xiaofeng has Sikong Zhaixing pretending to be the King of Wheels as an undercover agent, and I also have you to help me, plus your unique bad luck, hehe, after the Azure Dragon Club It's lively."

"I'm not an idiot."

"I'm not talking about you, I'm talking about those members of the Dragon Club who accepted you."

"..." He Ran always felt that something was wrong, but after thinking about it, he still didn't refute.


In the barracks, Concubine Xiao who was hesitantly looking at Chu Chu's face raised his head.The guard quickly reported that there were many women outside, saying that they were reinforcements sent by Mr. Bao Zheng.

Concubine Xiao was very happy when he heard the words. Of course he had heard Zuo Zhou mention this, but these girls came at the right time, just when the dust settled. If Zhan Shiqi hadn't been with the team all the time, he would have felt Did these girls do it on purpose.

Not long after, a heroine dressed in red all over entered the room and saluted with fists cupped. "Master Bao, under the command of Mr. Bao, hurry up and show off the red silk, and pay homage to Consort Xiao."

Concubine Xiao looked at Zhan Hongling and knew at a glance that she was a very energetic girl, but she might not be very intelligent, "Well, Bao Zheng has returned to court? What is his position now."

"Supervise the censor."

Concubine Xiao understood it as soon as he heard it, and said with a smile: "It seems that His Majesty is going to clean up some moths."

Zhan Hongling lowered her head slightly, she didn't understand but felt quite powerful.Concubine Xiao asked again: "Why did you come to the barracks?"

"We saw Zhan Shiqi's Qianli Huo, so we came here."

"Zhan Shiqi's... Qianlihuo?"

Concubine Xiao was in a daze, even Chu Chu in his arms had question marks on his forehead, it seemed that Nie Feng was the one who let go of a thousand miles of fire recently.Not only is your head not bright, but your eyes are not good either!

(End of this chapter)

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