Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 138 Sister Shows The Way For You

Chapter 138 Sister Shows The Way For You
It's true love, it must be true love!
Zhan Hongling has been leading the sisters to search in the Jiannan Road area during this period of time, but unfortunately, their number is limited after all, and they dare not disturb the Jiannan Army, so the progress of the search is a bit touching.

As time went by, Zhan Hongling and the others became more and more worried about Zhan Shiqi, to the point of hysteria.Then Zhan Hongling finally went online for a while, thinking that since Liu Jin, oh, later became Dong Tianbao, as long as he wants to deal with Li Yuanfang, Mr. Ximen and Prince Xiao, he will definitely use the army. In this case, we should keep an eye on it The barracks are fine.

So, Zhan Hongling and the others began to haunt the barracks.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this idea, but they did not expect that Wei Jinzhong invited reinforcements, brought by the shadow to support Dong Tianbao, they boasted that there are so many masters that they don't need the help of the army.

In this way, they failed to monitor Dong Tianbao's movements until they saw Nie Feng's Qianlihuo.

At that time, Zhan Hongling took a look at Qianli Huo, and didn't make any distinctions at all, and rushed towards the barracks with her sisters.Although many girls behind her had reminded her that it was not Zhan Shiqi's Qianli Huo, Zhan Hongling didn't listen at all, she just said, "Trust my instinct, Shi Qi must be there", and the result was quite obvious Yes, she really got it right!

Concubine Xiao asked him to understand the cause and effect, and he would not be able to fix him for a while. He has always acted on logic all his life, and unexpectedly met someone who relied on intuition. How should we get along with him?

"Uh, okay, Zhan Shiqi is in the nearby military tent, you can go find them. Rest for a while, and then we will go back to the imperial capital together. I will ask for credit for you!" Concubine Xiao felt that it is better to send these away first. My sister is ready.

Zhan Hongling was overjoyed, "Thank you Concubine Xiao, then I took my sisters and ran to the military tent next door."

It's just that before entering the military tent, I heard two clear voices talking from inside.

"Seventeen, what is the capital like? Will there be many masters? Have you ever met Emperor Qin? Does he eat chicken drumsticks for three meals a day?"

"I... I don't know, but I heard that Emperor Qin likes to eat..."

"Seventeen! But my sisters miss you so much!" Zhan Hongling rushed into the tent in a hurry, and hugged Zhan Shiqi before she recovered, with snot and tears on the verge of tears .

Zhan Shiqi is a little dazed, this...I haven't spoken yet, why are you so moved by yourself?

Xiaomei was stunned by the side for a moment, and said with a smile: "Since your sisters are here to pick you up, let's talk about it later when we have time." She smiled and left with the fire monkey in her arms, jumping around happily.

The sisters seemed to have a good impression of Xiaomei, and they all smiled and nodded.But after she walked away, Zhan Hongling's face darkened, and she stretched out her finger to poke Zhan Shiqi's forehead, "You are stupid, Qin Huang's affairs can be arranged at will? This is a serious crime of beheading!"

Zhan Shiqi was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "It's okay, Xiaomei won't inform you."

"Hmph, you know people, you know your face, you don't know your heart!" Zhan Hongling curled her lips, and pointed through the half-open curtain of the military tent, "Look, how can anyone in this group be reliable? A vanguard general won't be left behind Military affairs, even ran to chat with friends. A little girl who doesn’t even have internal skills, knows how to play monkeys all day long! Oh, by the way, there is also that little monk, everyone is busy, and he is just there staring at the fire in a daze. You Tell me, what can you do with this group of people?"

Zhan Shiqi pursed his lips, and it took a lot of perseverance to hold back his smile. He looked at Zuo Zhou, Xiaomei and Zhang Junbao with his head. He really couldn't understand how exactly Zhan Hongling avoided the "reliable people" ' What's the correct answer?
Zhan Shiqi knew that Zuo Zhou had always cared about the issue of the abandoned man, so he had to ask He Ran to clarify.As for Xiaomei, there is a reason why she always brings the fire monkey with her, because the fire monkey can change her Taoist health-preserving skills!
Yes, it can only be said that home health-preserving skills are really versatile, and there will be unexpected changes if there is a strong influencing factor, just like the influence of frost centipede eggs on oneself.

As for why Xiaomei was so happy, it wasn't because she saw Zhan Hongling coming and thought that she would leave with Zhan Hongling and stop pestering Zuo Zhou.Well, I can only say that sometimes Xiaomei is quite naive.

The other is Zhang Junbao, Zhang Junbao is staring at a fire in a daze, but about half an hour ago, that fire burned Dong Tianbao to ashes...

Zhan Shiqi actually didn't understand the relationship between Zhang Junbao and Dong Tianbao, but she was very envious, so her relationship with Zhang Junbao became more and more like a brother-sister relationship.

This point is the same as Xiaomei, and the reason why the two of them have such a change is due to Zuo Zhou's intentional guidance.In their view, Zuo Zhou treated Zhang Junbao as a real brother.

"Hehehe, what are you looking at?" Zhan Hongling stretched out her hand and shook in front of Zhan Shiqi, and followed her gaze to Zuo Zhou in the distance, "Could it be that you've fallen in love with this Li Yuanfang, right? His eyesight is too bad!"

Zhan Shiqi regained consciousness, her earlobes turned red for a moment, but she lowered her head to cover it up in time, and said, "He is a vanguard general, and I am a foreign assassin who has come here for refuge. They are destined to be two parallel lines. Maybe you'll see him?"

"It's good that you know, we women, although we don't want to be humble, but in the eyes of those officials and lords, we really don't belong to the right family. So, in the future, if we want to find a man, we should also find those heroes." Zhan Hongling was very satisfied with the girl He patted Zhan Shiqi's shoulder, "But you don't have to worry, you are still young, and my sister and I haven't married yet, what are you worried about?"

The sisters behind collectively covered their faces, big sister, don't talk about this outside, are you proud that you can't get married?

I just heard Zhan Hongling continue to teach: "This woman, instead of spending energy on dating, you should focus on your career and strengthen yourself. When your own reputation and prestige increase, you will naturally be able to attract good men."

Zhan Hongling said and pointed to the tent on the other side, "Here, I think that Mr. Ximen is not bad. He is a model worth learning from. He was able to break through Liu Jin's siege, and he was able to fight against Liu Jin in an unfavorable situation. Zhou Xuan was able to find Consort Xiao and successfully regain the military power. Such a man is a role model for us to learn from!"

Zhan Shiqi swallowed, and looked at Zhan Hongling with emotions of curiosity, admiration, and shock, as if meeting her for the first time.

Zhan Hongling was very helpful to her little sister's "worship" gaze, and then began to teach people how to behave like an old lady.


Zuo Zhou and He Ran talked while walking at this time, the conversation has come to an end.

"I shouldn't stay with Chuchu for too long, I'm leaving soon." He Ran was a little bit reluctant in his words.

Zuo Zhou nodded and persuaded: "You have a special status, so I don't wish you good luck, I just remind you a question, that Ye Chenqing... is unbelievable, her so-called 'history of allegiance' is simply three The surname is at the level of a domestic slave. Especially if you are unlucky, don't be tricked by her in this regard."

He Ran paused for a moment, did not explain, just nodded and said: "Don't worry, I didn't subdue her by luck."

Zuo Zhou saw that this guy was quite stubborn, so he didn't persuade him anymore. Anyway, he was good at Lingbo microsteps, so he should be able to run away even if he suffered a disadvantage. Instead of hugging him and watching He Ran leave the camp, he didn't know if he would meet again next time. when.

Taking a long breath, he turned his head and looked at Zhang Junbao who was approaching, "Don't say that, you have to go too!"

Zhang Junbao smiled very calmly, since he became a congenital Dzogchen, his demeanor has become more calm.

"I want to bring Tianbao's ashes back to the Song Dynasty and bury him with his father. Don't worry, I will go to the imperial capital to find you after finishing this matter."

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched, "Hmph, don't place this kind of flag indiscriminately. At the beginning, there was a princess of the Yuan Kingdom who said he was waiting for a certain leader in Dadu, but the leader never went there in his life."

"Brother Fu? The princess of the Yuan Kingdom? Where did you hear this love story? Also, if the Qin Emperor hadn't stopped fighting suddenly before, the Yuan Kingdom would have disappeared, and now it is just lingering, the people of the Yuan Kingdom still have the mood What kind of bitter literature is developed?"

Zuo Zhou waved his hand, "Those are not important. Anyway, you should be careful. I remember that you and Dong Tianbao were kicked out of Song Kingdom by Ming Daohong and Shishamen. Although your strength is not the same now. , but be careful. Well, besides, Ming Daohong is an enemy of the Dong family, not your Zhang Junbao's enemy, so don't meddle in your own business!"

Zhang Junbao smiled helplessly, "There is a grievance and a debtor. Everything has a cause and an effect. Ming Daohong took the initiative to plot against Dong's family. There must be her reasons. This really has nothing to do with me. I will not help Dong Tianbao get revenge .”

"That's good, when are we leaving?"

"I'll leave when I teach you Taijiquan!"

hiss!Zuo Zhou's eyes were brighter than ever before, and he appeared, this name finally appeared!
"Let's go, I can't take it anymore!" Zuo Zhou pulled Zhang Junbao into the tent, and this scene was seen by Zhan Hongling who came out from Zhan Shiqi from all over the world. "Seventeen, let me tell you, you should grow up!"


Ten miles away from the barracks, Ye Zhanqing was waiting for He Ran, she was dressed very well, and it was not obvious from her appearance that she was a slut addicted to lust.

"Sanggong, it's been a long time waiting for you!"

He Ran's face trembled, the sound of "Xianggong" was a bit too sweet for him to get used to.

"Didn't I tell you to follow the Wheel-Turning King first? Why did you come back?"

"He gave you the best skills!" Ye Zhanqing aggrievedly took out a brocade box that was as long as her forearm, and opened it to see that there were a bunch of puppets, which clearly recorded the route of performing exercises.

"Arhat Demon Subduing Magic Art? Why is it here?" He Ran could tell at a glance, isn't this the kind of unique skill that Ye Chenqing taught him before.

Ye Zhanqing was proud, "I think Dong Tianbao ran back and took away the magical power first after he died. He is thinking of you!"

He Ran frowned a little bit puzzled, "You and Dong Tianbao should both be practicing Arhat Demon Subduing Magic, but why are our appearances different?"

" does he know? Anyway, he didn't go crazy, so he just practiced. No matter, he brought you a unique skill, how do you reward him?" Ye Zhanqing posted it full of expectations.

He Ran was a little helpless, he closed the brocade box, and originally wanted to send it back to Zuo Zhou, but this martial art is a bit weird, so don't have any bad influence on Zuo Zhou.

In this way, while thinking, He Ran picked up Ye Zhanqing and went into the jungle to output crazily...

(End of this chapter)

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