Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 139 Monk Peng

Chapter 139 Monk Peng

Demon Fengbo, the unique knowledge of the earth list, originated from Buddhism, integrated into Taoism, comprehended the ultimate principle of yin and yang, subdued demons and subdued demons, imprisoned immortals and sealed gods!
Is this something to be happy about?
It is of course a pleasure to have the unique skills of the local list to practice, but the question is, what if it is exchanged for Taijiquan?Are you still happy?

dream space
Zuo Zhou collapsed and cried loudly, beating his limbs on the ground indiscriminately, which fully demonstrated how disgusting and nauseous a gentleman is when he is acting cute and coquettish.

Zhang Junbao scratched the back of his head with helplessness on his face, "It's not that I didn't pay attention to teaching, but I found that you seem to have a kind of martial arts true meaning in you, which is extreme, crazy, and full of the taste of destruction. I originally wanted to use Tai Chi true meaning to dissolve it, but I found that even I almost sank into it myself.”

Zuo Zhou stopped shedding tears, of course he didn't blame Zhang Junbao, he could only say that he had no chance with Taijiquan.The sight of the universe collapsing filled his soul with the smell of destruction, and of course it did no harm to himself.But it is not compatible with Tai Chi.

"Taijiquan pays attention to the unity of life and death, and the balance of yin and yang, just like Buddhism has two sayings: compassion and vajra's anger. But yours is too extreme, far beyond the scope of Taijiquan."

Zhang Junbao sighed, looking at Zuo Zhou with worried eyes, whether it is good or evil, too extreme is not a good thing.From a certain point of view, the more persistent a person is, the easier it is to become possessed, and Zuo Zhou is undoubtedly on the verge of becoming possessed.

"If I didn't know you very well, I almost thought you were an undercover agent of the Devil's Cult lurking in the court."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, from the point of view of blood relationship, you've got the truth... "Forget it, if you can't learn it, you can't learn it. Anyway, I'm not interested in that kind of slow boxing. Men, just be quick and accurate!"

Looking at Zuo Zhou's awkward expression, Zhang Junbao wanted to laugh, thought for a moment and said: "Since you can't learn Taijiquan, then I won't stay here any longer. Before I leave, I will give you the Tao Te Ching left by my master. You have nothing to look at, although it may not have any effect, but at least it can dispel the hostility in your heart. Believe me, it is not a good thing to always be so extreme!"

Zuo Zhou nodded perfunctorily. If the memory of the collapse of the universe was really so easy to forget, then he would have pushed the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams to the top of the list!

He admitted that too much hostility is not a good thing, but after all, Zhang Junbao is not an exile and doesn't understand, this is not something that can be simply described by the word 'hostility'.

There is no good or evil in weapons. Monk Jian Chi said that a real eminent monk is good at possessing demons.So, it doesn't matter what the so-called 'hostility' or 'destruction' is, the key is how to arouse it and use it.

The skills Zuo Zhou practiced before were either extremely adaptable such as Xiantian Kungfu, or very versatile such as the Dream Heart Sutra, even the fruit-level Arhat Boxing was very violent, and from a certain point of view, it was slightly in line with the meaning of destruction, and The height of these unique skills has not touched the meaning of destruction itself.

But the potential of Taijiquan is obviously too great, and it has touched the root to some extent, so there will be rejection.

This also reminded Zuo Zhou that he was no longer able to practice martial arts at will, and he had to spend more energy on those extremely destructive and extreme martial arts, so as not to waste his golden fingers.

And Zuo Zhou happened to have such moves, or two!

A gust of cool wind blew in, and Zuo Zhou was already out of the dream space when he came back to his senses. Zhang Junbao stuffed the volume of Tao Te Ching left by Master Jue Yuan into Zuo Zhou's arms, and his tone was full of sighs, "If Tianbao could have taken a fancy to At a glance, maybe, there will be no such tragedy now."

Zuo Zhou laughed, "The two of you have already copied all the Buddhist scriptures from Shaolin Temple to persuade people to be good. If Dong Tianbao had hoped to rein in the precipice, he would have turned his back on it a long time ago."

Zhang Junbao nodded, but rolled his eyes without a trace, am I feeling sorry for Dong Tianbao?I was just reminding you not to be enchanted!

But Zhang Junbao didn't say anything more, Dong Tianbao's incident made him understand a truth, there are some things and some people, no matter how clear you say it is useless.Even if some people put the answer in front of them, they will not copy it.And some people will not only copy the answer, but also go deep into understanding why the study came up with this answer.

Zhang Junbao believed that Zuo Zhou would be the latter, not for anything else, just look at how he taught that illiterate Xiaomei to half a child's level.

"The military camp is busy with common affairs, so I won't send you off. Some dry rations and a little silver for each horse. I wish you a smooth journey!"

"See you in the imperial capital!"


Zhang Junbao left, except for setting a flag, he didn't even leave a little bit of Taijiquan.

He didn't know why, but he just felt that Zhang Junbao wouldn't be so easy going back this time.

"Junbao is gone? Well, I originally wanted to recommend him to join the military camp, but it's a pity." Mr. Ximen came to him and shook his head, but in fact he knew that it was too difficult. The key is that Zhang Junbao still has some feelings for Shaolin Temple .It's okay to let him help the loyal people because of morality, but it's okay to let him join the Daqin army.

Zuo Zhou didn't continue this topic, but just asked: "When will the son-in-law decide to leave?"

"We must be together this time when we go back. After all, we are all witnesses. Although...although Liu Jin is dead now, it can be said that there is no way to set the fire on Wei Jinzhong, but we still have to explain the cause and effect clearly. After all It is about the innocence of Chen Ying and the heroes." Mr. Ximen paused the halberd in his hand, his face became more serious, "But there is a problem in this case. Since we all have to follow back to the imperial capital, the Jiannan Army here There will be no generals to command. Although I don’t think that the Tang and Ming countries, which are already devastated at this time, can still do things, but there must always be someone who is in charge of the overall situation.”

Zuo Zhou understood what he meant, "So we have to stay here for a while, and wait for the imperial court to send someone to take over."

"Yes, the urgent document has already set off. Judging by the speed of the army horses, a general should be able to take over in half a month. We can officially set off at that time. Let's tidy up during this time."

Zuo Zhou folded his arms and snorted, "Trouble, half a month, I'm afraid it will take another half month when we arrive at the Imperial Capital. This month is enough time for Wei Jinzhong to burn all the evidence."

Young Master Ximen said bitterly: "Actually, Concubine Xiao can also temporarily promote a general from a nearby military region as a temporary guard, but... you know, it is not convenient for a royal relative to do such a thing, even if Emperor Qin doesn't care, even if there is a reason for it, but... After all, we have to be cautious about public opinion. Qin Huang can protect the royal family from wind and rain, but the royal family must be considerate of Qin Huang."

Zuo Zhou turned around and walked towards the tent, "It's only been a few years, and Emperor Qin has started to care about the public opinion of the government and the public? Tch, not domineering at all!"

Mr. Ximen kicked Zuo Zhou's ass, "It's only been a few years, you kid has hard wings and dare to criticize the emperor of Qin? Besides, governing the country requires a domineering ass, as long as you do the right thing. Hmm , or the same sentence, Qinhuang is willing to follow the rules, which is a good thing."

Zuo Zhou rubbed his buttocks and limped forward, "A good thing is a good thing. If the courtiers can act in a public mind, there will be harmony. I'm afraid that some courtiers will start to use the 'rules' to seek personal gain for themselves. The only one restricted by the rules is Qin Huang himself."

Mr. Ximen was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Zuo Zhou with relief, "It's rare that you have this awareness. Of course the disadvantages you mentioned exist, but... isn't this the meaning of our existence as loyal ministers?"

This time it was Zuo Zhou's turn to be confused, "It's rare that you still have this awareness! Did Concubine Xiao tell you?"

"Yeah, just told me... Hey, couldn't it be I thought of it myself?"

"Yes! As long as you are happy."



Waiting is always long, and when you measure it with your legs, time is but a speck of dust in your heart.

On the third day after leaving the Jiannan Army barracks, Zhang Junbao came to the edge of the Han River, which is connected to the Grand Canal. If he wants to go to the Song Dynasty, taking the water route is actually a very fast choice.

Seeing a fishing boat from a distance, Zhang Junbao just raised his hand, and the boatman had already rolled the boat over.

"Master, where are you going?"

Zhang Junbao hesitated for a moment, when the boatman gently put down the bamboo hat, he realized that this was actually a pretty girl.His clothes were old, and his calf was bare and clean. When he put the boat oar aside, his feet were still up and down.

In terms of appearance alone, this girl is actually similar to Zhan Shiqi, but her smile is too pure and clean, like an epiphyllum that suddenly blooms at night!
"Song Kingdom!"

"Oh, that's a bit far away, so I need to pay extra!"


Well, the epiphyllum has faded, you are such a beautiful girl, you actually open your mouth to 'add money', really... "I have money."

"Come up then."

Seeing the silver ingot in Zhang Junbao's palm, the girl's smile was obviously brighter.

After Zhang Junbao boarded the boat, he sat down in a corner. The fishing boat was actually not very big, it was less than three feet long, and it was not easy for a weak woman to pull the boat. Obviously, this young girl had some kung fu.

However, it is a world after all, there are all kinds of people, and it is normal for men and women to know a little bit of kung fu.Zhang Junbao didn't care either, after boarding the boat he let the fishing boat move forward, but he himself was sitting on the lake and practicing the Dream Heart Sutra.The longer he practiced in the dream space, the more he could realize the power of the Dream Heart Sutra this time, and the more grateful he was to his brother Zuo Zhou.

It's just that he ignored the girl, but the girl couldn't stay idle anymore.

"Master, are you going to return to vulgarity? Your hair has grown back!"

Zhang Junbao opened his eyes and replied a little funny: "Yes, I won't be a monk anymore."

"Why don't you do it? Monk is good. After the Shaolin Temple is gone, Shaolin monks will have no restraints and can break the precepts, and then they will be called masters wherever they go. Look, there are many cards!"

The girl's reason made Zhang Junbao almost unstoppable, "So there are benefits to being a monk. Thank you for telling me. I think you know a lot about monks."

"That's right, my master is a Shaolin monk. After Shaolin is gone, he has been eating and drinking at my house." The girl curled her lips as she said, but there was no disgust in her tone.

Zhang Junbao was a little curious when he heard the words, "I am also from Shaolin, I don't know if I recognize you? I don't know if your master is..."

"Oh, he said his dharma name is not nice, so there's no need to call him Monk Peng."

(End of this chapter)

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