Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 140 Monk Peng, gone

Chapter 140 Monk Peng, gone
Monk Peng, this is a person that Shaolin monks can hate to the core.

It's not that he is evil in himself. In fact, Monk Peng is a good man, and from a certain point of view he is a martyr.

He is kind and often helps the old lady cross the road.He has ideals and ambitions, feels that the world is in deep suffering, and wants to save the working people.He is very smart, knows astronomy and geography, knows how to march and deploy troops, and even surveys and maps people's hearts!
Not to mention putting it in the Shaolin Temple, even taking part in the imperial examination is enough to be ranked among the top three.

However, when all these advantages are placed on a Shaolin monk, it may not be a good thing, and it may even be a disaster.

That's right, it was a disaster. Monk Peng was the chief culprit who fooled the Shaolin brothers down the mountain to fight against the Qin cavalry, and finally attracted the wrath of the Qin emperor and led to the destruction of Shaolin!
Therefore, Zhang Junbao was so familiar with him that he wished to crush his bones.

call!Zhang Junbao exhaled a long breath, thought that his mood was already very good, but he didn't expect that when the anger hit, he was almost drowned.

Shaking his head self-deprecatingly, Zhang Junbao looked up at the punting girl. From the words of this monk Peng's disciple, it can be known that he is obviously full of guilt for what he did, otherwise he would not stop using his name and still call himself monk Peng.

"Brother Peng... the wisdom of senior brother is number one in the entire Shaolin Temple. He actually accepted you as a disciple. You must have a predestined relationship with Buddhism."

"No, it's just that when I was young, my mother often took me to Buddhist halls, so I read a lot of Buddhist scriptures, probably because of the smell of incense ash on my body, hehe!"

The girl stuck out her tongue playfully, and that contagious smile made Zhang Junbao feel a lot better, "This is already very related to the Buddha. I have copied many Buddhist scriptures before, but in the end I left the Buddhist sect... "

Zhang Junbao paused, and realized that he shouldn't tell a young girl all these things, "By the way, since you are Brother Peng's disciple, do you have a Dharma name?"

"Yes!" The girl became energetic when she heard this, solemnly put her hands on her chest, and slightly performed the Buddha's salute, "The poor nun's name is Liuliqin!"

"Huh?" Zhang Junbao was a little confused, "You haven't been ordained, so what are you talking about, a poor nun? Also, I really rarely see three-character dharma names. If you call Liuli, there is still a saying, but this Liuliqin... ..."

"That's right!" The girl stopped punting, leaned over and sat down in two steps, "My master gave me the dharma name Liuli, saying 'body is like Liuli, pure inside and outside', but the word Liuli is too common Well, maybe I will bump into a monk and nun with the same name in the future. So I added another word Qin, and the three-character dharma name feels very good. When you are famous, get a poem number. When you come out, it doesn’t matter whether you can beat someone or not, just read it when you come up. If the enemy doesn’t let you read it, then he’s not good at etiquette. !"

Zhang Junbao pursed his lips. Fortunately, he had been with Zuo Zhou and others for a long time, and he was prepared for all kinds of weird thinking, otherwise he really didn't know what expression to use to face this... Liuliqin.

"It's normal for young people to yearn for the rivers and lakes, but I advise you not to walk in the rivers and lakes under the name of the law." Zhang Junbao persuaded.

"Why? Then I got this name for nothing?"

"The Shaolin Temple had a great career at the beginning. Although it is the Taishan Beidou of the martial arts, it has offended many enemies. Among these enemies are green forest robbers, crooked people, and even people from the demon sect and the imperial courts of various countries. You are a daughter The body is easy to be coveted by the wicked, if you continue to walk around the rivers and lakes with the name of the law, you will be regarded as a living target by the young people."

Liu Liqin blinked her big eyes, looking shocked.Zhang Junbao said with a smile: "Walking in the rivers and lakes is the most taboo of not being worthy of your name. When you really become a generation of giants, you can do whatever you want. For now, let's keep a low profile. In addition... don't make any poetry names, or you will be beaten to death."

Liu Liqin was a little broken, and went back to rowing with her head down in frustration. Zhang Junbao couldn't bear it, "Uh, actually, you can use a common name too! Why do you have to use a legal name?"

"A common name? Haha, no!" Liu Liqin resolutely refused, as if it was some unbearable past.

Zhang Junbao was helpless, thought for a while and said: "Take me to see Senior Brother Peng, I want to talk to him, it's a good idea to give up."

"Oh." Liu Liqin seemed to lose her interest, and lightly punted the boat to change direction.

Liuliqin's home seems to be not far from the canal. It belongs to a small fishing village attached to the canal. It didn't take long to see a bungalow in the distance.

"Huh? The smell of blood is so strong! Not good..." Zhang Junbao stood up suddenly, and jumped directly from the fishing boat to the shore.

As soon as it landed, the strong smell of blood rushed to the nose, which was quite uncomfortable.Zhang Junbao's heart sank, he pushed open the door of a wooden house, tables, chairs and benches were scattered all over the floor, a farmer's woman fell dead on the bed with disheveled clothes, and children and men lay on the ground with their dead eyes.

Zhang Junbao's face was very ugly. He turned back and went out to look at other houses. House by house, the ground was soaked in blood, and the stench filled the whole village. Although the houses were still in good condition, this small village had been removed from the map.

Tucun?There is such a thing in the territory of Daqin?
Da da da, there was the sound of Liu Liqin stepping barefoot on the ground behind her. She didn't stay outside any houses, and rushed straight towards the depths of the village.Zhang Junbao hurried to follow, but his heart was already full of sympathy, no matter who did it, these villains have no reason to let Liu Liqin's family go.

"Father! Little sister! You... Master, you are not dead yet!"

"Ahem, soon."

Zhang Junbao heard this blood-spitting conversation outside, if he was this girl's teacher, he would probably die of anger.

Pushing the door open and entering the room, Zhang Junbao saw Monk Peng lying flat on the ground.

At this time, Peng Heshang was far from the high spirits he had seen in the past. His guilt towards Shaolin made him seem much older. With his thin cheeks and black and blue eye circles, he seemed to be dying, but when he saw Zhang Junbao, the eyes in his eyes lights up.

Stretching out his hand excitedly, Zhang Junbao lost interest in accusing him, and stretched out his hand to grab the dying monk.

"Jun Bao, I never expected to see you before I die, God's will, God's will!"

"Don't worry about God's will, tell me what happened here first. I'll tell you, don't die if you don't finish, I know your routines too well. Tell me the name of the culprit first!"

Liu Liqin interrupted Zhang Junbao who was about to speak, stared at Monk Peng and shouted.

Monk Peng was helpless, "That's a group of men in black who appeared out of nowhere, and their purpose was to kill people. However, now I probably know who the murderer is."

"Name, name! No need to reason." Liu Liqin was anxious, as if afraid that Monk Peng would die suddenly.

Monk Peng rolled his eyes and startled Liu Liqin, "It's the one my little sister rescued a while ago."

"He...why did he..." Liu Liqin stopped talking, puzzlement and anger rushed straight to his head, we saved you, but you actually slaughtered the village and family?
Monk Peng took a deep breath and turned his head to look at Zhang Junbao, "A while ago, my little sister rescued a seriously injured man from the river. We treated him and let him recuperate here. Unexpectedly, Such a disaster happened today."

"How do you know he's the murderer?"

"Blame me, I accidentally exposed the Yi Jin Jing in front of him!" Monk Peng looked bitter, "I didn't think it was him at first, but when I was defending against those enemies, I suddenly found that I didn't know when I was hit by it." Gu poison, I thought about it carefully, and he is the only one who can poison me during this period of time."

Liu Liqin's face was so cold that he was about to freeze to death, Monk Peng said again: "I wanted to come back and take your father and your sister to escape, but found that your father was dead, but your sister and that person were gone. At the same time, The Yi Jin Jing was also stolen."

Zhang Junbao looked at Liu Liqin, "From your description, it should be that ungrateful person. The reason, it should be Jian Bao's intention, um, also meant to silence him."

Monk Peng's breathing was a little short, and his condition was obviously getting worse rapidly, "Those people are not weak in kung fu, and Xiao Liuli is not their opponent. I didn't want to say it, but it would be great if you were here. I must... Get back your unique skills, and don't let them fall into the hands of such villains to help the evildoers!"

Without hesitation, Zhang Junbao nodded and promised, "Don't worry, I will definitely recover the Yi Jin Jing!"

Monk Peng was very relieved. He reached out and took out a book from his pocket, and handed it to Liuliqin, "Little Liuli, I didn't teach you any unique skills as a teacher. This book is the essence of my life's comprehension. You can take it."

Zhang Junbao glanced at it, the booklet was not thick, it was only a dozen pages if it was full, and there were four big words 'Xuan Gong Essentials' written on it!
Liu Liqin reached out to take it, and complained: "Every day, I know how to eat and drink at my house, and you have taught me the Yi Jin Jing!"

Monk Peng was overjoyed, and stretched out his hand to tap Liu Liqin on the forehead, "The Yi Jin Jing is the treasure of Shaolin, which symbolizes the two extremes of becoming a Buddha and becoming a demon. People with a firm mind and perseverance can become a Buddha and become a ancestor by virtue of it. Those who don't know how to restrain themselves will fall into the depths of desire and become hopeless. Being a teacher feels guilty, and you don't dare to practice because of the flaws in your heart, and your detached not suitable!" Then he said: "But this The secrets of Xuangong are summed up and summed up by the master after many years of comprehension of the Yijinjing, all of which are explanations of the principles of the superior inner strength. Asking yourself as a teacher is no worse than Yi Jin Jing!"

Liu Liqin covered her face, and wiped away the tears at the corners of her eyes without moving her fingers, but her mouth was still insistent, "It's the general outline and annotations of superior internal strength, that's not internal strength, how can I get stronger and take revenge!"

Monk Peng looked at his disciple with pity, and then turned his head to look at Zhang Junbao, "I know that it is too much to ask a Buddhist disciple to kill, but... I also ask my junior brother to avenge me!"

Zhang Junbao's pupils condensed slightly, and he held Monk Peng's hand tightly, "Don't worry, they are dead, and even the Buddha can't keep them. I said it!"

(End of this chapter)

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