Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 141 7 Absolute Arrow Suit and Promise

Chapter 141 Seven Absolute Arrow Set and Promise
Zhou Ziwang, unfilial daughter Jin Baoli
Monk Peng, disciple Liulili
two tombstones two graves

Zhang Junbao notified the nearby county government that arresters would come here later to collect the corpses, and Monk Peng and Liu Liqin's father would be buried by the two of them.

From Zhou Ziwang's tombstone, Zhang Junbao learned the girl's name, Zhou Jinbao. I have to say, for such a pretty girl, the name 'Jinbao' is a bit vulgar.

"When my mother was still there, my family was quite wealthy, and my father was a well-known benevolent man in all directions." Liu Liqin stared blankly at his father's tombstone, his tone cold and unwavering.

Zhang Junbao didn't answer, just listened quietly, he had no experience in comforting girls.I can only think slowly following the girl's words, um, a good person?That is indeed quite rich. These days, only those who use money to do good will be called great benevolent people.

"At that time my family was doing business, and my father was very superstitious. Because he had no heirs, he planned to raise me as a boy and take over his business when he grew up. So he named me Jinbao." Liu Liqin stroked the tombstone and suddenly laughed, "Who You know, before I grew up, the family business went bankrupt. At that time, the family was very difficult. My father went out to fish, and I stayed to take care of my sister. Everyone said that people are poor and short-sighted, but my father became He is getting more and more determined, he actually wants to train my sister to be a 'talented woman', and then go to the imperial examination to become a female official! Not only did he spend money to find a private school teacher for her, but he also gave her a very educated name, Zhiruo .”

"To be honest, I'm quite jealous, but every time I see Zhiruo practicing calligraphy with a bitter face, I feel very happy."

Speaking of her younger sister, Liu Liqin showed a little smile, as if no news was the greatest comfort these days.

"According to your previous description of the villain, he should have become greedy after seeing Yi Jin Jing, not completely without conscience. Your sister saved him in the river back then, so he wouldn't have killed your sister."

Zhang Junbao could only comfort him in this way, although this reason sounds a bit ridiculous, but it is still possible.After all, people are complicated, and even the most evil people will always have a soft spot in their hearts.

Liu Liqin sneered, "The occasional kindness of a villain is not worthy of praise. It would be great if Zhiruo is still alive, but if I can't find it, I will erect another tombstone. But... that person must be killed by me!"

Zhang Junbao looked at her as if he was looking at another person who was about to become enchanted... Uh, well, probably Dong Tianbao’s incident impressed him too much. Now he saw everyone who seemed to be possessed by an enchanted person, and he wanted to save him , which is not a good habit.Zuo Zhou's words are correct, people can't be too holy, he wants to change.

"From the traces in the village, there are no signs of large-scale movement or horse-drawn carriages and horses. Therefore, they should have traveled by water. I used the carrier pigeons at the post station to send messages to my friends. They should cooperate with us. Block the river."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go after it."


In Yujia Village, Zuo Zhou looked at the brocade box in his hand, and opened it expectantly.Seven metal arrows with uniform shapes are arranged in it, which is a set of arrows made by Yu Yue with Qijue Sword.Zuo Zhou was stretching out his hand to caress, while Yu Yue had already brought the bow over there.

"This kind of magnetite is quite rare, but the level of blacksmiths who make swords is limited, but their thinking is quite strange." Yu Yue took a sip from the teapot on the side.

Zuo Zhou picked up the bow and checked it. If the arrow was crafted with care, then the bow was a bit perfunctory.

"Isn't this just an ordinary military hard bow? I gave you seven swords, and you got me seven arrows? Are you greedy for my materials?"

Yu Yue pursed his lips and threw out a wrench, Zuo Zhou took it, his whole body was cool and star-spotted, and he looked at the system panel.

The Seven Absolute Arrows suit, a first-grade magic weapon, consists of a finger and seven arrows, which can be automatically retrieved due to the magnetic force.The arrows are strong and durable, can withstand a large amount of true energy, and can use the true energy to arouse the fire in them.

Um?The ability to automatically recover the arrows is expected, and he also believes that Yu Yue's craftsmanship can make the quality of the arrows very good, but what's the matter with the fire power?

Zuo Zhou looked at Yu Yue strangely, "Did you add material to it? Let me tell you first, I don't have any money!"

Yu Yue rolled his eyes, "You don't need to spend money, but you have good eyesight. I didn't want to tell you, but I let you see it yourself."


"Well, our Yu family has a special casting method. The weapons we forge will burst into flames when stimulated by a huge amount of true energy. Of course, this kind of damage similar to burning is not too big, it can only be regarded as icing on the cake, and it needs There is also a lot of true energy, so I didn't want to mention it." Yu Yue lowered his head and took another sip of tea.

Zuo Zhou understood, "It's that dispensable ability."

Yu Yue nodded, turned around and took out another Daguan knife.This big knife is not unusual, as soon as Pu appeared, it seemed to attract countless eyeballs, and even other people in the workshop unconsciously stopped their work and stopped to watch.

"The Seven Absolute Arrow suit is the same thing, this knife is definitely made with my heart, hehe!"

Yu Yue was very proud of what he said, Zuo Zhou casually put the bow and arrow aside, and took the big knife with his hand, which is quite weighty!

Unnamed, human swordsman, refined from the Wuji sword, the soul of the sword is being restored by nourishing the blood of alien beasts, when the user and the soul of the sword reach the state of the unity of human and sword, they will be promoted to the gods of the earth .

hiss!Zuo Zhou didn't know what to say for a while, look at Yu Yue, he is indeed my good brother, he actually added the blood of alien beasts to it!
Uh, although I don't know what kind of beast it is, this thing sounds precious.Most importantly, he did not increase the price!

"Come up with a name. To be honest, the blade and the long handle weigh [-] catties. It doesn't seem like a big deal for you to pick it up now. But when you really use it, you will feel numb in your arms within a quarter of an hour. Really useful In a war, I’m afraid it’s impossible to fight for a long time. I’m thinking about it, but I still have to remind you, don’t act foolishly just because your weapons are good.”

Zuo Zhou smiled, but he didn't explain. He was originally targeting the Qinglong Yanyue Knife.

In the past, he felt that it was impossible for him to comprehend the true meaning of Guan Yunchang's domineering martial arts, so he didn't pay too much attention to the love of Qingcheng.But later, after Zhang Junbao's explanation, he found that no matter what domineering or not, it seems to be the way to go in the direction of destruction to display the love of the city.

As for the issue of strength, with the blessing of innate skills and Rama's internal skills, his strength is getting stronger and stronger. He may not be able to fight for a long time now, but in the future, the weight of eighty catties is probably nothing.

"Originally, I wanted to get a name like Tiansuo Zhanyue, but... just call it Wuji!" Zuo Zhou is not willful. The soul of the sword originally belonged to the Wuji sword.

For some unknown reason, the members of the Azure Dragon Club changed the Wuji Sword into the Wuji Sword. Now that he has changed the appearance of the Wuji Sword again, it stands to reason that there is no possibility of communicating with the Soul of the Sword.But Yu Yue's alien beast blood has the effect of warming and nourishing the soul of the sword, so he gave him a chance, so he gave the soul of the sword back its original name, which can be regarded as a step forward... No, it is the first communication... step.

Of course Yu Yue didn't care, "When will you come back and have a look?"

Zuo Zhou slowly picked up the bow and arrow and the Wuji knife. Hearing this, he hesitated for a moment. To be honest, he didn't think about coming back, but he couldn't bear to say, "Let's go!"

Yu Yue understood, and raised the teapot in his hand, "Then I wish you a bright future!"

Zuo Zhou didn't wave goodbye, not that he couldn't hold back the tears of parting, but a carrier pigeon in the sky came directly to him. This kind of carrier pigeon came from the military camp and wanted to tell him to go back.

Zuo Zhou didn't delay, stepped on the army horse and started to drive back. When he arrived at the gate of the barracks, he saw that Mr. Ximen was already waiting outside.

"Hurry up, there is a major turning point, hahaha, that Zhang Junbao brother of yours is really a lucky general!" Mr. Ximen smiled like a flower, not caring how lethal the wrinkle on his face was.

Zuo Zhou got off his horse curiously, but he was not as anxious as he was, "What's the matter? Zhang Junbao seems to have been away for a few days, maybe he bumped into Wei Jinzhong and stole cucumbers?"

"The cucumber didn't hit it, but I found that Li Guishou, no, it should be said to be a mirror!" Mr. Ximen ignored Zuo Zhou's jumping thinking, directly pulled Zuo Zhou and started running into the barracks.

As soon as Zuo Zhou looked up, he found that everyone was already fully armed, especially Zhan Hongling and a group of girls in red. They had been on the road before and had no chance to do anything. This time, they will not miss it easily .

Concubine Xiao nodded with a smile, "It's back, let's set off together, this time I want to show them how to use the army!"

Zuo Zhou raised his head and scanned around, why did he just go for an iron to upgrade his equipment, all of them are gearing up for it?This... He has already begun to sympathize with that mirror, how did he get into trouble with Zhang Junbao?

Thinking of stretching out his hand to Zhan Shiqi, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Just as Zhan Shiqi was about to answer, Zhan Hongling on one side suddenly jumped between the two of them, her rounded eyes were almost touching the tip of Zuo Zhou's nose.

"If you have anything to say, just ask directly, how do you make a move? It's rude!"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, what happened to this girl?Could it be that her intuition found that she was not a good person?

Xiaomei jumped between the three of them with a whoosh, successfully squeezed Zhan Hongling away, and looked at Zuo Zhou with a smile, "I also know the cause and effect, just ask me."

Zhan Hongling was not angry when she was pushed away, she just looked at Xiaomei with pity, another ignorant girl who was deceived by a little white face, fortunately we came in time, otherwise Shi Qi would also be hurt by a scumbag.

Zuo Zhou looked at Xiaomei, then at Zhan Shiqi who had been squeezed to the end of the crowd, then looked at Zhan Hongling, and said with a smile, "Actually, I'm not a scumbag, at most I'm a badass."

Exhibition red silk o(Д)っ!How does he know what I'm thinking?And why laugh, I didn't praise you!

"Is there anything to explain, go, let me tell you the cause and effect of the matter."

Xiaomei took Zuo Zhou and left, while Zhan Hongling also dragged Zhan Shiqi to the end of the team with a look of questioning life.The whole picture is quite anticlimactic, which makes Mr. Ximen and others who have been waiting to watch the fun quite boring.

Exhibition Seventeen: No one seems to have asked my opinion?

(End of this chapter)

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