Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 143 Look at my fire

Chapter 143
"Yuanfang, do you think Qinglonghui... has something to do with the Money Gang?"

Xiao Consort's words made Zuo Zhou turn his head and take a look, "My lord, do you want to ask if Qinglong Society has something to do with Shangguan Jinhong? I really can't answer you about this."

A wise person does not need to fully explain what he is saying. He asks a question here and answers there.

In fact, up to now, the Qinglong Society has basically confirmed that it has something to do with the Money Gang, but the structure of the Money Gang is complicated. Although Shangguan Jinhong is in charge, the business management below is not entirely Shangguan Jinhong's people.

Because although the money gang is a gang in name, it is more like a chamber of commerce, and Shangguan Jinhong, the president of the chamber of commerce, leads everyone to make money together.If someone in charge secretly colludes with the Qinglong Society, you really can't help it.

Therefore, this clue is of little significance, and even if the steward is found, it will not be able to prove how Shangguan Jinhong is.Of course, this may also be Shangguan Jinhong's cleverness. This chain of evidence that can be broken at any time ensures Shangfeng's absolute safety.

Of course, the premise is that members of the Money Gang must be absolutely loyal, and it just so happens that no one in the martial arts has ever heard of anyone betraying the Money Gang.

People, that’s the way it is, either you want power or you want money, in short, you have to look the same.

The money gang has completely written their desire for money in their name, so those who join the money gang are greedy for money. If you are not greedy for money, the money gang will not even want you.And Shangguan Jinhong is a real hero. He must be selfish, but he is never selfish to his own people. He will treat everyone who follows him, whether he knows it or not.

I can't give you power, I can only give you money. If you really need something, then use money to buy it.If you can't buy it, it means you don't have enough money, you have to keep working hard, the higher you climb in the money gang, the more money you can get.It fully interprets a sentence, if you have money, you can do whatever you want!

"Unfortunately, the original plan was to capture everyone alive. Now it seems that even if they are all caught, there is no way to get more information. Even if someone is willing to tell the truth, but without evidence and referring to money to help Judging from the model, it is also impossible to convict. Shangguan Jinhong is not an official of the court, so he cannot be dealt with in the same way as Wei Jinzhong."

Concubine Xiao was a little helpless, then waved his hand, and the action began!
call out!
A thousand miles of fire exploded in the sky, and the people on board were stunned for a moment. It seems that many people have set off a thousand miles of fire recently.

Zuo Zhou: "Uh, why set off thousands of miles of fire at such a short distance?"

Concubine Xiao: "It's used to scare the enemy."

The captain of the boat blinked his eyes strangely, when his eyes suddenly went dark, and the officer and soldier who had taken his money bag before suddenly knocked over with a hammer.Bang, suddenly nosebleeds.

"Ah, there is an ambush!"

clang clang clang!The sound of weapons being unsheathed came from the two cargo ships. Obviously, this scream had already alerted the enemies in the cabin.

It's just that these were all expected by Consort Xiao and the others. The government servants on the pier rushed forward one after another, throwing down the sailors and the boat boss who hadn't had time to react. Seven or eight of them entangled one of them, and easily tied up the boat boss.

Just as a few people in the cabin were about to rush up, they felt the cargo ship start to shake violently.No, this can no longer be described as shaking, the entire cargo ship almost stood on its side.

Under such circumstances, even the most experienced sailors would inevitably fall into the water. At this moment, a dozen or so arresters in the water jumped ashore, all holding a large net in their hands.

The big net accurately engulfed the sailors, and the big net tightened, and those sailors were restricted in their movements in an instant, even if they had weapons in their hands, they couldn't swing them, and they were arrested and landed alive.

"There is an ambush under the water, get away from the shore!"

Bang bang, two loud bangs, the cargo ship that was about to overturn unexpectedly regained its balance.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Zhou let out a sigh, "It seems that there are masters on board who can perform this level of kung fu!"

Zhan Hongling on the side didn't care, "Unless there is a master among them, hum, a few innate realms are not worth mentioning!"

Zuo Zhou looked at him amusedly, this girl is very swollen, your kung fu is innate, is it possible that you are practicing some super unique skills?
The changes over there were far faster than the thinking here. One by one, the policemen who had been prepared for a long time rushed out of the forest, throwing a lock hook flickeringly in their hands, and hooked the cargo ship with snaps, making the just retreated The cargo ship was pulled back again.

"Cut off the hook lock, cut..."

The yelling sailor was turned into a hedgehog by Arrow Rain, and the other sailors who wanted to cut off the hook were also unlucky.

Seeing that the two cargo ships were about to run aground due to the rapid pulling, there were densely packed plum blossom darts flying out.

Ding ding ding!Concubine Xiao seemed to have thought of these hidden weapons as well, there were actually many shield sword soldiers behind those dragging policemen, they made up in time to block all the plum blossom darts.

However, this will cause a little delay after all, and people dressed as sailors rushed out, slashing their swords and cutting off the lock hooks.

This group of sailors is clearly not the same as the mob just now. Judging from their lithe figures, they obviously have lightness skills, and they belong to the third-rank or even second-rank masters in the world.

"It's a pity, let's go after it, the battlefield is still on the water."

Concubine Xiao shook his head a little helplessly, he actually didn't want to solve it on the water, because his leg injury is still not healed, so he can only command on the shore, so it is inevitable that he will not be able to grasp the timing.

"Don't worry, they can't escape!" Mr. Ximen took the lead in the charge, and boarded a small boat with a big jump. quick.

Also doing the same is the group of sisters brought by Zhan Hongling, and the middle and low-level officers in the barracks, they all have cultivated internal strength.

Well, it's full of tears when I say it, Zuo Zhou was still a small soldier back then, otherwise he wouldn't even have no internal strength.Otherwise, watching Li Yuanfang fight alone in the desert would not be of much help.

But now, it's time for Zuo Zhou to act aggressive!

He was not in a hurry, but slowly stepped onto the pier, gently took off the hard bow on his back, bent the bow and set an arrow, hey, a seven-jue arrow left the string, and the whistling air echoed in everyone's ears in an instant, but he hadn't waited When the elite sailors reacted, two of them had their throats pierced.

Blood splashed in the air, and the arrow seemed to fall into the water along with the blood and the corpse.On Zuo Zhou's side, he waved his hand gracefully, as if a dancing girl had attracted everyone's attention by waving her cloud sleeves. The arrow that was about to fall into the water slowed down in the air, and then sped up slightly on the water surface. It flew back into Zuo Zhou's hands.

"Tch! Pompous." Zhan Hongling pouted jealously, she was so in the limelight, and she lost another share of the credit.

Zuo Zhou didn't care what Zhan Hongling thought, another arrow shot out, puff puff puff, this time pierced through three people, killing people was not too smooth.

It's just a pity that Zuo Zhou is not very used to the Qijue Arrow now, he is not sure whether the Qijue Arrow can be sucked back after falling into the water, so he only dared to shoot one arrow at a time.

"Damn it, go back to the cabin first!"

In addition to Zuo Zhou's sniping, the officers and soldiers also shot arrows. No matter how good their skills were, the sailors did not dare to intercept Zhan Hongling and the others when they boarded the boat, but they helped them establish a little advantage.

Huh, huh, huh, the girls jumped onto the boat one after another, but they didn't rush into the cabin recklessly, but first let a group of military masters throw chains to entangle the two cargo ships, and directly poured their internal strength into it .

With the cooperation of everyone, the huge twisting force of the chains was exerted to the maximum, smashing the outer walls of the cargo hold, turning the cabin that was still closed just now into a riddle, and revealing the many bewildered sailors inside.


Before many sailors could react, a group of military experts and Zhan Hongling rushed into the cabin from all directions.

Hand-to-hand combat is cruel, let alone in this narrow environment?

Countless blades slashed towards the middle, and some even had no target at all, just slashed towards the empty space, it was really crowded!

This kind of all-round attack is not something that can be blocked by light skills, so after the sailors on the outermost layer were hacked to death, the elite sailors all rushed out of the cabin.

Either fell into the water, or boarded the boat, and the veterans and sisters who had been prepared for a long time followed out of the cabin tacitly. This second round of battle took place on each boat!

The whole process was so fast that it seemed as if in the blink of an eye, there were only four people left in the originally lively cabin.

Two masked swordsmen in black, as well as Zhan Hongling and Young Master Ximen.

Young Master Ximen: "..."

This is a bit embarrassing, the three of them are all innate masters, and I seem to be just filling the numbers.Fortunately, Zhan Hongling seemed to have a good sense of Mr. Ximen, fixed his eyes on the two swordsmen and said: "General Ximen, you go to another ship, I'm afraid there are still experts, Shi Qi and they will suffer."

Mr. Ximen was a little helpless, nodded and rushed out of the cabin, just in time to see that the fierce battle on the other ship had already started.

Xiaomei and Zhan 17 besieged a dry old man with two umbrellas, and the Liangyi sword array was already in operation, but surprisingly, the dry old man seemed to have the upper hand?

This is a bit surprising, Mr. Ximen knows that the two of them joined forces to capture the innate realm alive by leapfrogging, and now they can't beat an old man?

Uh, wouldn't he be more embarrassed then?Well, Mr. Ximen jumped on a small boat very wittily, and shot a halberd directly at a certain unlucky elite sailor, "You are not innate, are you! Are you! Are you! You answer, yes no!"

on the pier

Zuo Zhou put the Qijue Arrow on the bow, but he was a little puzzled. Zhan Hongling had two swordsmen who were difficult to deal with at first glance, while Xiaomei and the old man on Zhan Shiqi's side were a little strange.There seems to be something wrong with his hands and feet, and the left and right seem to be uncoordinated?

"Judging from his age, that old man may be Li Guishou, this one is to be captured alive, don't shoot him to death." Concubine Xiao stretched out his hand and pressed Zuo Zhou's hard bow.

(End of this chapter)

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