Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 144 Would you please keep your voice down?

Chapter 144 Would you please keep your voice down?

"No, Xiaomei and Shiqi are not the opponents of that dry old man!"

As Zuo Zhou said, he was about to jump into a small boat, but he was caught by Concubine Xiao again, "Don't worry, I have already prepared a backhand. I just didn't expect Wei Jinzhong to send two masters to go back to pick up the mirror." .”

As soon as the voice fell, two figures sprang out from behind, one stepped on the boat like many previous military masters, while the other flew directly in the air.

"Nie Feng? Qin Shuang? Will they promise you to help?"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised. Logically speaking, these two people should be watching Dugu Ming and Dugu Wei in the barracks now.

Concubine Xiao said with a smile: "During the few days when you went to forge weapons, people from the Tianxiahui sent a handwritten letter from the leader of Xiongba, asking the two of you to fully cooperate with my actions and escort me all the way to the imperial capital."

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, Prince Concubine Xiao looked at him and explained: "You have always been in the army, and you have not been involved in the world before this matter, so you have overlooked some things. For example, the world will be a martial arts school, not an official organization. We want Evidence is needed to convict, but the world will not need it. As long as they confirm that Dugu Ming and Dugu are fake, then they don't need evidence in their own hands, and they can directly occupy Wushuang City. If Dugu Jian questioned, Xiongba would Throw the responsibility on the officials and me."

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment and laughed at himself, "I was really negligent, indeed. As long as the son-in-law is alive, even if Dugu Jian finds him, don't be afraid. He will never dare to confront the court, even if Dugu Ming and It doesn't matter if Dugu died or escaped. Therefore, the top priority of Nie Feng and Qin Shuang is not to guard Dugu Ming, but to protect the son-in-law!"

Concubine Xiao nodded, but his expression became more and more calm, "That's right, it's just that my reason tells me that they are trustworthy, but from an emotional point of view, I don't completely trust them, so let them go about fighting, and you stay with me." It’s good to be by your side. Besides, you still have bows and arrows, so you can support them at any time, and you don’t need to go to the front line to work hard.”

Zuo Zhou shrugged his shoulders, well, although there is no chance to pretend to be aggressive, he is still very relieved towards those two people.

He just paused and asked again: "You said, the Dugu side won't really take this opportunity to snatch Dugu Ming?"

Concubine Xiao looked at him with a smile, but did not give any positive answer, but Zuo Zhou understood.

Well, he really planned that!

Although Dugu Fang is a fake, but after so many years of fake life, his martial arts must be very strong. If he hadn't coveted the legendary love in the city, Ming's grandma and Shi Wuzun would not have discovered this secret.

And being able to defeat the Ming family's grandma and Shi Wuzun at the same time, his strength is very likely to be the master of the list, and the worst is the innate Dzogchen!

If they were congenital Dzogchen, they could still deal with them if they were careful, but if they were in the realm of masters, it would be difficult to fight. If they really robbed people halfway, then they might suffer casualties.

Although the strength of the masters of the list is uneven, there are Taijun She's reputation on the battlefield, and Wang Jian's brilliant record of rubbing against hegemony, but there are also those who rely on the legacy of the predecessors, dragging or dragging. A cultivation level that was forced by drugs.

But no matter what it is, Consort Xiao doesn't want to confront Dugu Fang head-on at this time. After all, what happened in Wushuang City was just an accident, and it's 'nothing' for them!
Can't commit.

Now, the only bottom line for their team is that Concubine Xiao is not dead, and even grabbing the mirror is dispensable from a certain point of view.

This is the same as Zuo Zhou's identity as 'Li Yuanfang', the identity of the son-in-law is very important!
As soon as Nie Feng and Qin Shuang joined the battlefield, their momentum really increased. Fengshen Leg is indeed a famous skill that combines lightness kungfu and legwork. After the movement technique is deployed, the entire river is covered with Nie Feng's figure.

Li Guishou, who had suppressed Xiaomei and Zhan Shiqi before, suddenly stretched left and right. It can be seen that Li Guishou's moves are not subtle, but his internal strength seems to be very strong, and he always relies on his strong energy Xiaomei and Zhan Shiqi's umbrellas cut on his body, leaving only light white marks.

Fortunately, Nie Feng's joining made the two women a lot easier, because when encountering similar horizontal exercises that even weapons can't break through the defense, attacks that also contain true energy can often have a miraculous effect.

Just as it is now, Nie Feng kicked Li Guishou several times precisely on the chin with his quick speed, kicking Li Guishou who was not retreating half a step.

But... that's all, Li Guishou's expression became more and more ferocious, as if he was enduring so much pain, and then his arms shook violently, and a cloud of dust-like yellow energy exploded, as if it had directly coated his whole body. A layer of brass!
Everyone was shocked, and instinctively felt that something was wrong. Li Gui couldn't grab Nie Feng, so he could only rush towards the two women first, with his arms folded like a humanoid tank.

The two women moved in unison, running the Liangyi array under their feet to relieve their strength, and at the same time opened the umbrella to defend, but Li Gui smashed the giant shield formed by the two umbrellas with his body without stopping!

That's an umbrella made of metal. The relationship between Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei Lengshen has been bullied by Li Gui's hands.

Xiaomei drew out the soft sword in the umbrella immediately, your eyes can't be so hard, the blade drew a smooth arc and pierced Li Guishou's eyes at an incredible angle.

And Zhan Shiqi... spat at Li Guishou...

Let me tell you first, this is definitely not meant to insult Li Guishou, the sweet phlegm of this beautiful girl contains eggs of Wangyou Gu, who made Li Guishou yell when he pretended to be aggressive?

The response of the two girls was obviously beyond Li Guishou's expectations. His forward figure froze, his hands shielded his eyes to block the soft sword, but on the other side he breathed out a breath of true energy, blowing off Zhan Shiqi's body directly. Fragrant phlegm.

You see, this is the strength of innate masters. Martial arts training is really useful. Those insidious methods such as sprinkling lime can only deal with non-innate masters whose internal force cannot be separated from the body. This kind of conspiracy can be broken.

"Don't forget about me!"

The two girls retreated quickly to avoid the crisis, but Nie Feng, who was behind Li Gui's hand, took the opportunity to kick him in the back while shouting.

"Hmph, I didn't forget you!"

Li Gui made a muffled sound from the back of his hands, obviously not causing any harm. Instead, he took the opportunity to turn around and slap Nie Feng's chest with a strong palm wind. Nie Feng crossed his hands to block, but the huge The strength still pushed it out of the range of the cargo ship.

Just when Nie Feng was about to fall into the water inevitably, a figure caught Nie Feng.

Nie Feng looked back and reminded: "Master, be careful, his internal strength is very strong, and he is not inferior to me!"

The person who came was dressed in dark red tight monk clothes, it was Shi Wuzun who had been recuperating in the military camp!
Zuo Zhou looked at him strangely on the pier, and asked, "Shi Wuzun is also meddling?"

Concubine Xiao shook his head, "I once reminded him that Dugu's party will very likely snatch Dugu Ming when we are not in the barracks. The original intention was to let him take the opportunity to escape, but he wants to take a risk."


"Yes, he wants to rescue Grandma Ming's granddaughter Mingyue by exchanging hostages. Now that he has arrived here, I guess Dugu should have agreed." Concubine Xiao sighed.

"This will increase our risk. I really don't have the confidence to defeat the fake Dugu Fang." Zuo Zhou said bitterly, um, what's the matter with being a little eager to try?Is it Wuji who wants to have sex?
Concubine Xiao's voice was light, "Don't worry, as long as this matter is resolved before we leave, we are in the barracks, and we are not afraid of Dugu's forced intrusion. But if we don't clean it up before we leave, then it doesn't matter."

Zuo Zhou nodded, since Consort Xiao had already planned everything, he didn't say much, but turned his attention to Xiaomei again.

Strangely, Shi Wuzun looked serious, looked Li Gui's hand up and down, and asked sharply: "Huang-level Buddha? Why did you learn the Yi Jin Jing from Shaolin?"


The entire water surface seemed to be quiet for a moment, and then continued to fight and kill, but Zuo Zhou could feel that everyone's attention seemed to be no longer on the opponent.

"This dude is a bit of an idiot, can you ask loudly about this kind of thing?" Zuo Zhou looked disgusted, the name of Yi Jin Jing is too famous, even if you can see it, you can secretly say it, I will definitely help you Yes, Yi Jin Jing, how could I not help you, don’t you think so?
"Hey hey, he's a man of knowledge!" Li Gui said with a smug smile, his whole face twisted as if he could pinch a fly to death.

Shi Wuzun looked awe-inspiring, his eyes were like torches shining into the depths of Li Guishou's soul, "You've already been enchanted!"

Li Gui laughed and waved his hands fiercely, the color of brass on his body became more intense, "Don't deceive the world, the Yi Jin Jing is one of the most famous unique skills in the world, and there are the most legends about it. This Yi Jin The magic of the tendon scriptures is that no matter whether you are practicing back-to-back training, or pouring the true meaning of Buddhism and magic sect martial arts, you can become extremely powerful!"

Li Guishou's words made Zuo Zhou's heart skip a beat in the distance, but then he breathed a sigh of relief.Master Jian Chi once said that for a real eminent monk, becoming a demon is like playing with a demon.

If this is used as the standard, the Yi Jin Jing can be practiced no matter how famous it is, which is very in line with the philosophy of Buddhist eminent monks.But obviously, becoming a demon is easy and difficult to become a Buddha, Li Guishou just walked the road of becoming a demon.

Shi Wuzun shook his head and sighed, "The purpose of Yi Jin Jing's training is to shape the golden body of Buddhism. Only the practice method of becoming a demon can have the appearance of a yellow-level stupa like you. Although the strength has increased significantly, the obsession will gradually devour you You can’t try without great perseverance, do you want to become a lunatic?”

"The bald donkey is nagging, I'm not a monk, so it's reasonable to be a little obsessed!" Li Guishou sneered and ran directly towards Shi Wuzun.

Shi Wuzun was helpless when he heard the words, and he refused to persuade the damned ghost, his body also bloomed with a dazzling golden color, the fifth level of the golden bell cover, hit!

(End of this chapter)

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