Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 147 Unsatisfactory

Chapter 147 Unsatisfactory

Showing off, to put it crudely, is pretending to be aggressive, what do you rely on?
poem number?Or gorgeous martial arts?Or is it rich?Drunk lying on the lap of a beautiful woman?Wake up and take control of the world?

It's not, it's the attitude!

"Da Qin, never negotiate conditions with the enemy!"

It's a pity that Zuo Zhou didn't say these words. It seems that he is destined to be unable to pretend to be a complete coward today.It's really because there are too many people around who can pretend to be aggressive, and they are all ahead of each other.

Concubine Xiao has always been the commander of the entire battle. It can be said that from the time when the thousands of miles of fire was launched, to the moment when everyone is fighting, [-]% of the situation has been predicted by him.So he was not in a hurry at all, the only thing that surprised him was that he didn't expect that a little girl would be left behind by the cruelty of Li Guishou and others.

This is human nature. Even the most powerful philosophers in history dare not say that they fully understand human nature. There is a little light and a little dark. No one knows when a vicious person will bloom the brilliance of human nature.

It was also this unexpected humble brilliance that tore a hole in the entire defense circle.

The kind-hearted Nie Feng didn't dare to act rashly, Qin Shuang, who was more mature in thinking, was seriously injured, Shi Wuzun generally couldn't catch up with light kung fu, Zhang Junbao restrained his hands and feet and made such a big show but didn't dare to really do it, Liu Liqin was still in the water, as for Xiaomei Let alone He Zhanqiu.

Zuo Zhou has already put the arrow on the bow, as long as he thinks that his arrow will definitely make a difference.

Li Gui was blind in his left eye, and when his vision was limited, Zuo Zhou was confident that he would kill him with an arrow from the blind spot!

Although the left-handed swordsman had good lightness skills, he hadn't exceeded the radiation range of Zuo Zhou's Wulianzhu power!

It's just... Zuo Zhou still didn't let go of the bowstring. He didn't know Liu Liqin and didn't know that the little girl was Zhou Zhiruo.However, the conscience in his heart made him hesitate, and this hesitation meant that he would miss the chance of arrest.

Prince Consort Xiao, who was the conductor of the audience, saw through the situation at a glance. He didn't blame everyone for being unsteady, and he was even very relieved that they were all good young people!

It's just... this villain needs someone to do it.

"Da Qin, never negotiate conditions with the enemy!"

Concubine Xiao used his meager internal strength to yell out these words, and then he gently pushed Zuo Zhou.

Smart people can understand each other with a single movement, Zuo Zhou thanked him for his fulfillment, his originally hesitant expression was replaced with a layer of coldness, even though this layer of coldness was a mask, it also shocked everyone.

A crane soaring to the sky to watch the clouds!The characteristic of this light skill is that it goes straight to the sky very quickly, but it falls slowly, very slowly.

But this time, Zuo Zhou suppressed his true energy when he fell, causing his body to fall down like a cannonball.And the landing point of the figure is the boat where Li Gui's hand is.

"What are you doing? You dare to touch me and kill her!"

The left-handed swordsman who had already got ashore by relying on Zhuoyue's lightness kung fu was shocked, and he put his long sword on Zhou Zhiruo's neck and shouted.

Bang bang, due to the weight of the body, the boat tilted on one side under the impact of the falling force.He lowered his head, his face was still cold, he didn't look at the little girl, and he didn't have the idea of ​​killing the left-handed swordsman, because he was afraid that his hands would soften when he looked at that cute little face.

Li Gui, who was on the other side of the boat, couldn't stop shaking his body, and in his haste, he used a heavy weight to forcefully press down the side of the boat that was tilted up.

However, what he didn't expect was that Zuo Zhou didn't use his true energy to stabilize his figure, the boat was like a seesaw, one side fell and the other side lifted, and Zuo Zhou bounced high into the sky.

Zuo Zhou silently raised the Wuji Saber. This was the first battle after the Wuji Saber was formed. Originally, he wanted to use Dugu Fang's possible guru-level holy spirit swordsmanship to open the seal, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be replaced by Li Guishou.

However, although Li Guishou's level is slightly lower, the Yi Jin Jing is not a disgrace to the Promise Sword!

Spring and Autumn Saber Technique, the first style!Hack you to death!

This saber fell from the sky, the dazzling light of the blade was like a meteor suddenly descending into the world during the day, and the whistling was like wind and thunder.

Looking from afar, it looks like a master in the painting left a splendid stroke in the world with dazzling dyes, and what was erased was a piece of feces yellow.

The Yi Jin Jing was broken, and the body that was close to the blue-level body like a bronze bell was broken. A deep scar ran from the left shoulder to the right hip, and the bones were visible. Lao Gao, who was splashed with blood, instantly stained the water surface of the boat. red.

" dare..."

Seeing Li Gui's hand fall slowly, the left-handed swordsman's tongue was a little numb. He was amazed at the opponent's decisiveness, and was also amazed at that knife. What if it was him?Can you dodge or block it?
The answer is no, since you can't, what are you doing here?Waiting to die?
The left-handed swordsman turned around and jumped into the woods.

"Ah, ah, if my sister dies, I'll never end with you!" Liu Li hopped her feet angrily, yes, in the river, this weird swimming posture almost made Zuo Zhou a cold-blooded person in Bengbu.

Zhang Junbao pushed lightly with his palm, and the strong palm wind fired back, pushing the small boat to fly ashore quickly, and leaping into the woods with Liu Liqin to continue the pursuit. During the process, he just nodded slightly with Zuo Zhou but didn't say anything.

Zuo Zhou continued to keep a cold face, and waved his hands to command the officers and soldiers to take away Li Guishou, who was already unconscious and seriously injured. Yes, he kept his hand, otherwise, why would he use Li Guishou's broken Yi Jin Jing to block Wuji Dao?

"Clean up, let's go back to the camp. The purpose of this operation has been achieved, and none of the officers and soldiers died. It is a perfect operation." Concubine Xiao turned around, letting Mr. Ximen push the wheelchair behind him, with an encouraging voice Say it to everyone.

"As ordered!"

All the officers and soldiers responded in unison, but there was not much excitement in their tone.Although the operation was successful and no one died, it was not complete.

At least, they didn't save that innocent little girl!These are the soldiers of Great Qin. Qin Huang said, if you can't even protect your own people, then what kind of soldiers are you?

Zuo Zhou used his true energy to gently drive the boat back to the shore. Although he held his head high, he still didn't say a word.

Compared with Concubine Xiao's consciousness, he is much worse.Concubine Xiao is willing to be a villain, but he doesn't want to.It's just that at that time, apart from himself, no one seemed to be able to stop Li Gui's hand.So is it to be a villain, or to be a tool in the hands of the villain?
It's better to be a tool, at least the "tool" in the hands of the "villain" will not make others hate it so much.

"Zuo...Brother Yuanfang, we haven't slept together for a long time, you can teach me calligraphy tonight." Xiaomei bounced to Zuo Zhou's side, grabbing his hand coquettishly.

"I have some doubts about martial arts, let's study together tonight."

Zuo Zhou hadn't reprimanded Xiaomei for being malicious and cute, but Zhan Shiqi on the other side held his hand with a cold face.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, his cold face couldn't hold back any longer, enough of you guys, there's no one who is begging for sleep with a serious face, at least you should learn from the malicious and cute guy next to you, um, forget it, or Do not force it.

On his side, he led the two sisters back and walked back, but he didn't notice that the sisters surnamed Zhan in the back exclaimed that they were eating melons.


Zhan Hongling was galloping on a war horse, and behind her were officers and soldiers sent by Concubine Xiao to pick him up. Just as Concubine Xiao expected, it was very difficult for Zhan Hongling to chase the right-handed swordsman with poor lightness skills, but now he didn't have this problem when he was riding a war horse up.

It's just... just after walking out of a dense forest, I saw a scene of exploding lungs.

"Hey, stay alive!"

The right-hand swordsman maintained a posture of drawing his sword, but his body fell down slowly uncontrollably, and at the same time, his head rolled to the ground.

More than a dozen gold-clothed guards quickly blocked their way. The leader slowly put away the gold-threaded big ring knife and shook the blood off the blade. It was him who had just chopped off the head of the right-handed swordsman.

In Daqin, the dragon robe is black, so it is correct to say that black is the most noble color, but this color is too common.In addition, Emperor Qin was not so paranoid, he didn't say that the common people couldn't even wear black, but it was strictly stipulated in the imperial court system.

Therefore, Daqin officials use colors to distinguish between high and low. Most of them use black, gold, and red doping. The more black the more noble, the gold and red are often used as embellishments or lace carvings.At the same time, the lower the official position, the more the proportion of gold and red, while the black began to move away from the decorative pattern.And those with the lowest official positions who are eligible to be in the court hall are often dressed in big red robes.

The gold-clothed policemen are the highest-ranking policemen among the six sects, but they are not qualified to stand in front of the hall, so their so-called golden clothes actually refer to the golden patterns embroidered on their coats.And the only person in the entire six doors who is qualified to face the saint is Tie Wuqing, the chief catcher of the six doors, that is, the big swordsman!
"Farewell to the imperial capital, is it possible to face each other with swords when we meet again?" Tie Wuqing is a very upright person, both in terms of personality and appearance.

Zhan Hongling was very troubled, and suppressed the anger in her chest. Although it was very strange why this Tie Wuqing happened to appear here, her elder brother Zhan Zhao once said that Tie Wuqing was famous for his unselfishness and selflessness in the whole Qin Dynasty. People admire her, but she doesn't want to be rude.

"Hmph!" Zhan Hongling didn't bother to talk any more, she turned around and led the officers and soldiers away as if holding her breath.

Tie Wuqing shook his head amusedly, and waved his hands to order his gold-clothed officers to hurry up, "Just take this corpse with me, and follow me to the barracks."


The pursuit by Zhan Hongling did not achieve any results, and the pursuit by Zhang Junbao and Liu Liqin also reached a deadlock.It's not that they can't catch up. Although Zhang Junbao and Liu Liqin's lightness skills are not good, Zhang Junbao's magic is that he can limit the speed of the enemy. After nearly a hundred meters, he pulled his hands, and the left-handed swordsman in the distance started to stagger ?
How can this be reasonable!

The whole left-handed swordsman couldn't do it any more, pinched Zhou Zhiruo's neck, and shouted hysterically, "Don't come here! (Broken sound)"

Although it was not the first time for Liu Liqin to see Zhang Junbao being unreasonable and unscientific, she was still shocked every time she saw him.

While looking Zhang Junbao up and down, she shouted: "Let go of my sister!"

Left-Handed Swordsman: Do you really care about your sister?

(End of this chapter)

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