Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 148 Facing the Grandmaster

Chapter 148 Facing the Grandmaster
"Tie Butou, you and I haven't seen each other for three years." Prince Xiao was quite enthusiastic when he saw Tie Wuqing, because everyone in the court knew that he was a stern and selfless person, and because of this, he offended him. Many dignitaries in the court also gained the trust of Emperor Qin because of this, and they were in charge of the six doors.

There are some differences between the six gates of Daqin and the six gates of other countries. The six gates of other countries belong to the collective name of the three courts, but Qin Huang felt that the power should not be excessively concentrated, so he split the power. The first door has become an institution dedicated to arresting suspects but not judging them, a bit similar to the police on the next-door earth.

But different from the police, the targets of execution of the six doors are enemies rather than the common people.Therefore, although the policemen of the six gates and the policemen of the county government are both called 'catchers', they are different.However, the county government officials are often proud of being able to enter the six gates. Firstly, it is prestige, high official position, and secondly, high salary.

In addition, the enemies that the six doors deal with are often some kung fu gangsters, so there are many masters in the six doors who come from the rivers and lakes.Therefore, many people call the Six Doors a sect belonging to the imperial court!

"That's right, the last time we met was when Consort Xiao returned to the imperial capital to reunite with the princess for the Mid-Autumn Festival." Tie Wuqing sighed, his eyes were slightly hollow, as if he was recalling the past.

Concubine Xiao nodded and said with a smile: "Yes, at that time, Mrs. Zun and the princess competed to guess the lantern riddles. The princess was happy for several days when she won, but I admire Mrs. Zun quite a lot. This is just right for everyone. It is worthy of being the old Jiangnan The number one talented woman in the Tao."

Tie Wuqing waved his hand modestly, "Concubine Xiao congratulates me. As the prime minister's disciple, Her Royal Highness is naturally not weak in literary talent. How can I give in?"

Concubine Xiao laughed loudly, "Let's stop flattering each other, by the way, is Tie Butou here this time?"

When it came to official duties, Tie Wuqing's expression became serious in an instant, "The imperial court learned about the issue of Wushuang City, so they asked the elite of the six sects to do their best to arrest this fake Dugu Fang!"

"So that's how it is. Counting the time, my memorial should have arrived in the imperial capital, but I didn't expect Tie Butou to be so fast." Concubine Xiao smiled.

Tie Butou shook his head, "It has nothing to do with Prince Xiao's memorandum. The six gates have their own intelligence channels, especially those cities with martial arts families, which are the focus of our intelligence line. Grandma Ming's The death has already aroused our vigilance, when the son-in-law's memorial arrived at the imperial capital, our six sects were the first to act, both for the affairs of Wushuang City and to protect Prince Xiao."

"So that's it, Lao Tie is here to arrest the head."

"The responsibility lies."

After exchanging pleasantries, the two parties finally joined together and headed towards Daying.

Zhan Hongling was very upset, it was obviously her chance to be famous, but Tie Wuqing snatched it first, so she pouted the whole way back.

"Oh? Where's that Li Yuanfang? Why didn't you see him?" Zhan Hongling wanted to see if her sisters were injured, but when she found that Zhan Shiqi was not staying by Li Yuanfang's side, she couldn't help being curious.

That's right, although she didn't have much experience in love, she could still tell that Zhan Shiqi was interested in Li Yuanfang.Now you don't look at yourself but you are not by Li Yuanfang's side?This is very strange.

Zhan Shiqi didn't say anything, but Xiaomei was in a bad mood and glanced at Qin Shuang with an unfriendly expression.

Zhan Hongling blinked, and looked at Zhan Shiqi curiously, "What happened?"

Zhan Shiqi had no choice but to say, "He left because...he had a few words with Qin Shuang."

Um?What are you talking about, can you talk to someone away?
Later, Qin Shuang felt a little wronged, and he didn't expect it to happen. Now facing Xiaomei's complaining eyes, he was also sweating from embarrassment. He had never been so concerned by any girl before!
Not long ago, when Zhan Hongling and Tie Wuqing hadn't returned, Zuo Zhou ran over to care about Qin Shuang's injury. Fortunately, Li Guishou's Yi Jin Jing was not deep enough, so that punch was more of a Trauma, just recuperate for a period of time, and won't leave too many hidden wounds.

Just talking about the fight just now, Qin Shuang was a little worried about that little girl. Based on his knowledge of Tianshuang Fist, even though he had already absorbed [-]% of the punch on a little girl, it would still make the little girl The girl felt quite guilty for suffering so much.

After hearing this, Zuo Zhou had a very bad expression, and then he greeted Concubine Xiao, got on his fast horse and ran away.

During the whole process, Zhan Shiqi and Xiaomei could only watch but couldn't intervene or help. It's no wonder that they are in a better mood!

"Oh, I really can't see it. He is a person who will feel uneasy because of this matter. How can a scumbag be so sympathetic to a little girl? They shouldn't be thinking about how to train the little girl to be able to communicate deeply Object?" Zhan Hongling snorted.

Xiaomei was too lazy to talk to her, and Zhan Shiqi couldn't laugh or cry, "Maybe he does have some thoughts about me, but... it's not at the level of a scumbag, at least, let's talk about it when he starts to abandon me!"

Zhan Hongling's eyes widened immediately, "What's wrong? You know that he might give up, and you still want to give him a chance?"

Zhan Shiqi thought for a while and smiled: "The sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, stay together if they are suitable, and separate if they are not suitable. As long as you don't hate each other because of love, it's okay. Isn't that what you told me back then?"

"I told you to be vigilant. This is the dross culture passed down by the exiles, and it's not for you to learn!" Zhan Hongling felt a little regretful. She shouldn't have said everything to her sisters when she had nothing to say.

Zhan Shiqi asked curiously: "You always talk about exiles, what is an exile?"

"These details are not important, what's important is... how dare you talk back to my sister?" Zhan Hongling said as she reached out and pinched Zhan Shiqi's ear.


"You put her down and let me leave you all. I, Liu Liqin, mean what I say!"

The two had already forced the left-handed swordsman into a dense forest. To be precise, it was Zhang Junbao who forced the left-handed swordsman here, and Liu Liqin was the one in charge of acting.

The left-handed swordsman looked at the girl very strangely, and after looking up and down, he still looked at Zhang Junbao, "What do you say?"

Liu Liqin was very angry, and looked at the left-handed swordsman angrily, did she look down on her?Hmph, if she hadn't used all her internal energy to hit the sword when she was pretending just now, she would let this guy know how awesome a person with a poem name is now!
Zhang Junbao stretched out his hand slowly, causing the left-handed swordsman to feel nervous. After all, he is a guy with a bad style of painting, and he dare not relax a little bit.

But Zhang Junbao didn't do anything, just pointed in another direction, "Put the child down, I'll let you go, I keep my word."

The left-handed swordsman paused for a moment, inexplicably, he believed in Zhang Junbao very much, and he didn't know why, but he felt that he had a kind of bearing, a kind of bearing that was the same as that of the gang leader, a master's bearing!Thinking about the leader's behavior in his mind, then Zhang Junbao in front of him should not break his promise, right?
Thinking of this, the left-handed swordsman slowly put Zhou Zhiruo down, and at the same time the sword in his hand gradually moved away from the little girl's neck.

Seeing this, Liu Liqin slowly let go of her heart, and her eyes gradually relaxed when she looked at Zhou Zhiruo.

However, Zhang Junbao's sight shifted slowly, and he looked behind the left-handed swordsman. There, at some point, there was an extra person, a person that neither the left-handed swordsman nor Liu Liqin had noticed until now.

"I never taught you to place all your hopes on the mercy of your enemies."

The deep voice reverberated in the forest, like the autumn wind blowing the leaves rustling. It was obviously deafening, but it made people feel that it was taken for granted, as if there should be such a sound in this season, this place, and this environment.

Both Liu Liqin and the left-handed swordsman were stunned, and the latter had a hint of surprise visible to the naked eye. He stretched out his hand to hold Zhou Zhiruo in his arms again, and stepped back behind the middle-aged man.

Zhang Junbao had a solemn expression, and clasped his fists together, "Dare to ask senior's name?"

With just one glance, Zhang Junbao understood that this middle-aged man had great ambitions, because his robe was mainly gold, with red and black patterns mixed in.The form is very similar to the official uniform of the Great Qin Dynasty. If it is converted into the internal system of the imperial court, it is almost a level below one person.

So, does it mean that apart from Qin Huang, there is no one in the court who can make him afraid?
Thick black eyebrows, chiseled edges and corners, serious and rigid beard, this is the appearance of a superior. Of course, this iconic appearance is not worth mentioning when compared with his already palpable ambition .

Who is such a person?Maybe it was because Zhang Junbao was in the rivers and lakes or the time was too short, he couldn't figure it out!

"Hey, who is this uncle? It seems difficult to fight." Liu Liqin realized that she couldn't see through him, and asked in a low voice, thinking that she would not have that younger sister.

Zhang Junbao paused for a moment, and then softly replied: "I don't know, but the master."

"People... People's list?" Liu Liqin's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he couldn't catch his breath, "I know you are good, this master can more or less be able to leapfrog monsters, and there are also people on the list As far as strength and weakness are concerned, it seems that you are not panicking at all, so you should be the kind of low-level master of the list, right?"

"The person list is complete, maybe it will enter the ground list at any time." Zhang Junbao replied again, this time he didn't look at Liu Liqin, and he didn't realize that this girl was about to cry.

"It's rare. I haven't walked in the rivers and lakes for some years, but I didn't expect you to be a rising star in the rivers and lakes. The realm is very high, but it's a pity that the cultivation base has not kept up. If you are given a few years, you will be one of the masters. "

Liu Liqin seemed to want to give it a try, "Yes, he is very powerful, are you afraid that he will threaten your status in a few years? If you are afraid, you can kill us now!"

The middle-aged man finally put his eyes on Liu Liqin for the first time, and said lightly: "The method of aggressive generals is very clichéd, but I really can't bear to hurt such a good seedling, and you really didn't intend to kill just now, so I don't want to kill you." will kill it."

Liu Liqin let out a sigh of relief, but it's okay, this girl is lucky!
"But you're not a good seed, are you?"

Liu Liqin was in a daze, the middle-aged man hadn't moved yet a powerful coercion was coming, and the leaves in the forest rolled back crazily...

The coercion dissipated, and everything returned to silence again. The middle-aged man glanced sideways at the arrow piercing halfway into the ground, and there was a hint of anger in his eyes, "Since I stepped into the realm of the master, no one has dared to attack me!"

"You met me a long time ago, and you were attacked by the fuck!"

 Let me talk about the labeling problem. Some book friends said that this book is not Wudiliu. In fact, I have never put any Wudiliu label on this book. Some staff member probably added it.In the past, I never looked at the labels when I read books. Generally, I can tell within ten chapters whether I like it or not, so I didn't care.

  In addition, there seems to be a recommended seat today, so adding more today should be in the afternoon, please ask for tickets by the way.


(End of this chapter)

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