Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 149 Why Do Some People Always Think They Can Kill Me?

Chapter 149 Why Do Some People Always Think They Can Kill Me?

Zuo Zhou slowly approached from a distance, more than half of his figure was covered by trees, but he was so firm looming, completely without the restraint and fear that he should have when facing a master and strong man.

The middle-aged man didn't have any extra emotion for what he said just now. If Zuo Zhou was his junior, maybe he would even boast about his good arrow skills.

"It's good to be young. You can recklessly risk your life for your lover, and no one will blame you, because everyone knows that young people should have this desperate drive."

Liuliqin (⊙_⊙)? Did he misunderstand something?But forget it, she is not in the mood to explain to a person who wants to kill herself.

Zuo Zhou smiled and said, "But not everyone can tolerate the impulsiveness of young people, can they? Shangguan Gangzhu."

"Li Yuanfang is very smart, no wonder he can make Wei Jinzhong feel bad." The middle-aged man, that is, Shangguan Jinhong, seems to have finally affirmed one of Zuo Zhou's advantages. It looks like a charity, as if it is such a great honor, "Why See it's mine? From his left hand sword?"

Zuo Zhou came to Zhang Junbao's side, and put his bow casually on the side of a tree, "There are many left-handed people in the Jianghu, as long as they are willing to practice swords hard, it is not difficult to become a good left-handed swordsman. The main reason is that they hide in the money gang. Among the cargo ships, besides, I used paper from the money gang!"

There was a hint of appreciation in Shangguan Jinhong's eyes, and a smile appeared on his serious face, "Able to solve crimes, courageous, talented, and even understands business to see my plan! Daqin, you are really outstanding and lucky! "

"Thank you." Zuo Zhou slapped the Wuji knife on the ground, inserted it into the ground and stood there, "To be honest, I sympathize with the Azure Dragon Society. With your honest dragon head and Yang Wenguang who acts unscrupulously, the Azure Dragon Society The big dragon head is quite difficult!"

"The Azure Dragon Society and I are just using each other, and a shady organization still expects me to face it seriously?" Shangguan Jinhong said, looking at Zuo Zhou's bow and arrow and sword, "You are good, if you can use your energy on Above martial arts, you should have the opportunity to step into the ranks of grandmasters in a few years. I am willing to give you a chance, just like him."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "It seems that the evaluation of me is far worse than that of my brother Junbao, but that's right, I look a bit ordinary. But... the leader of the Shangguan treats me like a nobody. Not being honest would be disappointing.”

"Presumptuous!" The left-handed swordsman...Jing Wuming said angrily, showing Zuo Zhou's impolite manner.

Zuo Zhou was funny, "Many people in the world are qualified to tell me that practicing martial arts should have no distractions, but only the leader of the Shangguan clan shouldn't say that. It seems that what you pursue is never martial arts! Well, but from a certain point of view, Lord Shangguan can be regarded as Chicheng, he only likes power!"


Shangguan Jin Hong laughed wildly, just like all bosses with extremely high profile.

"I can't think of a junior who understands me so well. It's very good. As long as you trust me, I won't kill you, and let you be the deputy leader of the money gang, how about it?"

Shangguan Jinhong's expression of joy when he saw Lie Xin did not seem to be fake at all, and he stretched out a hand very sincerely.But Zuo Zhou understood that this was a mortal question.

If he agrees, Shangguan Jinhong may keep his promise, but he will not value Zuo Zhou anymore, because he has turned to the enemy in order to survive, and he no longer has the Chicheng he had before, so he is not worthy to be Shangguan Jinhong's friend.

If he agrees, Shangguan Jinhong may also go back on his word, because it means that he is also a person who likes power, and in the Money Gang, you can like money, you can like martial arts, you can like women, you can like anything he can give, but only You can't be like him, like power!

In fact, Zuo Zhou felt that Shangguan Jinhong would choose the second option, hehe, don't think that the master of the list is someone who promises everything, it's just Jing Wuming's worship filter.Shangguan Jinhong was a businessman, and for a businessman, honesty is for others to see, and it is worthless in front of interests, otherwise there would not be any breach of contract clauses in the contract.

"Hush, promise him, I don't want to die!" Liu Liqin quietly moved behind Zuo Zhou, and poked him secretly with her finger, "Quickly promise, I don't want to die!"

Zuo Zhou almost couldn't hold back, I'm competing with the masters, what are you talking about!

"Thank you, Lord Shangguan, for your kindness. It's just that the younger generation still feels that the wrecked ship Daqin hasn't sunk yet."

Shangguan Jinhong withdrew his hand, shook his head with a little regret, and immediately returned to his seriousness and coldness, "Well, it's rare to meet two juniors with good potential. Today I will only kill this girl, not you. As for this little girl... I will Take her back to be raised by a good student, and use it as a motivation to motivate you to make progress, and when you feel that you can beat me, come pick her up again."

Liuliqin o(╥﹏╥)o
Jing Wuming hugged Zhou Zhiruo tightly, he actually wanted to leave just now, after all Shangguan Jinhong was present, he didn't need to run away or be a hostage.Now, after listening to Shangguan Jinhong's words, he knows that this child is out of shit luck. Well, in his opinion, Zhou Zhiruo won't be able to live for three months after being hit by the Tianshuang fist. Continued.

Just when Shangguan Jinhong was about to strike, Zuo Zhou was puzzled and reached out and broke a branch from the nearby tree, "Why do people always think they can kill me?"

Shangguan Jin Hong's steps could not fall, he just hovered like that, his eyes widened, what he saw was not a branch.Is that a tree branch in Zuo Zhou's hand?No, that was a sword, a sword that was not sharp but might make him die!

In an instant, chaos filled Shangguan Jinhong's mind. He was still him, but the world had changed.

On the left side are the green grass stubbornly overturning the rocks, the spring bamboo shoots after the rain, the petrels flying high against the wind and rain, and the horses running wildly in the vast grassland. In short, everything is full of vitality.

On the right is the Huangquan Road paved with white bones, a sea of ​​sticky blood, a mountain of cold corpses, and a lonely place where there are no living creatures in the whole world.

And he, Shangguan Jin Hong, stood on the dividing line in the middle, unable to move, with one foot on the left and one on the right.

Extremes come and go, neither life nor death, he, Shangguan Jinhong is between life and death, he can't help himself!
"You..." Shangguan Jinhong forcibly got rid of the illusion in his mind, and he found that Zuo Zhou was still looking at him with a smile.What made him a little desperate was that it was not a move that directly hit the spirit, but a serious sword intent. His problem was that his fighting spirit was broken.

"Words are always powerless before actions."

Shangguan Jin Hong didn't hesitate, he didn't dare to take a step forward, but if it was a step back, he could.

He stretched out his hand and carefully picked up Zhou Zhiruo, then put it on the ground, turned around and carried Jing Wuming with a few vertical leaps, and then disappeared into the jungle.

"Keep in mind what happened today. In the future, the Money Gang will not enter the Daqin market, and the future will definitely reward you!"

The voice was still majestic, and Zuo Zhou was a little envious. If he had this level of true energy, he would have shot directly on the [-]th Nirvana just now. Would it still be necessary to conceal the meaning of the sword without sending it out?

"You... dare to ask this lord, oh yes, his name is Li Yuanfang..." Liu Liqin was a little incoherent, lowering her head and muttering, she didn't know what she was talking about, probably because she was very curious, there didn't seem to be such a powerful celebrity in the history books ah?Since this is a member of the government and the opposition, why should he leave a few strokes in the history books?
Zuo Zhou ignored her, and Zhang Junbao heaved a sigh of relief, "What if he attacked by force just now? Your sword..."

"I can't send it out by myself, but adding your true energy is enough. You see, my innate skills are powerful, and they can be used with each other, hehe!"

Zhang Junbao glanced at him angrily, "You're just being stubborn. If there was a better exercise, wouldn't you practice it? Besides, my exercise has evolved into Taiji Zhenqi, are you sure you can use it?"

"Is there anything that can't be used, anyway, it is derived from innate qi." Zuo Zhou waved his hand indifferently.

At this time, Liu Liqin had come to Zhou Zhiruo's side in three steps and two steps, touched Zhou Zhiruo's forehead with a cold face, and said worriedly: "Take her back quickly, and let that person with cold fists heal this injury."

Zuo Zhou snorted disdainfully, "Didn't you minor in some medical theories when you practiced the kung fu before? People can cure cold poison by practicing the cold air kung fu?"

Liu Liqin was stunned for a moment, and blushed a little when she realized it, but she still tried to ask: "Then can you save her?"

Zuo Zhou thought about it, if it was other internal injuries, he was really not sure, but the cold poison formed by the cold attribute true energy, it is too simple, just follow the method of treating Zhang Wuji.

"Your sister's poison is not deep yet, and it hasn't penetrated deep into the bone marrow. Now someone just needs to expel her with the most masculine and powerful true energy, but this kind of true energy is often very domineering. To the meridians. It is best to let her practice the exercises of the most yang and the most rigid, but the daughter's practice of this kind of exercise is completely half the effort, and the gain outweighs the loss."

"Or you can find some rare medicinal herb with warm and warm properties, and use medicinal baths to get rid of cold poison for it. Then you can find a unique skill with yin and cold attributes, let her practice and refine cold poison by herself, maybe it can also improve her skills greatly. !"

Liu Liqin blinked her eyes wide, "This...where can I find these conditions!"

But Zhang Junbao couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, don't tease her, your innate skills can save people."

Liu Liqin looked at Zuo Zhou expectantly when he heard the words, but he didn't expect Zuo Zhou to snort coldly, "Do you think I'm stupid? To spend all the innate energy I have accumulated so hard to save a little girl who is completely fine?"


Liu Liqin looked confused, but Zhang Junbao glanced at Zhou Zhiruo in surprise, nodded and sighed, "I missed it."

(End of this chapter)

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