Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 150 Children should be well educated

Chapter 150 Children should be well educated

"Hey, sister, I miss you so much, this must be a miracle from heaven!"

With tears in the corners of her eyes, Zhou Zhiruo opened her arms and begged for a hug.

Liu Liqin just looked at her with drooping eyelids, then stretched out a hand to grab Zhou Zhiruo's ear.

"Ah~~~~It hurts, sister let go, I know I was wrong!"

However, Zhou Zhiruo's surrender did not make Liuliqin relax in the slightest. It was not until she felt the gradual moistness on her fingers that Liuliqin felt relieved and felt a little distressed.

It was the water mist left after the frost melted. Zhou Zhiruo was really hit by Tianshuang Fist, but it didn't cause any damage to it.The reason is very simple, because Monk Peng has already passed the Yi Jin Jing to Zhou Zhiruo, and it is precisely because of this that the Yi Jin Jing was hidden in Zhou's house, which made Li Gui greedy for seeing the treasure, and at the same time led to tragedy.

"That dead bald donkey, he eats and drinks at my house. When did he drink the fish soup without the fish I caught? He is ungrateful. He didn't teach me kung fu to hit your idea! He didn't trick you to see some little goldfish, did he?" ?" Liu Liqin said as she stretched out her hand to check Zhou Zhiruo's pants.

Seeing this, Zhou Zhiruo panicked, crying and begging for mercy, "Sister, I was wrong, I was wrong, I didn't hide it on purpose, look at the experts around me, they can only pretend to be dead!"

Liu Liqin stared, "Master Li is here, if you don't come, will you not open your eyes when your sister dies?"

Zhou Zhiruo sneered, she really thought so.

Zhang Junbao couldn't hold back any longer, turned his head to laugh and trembled, sure enough, the one who is close to Zhu is red and the one who is close to ink is black, the younger sister has obviously been led badly by her elder sister.

Zuo Zhou didn't mind, after all, exiles' thinking was more flexible and detached, and it was really a common operation to mislead the natives.

Liu Liqin also knew that outsiders shouldn't see the joke, so she stuck out her finger and poked her sister's forehead, "When did you realize the danger and start playing dumb?"

"I have also practiced the Yi Jin Jing, so when I felt the mixed qi in Li Gui's hand, I guessed it, but I couldn't resist, so I started to play dumb." Zhou Zhiruo was pretty, looking at the innocent and cute She looks so cunning... Bingxue is smart!
Liu Liqin nodded. In fact, it would be best if Zhou Zhiruo could figure it out. To be honest, she didn't know how to explain this tragedy to Zhou Zhiruo.Could it be that the two sisters recalled the tragedy together, and then cried with each other?
"By the way, when did the bald donkey teach you the Yi Jin Jing?"

"It's been two years, sister. After all, he's my master. Don't be so blunt all the time. Look, this big brother also..."

Zhang Junbao: "Don't worry, I won't be a monk anymore, and I don't mind if you call him a bald donkey..." In other words, Monk Peng is dead, otherwise he would have to do something with him to get Shaolin to be wiped out. field!
Zuo Zhou looked at them and frowned slightly, "It's okay for you to pretend to be weak when you are surrounded by wolves, and you can even say 'tact', but don't use this method to torture your relatives, it's not a bad thing. Something that can be used as a joke!"

Zuo Zhou's eyes were too serious, and the Yu Wei who had just scared Shangguan Jin Hong away was still there, Zhou Zhiruo shuddered in fright, and buried her head in her sister's arms.

Liu Liqin's heart ached immediately, "Okay, okay, I didn't say anything, so you just say a few words."

Zuo Zhou completely ignored Liu Liqin's stop, "The last time I heard that the person who made this kind of joke was the last time... the girl whose father became a monk, her mother died, her sister was killed by her brother-in-law, her brother-in-law committed suicide, and she was blinded. In the end, he jumped off a cliff to sacrifice his love for his brother-in-law, and he is like a lone star. Now that your father has also suffered an accident and you have an older sister, do you want to try this road to a lone star?"

Zhou Zhiruo was directly shocked by this complicated relationship, "Wow... sister, he... ah!"

"Oh, dear, my sister is fine. In the future, my sister will find someone who can't beat her, and I will definitely not let your brother-in-law kill her."

Then, Zhou Zhiruo cried even harder.

Zhang Junbao poked Zuo Zhou with his elbow, "What are you scaring a little girl for?"

"When a child encounters a big change, it is inevitable that his thoughts will fluctuate. Once she uses opportunistic methods to take advantage of it, it will leave a mark in her heart, and she will think of doing crooked ways when she encounters anything in the future. If she is not allowed to be in awe, ghost Do you know what she will look like in the future? Don’t forget, she knows how to change tendons.” Zuo Zhou shook his head, threw away the branch in his hand, pulled out the Wuji knife, picked up the bow and arrow, and started walking back.

"It's getting late, find a place that can shelter from the wind and rest."



Zuo Zhou didn't know if Zhang Junbao's different style of painting would be of any use to the weather. Anyway, it was clear that the sky was cloudless before, but after lowering his head for a while, it became thunderous.Without any scientific basis, Zuo Zhou could only regard it as the fault of Zhang Junbao.

Fortunately, they found a ruined temple, yes, it was the kind of ruined temple depicted in various martial arts TV dramas.

All kinds of spider webs, all kinds of dust, collapsed and broken Buddha statues, corrupted Buddhist niches, and the desolate scene made Zhang Junbao, who was a Buddhist disciple at the time, feel quite embarrassed.

"Is the loneliness of a temple due to the disillusionment of faith, or the destruction under high pressure?"

"Are you starting to study philosophy? Don't think about it. A truly good belief is indelible. Buddhist belief has its positive side, but the decline of a temple can't represent anything. At most, this place is no longer suitable for the growth of Buddhist belief." .” Zuo Zhou picked up some branches at random and lit a fire in the center of the ruined temple.

Zhang Junbao frowned slightly, sat down and said: "If the Buddhist belief is really good, how could it be unsuitable for growth?"

"It's very simple. The people are living a contented life. Even if they are ambitious, they know that the Buddha can't help them to do it. Then they will naturally not come to pray to God and worship Buddha."

Zhang Junbao wondered: "Is there anything that the Buddha cannot do?"

"Let me go back to the past... Hehe, don't talk about the Buddha, even if the sky is full of gods and Buddhas, I can't do it." Booming, there was another big thunder outside, and the downpour was photographed.Zuo Zhou pointed to the outside amusedly, "If the Buddha really exists, then tell him to stop the rain."

the rain doesn't stop

Zhang Junbao rolled his eyes, "I'm not a Buddhist disciple now, how could the Buddha listen to me?"

"So, since you know that he will definitely not listen to us, why do you still believe in him." Zuo Zhou tidied up his weapon and put it aside, stretched out his hands to warm the fire, "If belief is just for getting, then it's meaningless. What's more, when you still don't know whether you can claim success, a strong-willed person doesn't need a void idol."

Zhang Junbao didn't speak when he heard the words, Zuo Zhou looked at him, in fact, he didn't want to talk about these philosophical issues with Zhang Junbao, for fear that his exile thinking would lead Zhang Junbao astray, and that would be a heinous crime.

After thinking for a while, he asked, "Have you studied the Book of Changes recently?"

Zhang Junbao replied: "I have it, but recently I was reading the Tao Te Ching. Although it was a helpless act when the master gave the Tao Te Ching to Tian Bao, it was a kind of divine will for me. So I have been reading the Tao Te Ching these days. When I read the Tao Te Ching, I always feel that I can get something from it.”

Zuo Zhou smiled, "Then I'll return your master's Tao Te Ching to you."

Zhang Junbao shook his head and said with a smile: "No, anyway, no matter what version of the Tao Te Ching is, it's the same. I'm going to travel around the rivers and lakes in the future, so I should pack as lightly as possible. Besides, I don't worry if I put it in your place."

Zuo Zhou didn't care either. In fact, the Book of Changes and the Tao Te Ching had a great effect on the enhancement of innate skills. He didn't care much about other unique skills now. He always felt that if he could raise his realm to a high enough level , that innate skill will evolve into something very remarkable.

Of course, the most important thing is that this innate skill is very trouble-free. As long as he can keep breathing, he will continue to become stronger.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou asked happily: "Then what have you learned from reading the Tao Te Ching these days? This Tao Te Ching is a good thing. It progresses logically from physics to philosophy to ethics to politics, and the way of nature enters the realm of ethics. Virtue ultimately comes down to the ideal politics and the way of governance. That is to say, find the bright way to the ideal social order from the natural order.”

Zhang Junbao froze for a moment, "You can still comprehend the way of governing the country from it? No wonder even Shangguan Jinhong scared you away. It seems that my comprehension is still a bit weak. I only comprehend the way of nature from it. It seems that I need Try harder!"

Zuo Zhou: "..." So this is why your painting style is wrong?
"Ahem, actually scaring Shangguan Jinhong away has nothing to do with Tao Te Ching, and if I have enough true energy, I'd be more inclined to kill him directly." Zuo Zhou fiddled with the bonfire modestly.

Zhang Junbao chuckled, as if he was weighing something, he thought for a while and reached out to grab Zuo Zhou's hand, then both of them closed their eyes.

dream space
Zuo Zhou wondered, "Is there anything that we can't say in front of them?"

Zhang Junbao took out a thin booklet from his bosom, "I got a book of profound kung fu, which has a unique insight into the superior inner kung fu, which has benefited me a lot, and I believe it can also improve your innate kung fu. "

Zuo Zhou was amazed, what more?He didn't dare to imagine that if he had a thorough understanding of Huangshang's version of the Book of Changes, and then finished studying the Tao Te Ching, with the help of this profound kung fu, he probably wouldn't have to worry about the issue of true energy.

"Huh? You're carrying them behind your back. Liu Liqin's profound art secrets belonged to him? Isn't it good to teach them privately like this?"

Zhang Junbao shook his head, "Don't think that Liu Liqin is very pushy, but she is a very witty girl. I protected Liu Liqin all the way, and followed her to save Zhou Zhiruo. She never had any complaints about my reading of the secret art."

"It's reasonable for you to say that, but after all, I..."

"You saved their sisters!" Zhang Junbao sighed: "To be honest, if you hadn't come before, I didn't have the confidence to save Liu Liqin under Shangguan Jinhong's attack, and her sister would be taken away. So you don't owe them anything what!"

Zuo Zhou was amused, "Then, do I count this as a way of repaying favors? It always feels awkward. Well, then it's not too much for me to ask them to make a promise with my body!"

"Although it's a dream space, don't think it's too beautiful. In order to avoid embarrassment for everyone, as if you have a plan, I didn't tell them. You all know it, and everyone is not embarrassed." Zhang Junbao said: I·Zhang·Zhouquan·Junbao' looks like.

Zuo Zhou was no longer pretentious, but just about to open the booklet, he suddenly froze for a moment, "Wait, tell me... what's the name of the younger sister? Zhou Zhiruo!"

"That's right, the name sounds nice." Zhang Junbao looked at her strangely.

"No, it's nothing, it's a good name." Zuo Zhou felt like there were ten thousand heads rushing through his heart. It is said that this girl's paper is also quite violent, and now she has learned the Yi Jin Jing, and her Unreliable exile sister, hiss, I seem to have seen the birth of a future female devil!
For a moment, Zuo Zhou thought of another very funny picture, Mo Xiaobei, the madman with red flames.

Okay, so, children still need to be educated well.

Zuo Zhou opened the booklet, and it didn't take long to read all the contents in it. At the same time, the system panel responded accordingly.

Mysterious kung fu secrets, special books are not rated, written by Peng Yingyu, a strange person of a generation, after intensive study of Yi Jin Jing, explaining the principles of superior internal energy clearly and clearly, the so-called one principle can be integrated with all principles, and it can greatly enhance internal energy Effect.

How exaggerated is this extreme?

Both Zuo Zhou and Zhang Junbao exited the dream space, and then felt that the speed of the innate skill had at least tripled, and the entire dantian had more than doubled, and Taotao's true energy was pouring into it at this time.

Hiss, this... is of such a terrifying level, no wonder Zhang Junbao wants to let himself practice.

Zuo Zhou happily nodded to Zhang Junbao, but turned his face to see the two sisters staring at them with inexplicable eyes.

He lowered his head to look at the hand he still held tightly with Zhang Junbao, and then let it go lightly, explaining solemnly and seriously: "Some things are not what you see."

Liu Liqin had an open-minded look of 'I understand, I don't discriminate', "You don't need to explain, Master Li, I understand! Life is to live recklessly, not to mention how can we sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes fall into the trap because of one or two occasional out-of-the-ordinary actions?" Is there any misunderstanding? Say yes, sister!"

Zuo Zhou: "..." You are only sisters, your whole family are sisters!
There is a saying called rotten eyes looking at Renji, seeing Liu Liqin's pretentious appearance, Zuo Zhou also completely lost the idea of ​​explaining, but this guy is not so cautious when talking to Zuo Zhou afterwards, there is really a kind of thinking of him as a Girlfriend's posture.

"What are your plans in the future? I have already captured Li Guishou, and Shangguan Jinhong doesn't dare to mess around again. Wei Jinzhong's family actually has no enmity with you, and they won't hunt you down."

Zhang Junbao said: "I still have to go to the Song Dynasty, and I have to bring Tianbao's ashes back."

Liu Liqin was a little excited, "Hey, what a coincidence, I'm going to Song Kingdom too."

Zhang Junbao didn't care too much, he just wanted to be a bodyguard for a while, Liu Liqin said with longing on his face, "I have a sister who works as a maid in Yanziwu, and her life is getting better, let's join her."

Zhou Zhiruo frowned, "What's so good about being a maid? I don't want to be a maid!"

Liu Liqin poked her finger directly on her sister's forehead, "What do you know, the owner of Yanziwu runs around outside every day, and my sisters have the final say in the whole Yanziwu, drinking bird's nest and drinking wine every day?" , getting old and nourished every day!"

 Take a chance and ask for a ticket, any ticket
(End of this chapter)

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