Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 151 Life in the future?

Chapter 151 Life in the future?
Probably because Li Yuanfang's name is too 'nobody', so basically no exile would think of hugging his thigh.Even among the exiles, the name Zuo Zhou was more popular than Li Yuanfang. After all, the exiles regarded him as his kind, but they didn't care about a historically unknown Li Yuanfang.

Therefore, Zuo Zhou returned to the camp alone, and it was Young Master Ximen who greeted him.

"The idea is clear?" Mr. Ximen sighed amusedly, and patted him on the back like an elder. "You should feel fortunate that we are soldiers of Daqin."


"Because Daqin is strong enough, it won't let us make the choice between saving ten thousand or hundreds of people. Even if that happens occasionally, there will still be a chance to make up for it. And some countries' armies, they often make such choices over and over again. utterly disintegrated."

Zuo Zhou looked at him curiously, "Have you ever made such a choice?"

Young Master Ximen looked up at the dark clouds gradually dissipating in the sky, "I didn't, but... I saw the enemy make this choice. That was when our Great Qin Iron Cavalry swept across Zhao State, and the people of Zhao State and a small part of the royal family were captured by our army at the same time. Besieged in. Zhao Guo’s troops were not many at that time, if they were concentrated, they could still break through our army’s blockade and save people, but if they were dispersed, they would only be defeated one by one.”

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Then we must save the royal family. The common people have no strategic value in such a large-scale battle. If Zhao Guo still thinks about being able to counterattack in the future, then we must save the royal family."

Mr. Ximen smiled and patted Zuo Zhou's shoulder, "Think about it before answering."

"Then... to save the people?" Zuo Zhou paid attention to the eyes of Mr. Ximen.

"Can you hold on a little bit?"

"Didn't you tell me to think about it!"

Young Master Ximen shook his head and sighed: "Under the attack of my great Qin cavalry, no one can win!"

"So you say so much just to brag that I, Daqin, are awesome?"

"The war has progressed to the point where even the royal family has come to the front to fight in person and is still besieged by our army. It can be seen that the situation is already one-sided. And at this time, there are often not only civilians among the civilians, but also many generals and soldiers. Our relatives. If the army obeys the order to save the royal family, it is equivalent to exposing the relatives under the iron hooves of our army. Even if we successfully rescued all the royal family this time, after that, this army will not have the heart to fight . Zhao Guo, that’s how it was destroyed in the first place!”

Zuo Zhou nodded in understanding, and wondered: "Then what if they chose to save the people?"

"The country of Zhao will only perish faster, because King Zhao has already been captured by our army at that time, and that army is led by ministers of the country of Zhao. What they want to save is another descendant of the royal family who is qualified to inherit the throne. If If they choose to deal with the common people, then the royal family of the Zhao Kingdom will be taken over by us. Without a leader, the army is most likely to surrender. Of course, this can reduce a lot of killings."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "Then tell me what the hell, it's our Great Qin who wins anyway!"

Young Master Ximen laughed, "I just want to remind you how rare it is to have the best of both worlds. If there is a chance to make up for the guilt in your heart, don't hesitate, even if you have to pay something."

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek and asked back, "What about you? If you have a chance to make up for your regrets, what would you do?"

Mr. Ximen paused for a moment, with a serious look on his face, "I'm too lazy to give. How old are we, and you still act like that kind of young man with passion? Just wait!"

Zuo Zhou looked disgusted, but when he passed by the school yard, he stopped and looked at the many sailors tied together not far away, "Did they say anything?"

"I've said everything, but it's the same as if I didn't say anything, hum!" Mr. Ximen glanced at him rather dissatisfied.

The interrogation has started since they brought all these people back. It has to be said that the method of extracting confessions by the six-door gold-clothed detectives was an eye-opener for them.It's just a pity that these people didn't know the details of the mission before they assembled, and didn't know any secrets about the above.

So so many people have become some tasteless, really useless, and they can only be temporarily locked up in the county government prison.

"Where's that Li Guishou?"

"There hasn't been an interrogation yet. After all, you almost chopped him to death. It's rare for the military doctor to stabilize his injury. How can there be an interrogation so quickly." Mr. Ximen laughed, "Your strength is good, you have improved so fast!"

Zuo Zhou didn't show any pride at all, "Wait for the time, whoever is alive is invincible!"

Young Master Ximen: "..."

As long as I don't support you, I won't be pretended by you. Mr. Ximen continued to walk forward calmly, "I will see Tie Wuqing, the chief arrester of Six Doors, remember to be polite."

Zuo Zhou paused, and looked at him in surprise, "Don't you forget, we said in our previous analysis that there is very likely someone from Wei Jinzhong among the six doors!"

Mr. Ximen is very serious, "I'm not joking, just like you said, there are people in the six gates colluding with Wei Jinzhong, but which department is absolutely clean? Among other things, there are probably many middle-level soldiers in our military camp." The officer is Wei Jinzhong's man. However, there is one thing Xiao Concubine said clearly, sometimes we can't do too much, if the water is clear, there will be no fish! As long as you don't violate the principle, you can also be tolerant of those stupid things. Get rid of the culprit, and those who fall with the wind will naturally not dare to do it again."

"Then do you think this Tie Wuqing will fall with the wind or be a fool?"

Mr. Ximen laughed, "It's the same as what you said, but I know this Tie Wuqing, he is known by the government and the public as being selfless and upright! Others may take refuge in Wei Jinzhong, but he won't!"

Zuo Zhou scratched his chin thoughtfully, "The evaluation is so high!"

"It's that high."

To be honest, Zuo Zhou didn't believe that there was an absolutely upright leader, especially when he sat in the position of chief arrester of the Six Doors.

It's not that Zuo Zhou is pessimistic about human nature, but that human nature is too complicated.

No matter how noble your own personality is, no matter how worthy of admiration, it is impossible for you to have your subordinates generate electricity for love all your life, right?Does chasing stars cost money?
There is no one in the family who has a headache, life is not easy for the common people, and it is not easy to be a fast catcher.Even the salary of the six-door catcher can’t be said to be really rich. Daqin doesn’t have any concept of medical insurance now. If something happens, it will force everyone to go on the wrong path. After all, no matter which dynasty, this can make a lot of money. The way is written in the criminal law.

Once the arrester stepped on the red line, would you arrest him or not?If you don't get caught, don't set up a person who is upright and unselfish. If you get caught, you can't prevent similar things from happening again.As time goes by, the police officers will gradually stay away from you. After all, following you will give you nothing but peace of mind, and life has never been good by relying on peace of mind.

When competent police officers stay away from you, the case-handling capabilities of the Six Doors will decline. Could it be that you are the only one supporting it?If you can't do meritorious service, you won't get a bonus. If you don't have money, it's even more difficult to retain people, and those who don't have the ability to make meritorious deeds are likely to think about making money in crooked ways.

Lo and behold, an endless loop!

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou suddenly missed his previous life a little bit. In 3333, all kinds of social welfare should be perfect, right?
"I've heard about General Li's deeds a long time ago. It's better to meet him today than to be famous. You really are young and promising."

After entering the camp, Zuo Zhou didn't say anything, Tie Wuqing just praised him, as if he admired him so much.

Zuo Zhou laughed and said, "The chief arrester is also famous!"

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha laughed, the polite words ended here, the two sides went through the same process first, although the tone was very sincere, no one knew whether it was sincere or not.

"Just now we talked about the hostage exchange. Although as Six Doors, we will not make deals with the enemy. But after all, Miss Mingyue is the sole legal heir of Wushuang City, and Six Doors is also responsible for rescuing him. I think Let's do it according to Prince Xiao's arrangement!"

Tie Wuqing's words surprised Zuo Zhou, did he miss something?
Mr. Ximen leaned over and explained in a low voice, in fact, it was Shi Wuzun who wanted to save Mingyue. After all, it was Ming's grandma who let him escape after the death, so he also wanted to repay his favor.But Duguming and Duguwei are the imperial convicts after all, and from the point of view of the government, they will not allow you to trade prisoners.

But Concubine Xiao thought of a way, you must know that Duguming and Mingyue were engaged before, um, don't care if it is true or false Duguming who asked for the engagement, just pretend that the real Duguming has not been replaced at that time!
So from this point of view, Mingyue is considered the daughter-in-law of the Dugu family, and is qualified to inherit Wushuang City.In other words, she is now the victim and the sufferer, so the government is naturally responsible for protecting her.

Therefore, Tie Wuqing agreed to the exchange. Of course, Tie Wuqing was quite confident, probably because he felt that it would be fine even if Dugu Fang ran away.

"The chief arrester's arrival is unknown to the Dugu side. Since this is the case, it is better to stay in the dark. The chief arrester can expand the encirclement a little further. After the transaction is completed, he will close the encirclement Arrest him and bring him to justice.”

"it is good!"

Tie Wuqing seemed surprisingly talkative, everyone got up and went to their own business, Prince Xiao didn't ask Zuo Zhou how he would gain from going here, but told him to bring a bow and arrow, hide himself well, and be a sniper during the transaction.

Zuo Zhou nodded and went out of the tent, "What's the matter? You don't look very happy." Xiaomei jumped and landed beside Zuo Zhou, half of her delicate body was almost attached to it.

Zuo Zhou didn't hide either, "It's nothing, it's just that there are too many officers in the barracks now, and I don't need to discuss plans or anything. I used to have the final say, hmph!"

Xiaomei laughed happily, "Isn't it a good idea to not waste your brain?"

"Yeah, it's not bad not to waste your brain, besides, you should like it too." Mr. Ximen answered from the side, looking at Zuo Zhou as if he was looking at a junior, um, it feels better than the old man Zuo. kind. "This whole incident ends here, and the rest is all about the struggle from above, and we shouldn't get involved. What you should really think about is how to live your life in the future."

Zuo Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and he shuddered inexplicably, you can wait for a while, don't set up such a flag for no reason!

(End of this chapter)

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