Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 167 Exiles and Dominators

Chapter 167 Exiles and Dominators
It has been two days since he killed Dugu Jian. During these two days, he went to take out the burial place of the holy spirit sword technique that Dugu Ming said.It also completely confirmed his conjecture. It turns out that the Holy Spirit Sword Art has nothing to do with Sword 23.

People who have never practiced swordsmanship often have the illusion that sword 22 to sword 23 emphasize unfeeling, which is the foundation of sword [-].But only after you have practiced it once will you understand that it is completely two concepts.

Because of this, Zuo Zhou was sure that Dugu Jian might really have a third life, and now, he might have been reincarnated into a certain family as a baby.He was not in a hurry. After all, the reincarnation of the natives was different from the exiles. They didn't have a system to protect their memories. Even if they met in person in the future, they probably wouldn't remember Zuo Zhou.

As for the time holy sword technique itself... rubbish!
Because it has two true meanings of martial arts, the level of the sword of the holy spirit has reached the level of the best in the list.But these two kinds of martial arts have serious conflicts of true meaning. If anyone really practices both, it will not be so easy to improve in the future.If anyone really regards Dugu Jian as a role model, even if it's a lifetime of futility.

Of course, although there are hidden dangers, there are no real rubbish exercises, only rubbish people.The deteriorating version of the Childlike Innocence Scripture can also be used by Zuo Zhou, not to mention the Holy Spirit sword technique?
Sword [-] to Sword [-] pay attention to continuous and endless, and can trap the enemy with the sword net, which can be said to be the sword of love.

Sword 22 to Sword [-] focus on ruthlessness and ruthlessness, which are completely heartless and righteous swords.

If the two cannot be practiced together, then they will be taught separately. Practicing a certain kind of true meaning of martial arts alone will not cause contradictions and bottlenecks. Although it may affect one's own character, it is not too much of a negative effect.

With this in mind, Zuo Zhou began to practice the holy spirit sword technique in the dream space, and then he unlocked a system rule, a rule that he might have ignored before.

It is obviously the same sword technique, but it needs to complete two superb judgments to be considered complete!

It was only then that Zuo Zhou realized that it turned out that unique skills are not really that easy to practice.

Especially those that are high-end enough, layered and each layer has a unique artistic conception or progressive artistic conception, they have to re-cultivate every time.

Therefore, the holy spirit sword technique needs to be practiced twice to reach perfection, one corresponding to the sentient sword technique and the other corresponding to the unfeeling sword technique.In the same way, it can be proved that the Yi Jin Jing needs to be practiced at least seven times like Li Guishou, the twelve passes of the golden bell cover must be practiced twelve times, the eighteen dragon palms must be practiced eighteen times, and the Nine Yin Manual is even more difficult. It's so desperate, because there are too many things in it, and each additional one needs to be practiced again!
Of course, practicing more times does not mean that the technique is stronger, it's just that the things contained in it are different.Looking at it this way, these exercises possessed by Zuo Zhou are really unique.

As the top school of the earth list, the function of the Heart Sutra of Returning Dreams can only be practiced once. Both the Nianhuazhi and Mofengbo, both of the top schools of the earth list, have a single artistic conception. Be responsible, the state of being blessed by Xuangong key is a one-shot deal.

And Xiantian Gong is even more unreasonable, you don't need to practice it, it just runs forward by itself!

As for those tricks, Love in Allure is also single but dare not use them, Eleven Nirvana can be used but lacks true energy.

Although Pishui swordsmanship has a progressive concept, it relies entirely on self-enlightenment. Once you understand it, you will be at the full level, and you can use it immediately.

The only troublesome thing is the fruit-level Arhat Fist. Not to mention collecting Arhat Fist, you have to practice that Arhat Fist again and again to reach perfection before they can merge with each other.Fortunately, there are similarities between the various Arhat fists, otherwise Zuo Zhou would have given up.Humph, rubbish!
Oh, there are some other skills, but Zuo Zhou doesn't want to talk about them. After all, he is being tricky now, and the non-exquisite skills can basically reach the full level in three days in the dream space.Practicing is all about having fun, practicing if you have it, and reading if you have nothing to practice. Books such as the Book of Changes and the Tao Te Ching are far more effective than those kung fu.

"What are you thinking?" Concubine Xiao looked at Zuo Zhou with a strange expression, "You have a wretched expression, what are you thinking about the blessings of others?"

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips and sat on the ground carelessly. Soldiers in the distance listed the corpses of the gold-clothed police officers and others together, and then the assistant Chu Dali examined the corpses one by one. Actually, he should not have come here, but he missed Chu Chu a little, so he accepted this job.

"We should go! Because Mingyue's matter has been delayed for a long time, even if Emperor Qin waits, Princess Xiping can't wait!"

"It's time to go, but you should be prepared to fight a tough battle."

Xiao Consort's words made Zuo Zhou's expectant expression instantly turn depressed, "It's almost over, what else are you going to do!"

"If we just go back like this, we can't do anything, I'm not reconciled!"

"If you can go back safely, it is a victory, and you can rehabilitate the Jiannan Army. Isn't that enough? Do you have to pull Wei Jinzhong off the horse?"

"You know?" Concubine Xiao was a little surprised.

Zuo Zhou lay down on his side in depression, "I'll see that you didn't say anything about Li Gui's hand."

Concubine Xiao was stunned, "Thank you very much. I didn't expect Li Guishou to be so powerful before! But this is a good thing. Although Li Guishou is dead, Wei Jinzhong doesn't know it. Let's find someone to pretend to be Li Guishou. Along the way is Wei Jinzhong's last chance, and he will definitely take action."

"You are really playing with fire. You must know that both Tie Wuqing and Shadow failed in the assassination. Wei Jinzhong must know our strength. If we want to do something, we will definitely send master-level masters or a large army to encircle and kill us. Now Wei Jinzhong has no The only way to mobilize the army with strength is to take the path of a master-level master. And if a master-level master really comes... let's fight with the head?" Zuo Zhou really wanted to say that if you don't work, you will not die.

Concubine Xiao turned his head to look at the tent of Nie Feng and others, "Isn't there still Xiong Ba!"

"Xiongba? Hehe, don't think about it, he won't accompany us on the road."

What Zuo Zhou said was categorical, Concubine Xiao was a little curious, "How do you know?"

Zuo Zhou shrugged, "I talked to Dugu Ming before, most of the exiles used to resist the Zhan family sisters were trained by him, which is nothing. But those exiles who went to inform Dugu Jian to take revenge People who are not Xiongba, that is to say, Xiongba has a cooperative relationship with these exiles, but after Xiongba killed Dugu Jian, these exiles disappeared, just disappeared without any benefit. Do you think this is possible? "

"It's really impossible, this doesn't fit the style of the exiles." Concubine Xiao leaned on the wheelchair and was silent for a moment, "So the biggest possibility is that Xiong Ba is lying!"

Zuo Zhou nodded, "There are only two possibilities. Either the exiles have other plans, and helping Xiongba is just one part of it. Or Xiongba has other things to do. I personally prefer the latter!"

In fact, Zuo Zhou is also worried about the former possibility, but he doesn't want to admit it, because he can't imagine that the exiles will have any plan. There must be a link where Xiongba kills Dugujian, unless...someone knows the plot of the original Fengyun series, and wants to Follow the plot!

But there is another problem in this case. If there are exiles who like archeology in 3333, then now should be the best time to contact Nie Feng or Bu Jingyun.Bu Jingyun has the title of the god of death who does not cry, and he doesn't trust anyone. Instead of attacking him, he might as well find a way on Nie Feng.Well, someone should have contacted Nie Feng by now, but... what about people?
There are no other exiles around Nie Feng, so this may be negligible, then it is more likely that Xiongba lied about this matter.

Concubine Xiao thought for a while and suddenly asked again: "You should have the contact information for Dugu Ming!"

Zuo Zhou sneered, "You even know this?"

"You are a smart person who knows how to maximize your own interests. From the time when you obtained the Dragon Subduing God's legs by tricks, to the sword skills of the Holy Spirit, I don't believe you will let Dugu Fang, a master who has just entered the realm of the master, go." Xiao Xiao The son-in-law is confident, as if he already knows Zuo Zhou very well.

Zuo Zhou scratched his neck. He was busy every day in the army and hadn't showered for several days. "So you want Dugu to replace Xiongba? It's too far away!"

"Dugu Fang is now at the level of a master and can secretly protect him. With your help, I believe he can fight against a master at the level of a master. I don't believe that the people sent by Wei Jinzhong have the level of Dugu Jian!"

Zuo Zhou was awkward, "You are becoming more and more like a gambler now!"

"It's okay not to gamble. Judging from the information obtained from Li Guishou, the plan of the Qinglong Club is very auspicious, and it is even possible to implement it. At best, Di Renjie and Bao Zheng can guarantee that the conspiracy in the imperial capital cannot If we succeed, the military and external issues will be powerless. We must be able to kill one by one, and tear a hole in this plan that may become an iron bucket."

"Isn't this hole already torn open? Now the Jiannan Army is in our hands. If there is no response from the Jiannan Army, then Yang Wenguang will not act easily. Not to mention that the Ming Dynasty has been silent for a long time, even if he wants to If they want to cause trouble, they will not pose too much threat given the current internal problems of the Ming Kingdom. As for the Western Regions, it is not worth mentioning, and Happy King has not unified the Western Regions now, has he?"

Concubine Xiao's expression was extremely solemn, "I know, but this matter is not only a question of whether the royal family can be guaranteed, but whether the enemy can be killed in the bud. You must know that no matter whether the enemy's rebellion succeeds or not, all lives will be destroyed. We cannot Pin your hopes on whether Yang Wenguang will take action, you must keep destroying the enemy, and let Yang Wenguang feel that there is no chance of winning, so that he will be honest."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "Forget it, it's up to you, I'll send a signal for Dugu Fang to protect secretly..."


Nie Feng's tent, Mingyue woke up, and the first time he saw Nie Feng, his eyes were filled with gratitude and embarrassment.

Xiongba was quite satisfied with Mingyue's appearance, but in the blink of an eye, he ordered Qin Shuang to do something, and Qin Shuang was worthy of being Xiongba's right-hand man, and quickly brought back the information, "Master, the whereabouts of the little braid have been found .”

(End of this chapter)

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