Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 168

Chapter 168
"In the past, spreading dog food was exclusive to me. Now, can I only eat dog food passively??"

Seeing Mingyue and Nie Feng talking and laughing not far away, Zuo Zhou looked at Axiang and Zhan Shiqi seeking comfort. respond.As for Ah Xiang...

"Sure enough, this fair-skinned person is really beautiful in a red dress!" Ah Xiang muttered with a little envy, then looked at her hands, and then complained, "You said that innate skills can make People become more beautiful, but my skin has not become very white!"

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips awkwardly, "The principle of making you beautiful is to improve your skin from the inside out by strengthening your internal organs. How long have you been practicing now? Besides... yours is not an innate skill, but a Taoist health-preserving skill." Woolen cloth!"

Ah Xiang blinked and stretched out her hand, her palm turned red unexpectedly, "But I'm already born with it!"


Are you playing it off... Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand and pressed on A Xiang's veins, his innate qi poured in, and he was greeted with a scorching hug.

Well, after all, it is the true energy of the same source. Although the true energy in Ah Xiang's body has become such a hot attribute, it is still very kind to him.

"You... when did you become like this?"

"Just a few mornings ago, it was like this when I woke up."

Zuo Zhou had the urge to hit someone, but he never thought that one day he would be pretended by this stinky girl.

"You are not a congenital skill that evolved normally, it was mutated by external factors, but this is also one of the special effects of Taoist health-preserving skills. If I had a spare skill back then, I would have become like this Yes. But you, where are you from... the fire monkey, right?"

Zuo Zhou caught sight of the fire monkey with a small head exposed outside the tent. The little guy's eyes were particularly dodgy, and his whole body was hidden outside the tent. If it weren't for the eyes growing near the center of the face, it would even want to show a monkey hair !
Ah Xiang turned her head and glared at Fire Monkey, who immediately disappeared, "So my innate something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that the general way of opening Taoist health-preserving skills is to practice the unique skills while laying a good foundation, and then get twice the result with half the effort. If you don't have the perfect skills to practice, you will directly evolve into innate skills like me. But it is possible to create this Those who practice the technique never thought that they could have this kind of innate skill that evolves through the influence of abnormal circumstances."

"so what?"

"That's why, although this innate fire power doesn't have the all-match effect of innate zhenqi, it still inherits the effect of being able to run automatically."

Ah Xiang frowned, and her pretty face was almost wrinkled together, "In addition to the advantages of automatic operation, there is no wild effect, and the amount of real energy is also low. The sword intent of the Pishui Sword doesn't match, this... no matter how you think about it, it's all a flaw!"

Zuo Zhou laughed and comforted him, "Others want to have fire energy with their true energy. I don't know how many years they have to practice. Your fire energy comes from strange beasts. It is of a very high level, which no one else can ask for."

"No matter how high the level is, what's the use, it's not suitable!"

Zuo Zhou just smiled but didn't say anything else. In fact, he completely understood that although this kind of innate fire energy was very strong, it also restricted the skills that Ah Xiang could practice in the future, unless it was the most masculine and powerful like the Nine Suns Divine Art. Absolute learning, otherwise basically everything you practice will be half the result with half the effort, or even become obsessed.

But the problem is that this kind of yang and qigong is not suitable for women to practice. If you practice it, you will...

Zuo Zhou glanced at Ah Xiang's pectoralis major muscle that had begun to develop, coughed lightly, and said, "Actually, there is no other way, as long as you find some kind of natural and earthly treasure with a cold attribute, and bring it with you. By canceling each other out, the strength of the fire and the cold can slowly level the attributes of true energy. Although it still doesn’t have the precious all-match effect of innate skills, at least it won’t limit the problem of self-cultivation in the future.”

Ah Xiang nodded, then shook off Zuo Zhou's hand, got up and put her hands on her hips, with a look of 'I've seen through you a long time ago', "I already know that you've been greedy for Shi Qi's body long ago!"

Zuo Zhou (⊙_⊙)? Hey, he has never been wronged like this since he grew up. He admits that, as a man, it is inevitable that he will be greedy for so-and-so's body.But what does this have to do with what I said earlier?
At this time, Zhan Shiqi, who was surrounded by sisters chatting in the distance, suddenly paused, and through the gap between the sisters, she and Zuo Zhou's eyes met.

Zuo Zhou looked away a little guilty. Although Zhan Shiqi didn't understand, he was a little shy for a moment, his cheeks were flushed.

Zhan Hongling suddenly felt that something was wrong, "Why is your face so red like a monkey's ass? You must have lost your temper!" She stretched out her hand to pinch Zhan Shiqi's veins, but her true energy didn't even penetrate into it. The coldness of the bone marrow bounced it away.

Zhan Hongling shuddered, and exclaimed: "Didn't you practice the Quanzhen Fa? Why is it like this!"

Zhan Shiqi couldn't help feeling warm when he saw the worried expressions on the faces of all the sisters, but... "It's okay, I got cold poison when I was fighting with others before, and now it's fine, and I've found a solution, don't worry Well, I won't make fun of my own life."

The sisters saw that she didn't seem to be joking, so they didn't ask any more questions, but each of them blamed themselves. They were really unlucky before, and they searched so many places in Jiannan Road, but they couldn't find Xiao Shiqi, otherwise She will not be allowed to face danger alone.

On the other side, Zuo Zhou finally understood the problem, and then he was very embarrassed, "I said I didn't know about this beforehand, do you believe it?"

Ah Xiang o(^`)o "Ask my father and son-in-law to see if they believe it or not?"

Zuo Zhou didn't ask, he could already imagine the expressions of this group of people, it was nothing more than saying that they believed, but what was revealed in their eyes was 'stinky and shameless'!

The world will

Shuang'er slowly went up the mountain, facing everyone with a smile. As Bu Jingyun's maid, her status is not low, especially compared to Bu Jingyun's cold personality, her gentleness makes everyone like her more.

"Miss Shuang'er is back, why haven't you seen Hall Master Yun?"

On the steps, a girl in a light yellow dress greeted her with a smile. This girl didn't have any gorgeous decorations, and her appearance wasn't as stunning as Wanwan's, not even Fan Qinghui's.It's just that her aloof temperament made her seem to have an extra layer of halo filter.

However, it seems to be indifferent to the world, is it really indifferent to the world?
Kong Ci, the girl who grew up with Feng Yunshuang, in the environment of Tianxiahui, as a woman with poor martial arts talent, her current status is already the highest among the women of Tianxiahui, what else? What's up for grabs?
It's just that sometimes people tend to ignore some things blindly, but Wei Xiaobao and Shuang'er, who are outsiders who have experienced the warmth and coldness of the world, can see clearly.Therefore, regarding Kong Ci, the two of them should not offend if they can.

This is not to say that Kong Ci is so teasing, it's just that women and men sometimes achieve their goals in different ways, the difference is whether they can be accepted by both parties.

Just like when Zuo Zhou watched "Wolverine 2" before, on the surface the big boss of that movie was Yashida Ichiro, but he thought it was Yashida Mariko, this woman is awesome, the big villain can't help it even after all her efforts Seeing Wolverine's ability, she is lucky, not only got rid of the fate of marriage, but also got the power of the Yashida family, and even possessed the blood of Wolverine while she was happy.You see, what everyone has been fighting for throughout the movie, she got it in the end.

So there are some things that you can’t think about carefully, and you can’t use your brain when watching movies, otherwise the fun will be greatly reduced. This may be the reason why Huiji will hurt.

"Hallmaster Yun's mission outside is not over yet, he just needs some things, so let me come back and get them!"

Shuang'er replied very politely and respectfully. In front of Kong Ci, she would call him 'Hall Master Yun', which seemed to have no close relationship with Bu Jingyun.

Kong Ci nodded suddenly, and said with a trace of resentment: "The three of them have left, and even the leader is not here. This Tianxiahui has become a lot deserted."

Shuang'er chuckled, "Sister was joking, there are so many talented people in the world, isn't it easy to find someone to talk to and relieve boredom? I think breaking the waves is very good!"

Kong Ci shook his head, "Duanlang's hands are too dirty."

Shuang'er didn't say much, but continued to go up the mountain after a slight salute, this time she came back, she had a task, and she didn't have much time to waste here with Kong Ci.And Kong Ci is like a small episode in the whole process, probably really boring, and I don't know where to go in a blink of an eye.

Shuang'er came to Xiongba's residence, as a maid in name, she is qualified to clean here, but it's a bit difficult to blatantly take away something as big as a washbasin from it.After all, although Xiongba is not there, there are still many masters in the Tianxiahui.

Squeak, Shuang'er pushed the door open and entered Xiongba's room, and easily found the big treasure box of Qian Kun moving five elements placed on the table.

Pack it with the furoshiki prepared earlier, put it on your back, and start walking out as if nothing had happened.The real test will come after that, but it will be difficult for her to pass the test if she encounters anyone who becomes suspicious, so the more plain she pretends, the smoother she will be.

It's just a pity that just as he walked out of Xiongba's room, someone stopped him.

"Sister, sister, what are you going to do with your schoolbag?"

The immature and weird child's voice made Shuang'er's delicate body stiff, but she slowly turned her head, but her expression remained unchanged, and she bowed slightly, "I have seen the child emperor, and the master Xiongba found the clue of the mud bodhisattva, so he asked the servant to come back and take away the universe and move it." The Great Treasure Box of the Five Elements."

Looking up, I saw a forearm-length porcelain doll sitting on the beam of the house, with a red dress embroidered with gauze, with a white, smooth and crystal clear face.On the surface it looks like a handicraft, but in fact, Shuang'er, who knows Tong Huang well, knows that these are poor people controlled by Tong Huang.

"That's it, how could you have a maid come to fetch such an important thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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