Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 173 Bu Jingyun's Script

Chapter 173 Bu Jingyun's Script
Yujia Village, this is really a very magical place, not remote, quite famous, and all of them are strong and strong men, obviously very close to the border, but when the Great Qin was fighting, there was no war at all.This is hard to imagine in today's context.

Therefore, the villagers have always felt that there might be some mysterious and indescribable gods blessing this place.Perhaps, this village has its own unique role or responsibility, but it is still unknown.

In the middle of the night of this day, Xiao Zhui and Xiong Ba came to the vicinity of Yujia Village together.Standing on the mountain, you can see the lively villages formed on both sides of the river from a distance.The ordinary happiness at that moment made Xiong Ba, a hero who had tasted all the prosperity and wealth, feel a little bit emotional.

"Bu Jingyun is very good at hiding."

"The big hermit is hidden in the city, but this place fits the definition of being both remote and lively."

The little braid was wearing a short cloak, which looked like a fortune teller. She pinched her fingers slightly and pointed towards a mountain road.

Xiong Ba knowingly moved the horse's head, and the two ran wildly all the way.

"Don't the leader need to be more cautious? Bu Jingyun is not an idiot, maybe he will set up some early warning devices, and the leader of the trap may not be afraid, but if there is a warning to give in to Jingyun and run away, then the loss outweighs the gain."

Xiongba pondered for a while, thinking about the performance of the little braid before, nodded, dismounted and began to walk slowly.As a result, he really found a lot of warning traps, but most of these warnings were arranged temporarily. It can be seen that Bu Jingyun probably didn't plan to stay in this place for too long.

It may not be the first time Xiongba has done such a thing as a sneak attack, he came to a ruined temple without a sound, and the little pigtail who watched the whole process was very surprised.Although she knew that Xiongba was a despicable person, she didn't expect him to be so good at sneaking in. It seems that Ni Bodhisattva didn't mention this kind of thing.

But this is not important, because the cooperation between Xiaozhuzi and Bu Jingyun is calculated strictly according to the time, and the error is shortened to a quarter of an hour. As long as the time enters this area, Bu Jingyun will always be vigilant.


Sure enough, as soon as Xiongba approached the temple, Bu Jingyun broke through the temple gate with a loud shout and took a picture.

Xiongba sneered and slapped his palms as well, and his cloud-dispelling palms collided, as if two groups of dark clouds were rubbing against each other, sparks and lightning all the way, entangled together.During the short attack, Bu Jingyun also saw Xiongba's identity clearly, although he was surprised, he struck harder.

"Hahaha, Bu Jingyun, you let me down."

The palm of the hand temporarily changed into two fingers, and it directly touched the palm of Bu Jingyun. The little braid was standing behind Xiongba. From her perspective, the fingertips burst out with a dazzling luster, as if they had exploded suddenly. A piece of Milky Way, revealing the artistic conception is so mysterious.

There was a crisp bone cracking sound and severe pain, and Bu Jingyun flew back to the ruined temple with an unbelievable expression.The dilapidated shrine collapsed with a clang.

Xiong Ba's eyes narrowed with a smile, "Hahaha, Bu Jingyun, I thought you were an absolutely rational person, since you dared to betray me, you would definitely be prepared, but you didn't expect to be so unrestrained."

Stepping into the ruined temple, one can see at a glance the Qiankun Move Five Elements Treasure Box that fell on the ground. The celestial stems and earthly branches on it are obviously different from what Xiongba remembered.

Xiongba's face darkened, but he soon ignored it, "So you're trying to crack the treasure box? Hmph, I'm overthinking my abilities. I only taught you martial arts, but I didn't teach you I Ching gossip. It's ridiculous with your knowledge! "

Bu Jingyun struggled to get up from the ground, but before he could stand up straight, he fell down as if he was powerless. He held his arms and endured the severe pain, and finally sat next to the Buddha statue. sweat.

"Xiong Ba! If you kill my whole family, I will take your life!"

"Hahahaha!" Xiongba laughed again, as a big villain, this feature is the domineering laugh, "There are so many people in the world who want to kill me, so what are you, Bu Jingyun?"

Bu Jingyun gritted her teeth with a resentful but helpless look.The little braid's face is not very good-looking either, so... the strength of Xiongba must have increased in this short period of time, right?In the previous plan, it was true that minor injuries were exchanged for hegemony, but now an arm was disabled, is this considered a minor injury?Then you are really over this game!
"Little braid, go and open the treasure box!"

The little braid came back to his senses and bowed forward, a few steps came to the side of the treasure box, looked at Bu Jingyun vaguely, and said suddenly: "Don't the leader kill Bu Jingyun first?"

Xiongba disdains, but he has raised his vigilance towards Xiao Zhuizi after hearing the words, "Your grandfather clearly mentioned Fengyun in his comments, but you reminded me to kill Bu Jingyun first? Hehe, what do you want to do?"

The little braid paused, seeming very disharmonious, and even his tone became stiffer, "The leader misunderstood, I just asked casually, Bu Jingyun's life and death are naturally decided by the leader." He began to manipulate the treasure box.

The Great Treasure Box of Qiankun Move and Five Elements embodies the understanding of the Book of Changes from the Bodhisattva Nud all his life. If you don't know the answer in advance, ordinary people don't even want to open it if you don't have extraordinary talent or decades of hard work.

Xiao Zhuizi has only studied the Book of Changes for a few years, so of course she can't open it by her own ability. Fortunately, she already knew the answer, and moved her hands on the treasure box for a while.

At this time, Bu Jingyun also seemed to be focusing on the treasure box, with a fierce look that looked as if his teeth were about to be crushed, "Old thief Xiongba, you just killed me because of two criticisms." My whole family?"

With his hands behind his back, Xiongba just stared at the treasure box, "Killing your family has nothing to do with the criticism, it's just that your family stood in my way to fight for hegemony, but you, you are still alive thanks to the criticism. You should thank the Clay Bodhisattva, heh heh!"

There was a chain sound of the mechanism, and the little braid slowly bowed back, allowing the treasure box to start to operate automatically, "The treasure box has been opened, please help to check."

Xiongba eagerly stepped forward to the treasure box, and saw that the treasure box slowly rotated for a while, and then began to emit two balls of golden light, each of which was a comment.

'The Nine Heavens and the Dragon's Song are shockingly changing, and the wind and the clouds will swim in shallow water'

"Is this the critique for the rest of my life? Nine Heavens Dragon's Shocking Changes, does it mean that when my hegemony reaches its peak, there will be major changes? The wind and the clouds will swim in shallow water... Could it be that success and failure also happen?" Xiong Ba Frowning tightly, he slightly turned his head to look at the little braid, "What's the explanation for these remarks?"

The little pigtail saluted slightly and pointed to the comments, "Let's look at the comments, Chief Xiongba. The last sentence is just as the chief guessed, but there is another mystery in the next sentence."

"Oh? What's the mystery?" Xiongba heard the words and looked at them again as criticisms floating in the air.


The treasure box that has been rotating suddenly ejected a golden mist. This golden mist is very delicate. If you don’t pay attention, you may think it is the sound and light effect that automatically accompanies the comment. At this time, Xiongba’s mind has long been disturbed Confused by the criticism, he didn't notice this change at all.

It was too late when he realized the crisis, and the golden mist hit his face head-on!

With a scream, Xiongba covered his face, or his eyes, and saw that his original eyes had turned into beehives full of holes, and the strong corrosive toxin destroyed his eyes in an instant. , by the way, want to invade the brain through the eyes.

The little pigtail gasped, she was a little overwhelmed, Xiongba was too tough, after realizing that the toxin would invade the brain through the eyes, he even raised his hand to goug out his own eyes.

Two balls of minced meat that had begun to rot rapidly were thrown on the ground, and the violent toxin even corroded the ground with pits and hollows.And Xiong Ba was terrified when something happened at first, but he didn't retreat but advanced and directly slapped Bu Jingyun's position with his palm.

boom!Bu Jingyun waved his palm to forcefully catch the move, but Xiongba immediately followed up with another palm, he remembered that Bu Jingyun only had one arm at this time, this palm would definitely kill him.

However, there is always a gap between the facts and the reality, Xiong Ba only felt that another palm was matching him, and he used the Cloud Pai Palm!
" could it be?"

Bang, another cloud-dispelling palm move, and at the same time when both palms were fully used, a third palm was slapped on Xiongba's chest.

Pfft, Xiongba gushed out a mouthful of blood, he lost his eyes and couldn't see what was in front of him, but since he had a third hand, it meant there was a second person, "Who are you!"

"Xiongba, can't you feel my anger?"

"Duanlang!" Xiongba exclaimed, turning his neck slightly, hearing the sound, his location was actually the location of the previous Buddha statue.

That's right, Duanlang is hidden in Bu Jingyun leaning on the Buddha statue, they have been planning for a long time to ambush Xiongba this time!


Xiongba Dajing already wanted to retreat, but suddenly there was a piercing whistling behind him.

He spat out his true energy with both palms, forcibly shook Bu Jingyun and Duanlang away, and then turned around to grab them. There was a strong amount of true energy in his hands, even if the opponent used a magical weapon, it would not be so easy to hurt him.

However, Xiongba miscalculated again. There is still a difference between the ordinary magical weapon and the Fire Lin Sword. This claw accurately grasped the Fire Lin Sword, but driven by Duan Lang intentionally, a ball of evil fire energy flowed down his arm Started to spread.

Xiongba was startled by the severe burning pain from his arm, and his true energy was given to Huolinjian to take advantage of the opportunity, and the blade deflected and chopped off Xiongba's thumb and little finger.

"Ah! Bu Jingyun! Duanlang! I'm going to kill you, uh..."

Xiongba waved his arms frantically, venting his true energy chaotically and crazily, but suddenly his lower back hurts sharply, and a cold poison invades his body. Jingyun Duanlang colluded with me to harm me!"

The little braid had already run behind Bu Jingyun, and laughed with his hands on his hips, "Hahaha, I didn't expect that, I prepared these three ice soul silver needles, but I gave them all to you!"

 Dear family, I wish you all a happy National Day in advance, see if I have anything to do tomorrow, and add more if I have time
(End of this chapter)

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