Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 174 3 Fingers and Dominance are Better!

Chapter 174 Three fingers are more suitable for Xiongba!

Duan Lang waved his hand to summon the Fire Lin Sword, he and Bu Jingyun just now were not important, not even the little braid's Ice Soul Silver Needle, the most important thing was the Fire Lin Sword.

After all, Duanlang and Bu Jingyun's strength is quite limited, even if Paiyun Palm hit Xiongba's chest, they are not sure that they can kill Xiongba with one blow.

But the fire unicorn sword is different. According to the legend of the Duanlang ancestor, the ancestor of the Duan family got a scale of the fire unicorn after fighting the fire unicorn, which was a disaster to the world at that time.In the eyes of the ancestors of the broken family and the people in the martial arts, this scale is actually like a trophy, it is a medal of merit, it is glory!Therefore, the ancestors of Duanjia used precious metals and scales as raw materials to create this Huolin Sword. After that, the Huolin Sword became the signature of Duanjia. Walking in the rivers and lakes often does not need to use a sword to scare the enemy!

The power of Duanjia is unmatched for a while, but not everyone can control the Fire Lin Sword.

Some people say that the Fire Lin Sword is an evil sword, but that is actually a misunderstanding.The fire unicorn is not dead, so it is impossible for the soul of the fire unicorn to exist in those scales, and it is even more impossible to control any users because of it.It's just that the fire unicorn is a ferocious beast after all. Although there is no beast soul in the scales, it has the animal nature of the fire unicorn, or it can be said to be ferocious.

After the scales and many precious materials were smelted into the Fire Lin sword, the sword soul was produced, and it also turned the Fire Lin sword into a so-called fierce sword.

The so-called fierce sword is similar in meaning to the monster swords such as Guitou and Muramasa passed down in Dongpu, and it will kill the user.But this is not actually a problem with the sword itself, the problem is still with the user.

Because if you want to communicate with a magic weapon, then you must at least have enough compatibility with the sword soul. A person who dare not even kill a chicken, then he should not even try to achieve mind-to-mind communication with any weapon.Anyone who can communicate with the murderous soldiers is certainly not a good person in itself.

Not to mention a murderous monster, he is at least a martial idiot, and such a person will definitely look for trouble with itchy hands when he encounters a master, and he will definitely die of trouble after a long time. Can you say that this is a problem with the sword?
Duanlang was recognized by Huolinjian because he was an ambitious and ruthless person!
And after connecting with Huo Linjian, he also fully understood the power of Huo Linjian.It can inspire a kind of evil fire energy, which is difficult to get rid of like tarsal maggots. It not only burns the body, but also affects the enemy's spirit all the time.

So when he saw that Xiongba was injured by Huolin Sword, Duanlang was relieved, no one can save Xiongba today, I said it!

"How does the Fire Lin Sword taste? Do you feel the heat in it? That is my burning ambition!" Duan Lang danced a sword flower, and the blood-red blade left a circle of heat in the air.

Bu Jingyun endured the pain and stood up slowly, "What nonsense are you talking to him, kill him, so as not to cause trouble!"

Duan Lang glanced at Bu Jingyun's abnormally twisted arm, and couldn't help laughing: "What are you afraid of, my evil fire energy has already invaded his body, and with the poisonous needle of the little braid, he will die today. You, that arm is a comminuted fracture!"

Bu Jingyun looked at him, he knew Duanlang too well after being together for such a long time, and said with a bitter smile: "Yeah, it seems that I will retire from the arena and retire early, but it is not in vain to be able to kill Xiongba before leaving Already!"

Duanlang smiled, he is different from Bu Jingyun, Bu Jingyun is because of hatred, he is because of his passion for power.Bu Jingyun wants Xiongba's life, but he wants Tianxiahui!

Now that Bu Jingyun took the initiative to say that he would withdraw from the arena, he was expressing his position, and he would not compete with himself for the position of leader of the gang.Of course, as a disabled arm, he can't compete.

"Well, anyway, the Huolin Sword didn't drink enough of Xiongba's blood just now, and it's fighting with me right now, hehe! Let's fight together!"

"it is good!"

Bu Jingyun is a little helpless for Duanlang, Xiongba is already like this, but Duanlang is still a chicken thief and wants to attack together with him.But in order to get rid of Xiong Ba quickly, he didn't care about making simultaneous shots.

Bu Jingyun endured the pain and flew up. At the same time, Duanlang also used the eclipse sword technique handed down in his family. Blood-red sword shadows gathered above his head, like a hot blood sun rising, and then smashed towards Xiongba .

Little braid is not strong enough, felt the evil heat and unconsciously stepped back a few steps, but there was no shock on his face, anyway, today's plan is over, Xiongba must die, the future can be expected!

The berserk zhenqi surged and vibrated, falling from the sky as if it was going to crush Xiongba into a pulp, but Xiongba still didn't move, and he didn't know whether he was forcing the poison or he had already been beaten.

When the attack was about to touch his forehead, Xiongba made a move.

The right hand whose thumb and little finger had been cut off suddenly had three fingers straight up like a sword, stabbing fiercely towards the sky!

Xiongba's right arm seemed to have turned into a sharp sword, piercing through the air in the blink of an eye, facing him head-on with a piercing roar, and at the same time, the entire ruined temple seemed to be trapped in a strange stickiness.

There was a swift wind, and there were clouds that swelled with the wind. The cold air escaped from the clouds, and the hot and cold alternated to form a hurricane. The cycle endlessly formed a circle, and then the strange distortions in this circle began to compress and converge, and gathered in Xiongba's three fingers. fingertip.

mysterious!This space seems to be unable to accommodate anything anymore, what cloud dispelling palm, what evil fire strength, all shattered!

what! ×2
Double the screams can vomit blood enough to cover half the ground of the ruined temple. This is the state of Duanlang and Bu Jingyun at this time.

The huge force caused them to directly hit the supporting pillars of the ruined temple. The originally solid pillars were actually covered with layers of cracks under the impact.

"Hahahaha! Duanlang, Bu Jingyun, and even Zhou Xiang's plans are futile in the face of absolute strength. Dugu Sword is still no match for my three-point magic finger, let alone you?"

Xiongba laughed loudly, with streaks of blood flowing out of his eyes, ferocious and vicious, like a terrifying ghost, he began to walk towards them step by step.

Duanlang was terrified, and he and Bu Jingyun looked at each other at the same time, and both of them saw retreat in each other's eyes.Although there is endless unwillingness, Xiong Ba's kung fu has improved so much in an instant, which is beyond their expectation.For now, the only solution is to retreat first and then take it slowly.

Fortunately, Xiong Ba was already blind at this time, and he was able to identify the two of them entirely by listening to their positions and perceptions. As long as they were careful, they could still escape.

But they can think of it, can't Xiongba think of it?
"Hmph, don't think that if the old man loses his eyes, you can escape from the old man's grasp!"

Xiong Ba stretched out his arms, and after a shock of zhenqi, he began to generate a strong suction force. Of course, this is not the method of absorbing zhenqi like the star-absorbing Dafa or Beiming Shengong, but the influence of zhenqi on the nearby air flow.It's just that the power of Xiongba is too strong, and this kind of suction formed a tornado in the ruined temple, pulling Bu Jingyun Duanlang and Xiaozhuzi to float up.

Dingyin, Duanlang stuck the Huolin sword on the ground and barely stabilized his figure, the little braid hugged a pillar like a koala, and Bu Jingyun had a hard time relying on only one arm because the bones in one arm were broken. Steady his body, he was about to float towards Xiongba after struggling for a long time.

At this critical moment, the outer wall of the ruined temple suddenly shattered, and three iron gallbladders flew towards Xiongba!

The iron gallbladder was very fast, coupled with the influence of the tornado, it directly collided with the rolled up broken wooden board, and exploded with a bang bang bang, and a stream of red powder filled the air.

This kind of smoke bomb has no effect on Xiongba. After all, Xiongba is blind now, but the problem is that the red powder has a strong pungent smell.

As soon as Xiongbapu smelled it, he felt bad. This must be some kind of poison, so he withdrew from the ruined temple as soon as his skills were exhausted.

And a figure rushed in from the gap in the outer wall, he ignored Duan Lang and Xiao Zhuang, and rushed out of the gap to escape.

Duan Lang recognized it at a glance, isn't this the Wei Xiaobao who rescued Shuang'er!
It's just that he didn't dare to say anything more now, so he turned around and ran away.The little pigtail is a bit difficult, she has no skill now, she has Fengshen leg skills but hasn't practiced at all, she must not be able to outrun Xiongba, she had an idea, and went directly into the body of the Buddha statue that Duanlang was hiding just now, held her breath and closed her eyes, and put everything away. Leave it to fate.

Xiongba's heart moved, the pungent smell just now seemed a little familiar, it was... chili powder!

Xiong Ba was furious, he pricked up his ears to listen intently, and then started chasing in one direction without hesitation.

Duanlang ran for more than ten miles in one breath, and was about to catch his breath when he suddenly felt the pressure coming from behind him, and the violent killing intent made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end!

Depend on!What are you chasing me for?Is it because I'm handsome?And how did he catch up?Not enough branches along the way?Or do you even have eyes on your forehead?

Bang ding!
Tianshuang Fist hit the blade of Huolin Sword with bleak energy. Although the evil fire energy was difficult to entangle, but under the suppression of the huge real energy, the cold air turned back and froze, making Duanlang's brows, eyes, and lips turn purple.

Duan Lang shuddered and forcibly swung the Fire Lin sword to cut out waves of fire, but Xiongba didn't dodge or dodge at all, relying on his true energy to punch and palm, smashing all the waves of fire brutally. crush!

Duanlang vomited blood again and flew back, then forcibly held his breath, trying to take advantage of Xiongba's invisible disadvantage.

But Xiongba just paused for a moment before calling again, without any hesitation at all.

How on earth did he find himself?
Duanlang's eyes were about to burst, he didn't believe that a guy who had just become blind could immediately master such a high-end method of listening to position.There must be some reason... the Fire Lin Sword!

Duanlang was quite quick-witted, he flew out the Fire Lin sword and stuck it on the ground not far away, sure enough, Xiongba flew towards that side and kicked.

Xiongba relies on the heat wave perception of the Fire Lin Sword!
Duanlang chuckled silently, stepped back, turned and went into the woods, and when he reached the bank of a river, he waved his hand to recall the Fire Lin Sword, then plunged into the river and went down the river.

 Happy National day
(End of this chapter)

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