Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 179 Mr. Di, we are still destined!

Chapter 179 Mr. Di, we are still destined!
"How should I put it? It's a bit different from what I imagined."

It was also the first time for Zuo Zhou to see the imperial capital. Although he once boasted that he came from a modern city, he would never be surprised by the so-called "luxury big city" in ancient times, but when he saw it, he still felt that it was a bit different from what he imagined. Same.

Among other things, who would have thought that there are large buildings over 300 meters in this imperial capital?

Note that these buildings are not towers, but serious palaces, and there are more than one!
In this era without tower cranes, excavators and other heavy machinery, what the hell is it... oh yes, the workers are probably quite strong in martial arts, um, sure enough, the quality requirements for moving bricks are high these days.

He sighed for a long time, then forcibly pulled up his face, turning his surprise into a bumpkin, just like Ah Xiang next to him.

Ah Xiang: "Wow! That building is so tall!"

Zuo Zhou: "Wow! That palace is so big!"

Old man Zuo turned his head away, he really should have drowned this kid in the first place!
Naturally, this is not the first time Concubine Xiao has come back, just looking at the familiar city wall, everything still seems like a dream, we... are we back?

Zuo Zhou looked at his absent-minded appearance, and said cheerfully, "I'm still thinking about Wei Jinzhong's problem. Although I don't know what happened, it's a good thing anyway. Don't care whether Wei Jinzhong has a master or not. The master, at least, shows that he is too busy to take care of himself now, and can't send any extra force to intercept and kill us."

Concubine Xiao sighed a long time, nodded, waved his hand and shouted in a dignified way: "Go to the city!"

The team didn't start because someone blocked the city gate, a lot of people.

The smile on Consort Xiao's face gradually became thicker, as if even the weather had become clearer.This group of people were obviously friendly troops, anyway, Zuo Zhou saw Di Renjie at a glance!


Ah Xiang looked at Zuo Zhou who suddenly gasped, feeling a little confused, "This is obviously one of our own, why are you gasping?"

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek in embarrassment, and whispered back: "I just remembered that I am actually under Di Renjie's command."

"..." Ah Xiang punched her fist, "That's right, we are Di Renjie's people!"

It's really too long to hang out with Prince Xiao and his gang, even during the time when Zuo Zhou was running alone, all he thought and thought were Jiannan Army people.After all, his identity as Zuo Zhou was once a soldier of the Jiannan Army, so he really didn't agree with Li Yuanfang's identity.

Of course, what's more important is that Di Renjie asked him to use the method of Li Yuanfang to contact Ji Li Khan of the Turks, but now the Turks have been defeated by Yang Wenguang. How can there be any reason for this?So here comes the question, is Zuo Zhou's mission a success?

"My son-in-law, we have been waiting for you for a long time with this glass of wine!"

Just when Zuo Zhou was worrying about gains and losses, a middle-aged man in a red-patterned official robe with a black background stood out from the crowd. His brows and eyes were full of elegance and style, and his eyes were like stars. Just by looking at him, he knew that he must be a hero among men.

Zuo Zhou's knowledge of Daqin's official robes is limited, at most he distinguishes them by color. Judging by the grades of black, gold, and red, this lord is probably below the level of one person.And there are not many people of this level, and those who are full of style, there are only...

"Master Xiangguo, Lord Bao, Lord Di, colleagues, Xiao Heng is fortunate enough to come back to drink this glass of wine, thanks to everyone's hard work. Sorry for the inconvenience of Xiao, I can't thank you!"


A group of people came up chattering, and the previous solemnity was completely gone. It was really like a group of old classmates who hadn't seen each other for a long time.

Zuo Zhou tactfully retreated a few steps to give up his position. At this time, he didn't need to guard anything anymore. He really didn't believe that someone could carry out an assassination at this time. It would be a real breakthrough. If Li Si and Bao Zheng , Di Renjie, and a bunch of officials of all sizes who don't know their backgrounds are watching, let alone you are the Qinglong Club, even the fucking Kowloon Club will have to pull your hips.

"Lord Li, I have admired your name for a long time."

At this time, the circle hierarchy became very obvious, Prince Concubine Xiao and his group stayed together to ask for warmth, and naturally someone from Zuo Zhou also came over.

This is a tall and straight young man dressed in a red official suit. He is full of heroism with sword eyebrows and star eyes. He is holding a black embossed sword in his hand. It is exquisite and simple from the scabbard to the hilt. It looks low-key and luxurious.

He cupped his fists and bowed slightly with a very standard etiquette. This is the etiquette between officials when they meet. Fortunately, Zuo Zhou had studied it for a while in order to pretend to be Li Yuanfang, otherwise he would have revealed his secrets just by this one.

Well, the other party is too serious, which makes him a little stressed, "I wonder if my lord is..."

"Zhan Zhao, Zhan Xiongfei, are under Bao Zheng's command..."

"Brother! I miss you so much!" Before the words were finished, Zhan Hongling flew over directly, but Zhan Zhao seemed to have been prepared for a long time, stepped aside when he made a wrong step, and smiled at Li Yuanfang Said: "Sister She, thank you for taking care of me these days, Zhan will remember it in my heart."

This time, he used Jianghu etiquette, which made Zuo Zhou unconsciously relieved, but since Zhan Zhao is here, then Bao Zheng should be here too, just now I heard Concubine Xiao also mentioned Mr. Bao, so...why not? See the black dude with the crescent on his forehead?

"Brother, what are you talking nonsense about? Your sister still needs to be taken care of by others?" Zhan Hongling glanced at Zuo Zhou disdainfully, and then stretched out her hand to pull Zhan Shiqi over, and a group of sisters also stood tactfully. Arrived behind Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao obviously wanted to be more general, and smiled at Zuo Zhou: "My sister is naughty, so brother Yuan Fang must have bothered me."

Zuo Zhou cupped his fists in return, "Brother Zhan, you're being polite. In fact, it's more interesting to have someone like Lingmei on the road."

Zhan Hongling was furious, if it was changed to before, she must have pushed towards Zuo Zhou with her chest upright, but this time, she behaved like a cat just by being glanced at by Zhan Zhao.

Zuo Zhou smiled and pointed to the officials, "I've heard of Bao Zheng's reputation for a long time, but who is Master Bao?"

Zhan Zhao was very proud when he heard that someone praised Bao Zheng, so he stretched out his hand to a person who was chatting and laughing with Consort Xiao, "That one is Lord Bao."

Zuo Zhou's smile froze instantly, what the hell is Master Bao?You tell me this is Master Bao?Although it is a bit darker compared to Consort Xiao, but that is the level of Heigu, and there is no crescent moon on the head, this... this Mr. Bao has no soul!

Zuo Zhou quickly covered up his embarrassment, but he yelled in his heart that his identity as an exile had been exposed!

Although Zuo Zhou did not have a deep understanding of the Earth next door in 3333, logically speaking, in addition to serious history books, there should be many literary works handed down.

Among other things, first of all, there will definitely be four great classics, and then some classic classics that have passed the test of time, such as "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" are very likely.

As far as Zuo Zhou knows, Zhan Zhao is a character from the classic novel "Three Heroes and Five Righteousness" in the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. This work can be regarded as the originator of Chinese martial arts novels.Even in Zuo Zhou's era, it was widely circulated, and this kind of masterpiece with a unique position in history will definitely become the darling of the film and television industry, with various adaptations and remakes never missing.

As we all know, once a character in a famous book overlaps with a real person in history, people will subconsciously cover the real image with a legendary image in their minds.

Speaking of Bao Zheng, the first impression of Zuo Zhou, including many exiles, is Bao Heizi with the crescent moon on the top of his head, who can solve cases like a god, but in fact, no one has ever seen the real Bao Zheng in history.

Therefore, ninety-nine out of ten people who mentioned that Bao Zheng had a black face and a crescent on his forehead were exiles, and he seemed to have mentioned the matter of Bao Zheng being black in front of Concubine Xiao. Already exposed?

No, no, it seems like it was just that one time, it shouldn't happen, if I ask, I will say that I agree with other exiles!

Zuo Zhou is still deceiving himself and others, but he has finished talking about the old days.

Li Si personally pushed the wheelchair into the city, "Your Majesty and the princess are still waiting for you, let's go to the palace first, and let's talk about the past later."

Concubine Xiao nodded, turned back to Young Master Ximen and said, "Go to the Princess Mansion and wait for me, I believe the Princess has already prepared a place for you."

Young Master Ximen nodded, and Bao Zheng also smiled at Zhan Zhao: "Guard Zhan will take them back too, and I will listen to your work report when I go back."

"Yes, my lord."

Zhan Zhao waved his hand, and Zhan Hongling followed with a group of sisters. Naturally, Zhan Shiqi was no exception.Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment when he looked back at that one step, and he just came to his senses at this moment, good guy, is this the rhythm of everyone returning to each other and looking for their own mothers?
Zhan Shiqi is naturally Bao Zheng's subordinate, and Mr. Ximen is undoubtedly the direct descendant of Concubine Xiao, so he took Dugu Wei and Fengyun Shuangmingyue with the female officials of the Princess Mansion... and took him away Ashanti!
"This is a bit too much!"

"It's too much, you just wait for him to bring someone to propose marriage, and don't be greedy for the girl before that." Zuo old man slapped Zuo Zhou on the back of the head.

Zuo Zhou was aggrieved, "You may not believe it when you tell me, but this girl has always taken the initiative, look at how reluctant she is!"

The old man Zuo curled his lips, "If you really don't want to part with it, just follow along. Can the Princess Mansion be without your residence?"

Zuo Zhou hesitated. Now is the time to stand in line. With what he has done, there is no problem in wanting to take refuge under Consort Xiao's command. This is indeed a good choice. Alas, the benefits cannot be described in one or two sentences.

It's just... If he didn't remember what happened before, then he would really be messing around with Concubine Xiao, but now, considering the attitudes of high-level officials in various countries towards exiles, Zuo Zhou finally chose Di Renjie.

Bringing old man Zuo and Shuang'er to Yuchi Zhenjin, "Master Yuchi, please take care of me in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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