Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 180 This Li Yuanfang deserves attention

Chapter 180 This Li Yuanfang deserves attention

The people on the bridge are looking at the scenery, but they don't know that the people on the bridge have also become the scenery.

When Zuo Zhou's family followed Yuchi Zhenjin to visit the imperial capital, there were three groups of people watching him from other places.

A tall watchtower, with a column about 300 meters high, and the top is somewhat similar to a revolving restaurant in modern society, but the people inside are not upper-class aristocrats in suits and leather shoes, but bow and arrow masters with sharp eyes like eagles.In other words, this is the arrow tower, its function is to maintain the law and order of the entire imperial capital through the advantage of vision.There are dozens of watchtowers like this in the entire imperial capital, distributed in various areas of the imperial capital.

At this time, a man in a red robe with a hulking back was standing on the edge of the watchtower with his hands behind his back, his eyes were following the people who had turned into small dots in the distance.

The strong wind was blowing, but the man was completely motionless in his clothes. Several archers behind him bowed and said, "Eunuch Wei, Your Majesty has summoned you!"

The man turned around slowly. This was a big square face, full of arrogance and vicissitudes, and his eyes had wisdom that ordinary people could not understand.Although being urged by the people behind him, he didn't show any anger. However, this calmness made several archers back unconsciously in fright.

"No hurry, let's take a look first."

He said so, with gentle and calm words, it is difficult for you to associate a big villain with him, let alone such a burly person would be an eunuch.

Chachacha, a flash of sword light swayed, softly and smoothly wiped the necks of all the archers, and as many corpses lay on the ground, a slender figure appeared behind him.

"Eunuch Wei, our people have already withdrawn."

Wei Jinzhong didn't turn his head back, but just sighed, "These little soldiers are just sending a letter, so why do you want to silence it?"

Ye Zhanqing bowed slightly, "Since the father-in-law is ready, how can people know whereabouts?"

Wei Jinzhong was delighted, "So what if we know?"

Ye Zhanqing seemed to have her own unique way of communicating, and she didn't change her attitude easily because of Shangguan's words, "If I were Di Renjie and the others, then I would definitely use Li Yuanfang and the others as bait after learning that Eunuch Wei is here looking at Li Yuanfang and the others. Invited the father-in-law to show up."

Wei Jinzhong sighed for a long time, "Xiaoye, why don't you say that my father-in-law didn't know about your existence? As long as my previous subordinates have half your IQ, they won't be wiped out!"

Ye Chanqing smiled charmingly, "Thank you, Eunuch, for your attention. It's not too late now. As long as Eunuch is successful, no one in the entire imperial capital can stop you."

Wei Jinzhong shook his head, "Your vision is shallow after all. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in this imperial capital, even if I finally master it, I may not be able to be invincible. Therefore, there is no absolute force in this world. What is needed is resourcefulness.”

"Greetings, Eunuch."

Ye Zhanqing's soft voice used to flatter people is very convincing, but unfortunately, Wei Jinzhong can't do anything, "Will Yang Wenguang agree?"

Ye Zhanqing shook her head regretfully when she heard the words, "He doesn't intend to help you, but he can guarantee that the members of the Yang family were not in the imperial capital when the incident happened."

Wei Jinzhong seemed to heave a sigh of relief, "Is that the case? That's fine. If the Yang family has three masters, if they stay here, it will cause me great trouble. Where is Wang Jian?"

"The emperor of Qin sent him to Youzhou. Although Yang Wenguang took down the entire Turkic army, he did not order him to dispatch troops privately after all. This way, he could not be given full power to deal with the Turkic affairs, so Wang Jian took orders to deal with it."

The smile on Wei Jinzhong's face gradually faded, and there was a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Is there such a coincidence? At such a critical time, Qin Huang actually sent Wang Jian out?"

Ye Zhanqing hurriedly said: "This subordinate also felt that something was wrong. I was afraid it was a conspiracy trap, so I specially asked my subordinates to watch along the way, and only reported after confirming that Wang Jian had really arrived in Youzhou. Maybe... Eunuch Wei is really so God help!"

"If there is God's help?" Wei Jinzhong was a little confused for a while, but this emotion was put away in a blink of an eye, and replaced with full confidence. "Forget it, let's treat it as an accident. Besides, even if Wang Jian really stays, I may not lose!"

"Elder-in-law domineering!" Ye Zhanqing leaned forward lightly, like a lady from a great family.After a pause, he asked again: "Then Li Yuanfang, shall we target him? It can be said that our plan was ruined in his hands."

Wei Jinzhong glanced at the dots that disappeared at the end of the street again, and said with a smile: "No need, according to what you said, this Li Yuanfang is a talent and knows the current affairs very well. When all the dust settles, he will bow down at my feet! "

Turning around and leaving, the whole process is domineering, a bit like Xiongba who was ambitious to fight in the martial arts.

At the same time, Zuo Zhou raised his head slowly, pointed to a nearby watchtower, "Brother Yuchi, what is that?"

Yuchi Zhenjin glanced up and said with a smile: "Well, it is a watchtower built by the Ministry of Industry, which is specially used to monitor the dangers in the imperial capital. It is claimed that the people standing on it are all gifted archers. Mess around under their noses, and be shot into a sieve every minute!"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "Are they all archers who want to be innate? This is just to bluff the common people!"

Yuchi Zhenjin also laughed and said: "The common people don't know much about the realm of martial arts, as long as they know that they can protect them and feel safe. By the way, it is said that this watchtower incorporates the mechanism of the public loser. Essence, what is the inner world, but the imperial capital has always been stable, and there is no need to activate it at all, so no one believes it over time."

Zuo Zhou understood, "So that's the case, no wonder I felt a bit of malice just now, maybe the archers above are jealous of my handsomeness!"

Yuchi Zhenjin froze for a moment, then waved his hand with a serious expression to let his men go down to the watchtower to touch it.

Zuo Zhou didn't care too much. He was a newcomer, so he didn't have the right to point fingers. He just raised his head again and looked at a luxurious building that was obviously a restaurant.

There were two beauties standing on the third floor of the restaurant, looking at them generously, Zuo Zhou unconsciously puffed out his chest, raised his forehead and asked in a low voice, "Brother Yuchi, look up to the right, there are two The beauty is looking at me!"

Yuchi Zhenjin stared blankly for a moment, then smiled, "That's Miss Zuo from Zuiyuelou."


"Zuiyue Tower is very famous in the entire imperial capital. Besides Zuiyue Tower itself, there are dozens of large and small wine shops. They even provided the wine for the Qin Emperor's banquet. In terms of wealth alone In other words, Miss Zuo Yaoqing is the richest in the imperial capital. What's even more rare is that Miss Zuo is generous and kind-hearted, and she will donate a lot of materials and silver every time there is a disaster. I remember the year before last, there was a water demon on Jiangnan Road The troubled river flooded, and it was rumored that fifteen dams were destroyed. Miss Zuo Yaoqing donated a total of 3000 million taels of supplies! Did you see the signboard of the Zuiyue Tower? It is the inscription by the Emperor Qin!"

Zuo Zhou looked at Yuchi Zhenjin's adoring face, and immediately understood, it seems that Zuo Yaoqing is a figure of the goddess of the whole people.But this routine is very familiar, a bit like a big philanthropist, and then looked up, and saw the two beauties nodded slightly to him.

Well, it's a little embarrassing, he doesn't know which of the two beauties is Zuo Yaoqing, but it doesn't matter, just nod and smile.

"This Zuo Yaoqing, how old is this year?"

Yuchi Zhenjin glanced at him, and said with a smile: "It's Jade Nianhua, I don't know how many princes and grandsons in the imperial capital are trying to trick her, and you are also interested?"

Zuo Zhou just smiled and said nothing, which was clearly the behavior of an exile, and he didn't even cover it up.Judging from the high-level attitude towards the exiles, no prince or grandson would provoke her!If there is, it must be a dude who doesn't even know what an exile is. Such a person, Zuo Yaoqing probably doesn't like it either.

The team passed by slowly, Zuo Zhou didn't feel any malice, so he didn't care, after all, he couldn't offend the local snake as soon as he arrived in the imperial capital.

On the contrary, Zuo Yaoqing watched them disappear into the distance before turning her head and going upstairs. Behind her was a beautiful girl with the same elegant demeanor, with a little makeup on and her eyes flowing like a stream.

"Sister, why do you pay attention to this Li Yuanfang?"

Zuo Yaoqing went into her study and sat down quietly, picked up a teacup and drank lightly, "From the desert to the Turks, and then from Jiannan Road to the imperial capital, all the way to fight for thousands of miles, and ruined Wei Jinzhong's plan for life, such a person is actually There is no name in history! Xiaoguan, do you believe it?"

The beauty named Xiaoguan shook her head, but she didn't care too much, "Sister, aren't there many such examples?"

Zuo Yaoqing felt a little emotional, "Indeed, we used to think that this is a character developed independently in this world, but it wasn't until Du Suyan contacted me a while ago that I realized that this so-called parallel world is not only similar to history, but also Mixed with the plot of many classical novels!"

Xiaoguan exclaimed, "So... those masters that we can't recognize are probably characters in some novels? Then... there are too many possibilities, how to grasp the business opportunities here? "

Zuo Yaoqing shook her head and said regretfully: "I can't grasp it! Do you remember what happened before? The Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce was almost squeezed out of the market by the Qiang Gang, but for some reason, the leader of the Qiang Gang suddenly ordered to shrink its strength and wiped out the entire Great Qin The market gave way, which made the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce relieved. We didn't understand it at the time, but now that I think about it, Shangguan Jinhong, the leader of the money gang, is very likely to be a character in a novel, because it involves Martial arts, that's why they quit Daqin for non-commercial reasons. After all, business is all about profit, and the rule of the rivers and lakes is strength!"

Xiao Guanxiu frowned, "So the eldest sister and Du Suyan are going to intervene in the situation? But... Wasn't our previous purpose only focusing on business?"

Zuo Yaoqing was also a little helpless, "Since this kind of thing can happen to Qianqian Gang, it may happen to us. Although I have a good relationship with many martial arts masters, it is not my own strength after all. It is difficult to play a role, we need to have our own strength. It is rare to have a chance now!"

Xiao Guan opened his mouth but didn't try to persuade him anymore, stretching his hand too long can sometimes be very dangerous.


When Zuo Zhou arrived at Dali Temple, Di Renjie was awesome. From Yuchi Zhenjin's mouth, he learned that he had become the Minister of Dali Temple in less than a year after returning to the emperor!
This thigh looks very thick!
Zuo Zhou moved his hands and feet, intending to hug him tightly in the future, but he felt a little awkward when he raised his head, um, it seemed to be looking in a mirror.

"My son have grown up!"

The old man Zuo waved his hand generously to greet the beautiful woman in front of him, but Zuo Zhou was very awkward. Although he knew that he was very similar to Zhu Yuyan before, the degree of wearing women's clothing as if looking in the mirror was a bit too much.Most importantly, you don't have to kill Li Yuanfang's identity like this, do you?
(End of this chapter)

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