Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 205 Come on everyone, kill this Flash

Chapter 205 Come on everyone, kill this Flash
The Seven Absolute Arrow set is really a good thing, as long as you pull your finger, the arrows that fly out and drop will automatically return, but the superposition of the power of the Lianzhu Arrow is a bit unreasonable.Even the arrows re-smelted with the magic weapon can hardly withstand the attack power after the power blessing.

When Yu Yue gave Zuo Zhou the Qijuejian set, he didn't know how far he could do it, so he wasn't worried about it.But Zuo Zhou knew that, judging from the material of Qijue Arrow, the limit was Qilianzhu, which happened to be a tolerable limit and could stimulate the fire power of Qijue Arrow.

But the acceptable limit does not mean that it will not cause damage to the arrow itself, which is somewhat similar to the definition of rated current and maximum current.Therefore, in order to ensure the service life of the Seven Absolute Arrows, the safest way is to use the Seven Absolute Arrows as an auxiliary, use the Seven Absolute Arrows for the first six arrows, and use other arrows for the last attacking arrow.

The originally dropped arrow flying back in the air did scare Wei Jinzhong a bit, what's wrong?There's no end to shooting, right?

Bang, bang, bang, another series of beating sounds, I guess Zhuge Zheng and I have never seen such a durable sandbag, it is so enjoyable!
While Wei Jinzhong continued to erupt with true energy, he gesticulated with both hands, resisting Zhuge Zhengwo's attack ineffectively but bluntly, but what he really paid attention to was Zuo Zhou on the other side.

He put an arrow on the hard bow again, and he shot it, he... damn it!
The attack this time was even more exaggerated than the last time. Not only did Zuo Zhou's movements almost become a shadow, but even the arrow that flew out was like a shooting star, and it actually burst into bright light in the process?

Arrows glow?No, that is the light that blooms after the extreme concentration of true energy!
Wei Jinzhong didn't care about Zhuge Zhengme any more, he clasped his hands together forcefully, snap!Hold this arrow firmly, just like he did before, but the problem is that this arrow is not the same as the previous one.


Before Wei Jinzhong could show contempt and disdain in his eyes, the arrow exploded. The tumbling air wave pushed Wei Jinzhong's figure backwards, and the fragments of the arrow even scratched his unhandsome face. There are many traces.

What made him even more displeased was that Zhuge Zhengwo took advantage of this moment to shoot over with a spear, and the sharp point of the spear penetrated into the muscle for a full three inches under the blessing of true energy!
It's just that Zhuge Zhengwo didn't have any happy expression, the moment the spear pierced his flesh, he knew that Wei Jinzhong's true qi covering his body prevented the spear from hitting the vital point.

"What are you waiting for, unite as one, unite as one!"

Zuo Zhou gave a strange cry, and everyone immediately joined in. Nie Feng and Qin Shuang clasped their hands, and the two natural forces of wind and frost condensed in an instant, a touch of detached light was hidden in it, and they rushed towards Wei Jinzhong.

Most people can't understand that aura, especially Bu Jingyun who was dumbfounded, said that everyone is a senior brother, why can't I do this trick?
But Zuo Zhou knew the power of this move, so he quickly shifted his figure behind the two of them, bent his bow and set his arrow again, and snapped, the hard bow broke.

Zuo Zhou quickly reached out and snatched the hard bow of an archer. As long as I am not embarrassed, it will be others who are embarrassed.

Wei Jinzhong gave full play to his gangster-like fighting style, grabbed the spear with one hand and pulled it out, then pulled it hard, and swung his palm at Zhuge Zhengwo.It’s just that Zhuge Zhengwo is a real top player, with so much experience in combat, he calmly let go of the spear, let the palm swing in the air, and then made a move with both hands, and the gravel on the ground recondensed into another spear and pointed it at Wei Jinzhong again. It was a mess.

At this time, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang's Wind and Frost Match also came. Wei Jinzhong couldn't see the tricks in it, but he could feel a strange sense of threat.So he clasped his fists and threw them at them.

It's still the air wave exploding, which is an inevitable effect in a duel move, but this time it's extra exaggerated. A real balloon suddenly explodes at the place where it meets the limbs, and all kinds of air turbulence in it bursts into the spear. Minced.At the same time the real balloon inflated and exploded, causing Lu Xiaofeng's face to roll like waves.

Zuo Zhou hated that he didn't have a mobile phone at this time, otherwise such a famous scene would have to be photographed.

This time the air wave spread far away. The police and soldiers blocking the city gate raised their shields one after another, and then lay down. Although there were no casualties, it looked quite tragic.

When the true energy dissipated, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang separated naturally, and an arrow shot towards Wei Jinzhong almost seamlessly!

Crack bang bang!
This time it was finally successful, the arrow exploded with great power beside Wei Jinzhong's ear, and the fragments flew, shaving off half of Wei Jinzhong's head, and half of one ear was missing~!

"Ah~~~~ Beast, I will kill you!"

Zuo Zhou pouted, as if you could do it.

Yay!Wei Jinzhong let out a meaningless roar, but he held the hilt of the magic sword again.

This action stunned both Lu Xiaofeng and Zhuge Zhengwo, knowing it was useless and still doing it?
The devilish energy that was eroding towards Lu Xiaofeng suddenly retracted, and then easily covered Wei Jinzhong, then he raised his head and roared, his voice went straight into the sky under the blessing of true energy, and it was thunderous in an instant.

"I'm going! Quickly, he's going to call Tianlei forcibly!"

Everyone realized in an instant that this was the most shocking part of Tian Fu's mind, but knowing it was one thing, but seeing it with their own eyes was another.

One moment it was cloudless, and the next second it was cloudy. If there really was a god responsible for thunder, how confused would it be at this moment? After working hard for thousands of years, this is the first time I have seen such a death-seeking person.

Wei Jinzhong wanted to die, but Lu Xiaofeng definitely couldn't die with him, he had no choice but to give up the chance he had finally seized, let go and retreat.

Almost by a hair's breadth, a big thunder landed directly, boom, the ear-piercing roar could be heard even half of the imperial capital.The glare of the glare made the policemen unable to open their eyes. Without any suspense, the ground began to crack and spread to the palace gate, so that the closed palace gate tilted to reveal a gap.

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes slightly, and while the strong light had not dissipated, he shot seven consecutive arrows. The arrows made with baby needles and Youlan sword before had been blown up. Zuo Zhou also worked hard this time, directly using Qijuejian was the main attack, but...before he could complete the Qilianzhu burst, a figure charged with electric current rushed over.

The figure jumped over the arrow that flew halfway, and came to Zuo Zhou in an instant.

Sure enough, even if the most powerful master hits two moves in a row, he should know the essence of this move.Yes, although Zuo Zhou's Lianzhu arrow is powerful enough, it has many weaknesses.

First of all, the momentum is too great to be suitable for sneak attack and sniping.Secondly, the weak attack power needs a process of transmission, so as long as this process is interrupted, it is equivalent to cracking this trick.Finally, and also the most helpless weakness, both the arrows that are delivered and the final attack are all in a straight line.Therefore, unless an advance is made, this trick of Lianzhu Arrow can only attack enemies in a straight line.

It's not that Zuo Zhou doesn't know how to bend arrows, he just needs to use his true energy to change the trajectory, but the precise control of his true energy means that he can't use all his power to transmit it.If one of your arrows turns a corner, the other arrows will definitely need to turn as well. This will cause you to lose more qi inside and out, and the effect of the final attack will be almost the same as if you didn't use Lianzhu arrows.

Perhaps it is because of so many disadvantages that the potential attack method of Lianzhujian cannot become a unique skill.

And Wei Jinzhong obviously saw through these disadvantages, so he came over with a body of lightning that had not yet been absorbed and refined. Just in the middle of the way, he passed the arrow that was wounded and charged, and slashed at Zuo Zhou with his sword.

Soon, very quickly, Wei Jinzhong seemed to really be transformed into The Flash after adding lightning special effects, which is quite surprising.

Zuo Zhou stepped back as if he was going to do a classic move of a lazy donkey rolling, and passed the first sword. Wei Jinzhong started to sway with his sword, as if he was very experienced in dealing with lazy donkeys rolling.

It's just a pity that Zuo Zhou was rarely so embarrassed after learning Lingbo Weibu, and this time it was the same. Zuo Zhou had already run two or three meters away, but he still didn't intend to let Zuo Zhou go.

"Why are you chasing me? Why don't you kill the big Emperor Qin?"

"I'll kill you first, and then kill Emperor Qin!"

Does your conversation seem like a conversation that courtiers should have?

Zhuge Zheng and I chased after him with a black line, and then found that we couldn't catch up for a while. How can I say that Tiannu Xinfa can be used like this today?Use Tianlei as a state blessing?
But Zhuge Zheng and I stopped pursuing persistently after a pause, and instead found a position with Lu Xiaofeng and waited for it.

Because they found out, found that although Zuo Zhou looked like he was running away in a panic, in fact, the Wuji knife had been dragged on the ground for a long time!
Zuo Zhou is excited. There are only three forms of Spring and Autumn Saber Technique. Since I learned it, this Drag Saber Slash has no effect except for killing a few minions.
Well, Wei Jinzhong's field of expertise is always intrigue. Da Qin has enough generals, he has no chance to go to the battlefield, and the Emperor Qin would not choose an eunuch to supervise the army, so Wei Jinzhong really doesn't understand this. Dragging a knife is very common on the battlefield!
Zhuge Zhengyi condensed a long spear again, Lu Xiaofeng turned slightly sideways, Nie Feng and Qin Shuang were also waiting in full force, coming here, this guy is going to be chopped off, I'm really looking forward to it.

Wei Jinzhong didn't expect that there were so many people waiting to eat melons behind him. He just swung his magic sword and slashed non-stop. He was about to hit the back of Zuo Zhou's head, but the other party's figure suddenly disappeared.

No, it has already shown a slanted state, the toes are firmly stuck in place like a steel drill, and the body draws a big circle close to the ground.

Drag the knife!
"Yeah!" ×n!

(End of this chapter)

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