Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 206 Nightshade

Chapter 206 Nightshade
In fact, there are some basic common sense in this world, both exiles and natives know, for example, if you want to use a big move, you must have the process of accumulating energy.Whether it is the Kamepai Qigong that stares at the enemy and jumps out word by word, or the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms assisted by various postures under the influence of BGM, it counts.

In fact, there is a process of accumulating power for dragging the knife and cutting. This process ranges from running around to even turning around with a knife. However, it is precisely because this process of accumulating power is too obvious that it is difficult to use it perfectly.

However, this is a special skill for those who are dazzled by hatred, or who have little experience in fighting!

It's a pity that Wei Jinzhong has both of these points, so if he doesn't fall for it, who will fall for it?
The big knife drew a big circle close to the ground, and then directly cut Wei Jinzhong's waist. The blade was slightly blocked and then cut into the zhenqi defense that the group of them had been difficult to break before.

puff!Blood burst from the wound. If true energy is a layer of iron, then Wei Jinzhong's small waist can't even compare to tofu. He only needs to give Zuo Zhou even an instant, and he can cut Wei Jinzhong in half.

It's a pity that the block at that moment just now still worked, and it penetrated half an inch into the flesh, but was stopped by the magic sword moving sideways!
Wei Jinzhong's expression was ugly, and there was a bit of surprise in it, and he didn't know whether the improvisation was his own problem or the magic sword's problem.

But Zuo Zhou didn't want to accept the move. I've made such a big circle.
The Wuji Saber is a heavy weapon, and after another round of charging, Wei Jinzhong couldn't resist it hastily. The mighty strength pushed the magic sword and continued to sweep, as if he had to chop Wei Jinzhong in half.

Wei Jinzhong's eyes widened in panic. If he was an experienced master, he would definitely use his strength to retreat at this time, but he didn't think of this at the first time, and it was too late when he wanted to retreat again.

Just now a group of viewers who shouted 'yeah' in their hearts participated in the interaction!
The familiar Wind and Frost Combining Bi strikes again. You must admit that Nie Feng and Qin Shuang's talents are really strong. How long has it been since they have used the Combining Bi move so proficiently? The power is bound to increase greatly.

boom!It hit, and the combination of wind and frost hit Wei Jinzhong's back, making the old eunuch's face turn pale, as if blood rushed up his throat and swallowed it forcefully, disgusting.

In fact, Wei Jinzhong could turn around and take it hard, but he had to hold a sword in both hands to block Zuo Zhou's slash. Saying that you have been floating in the air for so long, is it unreasonable?
Wei Jinzhong glanced anxiously at Zuo Zhou's only toe that was in contact with the ground. What is the reason for this? Just one toe can keep the body nearly level with the ground?

Wei Jinzhong couldn't figure it out, in fact Zuo Zhou couldn't understand it a little bit too, at this moment he wasn't chopping hard, but listening attentively!

Listen to the noise of Sword Soul...

dream space
Zuo Zhou was in a void where red air flowed everywhere. Two very temperamental girls were arguing there in two sets of long skirts, one red and one blue. They didn't seem to notice Zuo Zhou's appearance.

"Why save him, he is a bad guy!"

"But she is killing Daqin's people, and she is helping her brother to avenge."

"Brother committed suicide."

"That's what they forced!"

"Didn't the father and the queen force you?"

"Shut up! Don't use titles like father emperor and mother queen, those sons and daughters... Oh? Who are you!"

The girl in the red dress seemed to have finally realized something was wrong, and saw Zuo Zhou when she turned her head.

Zuo Zhou chuckled, "Actually, I didn't intend to disturb you. If you want to continue, I'll just listen and not express my opinion."

The girl in the blue skirt screamed strangely, "Ah! He is Li Yuanfang, the one who killed us."

The girl in the red dress suddenly looked superior, "Hmph, it's rare for you to be able to see us. For the sake of this little bit of fate, we won't hurt your little pet, and we won't retreat quickly." !"

The girl in the blue skirt next to her raised her chin with her hips akimbo, feeling fierce.

Zuo Zhou (⊙_⊙)? Do I have any pets?

At this moment, a blue light suddenly passed through the thick red mist from the void and floated beside Zuo Zhou, sometimes circling him twice.Zuo Zhou subconsciously stretched out his hand and grabbed it, and when he took a closer look, it turned out to be a green snake with wings that was only as thick as a finger.

The green snake's body is half-shape, its small head doesn't look fierce at all, round and round, it's cute, but Zuo Zhou knew it as soon as he came into contact with it, this is the soul of Wuji Dao!
"The big sword looks so powerful, but the soul of the sword is so small and exquisite. It's a bit unfair to say it!"

The little green snake with wings was so angry that it wrapped its body around his wrist and punched him, then bit his finger.

"It's a bit itchy, I'm afraid it's because the teeth don't even grow in!" Zuo Zhou shook it in disgust, well, it's quite clingy.

"Be careful, it's still small!" The girl in the blue skirt reminded with a worried face.

"Shut up, which side are you from?" the girl in the red dress scolded.

Zuo Zhou forced a smile, "Actually, I don't think there is any irreconcilable conflict between us, otherwise you wouldn't have pulled me in, would you?"

"..." The two girls were silent together, the girl in the red skirt frowned, while the girl in the blue skirt looked aggrieved.

Yes, he was forcibly pulled in. Of course, this is Zuo Zhou's way of saying that he is very face-saving. In fact, the magic sword and sword soul want to get on his body, or the body of Wuji Dao, but it depends on the owner to beat the dog. Well, although the winged green snake is very young, it has a very protective master.

"Actually, I'm curious, can the sword soul be easily separated from the sword itself?"

The girl in blue replied: "We are not sword souls in the traditional sense. We were originally human beings, but in the end we were sacrificed to refine swords, so we became sword souls."

"So this kind of sword spirit is very special?"

The girl in red shook her head, "There is nothing special. In essence, we are already real sword souls. The so-called sacrificial sword refining is actually a process of transforming human souls into sword souls. The sword soul has been in a mature stage since its birth, and possesses enormous power, as long as it is willing to cooperate perfectly with the sword user, it will exert unimaginable power."

Zuo Zhou suddenly said, "So, actually, the disadvantage of this method is that Sword Soul may not be willing to cooperate, just like you and Wei Jinzhong, right?"

The girl in blue glanced at the girl in red aggrievedly, "I didn't want to cooperate at first, that Wei Jinzhong is a bad guy."

The girl in red glared, and the guy stopped talking again. Zuo Zhou was not surprised, "If that's the case, why did you help Wei Jinzhong become a top player in the local rankings later on? It's not because you want to rely on him to avenge yourself. People of Great Qin, right?"

"Hmph, we're not that naive." The girl in red put her hands behind her back, pretending that she was just taking advantage of Wei Jinzhong, "Then Wei Jinzhong found a sealing spell somewhere, and wanted to seal us. We were There was no resistance, because if the Demon Sword wants to exert its full power, we must cooperate, if there is no cooperation, the power will naturally be greatly reduced, and Wei Jinzhong's move is simply killing the chicken to get the egg."

Zuo Zhou was funny, but he understood Wei Jinzhong, this guy who practiced the Heaven's Wrath mentality method actually just wanted to use the evil spirit in the magic sword to attack the will of heaven, and then lead the sky thunder down to temper himself.

"and then?"

"Then we found out that this Wei Jinzhong was so daring that he used thunder from the sky to temper himself!" The girl in blue looked terrified.

Zuo Zhou was a little strange, "Hasn't he already succeeded? What are you afraid of?"

"Successful fart!"

"Don't swear."

"I want you to take care of it!" Hong Yi shouted back the blue clothes again, "There is a big problem with his sky-wrath mentality. When the sky thunder falls, it will not only temper him, but also temper the magic sword! You know he used it to Most of the evil spirits that hit Heaven's will come from the magic sword, and God's will is so easy to deceive, so we have endured most of the power of Tianlei, and he has only endured less than one-tenth of it."

In an instant, Zuo Zhou suddenly realized, no wonder it was said that Bai Qi had smashed the Skyfury Sword by himself, and probably discovered this.The Sky Fury Sword is not a sword soul with complete thinking like the Demon Sword, it can even be said to be a fierce soul, if it is allowed to grow, it will inevitably cause countless killings, so Bai Qi crossed the river and demolished the bridge.

Thinking of this, Zuo Zhou looked at the two women again, " were alone at the beginning, right? It was the power of Tianlei that separated you and made you whole?"

The girl in blue: "How do you know?"

The girl in red: "Don't say it!"


Zuo Zhouren's stomach hurt a little, and he said unpredictablely: "People's emotions are very complicated, but the emotions of the two of you are very pure. It's not like two people, but like the different emotions of the same person complementing each other." tell you?snort!

"Okay, now that we've come to this point, let's get straight to the point. We can help you defeat Wei Jinzhong, but you want us to stay on this knife!" Scared into the sleeves.

Longevity, a female devil is coming to snatch its property!
Zuo Zhou was happy, "We can kill Wei Jinzhong without your help."

"Hmph, you guys think Wei Jinzhong too badly. After all, he has been promoted to the top of the list, and he has mastered the mind of the sky's wrath. It's not that easy to kill." The girl in red disdains.

"How hard is it? Believe it or not, I'll hack him to death when I go back!"

"Then wait and see!"

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, turned around and wanted to leave, but suddenly stopped, "By the way, what are your names, you can't call you blue devils and red devils!"

The woman in blue: "Our name is Solanum nigrum!"

The woman in red kicked her in disgust, then waved her hand, Zuo Zhou's consciousness withdrew from the dream space, and at the first sight he saw a group of people around Wei Jinzhong, and their attacks fell on Wei Jinzhong, but the old man The eunuch drove desperately, a wave of evil spirit hit the sky again, and the thunder fell again.


(End of this chapter)

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