Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 208 Waiting for 2 Sisters

Chapter 208 Waiting For Two Girls

"Hahahaha, don't use such fancy and useless tricks!"

Wei Jinzhong felt that he was doing well again, and all the sword shadows were scattered by a thunderstorm, and those attacks with mysterious formations were no match for this blow.

Zuo Zhou's heart aches, he is not the kind of master who has a lot of real energy, these are all his usual accumulation, relying on Jian Yi Nirvana's special immortal sword will to save a little bit of wealth.Now a big thunder blows up half of it, why don't you go to the sky?

But as a master who intends to pretend, what is this little setback?
"Such gaudy tricks can make you so miserable. By the way, do you really think you are a top player?" Zuo Zhou's words were definitely mocking, but they were actually a little bit of Zuo Zhou's doubts.

His obscure gaze moved down slightly, and there was no reminder on the system panel that he had encountered a master of the land list as before, but no matter if it was Zuo Zhou, Zhuge Zhengwo and the others, they could clearly perceive that this Wei Jinzhong was the master of the land list. .This is very contradictory. Is it possible that the system has a special definition for the list?
Or... In fact, the aura of the ground list they perceive now is the combination of Wei Jinzhong and Demon Sword!

As if blessed to his heart, Zuo Zhou suddenly thought of such a solution. The combination of the two is the land list, and if they are separated separately, neither Wei Jinzhong nor Demon Sword can reach the level of the land list, so there is no reminder?

If this is the case, Zuo Zhou really can't believe this rubbish system in the future. If it doesn't count foreign objects in it, it means that there will be problems in the future when it is judged by the system. For example, some experts, You thought it was a list of people, but they turned out to be the first to make a big move at the top of the list, that's ridiculous!
For example, when Xiongba uses the three-point magic finger and Dugu Jian Biao shoots the sword 23, wouldn't it be unfair for you to die?

Wei Jinzhong rushed over, very fast, but because he was walking in a straight line, Zuo Zhou Lingbo easily avoided it with small steps, and then thinking about messy things, the Wushuang sword in his hand also danced a sword flower, leaving The sword shadows gathered one after another.

A 40-meter-long sword gathered in one place with a bright sword light, and slashed at Wei Jinzhong fiercely.

The image of the bitter wind whistling accompanied by the distorted air fell on Wei Jinzhong's head. Sometimes Zuo Zhou felt very lucky. Fortunately, Wei Jinzhong did not practice the Sunflower Collection but the Heaven's Wrath Heart Technique. It's all useless.

It was like two large trucks colliding with each other. The sound was dull and shocking, and everyone who heard it felt their bodies tremble.

Taking Wei Jinzhong's two thighs as the origin, every inch of cracks soon covered the road.

Zuo Zhou's offensive remained unabated, but his attacking method changed. It was not as continuous as before. Instead, he raised and lowered, raised and lowered, completely using the 40-meter long sword as a hammer, hitting Wei Jinzhong one after another. .

And Wei Jinzhong didn't let him down, his body was very stiff, and he was able to approach step by step against this kind of attack, but approaching was useless. Compared with Lingbo Weibu, his so-called speed was a joke.

This scene is like King Qin going around a pillar, but this pillar is not for avoiding, but for hitting people!
"Ah! How dare the little thief bully me like this?"

Wei Jinzhong was probably full of anger. He held the magic sword in both hands, and shot out black air like an explosion. Countless sword shadows.

Wei Jinzhong was extremely bored when he slammed into the air, and the venting without physical objects also made him sober. Worse, this is a tactic to delay time!
Zuo Zhou saw it from a distance, and said with a smile: "I just found out? What a weak list."

Wei Jinzhong was on fire, but this time he turned around resolutely and slashed towards the palace gate. The black sword light fell on a group of blocking soldiers across a long distance.

Even though they raised their shields, they still fell down on the ground in an instant, and then they were embarrassed. Among the group of soldiers, there were still two or three standing still.

Hehe, the identity of this exile has been exposed, how can there be good kung fu practice in this class of soldiers, you stand so strong, do you understand what is the self-cultivation of an actor?
Wei Jinzhong didn't seem to have thought that there were still people who could stand, and this slight hesitation gave Zhuge Zhengwo and the others another chance, and they stopped in front of the palace gate in a blink of an eye, and saw another round of beatings.

This time, Wei Jinzhong was extremely aggressive. He jumped into the crowd as if he was looking for death, and then... summoned Tianlei!
But Lu Xiaofeng and the others were disgusted enough, after so many lightning strikes, isn't your scalp numb?We see that your hair is as hard as chopsticks, if you get chopped again, you will definitely be bald.

"Don't go, we haven't finished the fight yet." Zuo Zhou came over again with a 40-meter sword.

Even if Wei Jinzhong didn't want to get entangled, he had to turn his head to cover him, but this time Zuo Zhou changed again. When the magic sword held the big sword, more than a dozen sword shadows split from the big sword, stabbing at Wei Jinzhong before he could react. Hit him in the waist.

It wasn't that Zuo Zhou didn't want to kill with one blow, it was because the closer to the magic sword, the stronger the defense, and the thick true energy was quite confusing.

The look of panic on Wei Jinzhong's face flashed past, and he couldn't help laughing wildly when he saw that the sword shadow couldn't even pierce the skin, "I've been getting stronger, how about you?"

"You are so strong that you let me stab with a sword, what else can I block?" Zuo Zhou hoped that this guy would set up more flags.

It's a pity that Wei Jinzhong has become smarter now, so he turned around and walked towards the palace gate again.

Lu Xiaofeng gave Zhuge Zhengwo a wink, come on!Use your big move!
Zhuge Zheng laughed at me, "I'm not your friend, how can I understand what your eyes mean?" But the spear in his hand also assumed a special posture, his body was slightly bent down, a bit like drawing a knife, but restrained It's not the blade of the gun, but the intent of the gun!

The restrained spear intent made the surface of the spear seem to be coated with a layer of golden light, and then he let go of his hand and flew towards Wei Jinzhong.The speed was extremely fast, and he arrived in front of Wei Jinzhong in the blink of an eye.

Wei Jinzhong still didn't react, but the magic sword stopped right in front of his forehead.

Ding Yin, Wei Jinzhong retreated a few steps in the midst of the sound of gold and iron, and a golden light shot over in a trance, no, it was a long spear shining with golden light.

Zuo Zhou looked in amazement at the back, sure enough, it is not easy for everyone to be a top player, at least there are always some ways to get more with less.

Zhuge Zhengwo's condensed spear was heavier than Zuo Zhou's sword shadow. Every blow was like a big truck slamming into Wei Jinzhong, and the surging force pushed him back step by step.

Wei Jinzhong's anger accumulated again, and then there was another familiar scene, summoning the sky thunder, click, a big thunder came down, this time he didn't fully use the sky thunder to temper himself, but used the magic sword to wrap around the thunder and swung it over.

A slash of electric light flew out, the ground where it passed was shattered, and a long trace seemed to divide the square into two halves.

Zhuge is staring at me, I dodge!
He dodged shamefully, but the few exile soldiers standing behind were unlucky. With their strength, how could they block the attack of the top master?

The thunder carried by the slash dissipated, directly blasting their bodies into pieces, and the aftermath of the slash directly blasted towards the palace gate.

Seeing that the palace gate, which was already a little dilapidated, could not block this, and was about to collapse, Zuo Zhou's figure appeared in front of the gate, slashing down with the Wuji knife in his hand, canceling the slash, and a trace of thunder power began to appear in front of the gate. He scurry around.

Zuo Zhou frowned and looked dignified, but his heart was full of joy. He himself was fine. He only needed to speed up the operation of Rama's internal energy and then the innate energy to automatically operate. The paralysis disappeared almost instantly.But for his sword soul, this weakened power of Tianlei is simply a great supplement.

For a moment, Zuo Zhou understood the choice of Hongkui and Lankui. Tianlei has two sides to any creature. One side represents death and the other side represents new life. They did not cooperate with Wei Jinzhong at first because he was from Daqin, but After attracting Tianlei to share, they can use Tianlei to transform.

But there is a saying that it is too much to say, it is obvious that Solanum nigrum has limited aptitude, after all, it was just the soul of an ordinary girl at the beginning, after absorbing too much power from Tianlei, this benefit has become a disadvantage, so I want to get rid of the magic sword .

"Hahahaha, the power of Tianlei is not good!"

Wei Jinzhong laughed, looking at the electric current rushing all over Zuo Zhou's body, as well as the way he blocked the door and refused to budge, as if he had discovered the wealth code.

Still catching and guiding the thunder, one after another, but this time he didn't absorb it, and turned most of them into slashes towards Zuo Zhou.

Wuji Dao danced away, and Zuo Zhou's body skills were running crazily. He used the method of unloading force to shake off some thunderbolts, and his body shared some, and the rest was used to temper the Wuji Dao.After all, Tianlei's original target was not him, and he didn't have any strong adhesion, but it allowed him to support him for a while.

The air presents huge waves of explosion like ripples, thunder strikes again and again, it seems that even the air is filled with a strange smell, the stronger and stronger impact makes it impossible for Zhuge Zhengwo, Lu Xiaofeng and others to get close .In desperation, they could only run to stand with Zuo Zhou.

"You still don't need a big move?" Zuo Zhou glanced at Zhuge Zhengwo, but he remembered that this guy still had a stunning shot.

Zhuge Zheng rolled his eyes, and with great experience, he used the long spear to divert a stream of electricity, "No matter how useful the big move is, it can't withstand the opponent's thunder bombing!"

Zuo Zhou was right when he heard it, this Wei Jinzhong is too rascal, he will throw a big thunder when he feels that he can't stand it anymore, what's the way?

"Camel, here I come!"

Zuo Zhou regained his spirits, the clear and clear voice had never been so pleasant, followed the sound, and saw Axiang and Xiaoqing arrived at the same time, and threw two people over from a long way away.

Wei Jinzhong felt a sense of crisis, and suddenly found that his hand was much lighter, as if something had gone away from him.

Zuo Zhou laughed, "I'm waiting for two girls, how about you?"

 It's cold in the room and the heating is not strong

(End of this chapter)

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