Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 209 Dead?forcibly pull people

Chapter 209 Dead?forcibly pull people

Some people say no to it with their mouths, but their bodies are extremely honest!

The more typical ones are certain two sword souls. Obviously, he couldn't stand Wei Jinzhong's uninterrupted summoning of Tianlei, but he still wanted to negotiate with him.As a result, after Zuo Zhou gave a choice, he immediately gave up.

Hmph, I don't believe that your former human souls can refuse the temptation to move freely again!

Not long ago, when Wei Jinzhong summoned Tianlei to pretend to be aggressive, Zuo Zhou took advantage of the chaos to find Lu Xiaofeng and asked him to ask Axiang to bring the two dolls at home.Although Lu Xiaofeng didn't understand the key points, he still did it out of trust in Zuo Zhou. In contrast, A Xiang didn't even think about it. As long as Zuo Zhou wanted to use it, there must be a reason to do it.

And the two organ people did not disappoint Zuo Zhou at all, they were still flying in the sky, and the red sunflower and the blue sunflower had already escaped from the magic sword and entered the body of the organ man.

Then, a change happened, and the two lifelike girl organoids from far away had undergone earth-shaking changes except for their clothes. If you told Zuo Zhou that this was a doll, then he must think that it would be useless to keep your eyes open. .

It's amazing, the two dolls have silky long hair, the same face as Zuo Zhou saw in the dream space, and red and blue eyes, as if this mechanism girl is specially prepared for the red and blue sunflower, What a doll, that's a courier!

But it's not right, Zuo Zhou once had an in-depth and detailed understanding of the structure of the organ man. Although he couldn't understand it, it definitely had nothing to do with the red and blue sunflower.So... this is a magical organ that can change its appearance according to its soul?
Is it so awesome?Then such an awesome person would be...stabbed to death by the doll back then?
Zuo Zhou fell into deep doubts here, while the red and blue sunflowers landed smoothly, still in the way of defying inertia and suddenly stopping flying in mid-air, just pia landing.

Wei Jinzhong's expression was a little weird, he had obviously never seen these two...girls?However, there was a very familiar feeling, if they were not thrown by the enemy, he would definitely go forward and ask them clearly.As for now, look at your embarrassing landing postures, are you the teasers invited by Li Yuanfang?

Hongkui didn't pay attention to Wei Jinzhong at all, but looked at her hands excitedly. She was very satisfied with this body. The body is not weak, and it can perfectly carry the soul.If there are any shortcomings, it is that it cannot be strengthened through cultivation techniques, but... since it can carry the soul, it should be able to practice spells.

"We can talk, we can move, we can..."

"Okay, let's dodge first!" Hong Kui interrupted Lan Kui's incoherent speech, and dragged her to run outside. With their physical strength, they couldn't participate in the battle, and they didn't want to participate.

On the other side, Ah Xiang was surprised by the change of the two organ people, but she still ran a few quick steps to catch the red and blue sunflowers to a safe place.

Wei Jinzhong watched the two girls leave and suddenly felt empty in his heart, as if he had lost something very important. Could it be... that his withered heart had sprouted again because of the two beautiful girls?
So Wei Jinzhong subconsciously wanted to keep him, but this time Zuo Zhou made a move in time, and he didn't need the Wushuang Sword anymore, and just served him directly with the Wuji Sword, woohoo!

When singing!

The ear-piercing chirping sounded like a thousand birds chirping, and the one-crane soaring to the sky and watching the clouds style was a perfect match for the first stance of the Spring and Autumn Saber Technique. It was easy to occupy the commanding heights, and then slashed down with full power.

This knife is really heavy, Wei Jinzhong raised his sword horizontally and almost couldn't hold the hilt steady, his hands trembled.

Something is wrong, quite something is wrong, why does he feel a little powerless, obviously he has already displayed [-]% of his strength, but why does he always feel that the effect is not as good as before? Is this Li Yuanfang hiding his clumsiness?
The black magic energy seemed to be unconstrained, and began to boil on the surface of the magic sword, like tumbling ink, Zuo Zhou could even feel the stench escaping from it.

"Hehe, it's indeed a magic sword. I'm afraid you haven't used it less to kill, have you?" Zuo Zhou raised his sword and swung it again. The whole process was the same as smashing with a 40-meter sword before.

Wei Jinzhong picked up the magic sword and wanted to split the big knife. The surging real energy in his body mixed with the devil energy, which made him feel a little bit uncomfortable. No, he had fused it before, but he didn't feel such a big feeling.

The real energy of the local list level still needs to be respected, Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, and turned around and retreated as if he was defeated.

Then of course Wei Jinzhong chased after him, and then under everyone's bewildered gaze, Zuo Zhou started dragging his knife again...

"Why do we go to such great lengths because of this idiot?" Lu Xiaofeng rolled his eyes in disgust.

Zhuge Zhengwo smiled and stroked his beard, "Although it's stupid, it's still an idiot on the ground list. And... even if you know what the enemy's tricks are, you won't be hit. It's like dragging a knife, returning a carbine, etc. Anyone who knows a little bit about the art of war knows the tricks, but it should be hit or not!"

Lu Xiaofeng laughed and said: "Then you also use a gun, and you can return a carbine?"

"Yes, uh... If I had known this idiot could do the same move twice, I would have used my carbine to deal with him." Zhuge Zheng and I said a little regretfully.

Zuo Zhou over there has already begun to be a little bit unbearable. It is really exciting. Looking at so many enemies he has dealt with, it is really rare to have such a stupid enemy like Wei Jinzhong. Could it be that all his wisdom is used to display it? Conspiracy?

At this moment, all the people in the martial arts world watching the battle in the imperial capital, including the exiles, all had strange expressions. How could such a fool be able to reach the level of the top ranking?Why?Is it rare that this world treats natives preferentially?Or is there really any kung fu that can reach the ground list after practicing it?

The hearts of the exiles are like growing grass, fluffy and greedy!
But none of this had anything to do with Zuo Zhou, he turned around again, swung the sword in a nearly perfect circle, this time he cut the waist, but without the assistance of the soul of the sword, Wei Jinzhong simply... huh?

Puchi, uh, ah!

The knife penetrated two inches into the flesh but he could no longer move forward. He felt that Wei Jinzhong's body suddenly became extremely firm, the muscles visible to the naked eye bulged, and the black veins crawled up his cheeks. Wei Jinzhong's eyes seemed to be opened. It seemed as though he could no longer see clearly.

He let out a beast-like roar, completely ignoring the big knife at his waist, holding the blade of the Wuji knife with one hand, and then his body began to move forward, blood spurted out, but his body came to Zuo Zhou, and the magic sword was heavy. hack!
Zuo Zhou was shocked, so ruthless that he was afraid of death, Ling Bo spread out in small steps, and turned behind Wei Jinzhong in an extremely uncomfortable posture.

Wei Jinzhong threw the broadsword casually, then turned around and slashed, Zuo Zhou dodged again, and then found that this Wei Jinzhong had no sword at all, and he didn't pursue any speed. Every strike was a heavy strike full of strength.

Although this is powerful enough, if you lose your speed, you won't be able to hit Zuo Zhou at all.

"He has been infected by the devilish energy in the sword and has lost his mind. It is best to kill him quickly, otherwise it will be very difficult to kill him when the devil sword becomes self-aware."

Hongkui reminded loudly in the distance, Zuo Zhou suddenly took a step forward, Arhat Fist, Four Elephant Palm, Five Element Fist, Monkey Fist, Horse Fist... In short, it was the same set, and began to greet Wei Jinzhong's body, Especially those places that have been injured, you can block the pain, but the physical damage is real, can you ignore it?
Zhuge Zhengwo, Lu Xiaofeng and the others also saw the advantage, what is an irrational lunatic afraid of?I'm afraid I don't even remember how to use my true energy!

I really don’t remember, at this time Wei Jinzhong’s zhenqi was radiating all the time, and the surrounding space seemed to be full of turbulent currents, but this kind of turbulent currents only drove away the civilians, and anyone with a little inner strength could come close.

As a result, the scene got a little out of control. One by one, there were grudges and grudges, those who slapped their mouths, poked their eyes, and kicked their balls. In short, all kinds of attacks began to greet Wei Jinzhong, and what they needed All he had to do was avoid the slash of the magic sword.

Zuo Zhou is naturally not polite, such a sinner who commits crimes and is full of crimes, of course, there is no need to talk about morals in the world, and it will be over if they stand shoulder to shoulder!
"Look at my fingers!" Zuo Zhou pinched Wei Jinzhong's severed ear and pressed his head on Zhuge Zhengwo's spear.

puff!The spear blade pierced into Wei Jinzhong's forehead, and the long spear blade penetrated half of his forehead.

At this point, everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although the battle was not difficult, it was a bit awkward. There was a feeling that they were going to be exhausted to death by a moving sandbag.

Zuo Zhou also let out a long breath. To be honest, he was also quite stressed.It's not because he really thinks it's dangerous, with Lingbo Weibu's support, this guy can't hit him at all.It's just that Zuo Zhou needs this credit, and only in this way can he enter the palace to face the saint. After all, he promised Xiaoqing to help him take revenge, which is a crucial step.Well, who told you not to control your little brother!

Ding ding ding, Wei Jinzhong collapsed on the ground, his originally cloudy eyes recovered to clarity when he was about to die, looking at Zuo Zhou as if he was very unwilling, but he didn't say anything in the end, just like that, his pupils dilated.

"It's finally over, but I'm exhausted..."

Before Lu Xiaofeng complained, another big thunder exploded from the sky, everyone rolled over together and was blown far away by the air wave.

"Isn't he dead?" Bu Jingyun exclaimed, he couldn't intervene in the whole process, but now he is full of anger.

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth grinned slightly, unlike the surprised looks of the others, his expression was the calmest.Well, how should I say it?The enemies I face usually have some moths, either breaking through in front of the battle or some unexpected accidents, just like God's will forcibly continuing his life.

Then, it should be reasonable to be resurrected again!

 It’s rare to write a villain whose IQ doesn’t need to be online, I’m quite excited, no wonder so many people like to watch idol dramas
(End of this chapter)

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