Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 213 Are All Fakes?I'm so relieved

Chapter 213 Are All Fakes?I'm so relieved

Where is the breaking point?
Military spirit!

In fact, the Great Qin in both worlds has the same problem. It swept the world too fast, so fast that there was not enough time to stabilize people's livelihood.When Emperor Qin was alive, he could still rely on his strong ruling power to suppress these riots, but when Emperor Qin passed away, what was waiting for Great Qin would inevitably not be passed on for several generations like in the history next door.

This is not a question of whether the common people are living in dire straits, but that people's ambitions and the ability to realize them are still there, so people who rebel everywhere will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

The situation of Great Qin in this world is much better. As long as Qin Huang sits on the throne, ambitious people everywhere can only obediently become obedient citizens.And the war was also stopped by Emperor Qin on his own initiative, effectively ensuring the vitality of the Qin army, and at the same time focusing on the hearts of the people.

When the people have hope for life, there are very few people who really rise up to fight against the rebels. After all, what bad intentions do the people who only want to live happily for themselves have?
For six full years, the achievements made by the imperial court in the past six years are what other countries may not be able to achieve in decades. If there are various livelihood projects and measures among them, if there is no participation of exiles, then Zuo Zhou will not believe it.

The effect is also remarkable, the people have basically reached the standard of living and working in peace and contentment, and Zuo Zhou, who came back from the border, has the most say in this point.

Therefore, the reason for rebellion such as "Qin Huang has no way" is not valid. It can be said that from this point of view, Qin Huang has shaken the foundation of all potential rebels.

Of course, after all, it was only six years, and it was impossible for the Qin Emperor to completely eradicate the greed in human nature. There must still be some people in the whole country who harbor resentment in their hearts.These people are often former vested interests, such as descendants of royal families from various countries, remnants of various sects and so on.

For these rebels who live in no fixed place, although the Daqin army is strong, it is not easy to catch them, so it is the right way to wipe out their ability to rebel.How to grind?When these rebels recruited people, they often used slogans like restoration of the country, and those who had feelings for their homeland found it difficult to resist this temptation.

It's not that life in the country before was really better than it is now in Daqin, but to live with dignity!
It is estimated that Qin Huang was a little helpless at this point. Although he explicitly prohibited discrimination and mixed the generals and soldiers of various countries into the army and various court agencies, the lower officials did not have that kind of overall view and wanted to do it. The great integration of multi-ethnic groups is by no means a one-time event. In just six years, there is still a long way to go.

Fortunately, Qin Huang is not dead yet, and there is still time for everything. Obviously, the Azure Dragon Society hiding in the dark has also noticed the problem. If the imperial court is allowed to continue to develop, the stable Great Qin is likely to come to fruition.Therefore, Qinglong will be one step ahead of all the rebels and make the first move.

The tragedy of the Jiannan army and the conspiracy of the Turks are only part of the whole plan. If the second consecutive move is successful, there is no doubt that Qin Huang will be caught off guard, but it is not enough to shake the foundation of Daqin.After all, the Turks are weak. Even if Geely Khan has ambitions, he does not have the strength to match him.And the Jiannan army under the control of Liu Jin or Wei Jinzhong is not considered elite, and there are many people in Daqin who can destroy it.

It's just that this kind of internal friction can be avoided if it can be avoided, and it is impossible for Qin Huang to let Qinglong Society continue to expand.

But it is very disturbing to say that, although the two consecutive moves were caught off guard, they did not lose all, and even Qin Huang's side fought back on the spot.

The survival of Prince Consort Xiao and Young Master Ximen, and Zuo Zhou's active activities in Turkic were all considered huge flaws of the Azure Dragon Society.What's more, the Turks were directly wiped out because of Yang Wenguang's bravery!

This was not only beyond the expectations of the Qinglong Society, but also the court did not expect it. It was just that different people saw things from different angles.

Outsiders only saw Yang Wenguang's bravery, but did not see his helplessness.

This battle was won by Yang Wenguang leading thousands of guards, but the Great Qin had so many generals, couldn't they even draw out tens of thousands of elite soldiers?

No way, no one really thinks so!

The fact is that Yang Wenguang cannot mobilize the troops of the western camp. Those are soldiers from the Great Qin Dynasty, and they will not move without the order of the Emperor Qin.You see, this is the benefit of the people's hearts. You, a general, can lead the soldiers, but the soldiers don't have you in their hearts, and some of them are Qin Huang.

Probably also because of this reason, the Azure Dragon Society didn't seem to have made any further moves in the western camp, and Emperor Qin didn't seem to pursue Yang Wenguang's crime of going to war without permission.

But...Compared with the problems of the Western Camp and Jiannan Army, the problems of Jiangnan Road are much more serious!
Jiangnan Dao Jiedu envoy Zi Yu was the former governor of the Pei Kingdom. When the Great Qin swept the world, he belonged to the first group to surrender. The Qin Emperor naturally promised to set an example for others with great profits. .

That's why Zi Yu can continue to live happily and hold military power. Although his official position has been demoted on the surface, his real power has not been reduced, and he has even been officially recognized.

It is precisely because of this background that the soldiers of the entire Jiangnan Road are actually composed of those remnants who surrendered to the country, and their sense of belonging to the Great Qin is not so high.

Among these armies, the army of the former Pei State was the most numerous. Zi Yu has also intentionally expanded his influence over the years, promoting generals from the Pei State Army, and gradually expanding his influence to the entire Jiangnan army.

If it was really a time of war, it would be fine to do so, but now it is a period of peaceful development and construction, but you are here to grab military power. Are you afraid you want to rebel?
Therefore, the imperial court actually wanted to solve the problem of Ziyu and Jiangnan Dao for a long time, and similarly, from the identities of Wei Jinzhong and Mo Laosan, the Azure Dragon Society must have been planning for a long time, and... it seems to be more important than the imperial court. be quick.

It was really a headache to say it, which can also be seen from Qin Huang's frown when he mentioned it, but now he is happy, because Zuo Zhou has brought the key to breaking the game before his eyes.

"You mean, that Zi Yu is a fake? And Qingping, the princess of Pei Kingdom, is in your room right now?"

Zuo Zhou sneered, "Your Majesty, 'in my room' is too much, I just know that this matter is of great importance, so I just hide it well."

"Hahahahahaha, the destiny is mine! Very good, the widow will issue a decree to accept Princess Qingping as a righteous daughter. Afterwards, you will take the imperial decree to arrest Ziyu who pretends to be the Jiangnan Taoist governor!"

"My minister takes orders!" Zuo Zhou clasped his fists and shouted, then exited the hall with Di Renjie and others.

As soon as he went out, Zuo Zhou was surrounded by four people, yes, Concubine Xiao also joined in, the wheelchair let him play, it can be said that it was very slippery.

"You guys can do it, but you still have this skill. If you succeed this time, the position of a general will be secure." Concubine Xiao laughed. You must know that the position of general is usually those who have established territories and expanded their territory. Only people with meritorious service can have it. Although this time is not considered to expand the territory, it can be regarded as the pacification of the chaos in the Jiangnan Road. Even if it is not a general, it must be only a little lower than the general.

Di Renjie was very curious, "Your hands are very long. I just asked you to go to Turkic, good guy. It's not worth extending your hand to Jiannan Road to disturb the water in Jiangnan Road?"

Zhuge Zheng and I rarely smiled at Zuo Zhou, "No wonder you were able to find Mo Laosan so accurately, and it's fortunate that you found it, otherwise Qingping, a key figure, might have slipped through our fingers. "

Zuo Zhou smiled, look, it's actually that simple to kill Zi Yu.After all, Qingping doesn't have much political thinking, she doesn't have a clear understanding of the country's situation, and she doesn't even have a clear understanding of her own value.

Sometimes, the power of the truth is so powerful, as long as Qingping reveals her identity and Zi Yu's secrets, then this will be done. Who made Emperor Qin want to move Zi Yu for a long time?

"My lords, I seem to be used to seeing you excited. I don't ask too many questions, I just want to know, when was the last time you saw His Majesty?"

Zuo Zhou scanned the crowd with clear eyes, don't take me for a fool!

Zhuge Zheng and Lu Xiaofeng didn't speak, Xiao Concubine pursed his lips and smiled lightly, while Di Renjie sighed: "Actually, we shouldn't have brought you here this time, it was only recommended by the concubine, so it's not easy for us to refute face. But look now Come, it’s quite a windfall!”

Of course Zuo Zhou could hear the meaning, with a heart-wrenching look, he looked at Di Renjie resentfully, "Old Di, you are not mean enough!"

Then he turned to Prince Consort Xiao, "It's still Grandpa Xiao who loves her!"

Concubine Xiao shuddered, and Di Renjie laughed, "Actually, this is not a big secret. Since that Zi Yu can have a shadow substitute, it is also reasonable for Emperor Qin to have a substitute. But this substitute is only responsible for the all activities."

Zuo Zhou was stunned, "That is to say, Qin Huang is His Majesty when he goes to court every morning, and he is always a substitute?" !
"Yes, you can also use this method to distinguish the "insiders" in the court. Anyone who has been summoned alone generally knows that Emperor Qin has a substitute. But this is not a glorious thing after all, so Emperor Qin will not tell you clearly, you need to realize it yourself." Concubine Xiao continued.

Zuo Zhou immediately came to the back of the wheelchair like a dog's leg, and gently pushed it, "Oh, let me ask another question, do you know who this double is...?"

For a moment, the scene fell silent, and the only sound in the huge square was the sound of their walking.

Zuo Zhou looked left and right, what happened?Is he out of line with this question?

Di Renjie sighed: "We don't know either. When His Majesty told us that there was a substitute, he brought the substitute out in front of us. At that time, the substitute had already taken on the appearance of His Majesty."

Lu Xiaofeng and Zhuge Zheng and I said in unison with a little frustration, "We were found by the substitute."

Zuo Zhou was funny, one was ordered by Emperor Qin himself, and the other was solicited by a stand-in, the difference between closeness and closeness was instantly manifested.

Zuo Zhou thought about it and looked at Concubine Xiao, who sighed, "Perhaps, the only one who knows the identity of the substitute is Prime Minister Li Si!"

(End of this chapter)

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