Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 214 Whoever jumps out is stupid

Chapter 214 Whoever jumps out is stupid
"Okay, okay, this time it's all the bastard's fault, if he tells me that there is a way to help me get revenge, I won't be impulsive!" Xiaoqing hugged Ah Xiang's shoulder and kept comforting, and then succeeded Throw the blame on some shameless man.

"If I told you earlier, would I still be able to sleep with you!"

Ah Xiang told Xiaoqing that she couldn't make it up, you haven't passed the door yet, why are you thinking in the shape of that guy?
Zhan Shiqi hugged Chuchu and looked at Xiaoqing for a while, and Axiang for a while, only to feel that he was not worthy of having a name despite the picture of the three of them.At the same time, I felt a little overwhelmed. At the beginning, she wanted to stop her, but it was Axiang who stopped her. Now it's okay, you must be crying.

Silly and sweet?Bailian bitch?
Zhan Shiqiyi couldn't tell the difference for a while. Although this Xiaoqing was one step ahead of everyone, the process didn't look like a calculation. After all, in her opinion, Xiaoqing's hatred seemed quite unsolvable.If someone told her in advance that Zuo Zhou could think of a way, she would definitely not believe it.

So, is it really fate?

For a while, she felt a little worried about gain and loss and felt sorry for herself. Although Zhan Hongling and the others had reminded herself that it was impossible to be a regular wife, she also understood, but when everything happened, she still felt very uncomfortable.

Squeak, when the three women were relatively silent, the courtyard door opened, and Zuo Zhou was holding a black scroll with a gold border in his hand.With a smile on his face, he slowly opened the scroll, "Ahem, Princess Qingping accepts the order!"

The three women are silent...

Zuo Zhou looked at the expressionless three girls and suddenly felt bored, and put the scrolls together into Xiaoqing's hands, "It's boring, they didn't respond at all."

"What imperial decree is this?" As the former princess of Pei Kingdom, Xiaoqing naturally knew about such things.

"The imperial decree to make you a princess, um, was a bit hasty. The title and the like have not changed, but the identity of Qin Huang's righteous daughter has been added."

Xiaoqing was stunned for a moment when she opened the imperial decree, and Ah Xiang, who had been a little calm before, burst into tears and rushed into the room after throwing off everyone.

Zuo Zhou was confused, "What's the situation?"

Xiaoqing didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she opened the imperial decree, glanced at it and then closed it, "I just coaxed her well, aren't you making trouble!"

Zuo Zhou understood immediately after thinking about it, but he didn't think there was anything interesting and uninteresting, he could only say that the world is impermanent.

Everyone came back from Jiannan Road all the way, the old man Zuo and Mr. Ximen murmured in front of him a lot, how could Zuo Zhou not be stupid to see through their plan.

Of course, seeing through is seeing through, and he didn't object. He supported each other all the way to this day. Speaking of a guest official, Ah Xiang is indeed the person who should be her regular wife the most.

Hehe, maybe others don't believe it, but when he first arrived in the imperial capital, he was already ready to wait for the matchmaker to come to propose a kiss the next day!
It's a pity that what we waited for was bad news...

Young Master Ximen died, and as a daughter, Ah Xiang had to keep mourning for at least three months, not to mention that she was in no mood to talk about his wife.

But sometimes fate is so ridiculous, even in less than half a month, another princess lives in this yard.

"Ahem, that... don't worry, actually, I'm a little lucky, maybe something else will happen!" Zuo Zhou smiled and raised a flag, which was considered comforting.

Xiao Qing gave Zuo Zhou a hard look, followed A Xiang into the room, Zhan Shiqi chuckled, "Is that how you comfort people?"

Zuo Zhou looked at her, "You don't seem to care, don't you love me?"

Zhan Shiqi's ears suddenly turned red, he lowered his head and looked at Chu Chu with empty eyes, "I never thought of becoming your wife."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "You really have no pursuit!"

Zhan Shiqi was overjoyed, and said angrily, "You seem to enjoy watching us scramble!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "I didn't enjoy it much, it's just a little fresh. I also want to be a couple with one heart and one mind, but this kind of thing also needs to go in both directions. If two people have this idea and this pursuit, it will work. As long as there is a If it’s different, the other one will also lack the courage to make a decisive move. How about you? Have you ever thought about it?”

Zhan Shiqi opened his mouth and said after a long while, "I thought about it in my dream."

Zuo Zhou spread his hands, this is the limitation of the times, a strong man can have three wives and four concubines, and a strong woman can be spoiled by a man.On the next-door earth, there were at least one or two legal restrictions, but in this world, the rules are all on the surface.The man doesn't mind, and the woman doesn't mind either. Unless both parties are exiles whose thoughts have not changed, it is hard to imagine who will fly together for a lifetime.

Of course, Zuo Zhou wasn't trying to justify anything, anyway, since he slept with Xiaoqing, he knew he was a scumbag!
"I won't talk about the things in the dream. I'm going to Jiangnan Road next time. Will you come?"

Zhan Shiqi shook his head, "Chu Chu needs someone to take care of her."

Zuo Zhou was helpless, Chu Chu could actually be left to the old man Zuo and Shuang'er to take care of, and Shuang'er actually knew better than Zhan Shiqi in terms of taking care of people.It's just that he also understood that Zhan Shiqi didn't want to cause trouble for him.

Starting from Mo Laosan, the strength of the enemies he faced seemed to be on a higher level, and the strength of Zhan Shiqi including Ah Xiang was a bit behind.Although both of them are also assisted by the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams, the dream space can only assist in the cultivation of external skills. For internal skills, they still need the blessing of their own efforts and time.

Zhan Shiqi and A Xiang both stepped into innate because of the frost centipede eggs and the fire monkey, but just like the original Zuo Zhou, this true energy is still a problem.Moreover, the innate skills of the two women have been mutated. Although they still have the effect of automatic operation, they are not universal. However, they do not have the skills that can fully exert the fire energy and ice energy.

Having said that, Zuo Zhou has to curse again, Shabi system!

For martial arts, when you reach a level, you can really understand its subtleties.So what the exiles do is, when they practice a martial art to perfection, they will sacrifice it for a lottery.

But after Zuo Zhou got stronger, he discovered that this lottery system is a big pit!
It is only the beginning after a kung fu is cultivated to perfection, and then countless changes can be extended on this basis, and even the original quality of kung fu can be improved.

Take Sword Eleven Nirvana as an example, fortunately this is a disabled move and cannot be sacrificed, otherwise Zuo Zhou would definitely not have the mind to continue researching, and there would be no way Zuo Zhou used sword shadows to form an array before.

But if you sacrifice your skills, it is equivalent to the way of heaven to help you lock the way up. Although it does not affect the use, don't even think about going further.Fengshen's legs can't become God's wind movement, and cloud-dispelling palm can't become cloud'yunshi' palm.
Zuo Zhou's unique skills can be described as full of stamina, sword eleven nirvana, love in the city, fruit position Arhat boxing, dream-returning heart sutra, flower finger, Rama inner strength, dragon leg, Lingbo micro step, magic knife cut.

It's also fortunate that he has a lot of things to do recently and doesn't have time to do any lottery draws, otherwise he would be so distressed if he didn't have any of them.

But even so, he still lost a lot. The cassock subduing magic skill, umbrella technique, and water-piercing sword technique that he had obtained before have already been sacrificed, which means that these skills will no longer be possible to advance in the future.

In fact, Nianhuazhi didn't escape the trap, but because of Master Jian Chi's advice, this kung fu advanced into a unique skill on the top list, which can be regarded as a new unique skill, which made Zuo Zhou feel less distressed.

"Okay, after I leave, you can take Chuchu to live with my father, and help me take care of the old man."

Zhan Shiqi smiled and nodded upon hearing this, is this a kind of confession?It should count.


Zuiyue Tower, Zuo Yaoqing received a somewhat unexpected guest. This is a young man with instant noodle hair. He is about the same age as Zuo Yaoqing. His skin is bronze-colored. Although he is dressed in the style of Daqin, his eyes and nose are of a foreign race. human appearance.

"It's really a rare visitor. The Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce is in its heyday, and President Zack has a lot of work to do every day. How can he come to the little girl for a drink when he has time?"

Zak, a Turkic, exile, but he saw at a glance that Turkic is not a good place to develop business, so he followed the caravan to the capital of the Great Qin Empire very early.Relying on advanced concepts and not bad background, he founded the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce, and they were also the ones who fought against the Money Gang before.

"Miss Zuo, I don't know how to think about my proposal?" Zach didn't hesitate, and went straight to the point when he opened his mouth.

Zuo Yaoqing was stunned for a moment, "What proposal? Have we made any proposal?"


Of course, it was a bad breakup. When Zach left with a gloomy face, a girl with a birthmark on her neck walked in. It was Zuo Yaoqing's confidant Guan Shanhai.

"Eldest sister, didn't I say it, try to be as gentle as possible, why did you provoke him again?" Guan Shanhai complained, "They defeated the money gang, and it was the time when the Spring and Autumn Period was at its peak, so we are not easy to provoke him."

Zuo Yaoqing disdained, "Listen to his nonsense, although the Money Gang retreated for no reason, it was definitely not because of them, they were just some idiots playing hype. It is best to let them mess around outside the imperial capital. be honest."

"But we are afraid that there will be problems with the convoy transporting wine outside in the future. You must know that hiring escorts is also very expensive!" Guan Shanhai worriedly rubbed his brows.

Zuo Yaoqing waved her hand, "It's only temporary, they won't be jumping around for long."

"What do you mean?"

Zuo Yaoqing smiled and said: "The information sent by Du Suyan opened up a new way of thinking for me, and also made me discover some problems. The eight people who died in the Eight Gentlemen Case were not easy!"

Guan Shanhai was puzzled, "Why isn't it simple?"

"Let me ask you, Daqin has swept the world for so many years, what is it?"

"Country? So many countries!" Guan Shanhai almost blurted out.

"No, there are also huge aristocratic families in those countries, and large sects in each country!"

(End of this chapter)

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