Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 215 This team is running for business

Chapter 215 This team is running for business

"Daqin, if everything goes according to the original plan, then this will be an unprecedented centralized country. No force in this country can shake Daqin's rule! And when all the external families and great sects are wiped out, , the imperial court should popularize education and support civilian talents.”

Listening to Zuo Yaoqing's words, Guan Shanhai suddenly came to his senses, "So the Eight Gentlemen were the target of support?"

"That's right, Sheng Dingtian is very prominent among this group of people. He was born in a small sect, and it is the time when his blood is not cold and he is dedicated to serving the country. The same is true for the others. As long as their generation rises up, they will definitely be the pillars of the court in the future. .”

After all, Guan Shanhai is an exile, and his thinking is beyond the limitations of this era. "The rise of new pillars will inevitably squeeze the living space of the old group of dignitaries."

Zuo Yaoqing sighed: "You can also understand this as a means by the Emperor Qin to eliminate the family and sect within the Great Qin."

"So the death of Eight Gentlemen..."

"It's not simple. Lai Ai may be just a knife, a knife launched by the nobles of the family, but...on the surface it seems that the eight gentlemen are dead, and the noble families seem to have won the first round. But they may also Didn't expect Di Renjie to be so decisive, he directly exposed the scandal between the Queen Mother and Lai Ai, and broke the knife of Lai Ai!"

Guan Shanhai shuddered, this was not simply the loss of a so-called knife or pawn, but also represented Qin Huang's determination and madness.Her eyes were dazed, as if she had seen a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Zuo Yaoqing continued to sigh, "Actually, the general trend has come. The best ending for the aristocratic families is to lie flat and let the Emperor Qin cut power, so that at least they can maintain their prosperity and wealth. It's a pity that in the face of power, those people He will never sit still, he will definitely jump out. And when Qin Huang's tolerance reaches the limit, it will inevitably be a bloodbath."

"Kill them all? Does Emperor Qin not consider the consequences?"

Zuo Yaoqing was happy, "Consequences? In the past, there may have been no one available, but now? After so many years of universal education, it is hard to say how the quality of the people is, but talents from poor families have been cultivated. These talents But they are all staring at the limited official positions!"

"Then... how long will it take?"

Zuo Yaoqing shook her head, "I don't know. Right now, in my opinion, Daqin still has two problems. One is the surrendered generals. This is led by Zi Yu from Jiangnan Road. As long as this matter is resolved, the army can be said to be completely The other one is those powerful families in the court. Also, I haven't figured out the issue of the crown prince's candidate, because one of the prerequisites for the new emperor's ascension to the throne is the death or abdication of the Qin emperor, but I can't see the signs of it now!"

Guan Shanhai was a little confused, "Aren't these three questions?"

"No, there are two. Let's not talk about the issue of surrendering generals. The latter issues can actually be solved at one time. For example, when the new emperor ascends the throne, it is once and for all. On the surface, these people are targeted because they are on the wrong team, but in reality Above all, it is Emperor Qin's grand strategy to weaken the aristocratic family."

"But those people won't all be on the side of the prince, right? Could it be that children and grandchildren need to be weakened a little bit? Then there are too many variables." Guan Shanhai still doesn't understand, and feels that this method is too slow and too many variable.

However, Zuo Yaoqing said meaningfully after hearing the words: "Who said that you can't... all stand on the side of the prince?"

Two names suddenly flashed in Guan Shanhai's mind, Fusu!Hu Hai!

Think about the comparison of the qualifications and virtues of the two princes themselves, and the exile's explanation of the history of the next-door earth, so many factors combined.

If it is you, who do you choose?

"This... this pit!"

Zuo Yaoqing leaned on the cloud bed and said amusedly: "So, the mountain of corpses and the sea of ​​blood are right in front, and the Red Fire Ant Chamber of Commerce dares to jump out to play a monopoly, haha, isn't this taking the initiative to send money to the Great Qin court!"

Guan Shanhai was no longer worried, and looked at Zuo Yaoqing with admiration, "No wonder Elder Sister never expands her influence outside the imperial capital."

"Otherwise? Why do you think that Di Renjie and Bao Zheng are willing to come to drink with me? I really think that my wine is delicious and unique? But I think I am a pure and unambitious wine maker!" Zuo Yaoqing curled her lips, eyes The grievances are alluring.

"Then this time the elder sister asked me to come..."

Zuo Yaoqing's laziness changed, she sat up and said: "Du Suyan sent information that Li Yuanfang and the others are going to Jiangnan Dao, this time it seems that they want to solve the problem of Jiangnan Dao army once and for all. I want you to escort secretly along the way, responsible Help her contact player organizations in various places, and provide whatever help she can."

Guan Shanhai wondered: "The imperial court found a way to break the situation so quickly? Also, how did it come from Du Suyan? Doesn't she live in the son-in-law's mansion?"

"The Tianxiahui is very close to the Jiangnan Road. Although Wang Jian was able to win Xiongba in the past, it was very difficult to kill a master. So the imperial court recruited the Tianxiahui for its own use, but now... the Tianxiahui is peaceful. Don't you think the Tianxiahui will Is his name a bit of an eyesore? What's more, Xiongba even took the initiative to find Ni Bodhisattva, what is his intention?"

Guan Shanhai frowned, "Are Jiangnan Dao and Tianxiahui going to be resolved at the same time this time? This...why? The army of Jiangnan Dao is definitely not going to use the form of a big war. And since the army is not used, how are we going to deal with Xiongba? According to Our information, Xiong Ba's strength is the upper group among the masters of the list, and let General Wang Jian take action? Didn't he go to the Turkic side to preside over the overall situation?"

Zuo Yaoqing gave her a blank look, "I'm not Emperor Qin, why are you asking me? In short, it's good for you to follow Du Suyan all the way. No matter what plans the court has, it must be based on Li Yuanfang's team."

"Okay, I'm going to pack up now, and let them set off in secret."

"By the way, let Yan Jing come over, I have something to do..."

"Strictly go to Dali Temple!"



"What did you say you wanted?"

"Hush, keep your voice down, those who don't know may think I have some hobbies!"

Rigorously put his fingers on his lips with a sneaky look, Zuo Zhou took a step back in disgust, "Don't think, your face is already very unscrupulous! By the way, don't make such an expression, can't you pretend to be innocent?" ? Do you know how bad it is to have a lewd expression on a child's face?"

"Don't be so harsh on a child!" Yan Jing felt aggrieved and wanted to cry.

Zuo Zhou ignored him, "Tell me first, what do you want Wei Jinzhong's body to do?"

The rigorous expression became serious in an instant, "Wei Jinzhong, who is that? He is the only zombie that has been touched by the sky thunder but has not been wiped out. This is a rare species. As long as I get his flesh and blood, I can transform my body into a zombie." Invulnerable zombies!"

"Invulnerability? Then why was he killed by my sword?" Zuo Zhou disdainful.

"That's different. Wei Jinzhong didn't display the ability of a zombie at all, not to mention that your big sword is not ordinary, so it is naturally different."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, "Aren't you being too cruel to yourself? After all, it's still your body in the previous life. You're so...very perverted!"

"Are you going to help me or not?"

"I can help, but I'm going to Jiangnan Road right now, so you should come with me too. As a reward, I'll give you a catty!" Zuo Zhou raised a finger with a heartache.

"What are you doing in Jiangnan Road? And it's useless for you to want that corpse, five catties!"

"I have official business, and the last case about Young Master Ximen hasn't been solved yet. Aren't you curious? Five catties is too much. It's the eunuch who has endured the thunder. I just need to do a little research, maybe I can restore the sky." How about anger!"

"You also want to be struck by lightning? At least four catties, I have to extract enough corpse poison from it to transform the corpse, too little and I can't do it!"

"It's okay to use lightning strikes to strengthen yourself. It's easy to be revenged by the Heavenly Dao. The Heavenly Dao of you exiles can run away. Who knows if you can remember the grudge? It's just that it may be used as an attack move if you research it! I will give you two Jin, if you can’t extract it, it means that your skills are not in place, and you need to study hard.”

"If you don't want to strengthen yourself if you learn the Sky Fury Heart Technique, then you might as well learn some spells. I heard that there are spells such as the Lightning Curse and Palm Thunder in Maoshan. It costs at least three catties. I'm not a professional. Scientific research, don't embarrass me!"

"Then if you join Dali Temple, I will give you double salary, and the corpse will be chopped up as you like."


In the end, Di Renjie finally couldn't stand it anymore, and gave Yan Jing three catties of meat. Of course, he had to go to Jiangnan Road with Zuo Zhou.

Sometimes things are so wonderful, usually no one cares about them, once a newcomer joins, others start to flock to it.

Zhuge Zheng me: "Yayu is the lord of suffering, and this trip to the south of the Yangtze River must have her place. Yayu is inconvenient to move, so iron hands must follow."

If you have limited mobility, just let Dayong push it!
Jian Chen: "Master ordered me to walk in the world. I have some experience recently, so I should go back and report to Master. We happen to be on the same road."

You go on your own on the same road, why, let us provide board and lodging?

Qin Shuang: "I've been bothering you for a long time, but now that Junior Brother Yun's injury has healed, it's time for us to return to Tianxiahui and deal with matters in Wushuang City."

Your master Xiongba has already become blind, I think it is more urgent to recover your eyesight!
Zuo Zhou looked at Nie Feng and Mingyue who followed Qin Shuang as a matter of course, and Bu Jingyun with a strange expression, and suddenly felt that the journey was not smooth.

Then, Hongkui Lankui found Zuo Zhou and said, "The world is so big, they want to see it!" '

It is obviously a professional team with important tasks, but it suddenly becomes a tourist group. How can this be justified?
Di Renjie patted Zuo Zhou on the shoulder, "This time the responsibility is heavy. Although you are the team leader, you are escorting the princess after all. It's inconvenient for a man, so His Majesty has thoughtfully prepared a deputy for you. Let's get to know you, Pai Yang." General Feng Yang."

"Old Di, I recently got a disease that would kill me if I went to Jiangnan Road. Is it too late to repent?"

"Do you think it will be too late?"


(End of this chapter)

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