Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 224 Su Ying·Xiongba·Buried Alive~

Chapter 224 Su Ying·Xiongba·Buried Alive~
The battle is still going on, Jian Chen's aptitude is really good, although not as unreasonable as the protagonists, but the people who can be accepted as Wuming's disciples are naturally not incompetent.So after the initial panic, he succeeded in stabilizing the situation, maybe because he didn't want to lose face in front of the girls, he unexpectedly gained experience in the battle and began to master the essence of swordsmanship that he didn't understand before.

"Heh, young people nowadays are so amazing!"

Zuo Zhou's words attracted a lot of people's eyes, you are not very good, but they did not expect that Jian Chen could still hold on.However, stability and victory are not the same concept. Bu Jingyun's strength still exceeds Jian Chen's, and his talent is higher than him.Jian Chen can improve in the battle, of course he can, and the improvement is more exaggerated than Jian Chen.

There are more and more red clouds, and the tumbling and churning looks like the sky and the earth are turning upside down. Of course, it is just the weather. It has nothing to do with the sky and the earth, but even so, it is a bit surprising.

Especially Nie Feng and Qin Shuang, their combination of wind and frost also followed this path, which is an advanced application of natural force.It's just that they are two people working together, but Bu Jingyun seems to have this tendency alone?And this way looks familiar, you can't comprehend it after watching their "Combination of Wind and Frost", right?

Zuo Zhou also saw that there was a problem. Jian Chen had already completed the task of preventing the battle, but Bu Jingyun found that he was a good opponent, or a good sword-testing stone, so he was unwilling to stop the battle easily, so Make all kinds of disdain and ridicule.And Jian Chen was a young man, not to mention he was in front of girls, so he didn't want to lose face, so he naturally began to bite the bullet and fight.

If the battle continues, Jian Chen should lose but not suffer any injuries, and Bu Jingyun should also be able to fuse the two natural forces of Huoyun into one, um, in the future, don't cry death, call Huo Is Yunxie God not good?

However, not everyone is willing to watch Bu Jingyun grow up.

"Jian Chen stop, he is using your enlightenment!"

Qin Shuang, as the most experienced existence among the three Feng Yunshuang, directly spoke out to break Bu Jingyun's plan.Jian Chen was startled when he heard the words, and immediately erupted two balls of sword energy and retreated.

Bu Jingyun was sullen in his heart, but after looking at the crowd, he knew that he couldn't do anything more.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou took a step forward, "The fight is over, so let's talk about it, why did you fight? Also, whoever does it first will pay for the repair costs of the house?"

"...Are you being so active just to save compensation for the court?" Yang Paifeng looked at Zuo Zhou in disbelief, and stood on the room condescendingly to look at this guy from another angle. Sure enough, he was nothing but handsome. I don't know why so many girls like it?

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "I don't feel sorry for the boy, you know how big or small the relocation money is!"

Ignoring this kind of person who doesn't eat fireworks, Zuo Zhou looked at Bu Jingyun and saw that he didn't show any signs, so he looked at Nie Feng and Qin Shuang.

Nie Feng's face was still gloomy, "He betrayed Master, and even hurt Master's eyes!"

"How did you know?"

Qin Shuang's voice was more stable, "Junior Brother Feng got a letter just now, and he came to me to discuss what was written in the letter. After questioning Bu Jingyun together, he also admitted."

Zuo Zhou remained silent, looked at Bu Jingyun and scolded with a bit of hatred: "You idiot, since you have already done such things as sneak attacks, why don't you practice lying? Is sneak attack better than lying? "


Everyone looked at him in a daze. You think about the problem from a very strange angle. Is this encouraging something shameful?
Qin Shuang understood the words, "You...know?"

Zuo Zhou didn't reply but said to Nie Feng: "Take out that letter and have a look!" He wanted to see from what angle the letter described the matter. Where.

Nie Feng didn't hide it, he threw the envelope over, Zuo Zhou took it apart, and felt something was wrong when he opened it.

This letter was neatly folded, the way it was folded in half and then in half, but... there was a slash in the crease.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly and looked at the content first, "It's been a long time since I've seen you, I miss you very much. Wen Jun has sent to Wushuang City, and I'm writing this letter to inform you about the secrets of the Tianxiahui..." The following is an expression of the changes in the Tianxia during this period , which focuses on the matter of Bu Jingyun secretly cooperating with Duanlang to blind Xiongba's eyes, and Xiongba was deceived by a villain named Xiao Guizi, who misunderstood that Nie Feng and Qin Shuang also betrayed and issued a reward.

Zuo Zhou was silent for a moment, and made a judgment almost instantly. The person who wrote the letter should not be from either Xiongba or Duanlang, because Xiaozhuzi was the one who plotted against Xiongba back then.

Don't think that this is an insignificant person, she is related to the comments in the Great Treasure Box of the Five Elements that the Nud Bodhisattva originally wrote.Well, speaking of which, the treasure box is not bad, as expected, it contains the understanding of the five elements, eight trigrams, heavenly stems and earthly branches of the clay bodhisattva all his life. Taking the treasure box to study enlightenment has brought Zuo Zhou's understanding of the Book of Changes to another level.

Closer to home, Xiao Guizi is now the most trusted person by Xiongba, with him in Xiongba it is impossible to send this letter to provoke the situation.And Duanlang has no reason. If he was Duanlang, he would definitely come to Bu Jingyun secretly, and then use Nie Feng and Qin Shuang to achieve the goal of fighting against Xiongba. A better way to provoke.

But if there is none, there is a high probability that the person who sent the letter has nothing to do with both parties.However, looking at the description in his letter, it seems that he knows the world very well, and it seems that he and Nie Feng and others are old acquaintances.

Of course, what made Zuo Zhou even more incomprehensible was that the abnormal crease was drawing on the words, 'Quickly, stay away from Wushuang City'

Is this a reminder?

What does the sender mean by a letter that is clearly provocative but contains a warning?Or, which side are you on?

Putting the letter away awkwardly, he looked up at Nie Feng, "This messenger seems to be an old acquaintance with you, do you know who it is?"

Nie Feng shook his head, "It wasn't written in the letter."

Zuo Zhou was speechless, "Of course I know it wasn't written in the letter, I mean, from the tone of writing or handwriting, can you think of someone you are familiar with?"

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, and exchanged glances with Qin Shuang, who shook his head, "The two of us don't have any impressions, it seems that we don't have... eh? What you said, it seems... It seems that we really have some impressions!"

Zuo Zhou hurriedly asked: "Think about it, this is very important. This person is obviously trying to provoke. Although it is true, there are many problems in it!"

Qin Shuang stared at Zuo Zhou meaningfully. There are still many questions about what is the truth?Could it be that betraying the teacher can also be cleared?
But Qin Shuang didn't ask rashly, and after thinking carefully, he said: "I remember, once Kong Ci had a stomachache, and when I helped her fetch medicine, I saw this handwriting on the prescription."

hiss!Zuo Zhou was astonished, "You can recognize the doctor's handwriting!"


Everyone ignored his stalking, Nie Feng looked at Qin Shuang again in a weird way, "I remember, the doctor in Tianxiahui who is in charge of treating the female the female disciple of Tong Huang!"

Anyone who has heard about Tonghuang, who doesn't know what kind of character Tonghuang is, such a person...will have apprentices?Still a woman?
Mingyue obviously noticed Hua Dian, frowning and looking at Nie Feng vigilantly, "Why are you familiar with such a person?"

Nie Feng's awareness of survival was obviously not high, and he replied truthfully: "I also helped Kong Ci get medicine, well, Kong Ci's health is not very good, obviously he has a lot of energy, but he always has a stomachache for a few days every month. "


Mingyue bowed her head, scolding viciously in her heart, Kong Ci is a bitch!
Standing below, Zuo Zhou happened to see the jealousy in Mingyue's eyes, and almost didn't laugh out loud, but he was even more curious, "Are you familiar with this female doctor?"

Qin Shuang continued: "It's fairly familiar. Although Su Ying is a female disciple who is in charge of treating the Tianxiahui, we all know that in the Tianxiahui, her medical skills are the highest. But if it is a good relationship, then She should be the most familiar with Bu Jingyun!"

"Oh? Why?" Zuo Zhou looked at Bu Jingyun strangely, um, the name Su Ying was enough to shock me all night.

Bu Jingyun snorted coldly, "Shuang'er has the best relationship with her."

Just one sentence, not to mention anything superfluous, but Zuo Zhou understood that if he has a good relationship with Shuang'er, it is equivalent to being acquainted with Wei Xiaobao.It seems that Wei Xiaobao is really messing around in the Tianxiahui!
Zuo Zhou glanced at the envelope again. From the perspective of the narrative in the letter, there are two directions that match Su Ying's identity, one is the direction of Tong Huang, and the other is the direction of Wei Xiaobao.

Tonghuang's words are explicit, Wei Xiaobao is recessive, so...the reminder in the from Wei Xiaobao!

Zuo Zhou's complexion changed, and he immediately shouted: "Your matter will be resolved by the court later, now, let's leave Wushuang City and go on the road, hurry up!"

Everyone was startled, Mingyue was puzzled and said, "Why..."

Before the interrogative sentence hit the ground, there was a loud noise and a strong earthquake.

No, it wasn't an earthquake, it was a landslide!

As mentioned above, Wushuang City is built on the mountain, and the mountain has no name or surname, but most of the people in Wushuang City call it the back mountain. Because the forest in the mountain is lush and there are many wild animals, it supports many hunters.

Before this, no one thought that one day this mountain would collapse, or it would be artificially bombed!

Everyone was shocked, and Zuo Zhou hated it even more. Although the rules of the world are different and the formula of black powder has changed, it does not prevent the birth of another kind of black powder. Just climbing technology.

Zuo Zhou once thought that someone might dream of developing firearms, but he has never actually seen someone using gunpowder on such a large scale.

Reminiscent of the reminder coming from Wei Xiaobao, tsk tsk, Xiongba, you are ruthless!

 After watching the game yesterday, DK was a bit fierce, and I was a little worried about Li Ge. As for EDG, there is a high probability that they will not be able to beat.But it's a good thing to think about it, after all, you don't need to buy champion skins next year.

(End of this chapter)

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