Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 225 I was seized power?

Chapter 225 I was seized power?
When he was on the next-door earth in his previous life, Zuo Zhou often saw the hazards of mudslides in the news, but his luck in his previous life was obviously good, and he never really felt the danger of a mudslide.

Seeing it now, it was shocking enough that his scalp went numb.In particular, this kind of landslide is man-made, so it cannot be generalized by simple mudslides.

Countless large and small boulders fell, like a meteor shower, and from the scale, it can be seen that it almost covered more than half of Wushuang City.

"Hurry up and protect the princess from Wushuang City! All the guards work together to smash the falling rocks and protect the people to evacuate!"

Zuo Zhou shouted loudly. He felt that this was the most important thing to do now. As for whether someone would take advantage of the chaos and sneak attack or something, that depended on the enemy's purpose.

Zuo Zhou didn't know what the blind Xiongba was thinking now, but considering his previous experience, even if he didn't care about offending the court, he wouldn't want to assassinate the princess.Therefore, this time the most likely goal of domination is Fengyunshuang!

"Yang Family Army! Form the formation!"

Although Yang Paifeng had never encountered such a scene, she was unflappable in the face of danger and blew a whistle, and a bay red BMW rushed out of the stable and ran towards her.

Almost immediately after, the elite female soldiers of the Yang family completed their formation. Some of them put Qingping on their horses and began to rush out of the city. The falling rocks were crushed with great force.

The whole process is unified and full of rhythm, using actions to show the world what is elite!
With the protection of the female soldiers of the Yang family, the rest of the guards dispersed. They rushed into the houses and brought out men, women, old and young who did not know martial arts. Desperately, he began to run out of the city.

"Good guy, if you hadn't encountered a problem, you wouldn't even know that there are so many exiles hidden in Wushuang City!" Zuo Zhou grinned and sighed, but from this point, it can be seen that Xiongba should be the same as Wushuang. The power of players in the city does not matter.

"Damn! What are you running, pay attention to smashing the falling rocks!"

Mingyue hated that iron could not be made into steel, and while running out behind Nie Feng and others, she called on the experts in the city to resist the falling rocks.

And those who just ran away blindly turned around to meet them obediently.

Zuo Zhou was not surprised at all, he just drew out his Wushuang sword, "Eleven Nirvana!"

The sword shadows all over the sky fought against the falling rocks from bottom to top. These sword shadows formed by the innate qi were extremely sharp. Naturally, they were not comparable to the falling rocks, but the number of falling rocks from the collapse of most of the mountains was really terrifying.

Human beings are really insignificant under such natural disasters, and what Zuo Zhou can do is to protect the safety within a radius of [-] meters with himself as the center.

It was also the first time for Yang Paifeng and the others to watch Zuo Zhou perform such shocking moves up close, and they did not forget their mission while being amazed.

The fast horse galloped quickly to the city gate, just like what Zuo Zhou thought before, since Xiong Ba wants to kill Feng Yunshuang, it cannot be just a simple landslide.

It can be seen through the city gate that a cavalry team has already formed a formation and began to charge towards the city, but judging by the attire, it is a member of the Tianxiahui!

At this time, Yang Paifeng erupted with an unprecedented domineering spirit, and seemed to have absolute confidence in marching and fighting, even though the cavalry in front looked uniform and quite elite.


Zuo Zhou was taken aback, and all the female soldiers of the Yang family didn't give a warning, they just yelled, and then completed the formation of the conical formation while galloping, and began to confront the cavalry team head-on.

The two cavalry teams slammed into each other fiercely. There was no tearing of the armor, not much metal clattering, only blood spattering and people screaming.

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, and the difference between people in the arena and soldiers was immediately reflected.

The cavalry blocking the road generally did not wear armor, and they held sabers and other infantry weapons in their hands, but the female soldiers of the Yang family were unified with long spear armor, and this contest had an absolute advantage because of the length of the weapon.

It was ridiculous to say the least, Yang Paifeng even felt that some bandits were more decent than this group of people.

"Don't be careless!"

Zuo Zhou's smile subsided slightly, he keenly discovered the problem, some Tianxiahui disciples lay down voluntarily even before they were injured, pretending to be dead was outrageous.

In any case, Yang Paifeng led the people out of Wushuang City, and only slowed down after running hundreds of meters.

Looking back, the common people came out yelling, but they didn't see Bu Jingyun and others.

"Did you see them?"

"I saw that there was a very tall and thin man who stopped Bu Jingyun and the others." Yan Yan raised his hand and ran out with a big box on his back. Not only was he able to keep up with the fast horse, but he didn't even have the slightest breath. It can be seen that his kung fu has advanced It's very hot.

"You've been running around all the time, can you see this?"

"I have eyes behind me!"

The rigorous answer was straightforward, Zuo Zhou looked at the box on his back and was quite speechless for a while.But what about tall and thin people?Those who didn't know thought Fat Toutuo!
"What should we do now? Do we want to go back and help them?" Tie Youxia clenched his fists. Although he was asking, he was ready to go back and fight.

Zuo Zhou looked at Tie Youxia who was eager to try, if I can't say it, can you listen or what?
"Do you think you can defeat Xiongba?"

Zuo Zhou's face was very indifferent, which was completely different from the previous expression of righteousness.Tie Youxia froze for a moment, then frowned and said: "If you count Feng Yunshuang, we..."

"Do you think Nie Feng and Qin Shuang will help Bu Jingyun fight against Xiongba?"

This sentence made Tie Youxia stunned, and he finally remembered that Nie Feng and the two were going to fight Bu Jingyun before.

"However, we can't let Bu Jingyun be captured by Xiongba, let alone Xiongba destroys Wushuang City by blowing up mountains, causing the deaths of countless people. Does the court not care about it?" asked ruthlessly.

Jian Chen immediately agreed, "We of the righteous generation should not allow such villains to run rampant!"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, of course he also wanted to save Bu Jingyun, not that he had any affection for Bu Jingyun, but Bu Jingyun was Shuang'er and Wei Xiaobao's superior after all, and Shuang'er is now his boss. Sister, um, a serious goddamn sister.

If Bu Jingyun is allowed to die like this, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to face Shuang'er.


When Wei Xiaobao tipped off the news, he told him to leave quickly, so it was worth pondering.

One must know that with Wei Xiaobao's character, what should he do?When he learned that Xiongba was going to ambush them, he would definitely use this opportunity to counter-ambush Xiongba, this is his character.

But now that they haven't done so, there is only one possibility, Wei Xiaobao thinks that even if all of them gather together, they won't be Xiongba's opponent.Only in this way will he only let everyone escape!

Could it be that this Xiongba's martial arts has improved again the last time?Otherwise, it wouldn't explain why Wei Xiaobao thought so, and the operation of blowing up mountains and burying cities was too vicious, so he really wasn't worried about the imperial court's blame?

This guy shouldn't be a master of the map!
Zuo Zhou grinned, and everyone was still waiting for him to make a decision, but Yang Paifeng who was riding on the horse suddenly spoke.

"Don't worry, there will be nothing wrong with Bu Jingyun, let's leave first, and then plot!"

Everyone looked weird, they didn't expect Yang Paifeng to agree with Zuo Zhou's words.

Moreover, Yang Paifeng's words were unquestionable, and they didn't even give them a chance to say anything, and led the army directly in one direction.

"What about... the people of Wushuang City?"

"Of course someone will come to deal with it later!" Yang Pai did not return the limelight.


Zuo Zhou pursed his lips, suddenly feeling bored, he knew there was something wrong with asking Yang Paifeng to lead the troops to escort the princess with him.Well now, doesn't 'someone come and deal with it later' mean that everything is expected!

I am the captain of this team, I feel ashamed if you do this!
Zuo Zhou followed depressedly, and the group seemed to be in no hurry. At this moment, a thousand-mile fire rose in the direction of Wushuang City behind him.

It was a colorful firework, releasing colorful fireworks in the sky, "The back team becomes the front team, follow me to the world meeting!"

"Stand there for me!"


Yang Paifeng wanted to pull the horse up to make a domineering posture, but Zuo Zhou reached out and knocked the horse's head down. It was very disturbing to be interrupted halfway through this pretense.

"You let go!"

"I'm the captain. It's up to you to die, but now you must complete the task of protecting the princess!"

Surging killing intent suddenly exploded from Zuo Zhou's body, and the Wushuang sword trembled slightly and was about to be unsheathed. The horses of the entire Yang family's female soldiers subconsciously took two steps back, no matter how the female soldiers forced them, they could not move forward.

Yang Paifeng turned to look at Tie Youxia and the others with anger on his face, "Are you coming with me?"

Tie Youxia looked at the two of them for a while and it was really difficult to decide. Of course, from a personal point of view, his friendship with Bu Jingyun is not bad, and he wanted to help, but what Zuo Zhou said was right. Protecting the princess is their mission, and they can't give up easily.

Yang Paifeng reached into his cuff, and suddenly pulled out a scroll that was only the size of a palm and opened it, "Li Yuanfang accepts the order!".

Zuo Zhou's heart shook, and he could roughly guess what it was even without looking at it.Without waiting for Yang Paifeng to say anything, he reached out and grabbed it.

Sure enough, after opening it, the first thing I saw was the big seal of the jade seal on the inscription, "Order Li Yuanfang, the vanguard of the Southern Army of Jianjian, to cooperate with Yang Paifeng to destroy the Tianxiahui..."

The imperial decree was concise and concise, but Zuo Zhou's face turned dark when he saw it. Needless to say, this must be the order of the substitute Qin Huang.

Killing the world will be fine, it is in line with Daqin's strategic policy, but the style of waiting for Xiongba to make a mistake before exterminating him will not be the domineering real Qinhuang before.

The most important thing is that there is a problem here, Yang Paifeng took people away, so who will protect the princess, what if someone takes the opportunity to hurt Qingping?You must know that Zi Yu has been watching him all the time, even if the possibility is small, he has to guard against it.

Sure enough, his own woman only loves him, Zuo Zhou closed the imperial decree, and suddenly smiled at Jian Chen with a shy face: "I heard that the Zhonghua Pavilion, where Master Wuming is honored, is not far from here, right?"

Jian Chen was stunned, this change of face was too fast!

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes and fell into Jian Chen's arms, he couldn't just give this guy a hard time, what is this?

"No, I have a disease that makes me vomit blood when I go to support, quickly take me and the princess to the Zhonghua Pavilion to find Senior Unknown!"

(End of this chapter)

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