Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 226 It's too long, there are werewolves!

Chapter 226 It's too long, there are werewolves!
"Young man, are you thinking now, how can there be such a brazen person in the world?"

Zuo Zhou asked Jian Chen with joyful eyebrows, while holding Qing Ping's hand and shaking it triumphantly, completely ignoring the hot-blooded young man next to him with burning eyes and envious envy.

Of course, Jian Chen wasn't interested in Qingping, but he just looked at Wuqing with a gloomy face beside him, and was a little envious.

At this time, on the way to the Zhonghua Pavilion, there are only four of them left. Uh, red sunflowers and blue sunflowers are not counted as people.

If there is a master who is determined to play a scoundrel, you really have nothing to do, at least Yang Paifeng is very helpless.She only knew that Li Yuanfang was a scumbag before, but she never expected that the other party would even dare to disobey the imperial edict!
If this was changed to another place, another time, and another person, then Yang Paifeng would definitely take the person down first.But this method is obviously useless to Zuo Zhou, so she can only take people away first.

Jian Chen originally wanted to follow, after all, this was an opportunity to show off...a chance to act chivalrously, but as a guide to the Zhonghua Pavilion, he had to follow, so he had no choice but to agree.Fortunately, Tie Youxia strongly asked Wuqing to go with him, which made Jianchen less resistant.

Besides a few of them, Tie Youxia and Dayong also went, although they didn't think they could do any harm to Xiongba, but since it was the Suppressing Tianxiahui, there must be some minions for them.

In addition, Zuo Zhou is not really determined to resist the order, he also asked Yan Jing to help, not to say that he is so powerful that he can command the exiles at will, but the rigorousness is a bit drifting now. It doesn't quite fit.So Zuo Zhou wanted him to follow him to see what the masters were like, and also let him restrain himself, and Yan Jing himself wanted to see Xiongba's strength.

"Oh? Why, you're not happy! Look at you, your hair is split, you should pay more attention to maintenance!"

Zuo Zhou not only showed affection, but also provocatively provoked Ruthless. Seeing that you are usually so arrogant, but when something happened, the iron hand pushed you over, what does that mean?It means that in the eyes of those people, you are just a drag!

Ruthless was very angry, her pretty face was as cold as ice, but she was equally helpless, she had only recently started to practice Rama's inner strength, and she didn't have true energy in her body, so how could she use a wheelchair to catch up with a horse if she only relied on physical strength?Probably Tie Youxia also knew this, so she didn't worry about Wuqing going there privately.

Qingping patted Zuo Zhou with a suppressed smile, "Don't make trouble, don't worry about Sister Wuqing, he just likes to make trouble."

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, "When is it your turn to apologize for me? Now that Yang Paifeng and the others are gone, you have to straighten your position. You are not a princess with me. If you dare to put on airs, I will clean it up at night You! Hmph, you should pay attention to save face for your men outside, you know?"

Qingping's cheeks were flushed, and she glanced at him incomparably coquettishly, but her arms holding Zuo Zhou tightened even more, and she asked softly, "Is it really okay for you to resist the order like this?"

"No way, our Emperor Qin, the general policy is well formulated, but sometimes it is necessary to consciously change according to the actual situation. They will go this time, whether they can kill Xiongba or not, but you will be in danger. definitely!"

"Oh? Why?" Qingping was a little puzzled, and Jianchen and Wuqing also pricked up their ears.

Zuo Zhou didn't give a damn, "I always feel that Xiong Ba's behavior is a bit problematic. After Wang Jian went up to the mountain to beat him, this guy has been cowardly. Now that he is blind, no matter how hard his skills are, he has no reason to dare to confront Da Qin. So , ruled out that this guy was limped... what are you looking at? Didn't mention you!"

Ruthless: "Hmph!"

"If Xiong Ba is not really stupid, it means that he already has something to rely on. This dependence is manifested in two aspects, one is personal strength, and the other may be power. After all, you have just seen it. The disciples of the Tianxiahui can only show it. , but when it comes to marching and fighting, it’s a trick. Therefore, Xiongba must not rely on Tianxiahui itself, but I can only think of two people who can link up with him to fight against Qin. One is the mysterious Qinglonghui, Zi Yu who doesn't get along well with the Azure Dragon Society and Da Qin!"

Speaking of Zi Yu, Qing Ping's expression became serious, and Zuo Zhou said again: "We have been out for a while, except for one time when the Azure Dragon Society blamed Zi Yu, Zi Yu has never done anything at all, this kind of waiting for death The operation should not be the operation of a deep city man. In other words, he is holding back his big move. Remember our analysis before? Under what circumstances can Zi Yu keep his position and military power?"

Jian Chen hurriedly said: "I remember, I killed Princess Qingping without pointing the finger at myself."

Zuo Zhou smiled and said: "That's it. Once Qingping dies, no one can accuse him of having a fake identity. But Qingping can't die in his hands, at least he can't leave evidence, otherwise Daqin can use this to crusade and make him not right. The words are not going well. In order to prevent this situation, we have to walk in public all the way, so that he has no chance to target us. Because we know that Zi Yu only has the advantage of the army, but we are negligent, he can actually find A martial arts sect cooperates!"

"The world will meet!" ×3
"Hey, I'll answer quickly!"

Qingping twisted his back, and then became a little worried, "So you don't want to deal with Xiongba, because you are afraid that no one will protect me, and the enemy will take advantage of the opportunity to attack!"

Zuo Zhou let out a long sigh, Xiongba is a very suspicious person and he can't trust anyone easily, it is very rare for Wei Xiaobao to be able to get along well in the world, Zuo Zhou never expected him to really cover the sky with one hand.Even if it could be done, Wei Xiaobao would not do it himself, because it would be too obvious and he would be jealous of Xiong Ba.

This leads to a result, some information will be known by Xiongba, for example, the imperial court is likely to attack the martial arts sect, that is, it will attack the world.In order to fight against Great Qin, Tianxia will inevitably find allies.

"Xiongba has three choices. One is the Azure Dragon Society, but this organization is often mysterious and hidden in the dark. Let alone whether they can contact enough important people, the style of hiding in the dark alone determines their inadequacy. To achieve success, at least it is not enough to confront Daqin head-on. The second is to rely on foreign forces. Now the Qin Emperor will not use force abroad, so it is possible for foreign forces to do things, but there is a problem that cannot be reached unless the tyrant is willing to conquer the whole world. Moved to another country... In the end, it was Ziyu. There were a lot of troops in Jiangnan Road, and they were coveted by both Daqin and Qinglonghui. The most important thing is that although Ziyu has military power, he lacks the background of Jianghu forces. It just hit it off!"

Ruthlessly pondered for a moment and continued: "So the purpose of Xiongba Zhashan, on the one hand, is to deal with Bu Jingyun, and on the other hand, he wants to divert the tiger away from the mountain, and then let Zi Yu's people deal with us?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head uncertainly, "Not necessarily, it may also be a member of the Tianxiahui. Before that, I didn't know what kind of lineup the court had prepared for Xiongba, but one thing I know is that Bu Jingyun should be with Yang Paifeng has secret communication. After all, it is very difficult to catch a master at the master level of the list if he wants to escape. You can only use bait to lure him out, and Bu Jingyun is undoubtedly a good bait. But Xiongba I also thought about transferring Yang Paifeng away, but the plans of the two sides coincide unexpectedly, and the only one who may suffer from this is you!"

As Zuo Zhou spoke, he picked Qingping's chin in distress, and then kissed her, which made Jianchen's teeth itch.

"Since this is the case, let's leave quickly. If we want to be intimate, we can wait until the Zhonghua Pavilion."

"Hey, it's not that simple, look, there's no one here!" Zuo Zhou let go of Qingping's slender waist, and his face became a little serious.

In the distance, four fierce horses galloped wildly, smoke and dust rose one after another, and there was a scorching killing intent in the air.

Those are five vicious men. Don't ask why there are five people on four horses, just one of them can crawl on the ground!Don't ask how you can tell that these people are vicious, because none of them are dressed like normal people.

A man covered in fat and wearing the tattered clothes of an orthodox beggar, it is not his fault to be ugly, and it is wrong to lead a man with an iron chain to run on the ground with all fours, this is obviously a pervert who shakes his face!

A whole body is covered in a large robe, with a black and white mask on his face, what's wrong?Are you Cao Cao or Zhang Fei?Oh, by the way, Boss Cao hasn't appeared yet, so it should be Zhang... Well, it seems that apart from Guan Yu, Zhang Fei is also not sure.then who are you?Is it Yu Canghai, head of Qingcheng?Uh, looking at it this way, is there a dwarf hiding under the robe?
There is also a person in black and black gauze, an absolute killer costume, and most importantly, the rapier on his waist is exactly the same as the previous shadow!Zuo Zhou couldn't help sighing, he really has a fate with this sect!
The last one, fat!The kind of fat with the same height and body width, the kind of fat that makes it difficult for a horse to run, but this fat face has a ferocious look on its face, which is almost unbearable.

As for the strange man who was held by the chain but was able to catch up to the fierce horse with his limbs, there was nothing abnormal about him, he looked like everyone in his black and gray suit.

Jian Chen and Wuqing waited in full battle, but saw the trembling pervert who was holding the chain suddenly roared, there was no sound wave visible to the naked eye, but the ear-piercing magic sound made people dizzy.

Zuo Zhou also felt his brain buzzing suddenly, but the spontaneous operation of his innate skills in an instant made him escape from the abnormal state.

This brief absence gave the other party a chance, the perverted chain swung, and the weirdo on the other side rushed towards him in a circle.

"Fuck, I have a bad temper!"

Zuo Zhou raised his sword directly, if you dare to bump into it, I will split it in half!
The pervert obviously didn't expect this kind of thing to happen, and it was too late to make a temporary change, but he just controlled the weirdo to deflect slightly, and the chain was chopped into pieces by Zuo Zhou.

Then, the four people who were planning to charge over with their horses all of a sudden got together and looked at each other, revealing a feeling of embarrassment.

Zuo Zhou is a little confused, are you still fighting?


Just at this moment, a wolf howl came from beside Zuo Zhou. The strange man whose chains were broken just now turned into a werewolf...

 There have been a lot of melons recently. I originally liked girls who violated the rules, but in the end one house collapsed. I wondered if there was a chance that the whole army would be wiped out, and I was inexplicably looking forward to it.

(End of this chapter)

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