Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 227 The Big Gift Package Sent by Director Gui

Chapter 227 The Big Gift Package Sent by Director Gui
"Hiss! Dog King, aren't you that your chains are made of cold iron on the bottom of the sea, and even magic soldiers can't stop chopping?"

The person with the facial makeup spoke a very strong Chuanyin, and the sarcasm in his words was comparable to garlic.And the other fat man on the horse had a bit of fear on his face, "What time is it, should we avoid it, I don't want to be eaten by you little wolf dog!"

The man with the iron chain had a gloomy face, and snorted coldly, "Don't hide, the werewolf mad state only lasts half a minute, we just wait for Li Yuanfang to be torn apart."

The killer in black had disgust in his eyes, "Don't say it!"

Zuo Zhou ignored the guys who seemed to be talking about cross talk, but just stared at the boy who turned into a werewolf.Yes, it's amazing that before, it was messy and dirty and couldn't see a human shape at all, but when it turned into a werewolf, it could be seen as a thin wolf cub.

The gray hair is worse than the ruthless long hair with split ends. The eyes have changed from human eyes to animal pupils. The feces and feces seem to be covered with a layer of pus, but even so, you can see the smell The fierceness in it.

What's even more outrageous is that it was obviously a second-rank aura before, but now it directly soars to the feeling of innate Dzogchen!

"This is a bit exaggerated!" Zuo Zhou took a step forward to protect Qingping behind him, and then glanced at the four people sitting on the horse who dared not come over, "When Xiongba asked you to come, did he tell you how much I am?" powerful?"

The pervert with the iron chain laughed loudly, "You don't have to think about delaying time, since we are here, we already know your information in advance!"

"Really? Then you are really cautious. I just need to ask one more question, did Director Gui tell you that information?"


…………………………… Inexplicably caught in an awkward stillness…………………………

Zuo Zhou was not overjoyed, he was a professional in this area, anyway, they were not the only people who were cheated by Wei Xiaobao, and there will be more and more people in the future!

Originally, Zuo Zhou thought that it would be Zi Yu's army who came to target them, or at worst the dead soldiers cultivated secretly, but it turned out to be these crooked melons.

"Why don't we inform you of your name, otherwise I'm afraid that you will hang up like some tricks without a name." Zuo Zhou kindly reminded, but unfortunately not everyone appreciates it.

The pervert yelled, "Rip them off!"

The werewolf didn't move, lying on the ground with a wolf's head sniffing, then cautiously approached Zuo Zhou, and licked... licked... licked...


The pervert suddenly went berserk, flew up and struck the chain, Zuo Zhou caressed the werewolf's head without feeling dirty at all, and then spun with a knife in his hand, the Wuji knife burst into layers of cold light and directly smashed the chain into pieces.

At the same time, several other people also moved, and the black-clothed killer burrowed into the ground and disappeared. Then Zuo Zhou turned his big knife and stabbed it next to the werewolf's shadow. Puff, it was a stuffy feeling. As a result, his stomach was pierced by a big knife and nailed to the ground, unable to move, he could only scream.

The rest of the people were intimidated, but Zuo Zhou was more and more satisfied in his heart. You see, Wei Xiaobao is very thoughtful, no matter whether it was intentional or not, he restrained all the people who came over.

The scalps of the other three were a little numb, but they still resolutely wanted to attack again. The pervert was about to open his mouth and roar, but Zuo Zhou swung his palm and shouted: "The Buddha's light has just appeared!"

Everyone's hearts tightened, could it be that he also knows how to attack with sound?Unexpectedly, a burst of golden light exploded, causing their eyes to sting extremely.

"Ah! despicable!"


The Wushuang sword came out of its sheath, cut off the perverted legs, and then slashed at the face masked man and the fat man.

The two were a little timid, but after they had been rampant in the past, it was easy for them to lose sight of the situation after being so rampant for a long time. Not to mention surrendering immediately, they still wanted to resist!


Although the fat man looked bloated, his body was so explosive that every movement of his body was so powerful that even the horses under him were shocked to death.

Zuo Zhou didn't take a step back, he was holding a magic weapon in his hand, ah, you bumped into me like a meat ball, isn't it good?

But the fat man didn't care about these things, and in the blink of an eye, he came to Zuo Zhou, opened his bloody mouth, and bit down on the Wushuang sword.


Zuo Zhou was also taken aback by the ear-piercing metallic sound, huh?The hard teeth seem to be some kind of special technique.It's just a little disgusting, this saliva... Damn, the saliva has a corrosive effect!

Zuo Zhou was keenly aware of the faint meaning in the air, and immediately let go of Fang Jian, Ling Bo walked around behind the fat man with small steps, and punched the fat man in the ribs with two fists, hey, the grease in one hand is disgusting.

At this time, the man with the facial makeup also leaned over, and there was a sound of piercing through the air, and the faces flew out one by one, and he was able to turn and swim in the air under his control.

However, this form of attack is greater than its power, at least it won't have much effect under Lingbo Weibu's power.

I saw Zuo Zhou's figure turned into fragments of afterimages, and while avoiding the face attack, he turned to the other side of the fat man.

Nianhua finger!
Precisely and as if artistically pinching the fat man's ear, and pulling it hard, the fat man bent down uncontrollably, and his face directly hit the flying masks.

Bang bang bang!
The face was shattered, and the muffled sound was like being hit by a stick.

"Ah! What are you doing? You closed Facebook!"

"What are you doing, don't bump into my face!"

The two cursed angrily almost at the same time, and the Wushuang sword fell down as soon as they opened their mouths. Zuo Zhou stretched out his foot and kicked, and the Wushuang sword directly pierced the horse of the man with facial makeup. The man with facial makeup was unstable and almost fell down.

But Zuo Zhou's attack was not over yet, he pinched the fat man's ear and began to run forward.

It stands to reason that this fat man is stronger than Zuo Zhou, but he didn't dare to wrestle with him at all, because he felt that those fingers were like iron hoops, and he couldn't break them apart. The ears fell off, well, after all, there is not much fat in this place.

At this time, Zuo Zhou's attention was not on the fat man, he took out the chain knife that had been useless for almost half a month, and the chain was tied with a doll needle, and the sharpness was still guaranteed , Fei shot his hand and shot through the robe of the man with the mask.

However, Zuo Zhou didn't feel a firm touch, and this trick didn't work.


The masked man suddenly separated up and down, and the robe became two short pieces. One half covered a dwarf, while the other half was still on the masked man. It turned out to be two people!
However, Zuo Zhou said that he was not surprised by this, and just retracted the chain knife and slashed at the fat man with his backhand.

squeak!The doll needle didn't pierce the skin but slipped through the epidermis!
"Depend on!"

Zuo Zhou is convinced, this world of high martial arts has all kinds of wonderful kung fu, not only can you use fat to resist blows, but also secrete a lot of oil to offload sharp weapons, you are really good at it!

Suddenly Zuo Zhou didn't want to pinch his ears anymore, because that layer of grease had already covered Zuo Zhou's hands.

But it is a pity that no matter how much oil is secreted, Zuo Zhou's Nianhua Finger is not effective. At this time, the Nianhua Finger is already a top skill in the world. It is a kind of true meaning of martial arts that can evolve into a Buddhist kingdom between fingers , it is not something that mere grease can resist.

The fat man yelled "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", he kept patting his whole body, wanting to break Zuo Zhou's hand, but Zuo Zhou cleverly avoided it again and again by using Lingbo microsteps to change his body shape and forcefully pulling his ears and head. The chopping, on the contrary, made the fat man burst into tears and snot.


The masked man who flew into the sky waved and threw three chains, with three iron claws tied to the top of the chains.

"Hey! Compete with soft weapons, I'm familiar with this!"

Zuo Zhou started his career with chain knives, after all he is Li Yuanfang!

But to be honest, the chain knife technique is not a great skill. If he hadn't won a lot of soft weapon methods such as the whip technique in the later stage, and they could only be used after they were integrated with each other, otherwise he would have given up a long time ago.

If the masked man's methods were high-end, he wouldn't know how to use the chain knife method, but he also discovered that the masked man's flying claws were more like a locking technique, not even a complete set of martial arts.

There was a flurry of tinkling, the chain knife and the flying claw chain intertwined. At this time, you can see the importance of the equipment. No matter how you say it, the doll needle is also a magic weapon. It only needs a little force to wring the flying claw. smash.

Suddenly, there was another strong wind blowing behind his ears, and Zuo Zhou immediately understood that it should be the running dwarf attacking him.

He just pulled the fat man's ear and pulled it behind him without covering it, and there was another series of muffled bang bang bang, and those thick feet kicked the fat man's face more than a dozen times in just an instant.

"Ah! Fatty, get out of the way!"


The fat man didn't want to talk anymore, but Zuo Zhou flew up and kicked on the dwarf's chest. Don't forget, he also has superb leg skills like dragon subduing legs.

The gust of whistling wind hit again, and the man with the facial makeup once again used the kung fu of flying with facial makeup, but this time Zuo Zhou didn't repeat the same trick.

He already felt that it was boring, why bother to torture these idiots sent by Wei Xiaobao?
With a pull of the arm, a flying step, the fat man's head was directly stepped into the soil.

Ling Bo came under the man with a face mask, don't you like flying?Let's see who can fly high!
A Crane Soaring to the Sky and Observing the Clouds pose is a lightness skill specially used to elevate heights. Zuo Zhou's figure instantly surpassed the face-makeup man, and the face-makeup man didn't even realize it. Yin kicked on his neck.

Killing the dragon and seeking the way is the essence of the Dragon Subduing God Leg, the more it can match all the characteristics of lightness kung fu, and the characteristic of the one crane soaring to the sky and watching the clouds is the bottom-up impact force. At this time, this impact force is completely instilled in the On the neck of the face man.

When Zuo Zhou landed, the face-makeup man split into two halves again, one half was a body without a head, and the other half was a head, and it fell at Zuo Zhou's feet, which startled him.

(End of this chapter)

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