Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 228 2 astrological signs ≠ Tianchi 2 evil

Chapter 228 Twelve Astrology ≠ Twelve Demons of Tianchi
I feel very cruel, obviously I took the head down by myself, but I also feel very disgusting, maybe this is the meaning of a gentleman far away from the kitchen, mainly to let myself be able to deceive myself.

Zuo Zhou raised his head, and the fat man not far away finally pulled his head out of the ground.

With a pair of red eyes staring at Zuo Zhou very badly, his throat throbbed as if he wanted to smash Zuo Zhou to pieces.

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "What? You're not happy!"


The fat man opened his arms and roared and rushed towards him, his fat body suddenly swelled up, like a dump truck with the gas pedal pressed to the bottom.

Just for a moment, Zuo Zhou was disgusted. Well, the practice of turning fat into muscle is a bit creative, but those two lumps dangling on your chest are really... What do the two ladies next to you think? ?
Zuo Zhou felt a little sick to his stomach, and it's not like I can't really beat you, so what are you pretending like!

The chain knife flicked and entangled the Wushuang sword on the ground, Eleven Nirvana!

Countless sword shadows burst like blooming chrysanthemums in an instant, but they didn't rain down like before, but suspended in the air and surrounded the fat man inside, then approached and spun around, Zuo Zhou closed his eyes.

Grease splattered, the skin was broken, fat fell off, blood and muscles were mixed together into a meat paste, leaving only a hard skeleton maintaining a running posture.

Hey, just one word, disgusting!
Zuo Zhou shook his head, this fat man should be thankful, he is not some evil cultivator in fairy tale novels, otherwise such a hard bone must have cultivated some evil magic weapon.

However, this situation is also expected by Zuo Zhou, after all, there is no way to support so much fat without a strong bone.

"Let me see, who is left now?"

Zuo Zhou squinted his eyes, pretending to be a pervert, and slowly turned his head to look at the dwarf, and then at the chain pervert with broken legs and the black-clothed killer who was nailed to the ground and lingered.

At this time, the dwarf was obviously frightened, and he knelt down without even thinking about running away. The whole Zuo Zhou was really embarrassed to kill him for a while.

"I ask, you answer. If there is a lie, I will stab him with a knife."

Chain perversion: "..."

The dwarf looked at the chain pervert and then at the killer nailed to the ground with a big knife. Of course, he knew what Zuo Zhou meant. On the surface, it gave him a chance to lie, but if he really made an inch of it, the murder would be nothing more than a knife. They are all dead, and I am afraid that I will not even have the chance to apologize.

This seemingly relaxed condition actually made the dwarf's heart tense up!
"who are you?"

The dwarf's voice was unexpectedly rough. When he was kneeling, he was not as tall as an adult husky, and he said anxiously, "We are twelve signs."

"Twelve Astrological Signs?" Ruthlessly pushed the wheelchair over, "According to the information collected by Mr. Zhuge, the Twelve Astrological Signs are a gang of robbers. They use the name of the zodiac to do all sorts of crimes, with bloody debts! Mr. once wanted to exterminate them , but every time they hide in Jianghu before they can do anything, they seem to have a special intelligence channel, and they always wait for the wind to pass before coming out to do evil."

Zuo Zhou nodded, looked at the dwarf but smiled, "You didn't tell the whole thing about this question, but it's not a lie, it's just that I'm not satisfied, so let's cut it lightly!"

As Zuo Zhou said, he held the Wuji knife and twisted it lightly. You must know that the big knife was inserted into the killer's stomach. He cried out in pain when he twisted it.

"He didn't lie! Why torture me?"

Zuo Zhou showed an indifferent smile, "I don't know that Twelve Astrology and Tianchi Twelve Ghosts are a group of people!"

Not only the dwarf and the others were shocked by these words, but even Wuqing and Jianchen Qingping couldn't believe it.

Although the Twelve Demons of Tianchi are not kind, they are also people who are protected or restrained by Xiongba, but they did not expect to have the identity of the twelve astrological signs.

"The fat man who died just now is food first, let me guess, he is... a pig in the twelve signs?"

The dwarf nodded woodenly, and then began to take the initiative to expose, "We used to be a large-scale gang, but after being killed by Dugu Jian, there were only 12 people left, so we took refuge in Xiongba, and Xiongba also had a relationship with Dugujian." Therefore, we promised to avenge us. It’s just that we are not used to the restrained life, so we secretly set up a gang of thieves with the twelve astrology signs, using the information channels of the Tianxiahui, every time someone intends to exterminate us, we will Hidden and active as the Twelve Demons of Tianchi."

He ruthlessly snorted coldly, "So it's the Tianxiahui's information channel, Xiongba really has a way to kill."

Jian Chen echoed, "That's right, although Nie Feng and Qin Shuang seem to be very kind, this world is really not a good place to go. I hope they can rein in the precipice and get out of the Devil's Den!"

Zuo Zhou glanced at this guy and said with a smile: "Your tone of compassion is finally a bit like a hero!"

Jian Chen froze for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

Zuo Zhou: You're blushing so red, can't you hear that I'm mocking you?
The dwarf said again: "We are also afraid that the similarities between the two groups are too high for people to notice, so they do not completely overlap with each other. Ghost shadows do not hold the title of a certain zodiac in the twelve astrology."

The dwarf pointed at the one who was nailed to the ground with a big knife, Zuo Zhou came to him curiously after hearing this, and pinched the handle of the knife again with one hand.

"Wait a minute! Wait a moment! We have something to say, don't do it!"

The ghost of the Twelve Demons of Tianchi is obviously also a person who is aware of current affairs, so he confessed directly for the sake of not suffering too much.

"Tell me about your mastery, I just want to see which sect is capable of cultivating so many killers with special skills."

"I am Ghost Shadow, from Jishan Fuyin Sect. We are a small family. Because we have mastered a kind of ninjutsu that blends into shadows, we can survive in the cracks of many sects. If you are interested, I will I will tell you all the secret arts, I just ask General Li to spare my life!"

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, this ghost is really cowardly, even the sect's secret technique can be betrayed.However, Jishan Fuyin faction?
Zuo Zhou really couldn't remember what kind of school it was for a while, and turned his head to look at Wuqing, who did not disappoint him, "Jishan Fuyin Sect is a small sect in the Tang Dynasty. Since the sect is located near the coast, so Do some maritime trade, and also have contacts with Japan and other island countries. You can understand that they are doing escort business at sea."

Nodding his head, Zuo Zhou didn't know much about Japan, and he didn't know if there was any difference between this world and the earth next door. Anyway, judging from the current situation, Japan is completely incomparable with other countries.

Zuo Zhou looked at the dwarf again, and the dwarf started to chatter with excitement: "Our eldest child emperor is a mouse with twelve signs, and his real name is Wei Wuya. Food is first a pig with twelve signs. This guy is a ten The dog in the two constellations is also the king of dogs in the twelve evil spirits of Tianchi."

"Then what's going on with this werewolf?" Zuo Zhou casually pointed, the werewolf just now had already turned into a human form, but it seemed that he had consumed too much energy, and he was drooping at this moment, without energy .

The dwarf hurriedly said: "Before the Turkic civil war, it was wiped out by Yang Wenguang. Many Turkic royal families became refugees. This young man is a noble child of Turkic. He lost his memory due to a military accident. The dog king got it by accident and asked him to assist him." Cultivate Roar God Book, and then train it as a dog, and it becomes what it is now."

"Roar to God Book?" Zuo Zhou looked at the short-legged dog king in surprise. "Hey, the scriptures of childlike innocence can turn people into real dolls, and shouting at the book of gods can also turn people into dogs? You guys are playing very well!"

The dog king was sweating in pain, and he couldn't say anything in the face of the ridicule, but the dwarf helped him and said: "The general misunderstood, it is this boy's own ability to become a werewolf, we just found him, and shouting at the god book is nothing It just destroyed his brain and made him obedient."

"Shut up! He has used the Roaring Book before, don't I know the effect of this exercise?"

Zuo Zhou glared at the dwarf and almost scared him to pee. As for the werewolf boy, Zuo Zhou suddenly remembered the legend of the Turks. Yes, it was the legend of the girl who gave birth to a child with a wolf and became the ancestor of the Turks.

This legend is actually quite serious. Even in the previous life, Zuo Zhou had never seen this kind of human and beast. Generally speaking, a certain place in Japan is relatively hot, which is the limit.So subconsciously speaking, Zuo Zhou didn't believe that this legend was true, but looking at this young man from the Turkic royal family, his three views were a little shaken!
So here comes the question, why is this young man so close to him?Dear mother, dear father, don't you two have Turkic blood in your body?

Well, this was Zuo Zhou's random thoughts for a while, and soon he thought of the reason.

Reaching into his bosom, he took out a small pocket, which is usually used to put silver taels, and later on when Zuo Zhou developed, he used it to put banknotes. Yellow teeth!
Sure enough, when this tooth appeared, the werewolf boy really became energetic, and crawled over in a few steps, hugging Zuo Zhou and rubbing against him.

Zuo Zhou's face twitched, he was at a loss for a while, he couldn't even raise goldfish, so would he have to raise a werewolf in the future?

"Squat down!"

As the werewolf boy squatted down, Zuo Zhou raised his head in satisfaction, and he was greeted by perverted eyes.

Zuo Zhou put the tooth back into his pocket calmly. Speaking of it, it is also a souvenir. The tooth of the wolf ancestor was originally a tribute given by the Turks to the Great Qin Emperor Qin. Later, the tribute was kept in Zuo Zhou when the envoys were robbed. body.But when Shibi Khan died, he originally wanted to return it to Ji Li Khan, but Ji Li Khan later handed it to Zuo Zhou, saying that it represented Turkic surrender to Great Qin, after all, it was a tribute. Originally you offered everything, but now you want to go back, that’s not the case.

It's a pity that Turkic was wiped out afterwards, and Zuo Zhou didn't send the tribute up, including the bank notes and the wolf ancestor's tooth, etc., which were all handed over to Axiang for safekeeping.It's just that Ah Xiang didn't like the dirty teeth, so she casually stuffed them into Zuo Zhou's arms. Speaking of which, if there wasn't this werewolf boy, even Zuo Zhou himself would have forgotten.

(End of this chapter)

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