Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 229 Child Emperor Su Ying Xia Xueyi

Chapter 229 Child Emperor Su Ying Xia Xueyi

No one would believe it if he said it out, but someone gave him a pet even if his life was not enough. How could Zuo Zhou be ashamed of this?Thank you Xiaobao!

"I remember that the Twelve Demons of Tianchi were scattered by Xiongba? Why are you working for Xiongba again now!"

Zuo Zhou really wanted to know the reason for this matter. In fact, Wei Xiaobao did not instigate Xiongba to deal with the Twelve Demons of Tianchi. The idea of ​​eating meat attracted many crowds.Look, what bad thoughts can this little treasure have?

If you want to blame, blame Xiongba for being too suspicious. After he healed his wounds, he directly killed several Tianchi Twelve Demons, and the rest ran away.At that time, it happened to be the time when Tonghuang disappeared, and the rest of the people such as Dog King, Shi Weixian and others didn't understand what happened at all, they just ran for their lives.

The dwarf smiled apologetically and said, "The general doesn't know that our identity as the Twelve Demons of Tianchi is no longer usable, but we still have contacts as the Twelve Astrology. Zi Yu, the governor of the Jiangnan Road, has been secretly wooing the forces of Jianghu, Our Twelve Astrological Signs had connections with Zi Yu a long time ago, and this time Zi Yu wants to form an alliance with Tianxiahui, so we can make peace with each other, and we have returned to Xiongba's command."

Zuo Zhou suddenly realized that Zi Yu is not good enough to lead troops to fight, but he is very good at conspiring with ghosts and ghosts.But looking at the quality of the twelve signs themselves, he probably has some awareness of the power of Zi Yu's subordinates.

Thinking of this, I suddenly thought of another thing, "Oh right, why is your Tonghuang boss missing? He can't still be by Xiongba's side!"

The dwarf shook his head, "Tonghuang disappeared and never showed up. We generally believe that he knew that Xiongba was going to kill people in advance, so he ran away, but no one is sure."

Zuo Zhou pursed his lips. According to the information Wei Xiaobao had sent, Duanlang was not sure whether he had really killed the Tong Huang, but he could only guarantee that he had seriously injured him. Maybe he would hide in some corner to lick his wounds now? !
"One more thing, the original Wushuang city lord and the young city lord Duguming...are you poisoned to death?"

The dwarf was taken aback for a moment but hesitated a bit, Zuo Zhou frowned and twisted the handle of the knife again.

"Ah! Why didn't he say you tortured me?"

The dwarf shivered, looked at the ghost apologetically, and hurriedly said: "It should be, but we are not sure how Su Ying did it."

Su Ying... Zuo Zhou heard this name again.

"Then let's talk about Su Ying. According to you, you don't seem to have any restrictions on this woman?" Zuo Zhou asked lightly, as if he never cared.

The dwarf hurriedly said: "Su Ying is a child adopted by the Tong Huang. At first we thought she was the Tong Huang's new toy, but Su Ying was very clever and realized the sinister truth of the Tong Xin without any information. Even though I endured the daily torture of true energy, I never gave in to practice."

Zuo Zhou's face changed slightly, thinking about Shuang'er's appearance when he was tortured, he knew too well the deteriorating version of the Childlike Innocence Scripture, Su Ying could bear it!

"This kind of torture lasted for three years. Tonghuang saw that there was no way to make her submit, and also saw that she was really smart and talented in poison medicine, so he accepted her as a disciple. Although Tonghuang relieved her childlike torture , but she has also become the only person in Tianxiahui who has not practiced martial arts."

Zuo Zhou remained calm, but there was a kind of understanding in his heart. He had seen the memory of the doll in the dream space, and he had also helped Shuang'er solve the threat of the childlike innocence, so he naturally knew about that kind of torture.After suffering for three full years, I am afraid that the meridians in Su Ying's body have been permanently damaged. It is rare to be able to maintain health without affecting her lifespan. How can she practice internal strength.

"Since that's the case, if the Tong Huang is not here, then Su Ying should listen to you, why don't you know?"

The dwarf said again: "Because Su Ying's master is not only the Tonghuang, but also the snake in the twelve zodiac signs."

"Snake? Where did this come from?" Zuo Zhou was confused. He was not surprised that Su Ying found another backer, but he really didn't think of it in the twelve astrological signs. Is there anything powerful about this snake?
"I know this snake." As if Wulin Encyclopedia's ruthlessness said again, "The snake is the only person whose identity is disclosed among the twelve zodiac signs, Xia Xueyi, the king of the golden snake!"

"..." Zuo Zhou couldn't complain.

Just listen to the ruthless continued: "Mr. Jin Snake was originally from the Ming Dynasty. When he was young, the Wen family brothers slaughtered the village and killed his whole family. He went to Miaojiang and joined the Five Poisons Sect with his sweet words and handsome appearance. He got a unique knowledge and the method of using poison. After returning to the Ming Dynasty to take revenge, the female gangster killed all the women in the Wen family, and tortured the brothers of the Wen family with poison for half a year, and the notoriety has spread far and wide.”

The corners of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched slightly, it was a wolf. This was a bit different from the original work he knew, but it was logical when he thought about it. In fact, when he watched "The Sword of Jade Blood" on the next-door earth, he felt inexplicable.

Why would a person with a deep hatred fall in love with his enemy's daughter?Just because the other party is kind?Then the family members who were killed were not kind?

Unless that woman is a demon master who knows the art of charm, Zuo Zhou thinks it's outrageous. In addition, he doesn't like Yuan Chengzhi, the hero, so among all the books of Jin Daxia, he dislikes "" "Jade Blood Sword", um, followed by "Book and Sword Enmity Record", but the sequel is a bit interesting.

He continued ruthlessly: "Golden Snake Lord returned to the Five Poison Sect after he finished his revenge, and married the daughter of the former leader of the Five Poison Sect. At that time, both his power and strength reached the peak, and he became someone in the martial arts that no one dared to provoke. Existed. It’s just that later when the Great Qin swept across the Miao territory, the members of the Five Poisons Sect suffered heavy casualties, even the leader died. However, many members of the sect refused to accept the new leader, so many elders left the Five Poisons Sect, including Xia Xueyi.”

Zuo Zhou nodded, he knew about this, he once killed the gold and silver elders on Jiannan Road!

"However, this Xia Xueyi is a ruthless person. The Five Poisons Sect has almost collapsed. Naturally, his status and power are not as good as before. Many of the elders want to unite to overthrow the new leader, but he doesn't want to take this risk, so he will My wife abandoned me and came to the territory of Daqin, and joined the Twelve Astrology!"

Zuo Zhou blinked, so the Golden Snake Langjun in this world had such an experience?Turning his head to look at the dwarf again, the latter froze for a moment and hurriedly said that he was right, and the Golden Snake Lord they knew was the same.He added: "Golden Snake Lord has passed all his Gu skills to Su Ying, so she is also a master of poison and Gu. Although she has no martial arts, she is also unpredictable when she moves. We usually dare not provoke her." .”

Zuo Zhou curled his lips in disdain, "With your strength, who would dare to provoke you?"

The dwarf was speechless in embarrassment for a while, but Zuo Zhou's face turned slightly serious, "The alliance between Tianxiahui and Zi Yu seems a bit tricky, and there are quite a few masters here!"

Wuqing was a little worried, "Then Yang Paifeng and the others are in danger?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, not very sure, "It is definitely the main force arranged by the imperial court to fight against Xiongba, but if you want to wipe out the Tianxiahui, you must also face many masters of the Tianxiahui. Xia Xueyi is a threat, but I heard his behavior style , I'm afraid they won't foolishly become enemies of the imperial court. Therefore, Yang Paifeng and others will not die even if they are in danger. I'm worried about us. If these guys don't go back in time, I'm afraid Zi Yu will send someone else coming."

"Then what should we do?" Qingping asked, and glanced at the dwarf and the others, her meaning was already obvious, how could she let these people go, wouldn't she still have to help Zi Yu when she went back?

Zuo Zhou pulled out the big knife with a puff, and the ghost was not prepared to scream in pain at all, but the cry stopped abruptly, the big knife cut across the neck, and a human head was separated from the torso.

"Ah! Spare me, General, I'm still useful!"

"What's the use? Can it help me control the Qingcheng faction?" Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes in disdain.

The dwarf is completely confused, how does this Li Yuanfang know everything?You must know that Yu Canghai was not a kind person in the first place, he offended someone in his early years and had his legs chopped off.Later, I found a dwarf and raised him from an early age, and he usually rides on the dwarf like a normal person.At the same time, possessing the identity of Tianchi Twelve Demon Opera Treasures, it can be said that good and evil can take all, and it will be much easier to do some shady activities.

Zuo Zhou saw that the dwarf was stunned, and said with disdain: "I'm most annoyed by those of you who make false identities every now and then!"

Qingping looked at him amusedly and said nothing.

Swinging the sword down, the dwarf's figure was unexpectedly flexible, and he dodged Zuo Zhou's random sword, and then ran towards the dog king.

And the dog king seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and sat on the dwarf's shoulders with his hands on the ground.

Good guy, running forward with both legs, constantly throwing hidden weapons behind his body, and launching sonic attacks with the Roaring Book from time to time, this scene highlights a weird and bizarre scene.Almost jumped from the classification of martial arts to supernatural!
But Zuo Zhou was not in a hurry, let them run 39 meters first.

The shadow of the sword slowly gathered, and the Wushuang sword in his hand turned into a 40-meter-long sword amidst the light, and he slashed down, poof, this time the two halves are separated from the left and right, this is not still alive!
"Okay, let's go to the Zhonghua Pavilion first, and I'll go to the Tianxiahui to have a look after you settle down." Zuo Zhou led Qingping and let Jianchen lead the way.

This guy obviously hasn't woken up from the shock just now. How could the four people who seemed to him to be very powerful be killed by him so quickly?

Zuo Zhou gave him a push, "Young man, intelligence is very important. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. It's the same with picking up girls. Would you like me to teach you? Let me tell you, Nie Feng was able to get Mingyue because of my guidance." of it!"

Jian Chen was really moved when he heard the words, looked at Qingping and asked curiously: "Then how did you get together with the princess?"

Zuo Zhou was proud, "Of course our ranks are different. What you have to think about is how to chase, but what I have to think about is how to deal with those girls who take the initiative."

Qingping is funny, she looks at Zuo Zhou a little strangely, and always thinks you have bad intentions!

(End of this chapter)

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