Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 237 I don't want to do it, I just want to watch the fun

Chapter 237 I don't want to do it, I just want to watch the fun

You Ruo was a little dazed, looking at his brother's embarrassment, he couldn't handle him completely.Speaking of his brother's temper, if anyone asks his sister to be a maid, yes, you read that right, what kind of lieutenant general, you, a pioneer of the Jiannan Army, don't even have a serious general rank, what kind of lieutenant general are you?Also, isn't the job of holding the bow and arrows just done by the maids, especially some swordsmen with prominent family backgrounds, there will always be some sword attendants around them.

This is called the card face. When there is a real fight, the master stretches out his hand to "take my sword", and then the sword attendant passes the sword forward. Look, this is very advanced, and it suppresses the enemy invisibly.

If you compare it horizontally, it is a bit like those knights in the West, who usually help you wipe your armor and feed your horses.Of course, you have to understand it as showing off your wealth.

Just as a sword servant, this status is not high.Dufeng should violently murder people, so there is only one answer, this rude guy, he can't beat him!
Zuo Zhou saw that the two of them stood in place for a long time without speaking, and his face gradually darkened, "What? You don't want to? Well, your lightness kung fu is not bad, but it is very similar to a friend I know named Nie. Such a powerful lightness kung fu, It’s really a waste of talent to be my deputy general. Forget it, just pretend I didn’t say it.”

"Wait a minute, my lord!" Dufeng raised his head and stretched out his hand, like a big Erkang (pictured above)
"Sister She was born in the countryside and doesn't understand etiquette and literacy. It's her blessing to be valued by adults. It's just that I was a little bit at a loss when I was suddenly hit by a pie. I hope adults don't blame me!"

Dufeng flattered You Ruo, and directly pushed her horse to Zuo Zhou's side, causing You Ruo to roll her eyes, but it was not easy to get angry.

Zuo Zhou laughed in satisfaction, "Not bad, not bad, you are very good at dealing with things, I am optimistic about you!"

"Your honor."

Zuo Zhou narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Then come with me to the Tianxiahui, there should be a war going on soon, hehe, this kind of scene is not common!"

Zuo Zhou rode forward first, while You Ruo and Du Feng walked a few steps behind.

"Brother, are you selling me?" You Ruo complained softly.

Dufeng smiled wryly, "Sister, brother is also in a difficult situation. You obviously have some doubts when you hear that. If he really attacks, we won't be able to win even if there are ten more!"

"But now the Huitianhui will say that it is going to be exposed?"

"Don't be afraid, you will wear a veil for a while, and fortunately you usually live in seclusion, and no one knows you except a few people in the Tianxiahui. Be careful, as long as you hide him, there will always be a chance to escape in the future."

You Ruo lowered her head in frustration, and had no choice but to take out her own silk handkerchief to cover her face.At this moment, Zuo Zhou turned his head again, "By the way, I only knew your name is Dufeng, but I didn't even ask what your sister's name is."

Dufeng smiled awkwardly, "What's your name? It's called... Du... Hua!"

"Ruhua? What a name!"

"As long as adults think it sounds good."

You Ruo: "..." Looking at my brother, so love will disappear, right?You pulled me out of Tianxiahui because you wanted to take revenge on me!
Zuo Zhou nodded in satisfaction and turned his head again, behind You Ruo's fingernails were sharpening the hard bow desperately, almost digging out a set of patterns on it.

Dufeng also felt a little sorry for his sister, but there was really nothing he could do now. Don't look at Li Yuanfang, who seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed, but he had already heard that this general was best at pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. At this time, he was defenseless, and he must be the one who suffered.

What's more, he always said that he would not be a person like Xiongba, so now he wants to kill someone because of his background?How is that different from a selfish Xiong Ba!
Zuo Zhou didn't have so many thoughts at this time, he was looking forward to the performance of Nie Feng and others.

Hehe, although on the surface he doesn't have much contact with Tianxiahui, he has watched a lot of film and television dramas and comics. Although Fengshen legs are not a great skill in the Fengyun series, it is not something anyone can learn if they want to. I learned it, and the only one who can learn Fengshen legs and break through the encirclement without hindrance is a woman who has a good relationship with Feng Yunshuang.

That's right, it's you...Kong Ci!
Zuo Zhou is already imagining the embarrassing death scene of Nie Feng, Qin Shuang and others. Hmph, thanks to the fact that you are the unparalleled city lord bestowed by the court, but in the end you released the prisoner’s family members for personal reasons. I found it for you. Instead of your Fengshen legs, it's not too much to need your family's Bing Xin formula.

Well, this is actually a temporary idea. Zuo Zhou suddenly discovered a very embarrassing thing when he was sorting out his martial arts.

Although the Heart Sutra of Returning to Dreams can strengthen mental power, it is very passive after such strengthening. It cannot be actively released like Wuqing at all. It can only be used for passive defense, or waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the dream space to fight with him. This is a bit ugly.

So when I saw Kong Ci, I thought of the Nie family's Bingxin Jue. This thing is very buggy. Although it can't be released outside, it can give yourself a halo similar to God's perspective.Jumping out of the incident from this perspective, I am afraid that many problems can be discovered.

"My lord, there is a fight ahead."

Dufeng never thought that his sister would be regarded as the adopted daughter of Xiongba, but this is not surprising, after all, Xiongba protects his own children very well, except for a few people, outsiders don't know the existence of this woman at all.Therefore, in Dufeng's heart, he felt that Zuo Zhou was only suspicious because of his lightness skills similar to Fengshen's legs, and it was absolutely impossible for him to think that they were actually Xiong Ba's children.

Zuo Zhou looked up, "It's just that the Tianxiahui disciples who want to break out are fighting with the police, we don't need to worry about it."

"But they seem to be at a disadvantage." Dufeng was a little worried. He understood why. Jin Jiuling, as the leader of all the arresters, had already been killed by him in a sneak attack. They couldn't complete the encirclement, and even didn't even set up a formation when the Tianxiahui disciples broke out.

It's just that Dufeng felt a little helpless, he didn't regret killing Jin Jiuling, but it was also because of him that these arresters were at a disadvantage.Although he can also take the initiative to take over the command, after all, he is also a gold-clothed policeman.But even if he had no contact with Xiong Ba, it would be unreasonable to personally lead people to strangle the Tianxiahui.

"Don't worry, these people are just running for their lives. If those arresters really can't beat them, just let them go sideways, and those Tianxiahui disciples will run away. After all, these Tianxiahui disciples are not stupid. Man, it's not the same thing if they run away as if they kill a cop and run away."

Zuo Zhou didn't mean to help at all. The Tianxia in this world will be different from the one in the film and television drama. Because Wang Jian beat Xiongba, the Tianxiahui has never formally fought the Tianxia, ​​so the disciples of the Tianxiahui have no chance to do evil. .

"But general, with so many martial artists scattered in the rivers and lakes without restraint, wouldn't it cause chaos?" Dufeng was a little worried.

Zuo Zhou said with a smile: "Whether a society is stable or not depends not on a few gods, nor on a few criminals, but on a big environment! The laws of the court are strict, and the quality of the people is improved. right way."

Dufeng re-acquainted with this Mr. Li Yuanfang in an instant. Others said that he was an old woman, but now it seems that he is a thoughtful and sensible person.

"What is strict law?"

Zuo Zhou looked at Dufeng in amazement. To be able to ask this question, he was a young man with ideals and ambitions!
"Maintain what is right, stop what is bad, and punish what is wrong."

Dufeng wondered, "Is it that simple?"

"Is it simple?"

Zuo Zhou's rhetorical question left Dufeng speechless for a long time. The three of them passed by with more and more battles, because their aura was too strong but no one made trouble. How to improve the quality of the people?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "It's simple, just read more books."

You Ruojiao snorted, "If reading more books is useful, there will be no corrupt officials in the world."

"Reading more books is just to let the people know what is right and what is wrong. This is to improve their quality. As for maintaining the good development of the society, it requires strict laws and the moral principles in the hearts of the people to work together. As for corrupt officials... Hehe, where there is light, there is shadow, this is not unusual, where there is darkness, there is light, do you see which corrupt official who was exposed will end well?"


Dufeng was thoughtful, while You Ruo was thinking about which corrupt officials who were exposed would end well.

Zuo Zhou wanted to laugh when he saw the fooled brother and sister, but now is not the time, the true energy in the hall on the top of the mountain has almost frozen, and it is difficult for anyone with weaker strength to enter.

"It seems that the master of the imperial court has arrived!"

Zuo Zhou jumped off the horse curiously, and walked up the stone steps step by step, followed by Dufeng and You Ruo, the two brothers and sisters had already seen the situation on the top of the mountain from a distance.

embarrassing?Embarrassment, but more of a faint helplessness and worry in my heart.

Since the imperial court has been prepared for a long time, it means that it must have the confidence to win Xiongba. This master must be extraordinary. As Xiongba's family members, they should also be included in the list.

How could he be so unlucky to meet Li Yuanfang?
"What are you doing around here? Go in and see the excitement!"

Zuo Zhou's voice startled the tense Yang Paifeng. That's right, she led people to block the outside of the hall. The armor on her hands was covered with blood, the blood of the enemy.

The disciples of the Tianxiahui were no match for the elite of the Yang family at all. The army assembled and charged almost a thousand meters away from the foot of the mountain, and then killed all the way here.All the Tianxiahui disciples who had reached a large scale were killed by them, and the remaining stragglers were also frightened and began to break out of the encirclement, that is, those who were entangled with the outside police.

"Aren't you not coming?"

"Who says I won't come? I'm just looking at the big picture. I'll come to watch the fun after confirming the princess's safety. Well, where's the army?" Zuo Zhou asked with a playful smile.

Yang Paifeng looked away angrily, and Dayong who was standing next to him pointed to the mountain road on the other side.Tie Shou laughed and said, "For some reason, the gold-clothed policeman didn't follow the plan to wipe out the enemy, so the troops dispersed to various places in the mountain to wipe out the enemy."

Zuo Zhou let out a groan, but turned his head left and right. He didn't see Su Ying, Mr. Golden Snake, or Ming Yue and others. It seemed that this battle still had to be fought.

 Today, GEN will win!Today, GEN will win!Today, GEN will win!

  Important tits three times!

(End of this chapter)

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