Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 238 No fun to watch

Chapter 238 No fun to watch

"Huh? Nie Feng and the others haven't been rescued yet?"

Zuo Zhou glanced into the hall on tiptoe, but it was a pity that the surging qi reaction seemed to block even the light, the candlelight couldn't come out, the sunlight couldn't get in, it looked like pitch black from the outside.

Taking a sneak peek back, I found that my deputy, Ruhua, really had a strange expression when he mentioned Nie Feng.

At this time, Yang Paifeng next to him said indifferently: "The three of them are still locked in the cage."

"Forget about those two, but didn't Bu Jingyun cooperate with you before? Why didn't you even save him?"

Yang Paifeng frowned and said in surprise: "How do you know that Bu Jingyun has cooperated with us?"

"Isn't it obvious? After all, Xiongba is the master of the human list. If he wants to run away, no one can catch him, and he can only be lured out with bait." Zuo Zhou said and glanced at the hall again, "You can die in the world!" In the main hall of the meeting, it can be regarded as a kind of consummation."

Everyone had different expressions, and their mentality was complicated for a while. Xiong Ba was considered a well-known master in the world, and a mistake in decision-making eventually brought about his own death.

"I'll go in to see the excitement. Why haven't we fought yet? I'm afraid a group of masters are talking about it or showing off their momentum." Zuo Zhou was about to go inside with great interest.

"Don't act recklessly, you will get hurt if you force yourself in like this..."

Before the iron hand's reminder was finished, Zuo Zhou had already stepped into the hall where the zhenqi was distorted. As soon as Pu entered, he felt the chaotic zhenqi oppressing him from all directions, as if he had entered a certain gravity anomaly. Area, well, if you practice boxing here, you can probably become a Super Saiyan.

Zuo Zhou didn't hesitate, but he already understood in his heart why outsiders didn't come in. This kind of chaotic true pressure is too strong. If he stays for a long time, the skin may bleed, and the bones may be crushed if he stays for a long time.

The best way to resist this kind of oppression is to keep using one's own true qi defenses and resist the oppression of the outside world, but this requires too much control and consumption of true qi.

But Zuo Zhou didn't mind, the consumption was not as much as the true qi he recovered when he was running automatically, sometimes it was a pity, it would be great if the upper limit of true qi was raised so quickly.

The main hall of the Tianxiahui presents a step-wise progression, the outer part is very low, and the higher it gets towards the center, the highest place is naturally the exclusive seat for Xiongba.This is quite in line with Xiongba's ambition, but unfortunately, the seat has been smashed to pieces.

The rumbling muffled sound echoed in the hall all the time, and the three women surrounded Xiong Ba in the middle, these three women were amazing.

Her hair was full of hair, and the traces of years of wind and frost turned into wrinkles and distributed on her face, but even so, she was still dignified and steady, like the empress dowager of a certain country, powerful and powerful.In his hand was a dragon-headed stick beside him. It seemed that the whole body was covered with gold, but there were dark red blood spots that had dried up. It was obvious that this dragon-headed stick was an unworldly weapon!
A high ponytail, full of black hair fluttering with true energy, beautiful facial features but not kitsch, but full of aggressiveness, what a royal lady!What surprised Zuo Zhou the most was that the woman used a long-handled sword that was [-]% similar to the Wuji Sword, and a long red tassel was tied to the ring of the sword, which made her look majestic.Of course, there are also two Yanling sabers on his waist, which are standard military equipment.

Reminiscent of Yang Paifeng outside, this young man must be the two great masters of the Yang family, Madam She and Mu Guiying!

As for the other, whoops!Zuo Zhou was a little dazed, he took two steps forward in a very simple way, and directly jumped over the confrontation between the four masters, stopping the situation that was so serious that it was about to explode.

"Auntie, I think you look familiar! Dare I ask Fang's name?"

Zuo Zhou said frivolous words with a very serious and respectful expression, which made people unconsciously feel a sense of contradiction. For the master of Renbang, direct expression is often easier to reflect each other's mood.In other words, Zuo Zhou was also conflicted at this time.

"I know you, let's talk about it later."

This aunt is actually about the same age as Mu Guiying, she is very dignified and beautiful, her temperament is dusty, her equipment is only two short swords, and she is wearing a commoner dress, she seems to be out of tune with the previous two masters of the Yang family.

But if you look at the pair of short swords and the two Yanling sabers on Mu Guiying's waist, and then think about Yang Paifeng's dual sabers, they are undoubtedly a system, and no one will believe it if it doesn't matter.

It is rumored that there are three masters in the Yang family. I am afraid that this mysterious third person is this one, but...

This Zuo Zhou knew him, in his dream, Zhan Shiqi's dream...

"Let's talk about it later?" Zuo Zhou was amused. Some things are just a layer of window paper, and you will understand after you pierce it. No wonder the female soldiers of the Yang family don't like him.

It's just... why do you think you don't like us?

Zuo Zhou shook his head and didn't want to talk to this aunt any more, but after thinking about it, he finally said, "Since I made a choice at the beginning, don't get entangled now. Breaking the peace is rarely a good thing."

The surrounding zhenqi swelled violently, breaking away from the confrontation between the four masters just now, and descending on Zuo Zhou instead.

"What right do you have to say that to me?"

Feeling the sudden increase in pressure around him, Zuo Zhou curled his lips in disdain. He couldn't stand it with pure qi, but we still have sword intent, saber intent, and Arhat boxing. Are you playing with me?
"I feel sorry for my girl! Is this enough reason?" Zuo Zhou said as he slammed the Wuji knife Duang on the ground, but he didn't see the explosion of true energy, but the piercing sound of the knife instantly overwhelmed the muffled sound of twisted true energy.

For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the Wuji Knife, which kept making saber noises, as if it kept clamoring 'Hack them to death!Hack them! '

Well, Zuo Zhou has discovered another powerful feature of the magic knife, which can not only help the swordsman integrate his own martial arts, but also help the magic soldier improve his spirituality.It's just that you are too active, you just pretended to be aggressive, and didn't think you would actually kill someone!
"Ahahaha, it seems that General Li and Aunt Gongsun have some old grudges. It's better for you to settle it first. The leader of this gang will sweep the battle for you."

Xiongba stood in the field and said sarcastic remarks, his hands behind his back seemed to have completely ignored the three great masters.

Zuo Zhou glanced back and said in surprise, "Oh? Your eyes didn't collapse, so did you use artificial eyes to prevent them from deforming?"


I have never met someone who can pull hatred so much!
But Zuo Zhou looked back at this aunt again, Aunt Gongsun?Is it the Aunt Gongsun in his impression?Which version of the setting is this, and how is it related to the Yang family?

Forget it, Zuo Zhou lost interest for a moment, "Play slowly, ignore me, let's just watch the fun."

As he said that, he didn't care about the reaction of the four masters, and went directly to the cage in the corner of the hall, where Feng Yunshuang and the other three were naturally imprisoned.

"Hey brother, how many people are watching the fun?"

As Zuo Zhou spoke, he glanced at the person wearing a white porcelain mask, and swung his sword vigilantly.

Wei Xiaobao smiled darkly and said: "I advise General Li not to be impulsive, the villain has poisoned the cages of the three hall masters, if you open them rashly, the poison will spread and the gods will not be able to save them!"

Hearing this, Zuo Zhou looked at the helpless expressions of Nie Feng and Qin Shuang, and then at Bu Jingyun's angry appearance, hey, this is bullying Xiongba blind, with your acting skills, anyone with eyes will not be deceived.

Maybe these two people are still thinking about how to plot against Xiongba, and he is not easy to expose, so he can only raise his eyebrows and hum: "Then you'd better pray that the poison will not spread, otherwise your head will be decapitated!"

Wei Xiaobao sneered very cooperatively, while Zuo Zhou acted as if he had finished work and went home, picked up his big knife and walked out, no one stopped him.

After watching him leave, the aunt Gongsun turned her head and stared at Xiongba again, and the mysterious confrontation continued.

"You...why did you come out again?" Yang Paifeng looked at him in disbelief, did he really come to watch the fun?Walk around and come out again?

Zuo Zhou laughed, "I found that Xiongba is not panicking at all. I'm afraid there is something to rely on. Today's victory is not certain. And I think Madam She and the others are also a little afraid, so ah, it may not be when the real fight will happen. I will Then what to do? Why don’t you come out and do something else.”

"What do you want to do?" Yang Paifeng didn't believe what he said at all, it didn't make sense that he would lose in a three-on-one match.

Zuo Zhou stopped talking, and looked down the mountain with a strange expression. A carriage stopped slowly, and Wuqing and Jian Chen got out of the carriage.

"Good guy! The debt collectors have come here, are they so ruthless?" Zuo Zhou twitched his eyes and turned around and walked towards the back mountain, "I'll help the soldiers clean up the remnants of the world society, you go take care of them ruthlessly , a disabled person is still so promiscuous, really..."

Everyone watched Zuo Zhou leave with weird faces. Why did this cursing look feel a little anxious?
But after a while, Wuqing and Jianchen also came up, and Dayong consciously stood behind Wuqing to help him push the wheelchair. Iron Hand asked strangely: "Why are you back? Where is Princess Qingping..."

Jian Chen shook his hand, "Don't worry, my master is back, and the princess is safe and sound. By the way, where is General Li? He started before us, so he should have arrived long ago."

Everyone looked at Jian Chen looking around, and felt even more weird in their hearts. Yang Paifeng pointed to the back mountain, "It is said that he went to the back mountain to help exterminate the soldiers and wipe out the remnants of the world society."

"Oh, then I'll go find him." Then he was about to leave.

"Let's all come together, if there is real excitement here, how can General Li leave with his temperament?" Wuqing followed.

Iron Hand looked at them strangely, did something happen when everyone left?

Yang Paifeng couldn't figure it out for a while, but he still persuaded: "You are not from the army, and you can't cooperate with the soldiers, so don't make trouble."

Jian Chen: "It's okay, we won't do anything, just talk to him about something."

 Very good, another one was successfully killed yesterday, so now I want to say, DK will win!

(End of this chapter)

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