Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 240 Harvest 1 Little Brother

Chapter 240

I originally thought that only my unscrupulous innate realm could be as good as Xiuxian, but you, Xia Xueyi, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, actually did this too.

The Nianhua Finger is very powerful, especially the Nianhua Finger that has advanced to the top level of the top list after being taught by Master Jian Chi.However, here comes the problem, a person has two hands in total, that is to say, he can only use his fingers twice at the same time.

There are nine snakes that can make up the Golden Snake Sword!

Sigh, the sharp whistling stimulated Zuo Zhou's eardrum, as if a bullet was flying past his ear.

There are golden dots in front of his eyes, and the slender golden snake is extremely fast. After Zuo Zhou threw away the golden snake in his hand, he had time to pinch another one, but there was really no other way, at least he couldn't do it with his fingers.

Turn around and run, the golden snake chases after you, I don't believe you snakes can fly... Damn it, you really can fly!

Can you believe it?Zuo Zhou originally thought that these golden snakes were just using their jumping ability to jump higher and faster within a certain range, but now it doesn't look like it at all.Their snake body will be slightly full and then suddenly stretched, and after a crisp and weak crackling sound, it will start to accelerate in the air again and again.

This principle is the same as the moon step of the Navy's sixth style. It is true that Newton was pulled out and beaten violently.

However, Zuo Zhou didn't hesitate at the initial surprise, turning his body around on his toes, and slashing with his knife!
The Spring and Autumn Saber Technique with the blessing of the Divine Saber Slash is of course no small matter, at least in Zuo Zhou's view, there is nothing that can't be cut continuously, and the cheerful saber sound that rang out as soon as it is used is even more overwhelming.

A blade of light stays in the air, as if connecting into a huge moon ring from the beginning to the end, and the nine golden snakes are obviously on the moon ring.At that moment, it seemed that everyone had a layer of understanding in their hearts, and these golden snakes were about to disappear!

At the very moment, there was an anxious shout, and those golden snakes chasing Zuo Zhou's buttocks fell to the ground with a thud and swam back.And this sudden landing narrowly escaped Zuo Zhou's dragging knife.

"Tch, what a pity!" Zuo Zhou curled his lips and turned over.

This is the embarrassment of dragging the knife to cut. It is strong, but it is too mere trace after all. If you meet someone with rich combat experience, you will really be seen through.And Mr. Golden Snake is obviously that kind of experienced thief!
There was a trace of cold sweat on the forehead of Mr. Jin Snake. He was taken aback just now. After taking back the Golden Snake Sword, he reminded loudly, "It's not suitable for fighting, let's go!" Then he took out two pills and smashed them on the ground, causing a large explosion. Pink smoke, just looking at this unscrupulous color, you can tell that it is very toxic.

"Want to leave?" Zuo Zhou was already ready to kill, how could he let him go so easily.

He also took out two pills from his pocket, and threw one up and down the mountain with a wave of his hand, and two bang bangs exploded into two dense black and smelly fog.


Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, hearing the voice, he was not the King of the Golden Snake, he must have been tricked by some unlucky paper explorer.

Wuqing on the other side was surprised by Zuo Zhou's method of fighting poison with poison, but when he heard Zhi Tanhua appear, the light white jade pointed forward, and the golden light drew a stunning arc back and forth in the poisonous mist, and the little bloodshot followed. The wind fell, and a human head rolled out of the poisonous mist.

"Hey! Another one who will die with peace." Sometimes Zuo Zhou doesn't understand, what qualifications do you, a big villain who has committed all kinds of evil, have to die with peace in his eyes?

Of course, what is more worthy of everyone's attention is the golden moon blade controlled by Ruthless. This thing is obviously modified from Mo Laosan's scimitar. It is unexpected that she can use it so skillfully.

Well, well, there is another innate master of cultivating immortals!
"It seems that this paper substitute technique is not very good, it can't even be used when vomiting, tasteless!"

Zuo Zhou's sarcastic remarks successfully made the two brothers and sisters behind him get to know General Li again. He has such a vicious mouth, why don't he let him go even if he is dead?

But Zuo Zhou said again: "Special golden snake, strong poisonous mist, it seems that you have benefited from the Five Poisons Sect, why? Didn't Qu Xiuyun send someone to ask for the Golden Snake Sword?"

"It seems that you know a lot. You should have heard about my relationship with the Five Poison Sect. Aren't you afraid of being found?" Stinky poisonous fog.

Zuo Zhou hadn't practiced any poisonous techniques before. The poisonous mist could be sent out but not received. Fortunately, he knew that the poisonous mist did not actually cause any specific damage, and he only needed to hold his breath.Now I am happy to hear Xia Xueyi's questioning, "Five Poisons Sect? Miaojiang has been flattened by Daqin, is the Five Poisons Sect worth being afraid of?" He said, grabbing his collar, "I, Daqin General Li Yuanfang! What is the crime of killing a court official? Hmph, there was a man who killed an official and got away with it for several years, and he was nailed to death by me."

Xia Xueyi's brows were tightly furrowed, and the fierce light in his eyes became brighter. He had to admit that although the Five Poison Sect was a bit frightening in the world, it was definitely not on the same level as Da Qin.

However, he was also sure that the imperial court would not mobilize troops to wipe out the Five Poison Sect just because of Li Yuanfang, an ordinary general.However, he also affirmed that the Five Poison Sect would not offend the imperial court just because of himself, and this was not worth the candle.

"You and I have no grievances or enmities. We shouldn't fight each other with our lives. What's more, I am not a member of the Tianxiahui, even if I am not on official business. Opportunity to coorparate."

Xia Xueyi's words actually put herself in a weak position. After all, whoever speaks first is the one who is embarrassed. However, this gesture of kindness made everyone stop showing hostility, and turned their heads to look at Zuo Zhou.

It has to be said that what Mr. Jin Snake said makes sense, including Wuqing and the others, it was just an accidental encounter, and there is really no old grudge between the two parties.

Zuo Zhou didn't care about other people's inquiries, and looked at Mr. Jin Snake with a look of helplessness, "Anyone who knows me knows that this general is a staunch defender of peace, and I don't want to fight those meaningless fights. But You should ask your good master and disciple, if they don't make trouble, would I have made such a journey?"

The Golden Snake Lord was silent, but in his heart he felt a little resentful towards Zi Yu and Su Ying. The Twelve Astrological Signs had indeed relied on Zi Yu's protection for a long time in Jiangnan Road. Crossing the river and demolishing bridges, but at this time, I also know that even if I want to, I have no chance.

But the matter about Su Ying is very confusing. He just thinks that Su Ying has the talent in refining gu and poison, and Su Ying can't practice martial arts, so there is no threat to him. In addition, Su Ying is also very good at currying favor. Only then did he accept him as a disciple.Why did Su Ying secretly do something to plot against the court?

I feel very wronged!

"So, don't you have to talk?"

"Of course there are some talks, but I have to go back to Dali Temple to talk about what you twelve astrology have done these years. If your attitude is good enough, I believe Master Di will punish you lightly, and the free prison meal will probably be enough. It’s been about ten years or so.”

"Hahahaha, why doesn't Dali Temple need evidence to arrest people? Why do you judge me?"

Zuo Zhou was startled, and looked at Xia Xueyi strangely, was he trying to reason with him?It is worthy of the title of "Lang Jun" in the nickname, just knowing how to reason will kill more than half of the people in the Jianghu.You see, the younger brothers behind me are a little fooled by you.

Amusedly, he glanced at Dufeng behind him. This man seemed to be flexible in speaking and acting, but his thinking was really a bit rigid.But such a person is actually not bad, at least very principled.Seeing him looking down and thinking, he is probably also thinking about evidence or something.

In fact, this can be regarded as a kind of helplessness of people in the public family. They know that you are a bad person, but they can't find evidence and can't catch you.During this process, some people continued to search for evidence silently, even if they found nothing in the end and died in depression, they would not hesitate to do so.Some people began to set foot in the gray field, and started to achieve their goals from another direction. Although they got what they wanted, they would inevitably touch the abyss, or be swallowed, or rein in the precipice, and it could only depend on God's will.

At this moment, Zuo Zhou admired Dufeng more than Kong Ci, who was next to him and could bring him benefits!

"Evidence? Isn't it in your hands!"

Everyone was stunned, Zuo Zhou pointed to the Golden Snake Sword in his hand, "As we all know, the Golden Snake Sword is the treasure of the Five Poisons Sect. You are neither a Miao person nor an elder of the Five Poisons Sect. You are not qualified to hold the Golden Snake Sword Yes. Now I suspect that you trespassed on a private residence, stole other people's property, and probably hurt the followers of the Five Poison Sect, please go back to the Yamen to cooperate with the investigation, is there any problem?"

Dufeng suddenly escaped from the daze, he was a bit on the edge just now, evidence?From the perspective of Jianghu people, there are many so-called Jianghu rules that are unwritten and taken for granted.But in fact, from the perspective of national law, these are illegal.

Dufeng was obviously restricted by the habitual thinking of the Jianghu people just now. To put it simply, Mr. Jin Snake got the Golden Snake Sword from the Five Poisons Sect by relying on his beauty. This is his ability. What does it have to do with the government?
But this is not the case, the 'rich woman' is not qualified to dispose of the Golden Snake Sword, which is completely the public property of the Five Poisons Sect.The only one who has the right to dispose of it is the leader or the approval of the elders. Now that you have left the Five Poisons Sect, of course you must return the public property.

Another cognitive difference is human life.

In the arena, human life is very worthless, but the court law stipulates that killing pays for life. Although many people don't care, at least the law does stipulate this way, and many people are willing to pay to maintain this law.

But at this time, in Dufeng's eyes, Li Yuanfang obviously became the kind of warrior who was willing to pay for it!
Zuo Zhou was very happy. Although he didn't turn his head back, he still felt the burning gaze of admiration. This was not a pretense. To a certain extent, it could be regarded as an advantage of the exiles.

As long as he has a bottom line in his heart, he can say with a clear conscience that from birth to now, he has never killed any good person by mistake!
 EDG is already considered the best result in history, so it's almost there, even if I can't beat DK, I won't spray it!

(End of this chapter)

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