Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 241 1 The Golden Dragon Gu that looks very powerful

Chapter 241 The Golden Dragon Gu

Just when Mr. Golden Snake felt that he had nothing to say and planned to fight Zuo Zhou, he was in a firewood house on the mountain behind Tianxiahui.

Mingyue and Su Ying looked at Kong Ci indifferently at the same time. At this time, Kong Ci was very miserable, with his clothes torn and bloody wounds all over his body. The torture like scratching with thousands of needles made Kong Ci fall into a state of confusion.

"Is the consciousness already unconscious? What a pity."

Mingyue shook her head with some unfinished thoughts, and Su Ying glanced at her, "You hate her so much? I remember that in the original drama, Nie Feng didn't have too deep feelings for her! Besides, Nie Feng is obviously a responsible man. You You have had a relationship with him, and he will not abandon you."

Mingyue snorted coldly and said: "I'm not worried about Nie Feng, but Kong Ci, a female cousin, has to guard against it. In addition, Nie Feng is not a childhood sweetheart. If she is obsessed with it, it's hard to say that Nie Feng can't stand it." live."

Su Ying laughed, "This era is different from ours. Men attach great importance to a woman's first time. If you give Nie Feng the first time, he will definitely be responsible. You...wouldn't have been ..."

Mingyue gave Su Ying a glance, and proudly said: "It's only been more than ten years, I can still bear it. What's more, there is no repair technology in this era, I won't lose the big because of the small."

Mingyue knelt down and patted Kong Ci's face, "As a woman, I can actually understand you very well. Hehe, I used to have many husbands! So, let me leave you with a good face. It's not so ugly to let you die."

"You...have a heart of snakes and scorpions...Nie Feng will definitely avenge me..."

Kong Ci's eyes seemed to regain some vitality, of course, it was more like a flash of light.

But these words undoubtedly irritated Mingyue. As soon as her face changed, she waved her hand and slapped Kong Ci's face, and pulled off the broken dress with a hiss, "You should be lucky, at this time, the elites of the Yang family are full. Mountains are everywhere, otherwise I will have to find some big men to take turns serving you!"

Su Ying frowned slightly at the side, and said a little impatiently: "Okay, there are so many people here, let's end it quickly, I also want to watch the battle between Xiongba and them, you must know that this kind of competition between the masters of the list Combat is not common."

Mingyue got up and said with a laugh: "You can't compare to me in this regard. When I was in the imperial capital, I watched the battle between the masters of the local rankings and the masters of the human rankings."

Su Ying nodded, "I've heard that Li Yuanfang, a congenital master, killed Wei Jinzhong from the Dibang."

Mingyue nodded, then shook her head and said: "It's not all Li Yuanfang's ability, Lu Xiaofeng and Zhuge Zheng and I were also besieging me, and according to Nie Feng, Wei Jinzhong is not a complete list."

"Not quite? What do you mean?"

"Maybe it's because of the realm or something, I don't really understand it."

bang bang!

While the two women were chatting as if no one was around, suddenly a thousand miles of fire rose in the distant sky.

Seeing this, Su Ying became anxious, "This is the distress signal from the twelve astrological signs. We will deal with her soon. Let's go over there."

Mingyue said: "Don't panic, all the masters are dealing with Xiongba in the front hall and the main hall, your master and the others will not be in danger."

Su Ying shook her head, "This signal is from Mr. Golden Snake. He is calling for help from the other twelve signs of the zodiac. He must be in danger."

Mingyue was stunned for a moment and hurriedly said: "Don't be impulsive. If this is the case, then you should not be anxious. If you can't even win against your master Jin Snake Langjun, then it is useless for you to go."

"I'm not worried about whether Mr. Golden Snake will die, but I'm worried that the Golden Snake Sword won't come back."

"..." Mingyue was a little puzzled.

"Because of the damned Wei Wuya, that is, Tong Huang, my meridians are damaged now, and I can no longer cultivate my internal strength. If I want to become stronger, I can only take the path of natal Gu. And the component of the Golden Snake Sword is the Golden Dragon Gu. As long as I use Train the Golden Dragon Gu into the Gu mother, and then use the Gu mother to control the Golden Dragon Gu to enter the body instead of the meridians, and then you can practice the skills again."

There are question marks all over Mingyue's head, what kind of operation is this?science?Uh, okay, "Golden Snake Sword still has this kind of gameplay? Then if you use Golden Dragon Gu to replace the meridians, and then practice it to get three points of vitality, wouldn't you want to go to heaven? At that time, we sisters will all rely on you to cover them." !"

Su Ying laughed, "Then why don't you deal with her quickly and follow me."

"Good!" Mingyue waved her hand and set fire to the whole firewood room. Hearing Kong Ci's screams from being roasted, she finally showed a relieved smile.

Su Ying looked at her strangely from the side, "I didn't see you chasing stars so crazy before, so you must have fallen in love with Nie Feng, right?"

Mingyue snorted coldly with disdain, "How can those coquettish sluts with heavy makeup compare with Nie Feng."

Su Ying didn't bother to talk anymore, she turned around and got on her horse and started to gallop towards the place where the distress signal was sent.


Zuo Zhou looked up at Qianlihuo slowly disappearing, and asked a little puzzled: "The technique of Qianlihuo is quite common? But I don't think it's a good idea to call the twelve signs at this time, but it's just a few more people to die! "

The Golden Snake Langjun sneered, "Li Yuanfang, don't think that you are arrogant because you once killed a master in the list, then Wei Jinzhong is just a quick fool."

"Have you ever killed?"


Zuo Zhou made him speechless with one sentence, and then he started. He had no interest in wasting time anymore. It was not because he was afraid of the twelve astrology signs, but because he was worried that there would be some strange ability similar to the paper substitute technique in the twelve astrology signs. , if the Golden Snake Langjun is rescued, then this round will be a bit ugly.

A Crane Soaring to the Sky and Observing the Clouds to Receive the Divine Sword Slash Version Re-slash!
Seeing your Golden Snake Sword this time, do you dare to stand up?
Jin Snake Langjun's face was extremely ugly, and he could tell how fierce it was by the screeching of the knife. Although he didn't seem to give up the advantage, he couldn't face it head-on.The figure rolled on the spot to avoid the heavy chop.

Boom, the sword pierced the ground half a foot, layers of cracks kept spreading, extending far like a spider web.

Standing up again, Mr. Golden Snake shot out three golden snake cones with a wave of his hand, knocked down two with his knife, and then pinched one with his fingers.Looking down, he was surprised again, "It turns out that not only the Golden Snake Sword is a real snake, but also the hidden weapon of the Golden Snake Cone!"

Originally, Zuo Zhou was surprised by the speed of the Golden Snake Cone, but now he saw that this speed not only had the skill of the Golden Snake Langjun, but also the acceleration effect of the Golden Snake Cone itself.But since the Golden Snake Cone was alive, it also reminded Zuo Zhou, looking down, the two Golden Snake Cones that had just fallen jumped up and bit his knees.

Zuo Zhou smashed the Golden Snake Cone hard on the ground, sending one of them flying, and then pinched the other one with his fingers.

But looking again, I found that the two golden snake cones twisted and crawled back, "Is it so hard?"

Even if he doesn't specialize in body training, his strength is not small. How awesome is this golden snake?
Zuo Zhou threw the broadsword to the ground, and held both sides of the Golden Snake Cone with his fingers at the same time. His hands were all metallic, as hard as a stroking magic weapon.

"Look how hard you are!"

With a sharp split between the hands, the whole movement sank. The hardness of the Golden Snake Cone was indeed beyond Zuo Zhou's imagination, but the finger-twisting fingers, which are the top skills on the list, are not vegetarians. After a very short wrestling, the Golden Snake Cone was torn from the middle open.A puff of steam rose from the hot blood on the ground, and even the heat distorted the air in front of him.

"Yo, I thought snakes were cold-blooded animals?" Zuo Zhou thought about it, although this high-martial world is outrageous, but most of it is not much different from the next-door earth. There is no reason for this, "Your blood can't be poisonous." Right? It’s the kind that reacts to air!”

"Hahahahahaha, I've seen someone courting death, but I've never seen someone courting death like this! Knowing that I got the Golden Snake Sword and Golden Snake Cone from the Five Poison Sect, I dare to act recklessly!"

Zuo Zhou looked at Mr. Jin Snake pulling his neck and laughing up to the sky, suddenly felt a little sympathetic, "It must be very distressing, don't hold back if you want to cry, it's not a sin for a man to cry!"

Jin Snake Langjun's laughter stopped abruptly, just kidding, he has been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years, how could he cry?It's just a little distressed, it hurts me to death!
Both the Golden Snake Sword and the Golden Snake Cone are actually composed of Golden Dragon Gu, but the Golden Snake Cone belongs to the juvenile stage of the Golden Dragon Gu, while the Golden Dragon Gu that makes up the Golden Snake Sword is at the mature stage.

The refining of Golden Dragon Gu is very difficult, and it requires countless poisons and Gu insects. The Five Poison Sect has a very long history and even surpasses most dynasties in the world. But even so, it took nearly a thousand years of accumulation to make a Golden Snake Sword and 24 golden snake cones.

When Xia Xueyi brought out the Golden Snake Sword, the Golden Snake Cone, and the Golden Snake Cheats, he had been blocked by many people, but he was very strong. At that time, the Five Poison Sect had just been swept away by Daqin Tieqi, so he was allowed to Happy for so many years.

Xia Xueyi is an ambitious person. After avenging his family, he has always wanted to be a master, so he also secretly refined Golden Dragon Gu according to the Golden Snake Cheats. Unfortunately, dozens of attempts not only exhausted his All the savings and even one Golden Dragon Gu have not been refined.

So far, Xia Xueyi had given up, but then he tried every means to advance the Golden Snake Sword to another level.According to the Golden Snake Cheats, after the Golden Dragon Gu matures, there is still a complete body.And the complete Golden Dragon Gu is not a Gu worm, but a worm-like dragon!

It's just that he still hasn't comprehended the method of making the golden dragon Gu transform into a flood dragon.

Now, the Golden Snake Sword hasn't evolved yet, you just... you just killed a Golden Snake Cone, I, I can't cry!
Zuo Zhou looked at Mr. Golden Snake with eyes of caring for the mentally retarded, but he kept running Rama's internal energy and innate energy to check his body. It was amazing that he didn't find that he was poisoned at all.

But just when he was puzzled, his consciousness suddenly appeared in the dream space, and a golden snake with the thickness of a finger was wandering here, no, he was lost and couldn't get out.

Zuo Zhou lowered his head and took a look. Although it was funny, he was also terrified at the same time. The Five Poison Sect was able to refine the poisonous Gu that acts on the spiritual power. It's amazing!
 I don't think utilitarian milk is very good, but to be honest, I also think that EDG's strength is not as good as DK, and they will lose in the finals.

(End of this chapter)

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