Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 246 Give 1 Water to the Cloud Dispelling Palm

Chapter 246 Give Paiyunzhang some water
This kind of feeling is ridiculous, Zuo Zhou felt that his advantage of foresight about the plot was gone, judging from the reactions of Wei Xiaobao and Feng Yunshuang just now, this woman didn't seem to be Kong Ci.But the problem is, Zuo Zhou really can't think of any woman in Tianxiahui who knows them so well.

"Could it be that I didn't take Fengyun seriously when I first watched Fengyun, so I forgot some key characters?" Zuo Zhou murmured, but he didn't care too much in his heart. The entire plot is not connected, and it is the same as a parallel universe.But the guy who can be forgotten by him is probably not a very important role.

"It's fine if the bow is broken, then give me the arrow."

You Ruo stared blankly at Zuo Zhou reaching out to take a hard bow from a female soldier of the Yang family, hehe, you must be stupid, the real elites are those who can shoot arrows with a bow and hold a gun when mounted.

Zuo Zhou didn't even reach out to extract it from the quiver, and with a wave of his finger-trenching hand, the Seven Absolute Arrows landed in his palm, and the whole process was so chic that he didn't look like a serious person.

In the distance, because Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun joined, Xiong Ba was flustered for a moment. The criticism of Ni Bodhisattva made him care about it for more than ten years, and now he will inevitably lose his sense of proportion.

But before he could adjust his mood, a vague sense of crisis entangled him.

This kind of sense of crisis is false and indistinct, and it is bitingly cold for a while, but it is not worth mentioning like a breeze blowing by for a while.Feeling like this almost drove him crazy.

Blind eyes will affect a lot after all, now he can only feel where the crisis comes from but has no idea what the crisis is.Of course, what made him most helpless was that this crisis just existed but never broke out!

"You shoot!" Yang Paifeng watched Zuo Zhou draw the bow for a long time but refused to release the arrow. He couldn't help being a little anxious, because after all, Xiongba is a master of the human list, and he even touched the edge of the ground list, but Aunt Gongsun and However, Nie Feng's realm has fallen a lot. It's not a long-term solution to rely on lightness kung fu all the time.

Zuo Zhou put down his bow and arrow, shook his head unhurriedly, "You don't understand, this is the way to work, otherwise I may not be able to hurt him with only seven arrows." Arrived, but if an arrow might burst, the gain would outweigh the loss.

After finishing speaking, Zuo Zhou raised his bow and arrow again, aiming at the chest and abdomen for a while, aiming at the back of the neck for a while, and dangling in the crotch for a while, he just didn’t shoot, he just played!

Xiongba's offensive slowed down obviously, and his whole body was like a cat with fried hair, tensely trying to scratch everyone who saw it.

This situation will of course be beneficial to the three masters of the Yang family, Taijun She's dragon-headed stick was not as strong as before, and it was played silently, and slowly slammed forward.But don't think that this move has no power, Zuo Zhou clearly saw the strong and extremely restrained power gathered on the dragon head stick.

Taijun She's reputation was established in the Song Dynasty. It is true to say that she is the most famous master of the list. There is no doubt about her strength.If this move is successful, Xiong Ba will not die but will also be disabled.

That's not to mention, in order to cooperate with Madam She, Mu Guiying actually picked up the long knife after she made a double-knife attack, and swung it wildly. It was obviously cosplaying Madam She and covering for her.

That's right, it's bullying you can't see!
Seeing that Xiongba was about to get hit, You Ruo in the distance couldn't help but wanted to speak, but was pulled back by Dufeng.

"Killers are always killed, this is fate, we can't stop it!" Dufeng whispered with some distress, he didn't feel sorry for Xiongba, but just his sister.

Tianxiahui never teaches people to be chivalrous, it only teaches the strong to prey on the weak, but Dufeng once heard a word from some people in the rivers and lakes, the biosphere!

All creatures are actually a circle, some become food, and some become natural enemies. Unless this rule is broken, one day they will eventually become the weak who are swallowed by the strong.This is also the difference between humans and animals!

This stick finally hit Xiongba, right on his chest, the strong zhenqi collapsed inward, the naked eye could see that Xiongba's chest was sunken inward a lot, and even those who were close could hear the sound of bones breaking. .

Pfft, Xiong Ba staggered back step by step, messed up, messed up, his qinggong, footwork, and body shape were all messed up, at this moment, he was hit by Nie Feng three times, and Bu Jingyun hit him twice, short The sword and the double knives slashed across his legs, causing his flexibility to decline again.

Of course, the deadliest thing is that the sense of crisis that lingered at that moment just now was finally released at this moment, and it reached the front of my eyes almost instantly!


A heat stream slowly slid down from his forehead, and Xiongba's whole body fell into a state of madness, with burning pain spreading from the top of his head to his limbs.

The arrow hit, but not completely.

Xiongba is worthy of being a veteran powerhouse. When a crisis is imminent, he can instinctively raise his head, causing the arrow to pass directly above his head, taking away a large piece of his scalp. It hurts to look at it bloody, and of course it's just pain. .

"It's a pity!" Tie Shou let out a long breath. Although he wasn't the one who shot the arrow, he also became nervous, and at the same time marveled at Li Yuanfang's ability to seize the opportunity.

Zuo Zhou waved his hand again, and under the action of the ring, the arrow he had just shot finally returned to his hand.He is also quite a pity, but the point of pity is different from that of Iron Hand.

He discovered another shortcoming of the Lianju arrow stunt, which is slowness!

The key to Lianzhu arrows lies in the power transmission, one arrow hits each other, and the speed of several arrows must be finely processed in this process.If the first arrow is too fast, there will be no way for the subsequent arrows to catch up and transmit power.Even before the power transmission was completed, the first arrow had already exhausted and landed.

This requires a long period of training, just as a shooter trains his sense of gun.

But now Zuo Zhou has discovered another problem. When the distance is not far enough, no matter how slow your first arrow is, there is a bottom line. If you follow this bottom line to forcefully pass again and again, it will not only affect the speed of the arrow, Even the power after passing it is not as ruthless as firing an arrow directly.

This is very embarrassing, so Zuo Zhou can basically understand that the most suitable time for Lianzhu arrows should be when the enemy has already run far away and there is not enough room to dodge or the line of sight is blocked.

After all, Lianzhu Arrow is very powerful, and it is easy for people to spot and avoid it, so maybe... just bully the blind Xiongba.

Zuo Zhou shook his head and drew the bow fully again, Xiong Ba was already injured, I believe his chance to shoot the arrow again is not far away.

Bu Jingyun, who was besieging Xiongba, seemed to be in a daze at this time, and laughed heartily when he saw Xiongba's miserable appearance, "Xiongba, your hairstyle is very distinctive, there are less four sides in the middle, and more. You mean the Mediterranean? But I saw that some Japanese people had this kind of hairstyle before, oh no, it might be the hairstyle of the Qing people, Xiongba, should I say that you have unique taste? Hahahahaha!"

Everyone has not stopped attacking, but the eyes that glanced at Bu Jingyun from time to time are different, good guy, why didn't you know that this guy's mouth is so poisonous?Who did you learn from?

This ridicule obviously angered Xiongba, but in fact, what surprised him the most was the cooperation between Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun. I don't know if it was his illusion or what. There is a risk of combination.

Originally, the combined attack of the forces of nature was nothing to him, but thinking of those few criticisms at the beginning, he felt very awkward.He intends to kill these two people, but the three masters of the Yang family are really annoying.

Speaking of the Grandmaster of the Yang family, his chest hurts endlessly, damn it!Just now Madam She's stick was too heavy.

Xiongba vomited another mouthful of blood, and suddenly felt that the threat in the distance was a little bigger, but he didn't arouse it.

"Don't try, I won't shoot arrows easily!" Zuo Zhou sensed Xiong Ba's thoughts at the first time, and shouted loudly while keeping his bow full: "You can rest assured and fight, and don't worry about others , it depends on whether I shoot or not, and you are finished!"

Xiongba wanted to vomit blood when he heard this, what he said meant he wanted to hit someone.

Taijun She approached again silently, this kind of attack method that lifted weight lightly made Xiongba feel alarm bells ringing in his heart, he had already made a heavy move just now, at this moment, he must not fall twice on the same thing.

My heart is ruthless, I will fight!

The three fingers of his right hand were swept together, and the three-pointed spirit commanded a vacuum. The twisted and surging natural force easily pushed everyone away, and then he saw his right hand holding his left hand, and began to pull it out with a roar.

Wow, glaring blood splashed in the air, and Xiongba actually tore off the thumb and little finger of his left hand!

"Ah! I killed you!"

"Hey, you obviously broke your finger, why are you angry at us?"

Zuo Zhou was speechless, this Thanos is really crazy, but he is also really strong!In addition to the pain, both hands can use the three-pointed finger. This power is not as simple as one plus one equals two.


However, Xiongba hadn't displayed his mighty power yet during the rebirth of the mutation, the sprayed blood turned around in mid-air and condensed and exploded on his chest.

It's the cloud-dispelling palm, it's Bu Jingyun's cloud-dispelling palm!
Although the cloud is a kind of natural force, it is also a variant of water in the final analysis, so the power of the cloud-dispelling palm greatly increases when it encounters water.Xiongba's blood is equivalent to sending a cannonball when the enemy is out of ammunition and food, and it feels a bit like digging his own grave.

Of course, Bu Jingyun's skill is limited after all, this palm would be acceptable if it was normal, but not now, this palm directly hit the wound just now.

She Taijun's stick injury was finally suppressed, and now it was triggered by this palm.

Blood spewed out with a wow, and the sweetness in the throat was like a faucet turned on, and it couldn't be stopped no matter what.

Taking advantage of the illness, the three masters of the Yang family naturally would not miss this opportunity. Madam She smashed her head with the dragon head staff, and Mu Guiying and Aunt Gongsun approached her from two directions, intending to use two knives and two short swords in her body. The whole cross.

And Xiongba was overwhelmed by obsession, not killing Fengyun is not enough to vent my hatred!
 Khan is a very stable person. No matter how tricked others are, he is so stable. Such a stable person cannot be targeted at all!
(End of this chapter)

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