Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 247

Chapter 247
I still remember when I watched the first Fengyun movie, Xiongba in it once said to Fengyun, "I will teach you fists, palms and legs, but in fact, the most powerful martial arts for my teacher is to use swords!" ', at that time, I had a feeling that this Xiongba...a good sword!

But for movies, some revisions to the original manga are acceptable, but now Zuo Zhou finds out that the clown is actually me!

Xiongba's swordsmanship is very strong, it is conservatively estimated that it has surpassed Wei Jinzhong, Dugu Ming, and Duan Lang, and even surpassed Zuo Zhou if we only talk about swordsmanship and not sword intent.

It's just that Xiongba's real strength is the three-point return to vitality, so it covers up the brilliance of swordsmanship, but when Xiongba's six fingers use three-point magic fingers and integrate them into swordsmanship, his strength has actually increased to this point!

Although he knew that the three-finger is easier to use the three-pointing magic finger, Zuo Zhou didn't expect that the improvement would be so huge. By the way, maybe Xiongba is implying something?

Five fingers can't do it?

The three natural forces are entangled and fused, but they are not launched. Instead, they are entwined and circulated between the three fingers, and then grow slowly, just like the 40-meter sword that Zuo Zhou fused before, but his sword is only three feet long How long is it, no different from an ordinary long sword.

With the two swords in hand, relying on the tyrannical force of nature, they directly forced Mu Guiying and Aunt Gongsun away. You could even hear four dings and dings. Fragments!
As the saying goes, a trapped beast will still fight, and a desperately struggling beast is often stronger, but no one has ever imagined that it is so terrifying.

"Take the old man with a stick!"

She Taijun is undoubtedly the leader among the three Yang family masters. She gave up the previous heavy lifting as if it were light, and threw the dragon's head stick down on her head.

The invisible force distorted the sky, as if a mountain of the Five Elements really came down above Xiongba's head!
Xiongba's two feet are based on the horse gait, his arms seem to have untied the seal, and in an instant, many afterimages are drawn, and the sword of nature causes the rainstorm to roll back and collide with the invisible mountain in the blink of an eye.

Undoubtedly, everyone has unique skills to become a master of the list of people. If you don't, you must be ashamed to say hello to others.

Madam She greeted Xiongba, but this time, unlike the previous siege, Xiongba had the upper hand.

Jian Yu violently tore open the mountain, and thin scars appeared on Taijun She's body. If it hadn't been for the dragon's head stick to defend the last vital point, this blow was enough to cause Taijun She to leave the stage seriously injured, but even so, she would vomit blood and fly back.

But for a master, spit a few mouthfuls of blood would be the same as a common meal, but Zuo Zhou took a few more glances at the dragon-headed stick.

Speaking of which, this dragon-headed stick has a long history, it was given to Madam She by the previous ruler of the Song Dynasty, and it was used to supervise the country, to beat down the emperor and slander the ministers.There are also eight inscriptions on it, "Although there is no Luanjia, I will be here in person." Holding this thing, you can see the emperor without kneeling.

In fact, this can also understand why the emperor of the Song Dynasty let She Taijun guard the border. Firstly, it gradually weakened the military power, and secondly, it was out of sight.But the irony is that now this magical weapon has arrived in Daqin to fight for others, and it may even be backhanded to the emperor of Song one day!

Although Madam She retreated temporarily, she successfully stopped Xiong Ba's violent attack, which gave Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun time, and they escaped very far away wisely.Xiongba was about to chase, but was entangled by Mu Guiying and Gongsun Da Niang who had regained their swords and swords.

Now that they knew how powerful the Sword of Nature was, they started to fight at the same time. Unlike Taijun She's fierceness and heaviness and Aunt Gongsun's lightness, Mu Guiying tended to be a hexagonal fighter, with various moves at his fingertips, often in Xiongba Familiar with her moves, when ready to attack, she immediately changed her moves, which made Xiongba's aura always fall in half.

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng played very badly. Seeing that Xiongba was entangled again, they immediately came back and beat the side drums, even if the damage to Xiongba was like scraping, it was really annoying.

Yes, it's annoying, and I don't know if Xiongba really has a psychological problem, or if the Ni Bodhisattva lowered his head for him in the first place. Whenever the two of them appeared by his side, Xiongba felt disturbed and uncomfortable.

The moves were out of order, and the tactics were also forgotten in the back of his mind. He just insisted on killing the two people, just like the otaku Thor who was obsessed with beheading his head!
"Hey, you have seen it. This is a lesson. To be a human being, you can't rely on the sky and the earth. The key is to rely on yourself. Don't believe in the destiny." She, just so bravely put pressure on Xiongba, and even had the mood to turn around and continue to say: "By the way, when you were arrested and brought to Tianxiahui, did you see my two maids? And my servant?"

Qin Shuang didn't look away from the struggle between Xiongba and the others, but shook his head and said, "Is that the red sunflower and blue sunflower? I didn't see them, as if they didn't know where they went after the chaos happened. So the aura of the two I have an impression of the girl, if she is caught, I will know for sure. As for the one called Rigorous, she seems to have left the city with the refugees of Wushuang City at that time, and I don’t know where she went afterwards.”

Wei Xiaobao continued: "Although I haven't met those people you mentioned, I can be sure that the Tianxiahui didn't catch them. At least I don't know, unless they were captured by the Twelve Demons of Tianchi or the Twelve Astrology... ..."

Wei Xiaobao didn't continue, but Zuo Zhou also understood what he meant. If they were captured by these two groups, they would never keep them as prisoners. They must have been killed long ago, and the end would be even worse. awful.

But... Zuo Zhou knew that it was a combination of two sword souls and a warden, and the strength of the warden was not small, plus two mysterious sword souls, it was hard to say who was unlucky.After thinking about it, it is estimated that the two sisters ran away secretly, and no one knows where they went.

But Zuo Zhou didn't really care too much about it, he just felt a little pity for his trappers, even if those two lifelike trappers were not used, they would still be quite eye-catching in the room!

As for rigor... A ruthless person who can turn his previous life into a zombie is not worth worrying about.

Zuo Zhou thought of some people again as he spoke, and asked pretendingly worried: "By the way, where is Miss Mingyue? At that time, I saw that she seemed to be directing the masters of Wushuang City to fight against the Tianxiahui. There is no problem now, right?"

Qin Shuang was stunned for a moment, and also looked at Wei Xiaobao worriedly, she was the younger brother's daughter-in-law after all, and the latter replied: "Don't worry, the purpose of Tianxiahui is to catch the wind and cloud, as long as the target is obtained, there will be no further complications. "

Wei Xiaobao's words made Qin Shuang heave a sigh of relief, but he was a little awkward, what do you mean?What do you mean by just catching the wind and clouds?I'm such a noob!

Although Qin Shuang wouldn't be jealous or anything because of this, it's hard to say.

"Ahem, I'll go to the back mountain to have a look. Some friends from the Tianxiahui, please don't clash with the soldiers of the Yang family army."

Yang Paifeng nodded to the guards around him, and a female soldier came to accompany Qin Shuang and walked towards the back mountain.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou exchanged glances with Wei Xiaobao, Wei Xiaobao is so clever, he glanced at Xiongba who was sure to die no matter what he looked at, turned around and chased Qin Shuang as well.

Zuo Zhou was not afraid that Qin Shuang would encounter any danger, but that he would run into exiles such as Mingyue or Su Ying.After all, he is still not sure whether the other party knows the plot of the Fengyun series. If he knows, it's okay. With Mingyue's current relationship with Nie Feng, Qin Shuang will definitely be regarded as a help by her.But if everything was really a coincidence, then if Qin Shuang bumped into her at this time, she might be in danger. After all, Mingyue appeared in Tianxia Huihoushan, which itself is a bit wrong.


But what Zuo Zhou didn't expect was that Mingyue and Su Ying had already gone down the mountain at this time. During the chaos before, the two of them led many exiles to evacuate the resources of the Tianxiahui.

These include the money, food, weapons, etc. in the warehouse of the Tianxiahui, and most importantly, the martial arts cheats in the arsenal of the Tianxiahui.

Xiongba is an ambitious person. Although his martial arts are superb, he can also learn from each other's strengths. He has collected many martial arts. Although there is no such thing as three-point return to vitality, there are quite a lot of ordinary first-grade unique skills, which can be regarded as a great compensation for exile. From this point of view, the combination of Zuo Yaoqing, Mingyue, and Su Ying was born!
However, because they coveted the Golden Snake Cheats, the two women just asked their subordinates to send all the harvest back to the imperial capital to Zuo Yaoqing. As for them, they were secretly preparing for the encounter on the road.

Therefore, it is impossible for Qin Shuang to meet Mingyue and the others in the back mountain. What he wants to find is not a friend, but Kong Ci!

Kong Ci is really a high-end green tea, and he is also very good at grabbing a man's heart. Even though he knew that Bu Jingyun had already had a relationship with Kong Ci, Qin Shuang still couldn't let her go.From this point of view, Kong Ci is awesome.

But after all, they grew up together. Although Qin Shuang didn't know that she was such a tease, she knew Kong Ci's character somewhat.She is definitely not the kind of character who will live and die with the world, so Kong Ci does not have the character to fight to the death with the Yang family army.Either left, or still hiding somewhere in Tianxiahui.

Qin Shuang is more inclined to the latter, because she must still remember herself and others, but... Ever since Qin Shuang set foot on the back mountain, she suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart.

Maybe he really complied with that sentence, "If you never forget, there must be an echo", the spiritual sense belonging to the warrior seems to have really come true at this moment.Unfortunately, Qin Shuang would rather it not be so effective!

Step by step, Qin Shuang even staggered to a place that he would never set foot in the past. There was a burnt woodshed.

Looking at the ruins, Qin Shuang suddenly didn't seem to have the courage to go in and have a look.

"Your Yang family army still set fire?" Wei Xiaobao keenly discovered the problem.

The female soldier categorically denied, "Impossible, our purpose is to eliminate the enemy, there is no point in setting fire."

Qin Shuang's eyes were red, and he punched the beams that were piled up in disorder, and a charred corpse with an indistinguishable face appeared in front of his eyes.

Judging from the body shape, it should be a woman, or a woman with a severed hand, and the ax that cut off the severed hand is held in the other hand of the corpse.

Before she died, she cut off her own hand with the ax from the woodshed...

 Coach kkoma is the champion coach who created a dynasty, and the coaching staff of EDG is completely incomparable!

(End of this chapter)

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