Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 249 The Love of Kong Ci

Chapter 249 The Love of Kong Ci
Bu Jingyun rubbed his eyes, the punch just now was too flashy, and he didn't prepare in advance, or, in his eyes, what Zuo Zhou said about the trial was nothing more than deceiving Xiongba, just deceiving Xiongba to give up resistance , and then the means of killing nothing more.

There was a difference between the two in their cognition of the Jianghu and the court. The vendetta in the Jianghu was simple and straightforward, and any means could be used against the enemy.But the law doesn't work. You can kill people to pay for your life, but you can't affect your relatives, and you have to go through a trial.

Of course, we all know that the law also serves the country’s political system, and the final interpretation is still in the hands of the government, but this is the difference between the decent and the villain. What you say and do must be good-looking and orderly.

What Bu Jingyun is doing now is ugly!
"What are you doing? Protecting him!"

Bu Jingyun looked at Zuo Zhou angrily, his appearance was quite bluffing, Zuo Zhou was so scared that he almost shouted, 'Don't come here! '

"Now he is a suspect, and he has been arrested without a fight. He will be brought back to the imperial capital by the Yang family army for trial. If you want to deal with it cheaply, you can do it cheaply, you have an official status?"

Bu Jingyun: "..."

"Do you have a hereditary title?"

Bu Jingyun: "..."

"Not at all? Then do you have fame?"

Bu Jingyun: "..."

"Not at all, so why are you pretending to be coercive? A commoner obstructs the army's law enforcement. Are you afraid that you want to rebel?"

Zuo Zhou disdains, we soldiers don't even give face to scholars, how dare you jump out as an illiterate?If you don't hate who you hate!
Bu Jingyun gritted his teeth and didn't understand what the other party was doing. He glanced at Taijun She and the others, and found that everyone was also looking at him in puzzlement. Obviously this was Li Yuanfang's temporary decision.

Bu Jingyun thought for a while, maybe he could get other people to put pressure on Li Yuanfang, but when he was about to speak, Qin Shuang slapped him on the shoulder. looked at him in confidence.

"Junior Brother Yun is only blinded by hatred, please forgive me!" Said Xiaowei and bowed.

Seeing this, Zuo Zhou put the Wushuang sword back into its sheath, "You should learn more from your elder brother, politeness is a good thing anywhere." As he said that, he tied Xiongba's hands symbolically with a chain, and led him towards the back mountain go.

Dufeng and You Ruo immediately followed Zuo Zhou like two small soldiers. Of course, Zuo Zhou could tell that they were protecting Xiong Ba.

Bu Jingyun stared unwillingly at Xiongba all the way away, and Xiongba obviously felt the hatred in his eyes, he paused slightly, and showed him a small smile.

This made Bu Jingyun very angry, but there was nothing he could do.Qi said: "Why stop me?" This question was naturally asked of Qin Shuang, and Nie Feng also approached, and he was also very curious.

Qin Shuang didn't speak, but looked at the two juniors with a flat and distant look, and said slowly, "Kong Ci is dead."

Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun were stunned for a moment, and sighed together. Although there was sadness on their faces, Bu Jingyun still wondered: "This has something to do with Xiongba?"

Qin Shuang shook his head and didn't say much, but his eyes were full of indifference, and he followed Zuo Zhou silently, leaving the two of them confused.

Zuo Zhou walked in front, led by Wei Xiaobao, to a side hall, which hadn't been damaged yet, and it was also the place where You Ruo used to live, which could be used to discuss matters.

Zuo Zhou asked as he walked, "What happened to Qin Shuang?"

Wei Xiaobao looked at Xiongba's family behind him, saw that Zuo Zhou didn't make any sign, so he said directly: "We found Kong Ci's body, although it was burnt, we could still find many wounds on his body, obviously he was killed during his lifetime. But before he died, Kong Ci chopped off his own hand with an axe, and threw the severed hand out of the woodshed before it was burnt."

Zuo Zhou was slightly surprised, "Is this girl so tough? What's on her hand? The murderer's name is engraved on it?"

Wei Xiaobao shook his head, "If the murderer's name was really engraved, I would be skeptical. After all, it is a bit unreasonable to be able to engrave the murderer's name when he is seriously injured and still in the flames. After all, Kong Ci's martial arts are not strong. , nor have you specially practiced hard qigong, you can't hold the flames."

Zuo Zhou nodded in agreement, "That's the reason, Kong Ci doesn't have that much time, that hand..."

"We found that hand, and there was an incomplete engraving of the character 'Shuang' on the palm. Obviously, she used the firewood in the woodshed to inscribe the wound little by little, but because of the fire and serious injuries, it was too late to finish the engraving. "

"Hiss!" Zuo Zhou was startled. He admitted that he had underestimated Kong Ci before, and this operation was too stupid.

Unexpectedly, Kong Ci is still a master of mentality, he can be called a riddler in the world!

Zuo Zhou read a joke in his previous life, saying that Batman went to Arkham Asylum to visit the Riddler, and the Riddler gave him a problem.

Q: What's the difference if Batman and Riddler are in prison at the same time?
Answer: Riddler has parents to visit the prison~~~~~~
So you can see why there is a saying 'Riddler get out of Gotham'.

Kong Ci's operation is not too much. She didn't clearly engrave the murderer's name, which left the biggest suspense, but it was not because it was too late. After all, so many strokes of the word "Shuang" were carved, and the murderer's name It's not that hard to stay.But she understood that it would be useless even if she stayed, because no one might be willing to help her avenge her.

Nie Feng now has a bright moon and has become the lord of Wushuang City. It can be said that heaven has defeated his childhood sweetheart.

Although Bu Jingyun got her innocence first, but this is a man full of hatred, how much thought can he put on her?

Qin Shuang was the only one who still had hope of keeping her in his heart. Although Qin Shuang must have resented her because of Bu Jingyun before, but this feeling was not so easy to dissipate.

So the last message Kong Ci left had nothing to do with the murderer, instead he used his last strength to show love to the only person who still cared about her.

Kong Ci, she will turn into a thorn and stab into Qin Shuang's heart, so that Qin Shuang will never forget her.This is her desire to satisfy her possessiveness, and it is also her revenge on the murderer.

"Hehe, Xiao Ci has always been a very interesting girl!"

Hearing the words behind him, Xiongba seemed very proud. In order to better control the situation, he trained Qin Shuang and Kong Ci. The former relied on the brotherhood, and the latter relied on the relationship between men and women, but the plan could not keep up with the changes.Qin Shuang compared his master to his brothers, and Kong Ci also turned the relationship between a man and a woman into a polyamorous relationship, which was not so successful.

But now it seems that the one who is close to Zhu Zhechi and the one who is close to ink is black, the one who is most like him and has his style of acting is actually Kong Ci who didn't get so much attention before!

Zuo Zhou glanced at Xiong Ba, and sighed, it's a pity, if such a character was changed to a puppet show, it should be a vicious female supporting role that is easy to be remembered by the audience.

"You two, take Xiongba down and keep him in custody. If he escapes, I'll ask you!"

Dufeng clasped his fists together, together with You Ruo, he pushed Xiongba towards the backyard of the side hall.

Seeing the three of them leaving, Zuo Zhou asked Wei Xiaobao, "Do you know this woman?"

(⊙_⊙)? After a long time, you don't even know who the other party is!

Wei Xiaobao explained helplessly, "Youruo is Xiongba's biological daughter. It was rumored that Xiongba had a son before, but he didn't know if he disappeared or where he went. Anyway, since then Xiongba has loved his daughter very much, even a little bit. Deformed. That's why few people in Jianghu know that Xiongba has a daughter!"

Zuo Zhou blinked, some memories need to be reminded to be able to recall, yes, there seems to be such a character in the TV series and comics back then, but it seems that someone killed him later, it can be regarded as a secondary character.Ugh?If you mention this, Xiong Ba's son...

Well, Zuo Zhou discovered Hua Dian again!
But before he could tease the two brothers and sisters, Madam She and others walked in with ugly faces.

"General Li doesn't know what plan he has. Please tell me the truth. After all, my Yang family received the order to kill Xiongba. If there is no sufficient reason, I can only follow the order."

Zuo Zhou clasped his fists slightly and saluted, "Old Madam, don't worry, killing Xiongba is just to implement the grand strategy of mastering Jiangnan Dao. But now the situation has changed, we must adapt accordingly."

Be adaptable!

As soon as this word was uttered, Yang Paifeng felt awkward. He also resisted the decree for this reason before, but the subsequent assassination in Muming Town proved the correctness of this matter.

"I would like to hear the details!" Madam She looked at Zuo Zhou with admiration in his eyes, as if looking at his son-in-law.

Zuo Zhou was a little uncomfortable, but continued: "I believe that General Yang Paifeng has reported the problem to everyone, and everyone should understand that other forces have mixed into the elite of the Yang family, and their energy is not small."

As soon as these words were said, the air pressure in the entire hall sank a little. Yes, everyone understood this matter, but it was difficult to accept it.

Mu Guiying said in a deep voice: "We know that there are many influencers of other forces in the current Yang family army, but we have gone through many screenings, there is no reason for this scale to form."

Zuo Zhou nodded approvingly, "Everyone is an important figure in the Qin Dynasty. I believe you should know about the existence of exiles. Then, have you ever thought that exiles are actually different from spies from other forces?"


That's right, the exiles are fundamentally different from the indigenous forces. They will not lurk for a certain purpose or intelligence. From a certain perspective, the exiles are all innocent people, and their so-called lurking is actually the same as a serious life. The same, so the exiles cannot be caught at all with the means of scouting.

Not to mention the Yang family army, exiles may be mixed in any corner of the world now, and these exiles are actually not harmful until... when someone contacts and organizes them in the name of exiles, then this force will It has become a naturally formed secret organization, and when this organization works, it also has the effect of finalizing the final word.

 This is my last amount of milk EDG!

  DK must win!

(End of this chapter)

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