Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 250 Xiongba: "Where are you fighting, General?"

Chapter 250 Xiongba: "Where are you fighting, General?"

The entire Tianxiahui is now filled with a happy atmosphere. Although Yang Paifeng is a little dissatisfied with the casualties of beating a gang of martial arts gangsters, the elite soldiers of the Yang family are still very happy. The team was broken up, and there were fewer opportunities to fight.

It's just that different from the active atmosphere outside, the atmosphere in the side hall on the back mountain is a bit dignified.

Exiles, this has always been a special group, with a large number and great ambitions, but the exiles did not have any problems before. After all, the exiles were still young, had no connections, and no combat power. Even if they really wanted to Can't do anything.

But it is different now, 16 years old, um, almost [-] years old, this is really the stage of youthful spirit, and it is also the age when young heroes from all walks of life have made their name in the world since ancient times.

To put it simply, the proud son of heaven has already started to travel step by step to establish his own connections and fame, while the lazy bastard is still living a rotten life confined to small towns from nine to five.

please!There are no computers and mobile phones at this time, so what are you doing at home?
Speaking of which, the state of Song should have the deepest understanding of the energy of the exiles, because it is the most chaotic place, and the exiles have already started playing the trick of separatist development.And it is Daqin who neglects to manage the exiles. The reason is very simple. The official natives of Daqin are too strong. The exiles from all over the world don't want to come to trouble. After the emperor died, they dared to infiltrate Daqin on a large scale.

Zuo Zhou can actually understand the current situation. From the overall perspective, the fact that many exiles are hidden in the Yang family army may seem a bit alarming, but it is actually a kind of advance arrangement.

Because judging from time and the current signs of the court, Emperor Qin's time seems to be running out. If the local exile forces in Daqin cannot quickly establish an advantage, then the living space will be compressed by the exile forces coming in from outside.

"So, why did you leave Xiong Ba behind? What does this have to do with the exiles?" Mu Guiying was a little puzzled.

"Because of the military power of Jiangnan Dao!" Zuo Zhou showed a serious face, unprecedentedly serious, "Now it seems that Daqin has an absolute advantage, can advance and attack, retreat and defend, even if the military power is really controlled by the Azure Dragon Society or Ziyu, it's no big deal , you can send serious illnesses to suppress them. But war is not calculated in this way. The so-called war is to fight for resources. If Daqin can sweep once, he can sweep the second time, especially Daqin who has recuperated for so many years. But it is completely belong to the Internal friction, no matter how easy it is to win the war, this is not a good thing. Moreover, it is very difficult to govern again after the chaos, so the matter of seizing the military power of Jiangnan Dao is extremely important!"

"Originally, this competition was between Zi Yu, the Azure Dragon Society, and the imperial court. Eliminating the Tianxia Society can be regarded as destroying Zi Yu's power in the world. Unless he uses the army, Zi Yu can't play many cards. The next focus will be It will be transferred to Princess Qingping, and as long as we protect the princess and reach the Jiangnan Dao army camp, the battle will be considered a victory. It's just... it will be a little different if there are exiles involved."

"The exiles really haven't risen yet, neither the army nor high-end force, so they can only hide in the dark, but the enemies in the dark are often more troublesome, because you don't know who the exiles support. You know After Princess Qingping regains the military power, she will live permanently in the imperial capital. During this process, the imperial court will inevitably appoint a general to lead the army instead of the princess. If this person is supported by exiles, the consequences will be disastrous!"

"So... we must leave a final piece of evidence!"

Except that Mrs. Gongsun seems to have no interest in these twists and turns, Taijun She and Mu Guiying seem to have enough political sense, just think about it for a while.

"Are you trying to take advantage of Xiongba's identity as a traitor?"

Zuo Zhou nodded, "Yes, Xiong Ba is a traitor. Although he is not the mastermind behind the scenes, he is a key witness who can identify the mastermind behind the scenes. As long as he is kept, it is equivalent to having a moving target. If anyone is found to be supported by the exiles, Xiongba can let Xiongba identify him, and eliminate hidden dangers from the perspective of righteousness."

She Taijun was a little amused, "You are too rough, and I can't imagine what it would be like for an exile to support a certain general."

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "The old lady still doesn't understand the characteristics of the exiles. The support of the exiles is not to win over in the conventional sense, but to infiltrate. Simply put, every general has his own troops, and the exiles If they want to support anyone, they don’t even need to tell them themselves, they just need to infiltrate enough exiles under their command. After a few years, the exiles have grown up one after another, and by then, no matter whether it is subtle or secret control, they will It’s all so easy.”

The best example of this is Hydra. S.H.I.E.L.D. doesn’t even know what it is in its bones, and probably thinks it’s really awesome, but in fact everything it does is the result of being influenced by Hydra .Or to put it another way, Hydra is the one who does practical things, and S.H.I.E.L.D. is the moth!
Mu Guiying was a little amused, "So, after we have wasted so much effort to deal with Xiongba, we should protect him instead?"

"It doesn't need to be too exaggerated. We just need to decorate a single room for him in the prison of Dali Temple, and provide him with good wine and good food every day. As long as he doesn't want to dominate the martial arts world, he can live a long life. Well, How do you say that sentence? As long as I don’t want to win, it’s hard to lose!”

Madam She looked at him in a little surprise, and after carefully savoring it, she suddenly felt that the words were very philosophical, and it was a bit like being strong without desire.Looking at Zuo Zhou's eyes became more and more appreciative.

It's just that Mu Guiying was a little puzzled, "Why Dali Temple?"

"Because I know Di Renjie well!"


Zuo Zhou spread his hands, "Okay, no kidding, the man and woman who just watched Xiongba's custody are actually Xiongba's son and daughter!"


The three masters of the Yang family gasped at the same time, and looked at Zuo Zhou in an instant. My good guy, I thought you were on the fifth floor, but now I see that you have gone to the atmosphere.

Zuo Zhou expressed his calmness. You may not believe me when I say it, but I just found out.

"Afterwards, Xiongba's daughter will follow me to be my deputy. I will write to Di Renjie and others to take care of Xiongba's son to develop in the six gates. The deeper their relationship with the court, the easier it is for Xiongba to fall to the court. If Xiongba can figure it out The truth behind it is that there will be another master in the imperial court in the future."

"Are you sure Xiongba will throw a mouse trick for his daughter and son?"

"It's not for the sake of children, but to make him think about some things. Xiongba is not the kind of person who simply pursues the peak of martial arts. He is more obsessed with power. When I became a rebel, I provided him with another If there is no way for power to grow, then he will definitely grasp it firmly. Therefore, it is not martial arts or family affection that locks Xiongba, but the attachment to power!"

Mu Guiying frowned and reminded, "Don't forget, he is a master master, and he has even touched the edge of the list. You put this kind of master in Dali Temple?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Emperor has someone who can hold him down, not to mention, as long as Dufeng's position in the six doors is higher, he will be less likely to leave. It's a bit ironic to say that everything is suffering, if he can really let go The attachment to power will naturally be free, it depends on whether he can let go."

Tch, if Xiongba can really give up, then he respects this guy as a man!

Mu Guiying sighed softly when he heard the words, "People's hearts are really complicated. We will help you once and escort Xiongba back to the imperial capital. As for whether His Majesty agrees with your idea, it is beyond our control."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, amused, "This is not standard, it's not helping me, I don't owe you any favors. This is for the sake of the overall situation of the court, if you don't do it, then I will go back in person Anyway, now that the princess is in Muming Town, I am not worried that no one will be able to kill the princess under Wuming's protection."

Madam She was amused, "You don't seem to want to get involved with the Yang family?"

"It's still the same sentence, if you don't help your relatives, your own woman will feel bad!" Zuo Zhou pouted, turned and walked towards the backyard, completely ignoring the complicated expressions of the three people behind.

When I came to the backyard, I didn’t know what Xiongba and Dufeng Youruo said. Anyway, it was very quiet. Zuo Zhou yawned, "Okay, after the leader of the Xiongba gang, I will go back to the emperor with the Yang family. After I go back, I will have time to think about it." .Men, it’s not shabby to pursue power, you just have to pay attention to the method.” He stretched out his hand and untied the chain.

"Thank you General Li, I have no friendship with the general, but the general is willing to mediate for me, I will keep this in mind." Xiong Ba's tone was very gentle, it's hard to imagine that this old man was so fierce just now.

Of course Zuo Zhou wouldn't believe in "keep it in mind", it was just Xiong Ba's willingness to cooperate.

But this is exactly Zuo Zhou's purpose, and he said with a smile: "It's good if you can figure it out, I will let the six-door policeman Dufeng and the Yang family escort you back to the imperial capital. Dufeng is the gold-clothed policeman, this time The credit is not small, and I believe the future has a bright future!"

Zuo Zhou said as he patted Dufeng on the shoulder, sweating from the slap of this guy, has my identity been exposed?A little flustered!

Xiongba nodded slightly to Dufeng, "Thank you, Dufeng, to arrest the head."

Zuo Zhou nodded, then turned his head and said to You Ruo: "It's a matter here, You Ruo you come with me to pick up Princess Qingping in Muming Town, it's rare that you have the time, so you should be a bodyguard for the princess first, and come back later." Dali Temple is registering you."


Reluctantly, You Ruo turned her head three times a step, until Xiong Ba and Du Feng disappeared, and then suddenly realized, oops?Did he just call someone You Ruo?Am I hallucinating?
 It was too late yesterday, I have no energy today, and I will start adding more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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